Going Down the River
"Going Down the River" by "Fred McDowell"
Sonic Youth
"Escapades" by "Sonic Youth"
from the soundtrack of the film Simon Werner a disparu
Tom Verlaine
"Mountain" by "Tom Verlaine"
Bonniwell Music Machine
"Discrepancy" by "Bonniwell Music Machine"
Brian Hyland
He Don't Understand You
"He Don't Understand You" by "Brian Hyland"
BOX SCORE Number of songs played: 31 • Percentage of songs played directly from my personal collection: 77% • Ratio of songs with vocals to instrumental songs: 2.1:1 • Number of those songs with vocals in which the vocalist doesn't actually sing any words: 2 • Ratio of songs with vocals that have male-only singing to female-only singing to mixed-sex singing: 15:5:1 • Longest song: 8:14 • Shortest song: 0:36 • Artists by continent (defined by origin or original home of artist, not where song was recorded): North America — 19 ; South America — 3; Europe — 8; Asia — 1; Africa — 0; Australia/Oceania — 0 • Format breakdown: 7-inch vinyl – 2; 12-inch vinyl — 1; compact disc — 28 • Songs by decade: 1920s — 1; 1930s — 1; 1940s — 0; 1950s — 2; 1960s — 9; 1970s — 5; 1980s — 0; 1990s — 1; 2000s — 6; 2010s — 6 • Number of the past four shows in which I've played an hourlong set: 3 • Number of times that set has contained both the shortest song played and the longest song played: 3 • Number of consecutive weeks in which I've played a song from a motion picture soundtrack album: 5 • Number of those films I have seen: 2 • Number of songs written by Stuart Moxham I've played in the past two weeks: 2 • Number of songs written by Randy Newman I've played in the past two weeks: 2 • Number of songs written by Paul McCartney I've played in the past three weeks: 3 • Number of those Paul McCartney–written songs that were performed by the Beatles: 0 • Number of artists played with whom I've had some sort of e-mail communication: 4 • The longest amount of time I've known any performer on a song played on this show: 35 years • Number of times I've communicated with that person via e-mail: 0
"BOX SCORE Number of songs played: 31 • Percentage...
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