Favoriting The Frow Show with Jesse Jarnow: Playlist from January 30, 2012 Favoriting

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Grand pianos in the surf, singing frogs, hyphenated psych, outtakes, live collaging, twangy drone, old folk, and ephemeral pop.

Tuesday 9pm - Midnight (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Tue. Mar 4th, 9pm - Midnight: Jesse Jarnow and his Co-Host Faye

Favoriting January 30, 2012: you know more than i know.

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
The Vitamen  Caitlin   Favoriting Fun  J'Moz  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Manitoba  Every Time She Turns Round It's Her Birthday   Favoriting Up In Flames  Merge  0:01:41 (Pop-up)
Cheryl Leonard  Jiku (excerpt)   Favoriting Music For Rocks and Water  Great Hoary Mamot Music  0:08:35 (Pop-up)
Nancy  Halley's Comet '85   Favoriting A Boy and His Goddess  Rota  0:10:48 (Pop-up)
Citrus  Ripple In Still Water   Favoriting Splash  Trattoria  0:16:39 (Pop-up)
The Ashes  Return Home   Favoriting The Ashes feat. Pat Taylor  Vault  0:19:52 (Pop-up)
of Montreal  Malefic Dowery   Favoriting Paralytic Stalks  Polyvinyl  0:22:16 (Pop-up)
Caetano Veloso  Saudosismo   Favoriting Caetano Veloso (1986)  Nonesuch  0:24:45 (Pop-up)
Camper Van Beethoven  Lulu Land   Favoriting Camper Van Beethoven  IRS  0:31:40 (Pop-up)
60 Watt Kid  Home Is Where The _____ Is?   Favoriting Universal Western Attractions  UWA  0:34:21 (Pop-up)
Roberto Cacciapaglia  Sei Note in Logica - Part I   Favoriting Sei Note In Logica  Philips  0:39:56 (Pop-up)
Wooden Shjips  Ursus Maritimus (Last Bear’s Lament) [Kandodo w/Ripley]   Favoriting Remixes  Thrill Jockey  0:54:58 (Pop-up)
Sachiko and Fukuoka Rinji  Prayer of a Fool 2011   Favoriting ?tomo?  Musik Atlach  1:04:54 (Pop-up)
Tristan Perich  Dual Synthesis (for harpsichord & 4-channel 1-bit)   Favoriting Compositions  (no label)  1:25:26 (Pop-up)
Atomic Forest Obsession  Windmills of Your Mind   Favoriting Atomic Forest Obsession  Now-Again  1:45:56 (Pop-up)
John Cale  You Know More Than I Know   Favoriting 1 May 1975 Peel Session    1:48:38 (Pop-up)
Wooley / Corsano / Yeh  The Seven Storey Mountain   Favoriting The Seven Storey Mountain  Important  1:58:54 (Pop-up)
William S. Burroughs  Recalling All Active Agents   Favoriting Break Through In Grey Room  Sub Rosa  2:36:35 (Pop-up)
Marshall McLuhan  Side B   Favoriting The Medium Is The Massage  Five Day Weekend  2:38:38 (Pop-up)
  Contentment: Hearth Warming   Ambience Two: An Adventure in Environmental Sound  Audio Fidelity  2:50:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:14am

Madi H.:

What jj said!

Anybody else just waking up & moving very very very slowly?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35am

so very slowly. tho been up for a while.
I X Key!:

! hi
thanks for the show
awesome so far as always :o)
Marmalade Kitty:


It says something about the winter that I'm looking outside at the freshly fallen snow and can't remember if we've had any already this season... Ah, climate change.
Marmalade Kitty:

morning jj & everyone!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39am

tell me about it. we've had like 5 first day of spring up here. several in the past week.

This reminds me of mid-70's Steve Reich
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55am

from '75. probably influenced by reich & glass.

lovely, ethereal, hypnotic, this Roberto Cacciapaglia piece! perfect music for insomnia-when-i-really-have-to-be-sleeping!

oooo as is this "Last Bear's Lament" . . . thank you Jesse!

Figured I had to log on tonight. Went to see a band on Fri. Last time I saw them, I think I was w/ you in the village.

Hell of a nice ambient vibe to stumble onto at this late hour

First some springy songs, then also fresh Cacciapaglia and now absolutely lovely and accurate (it's -13C here in Poland) psychedelia from Wooden Shjips and nightedelia by Sachiko and Fukuoka Rinji. You distract from work, Jesse, but I simply cannot press "stop" button. How I love your today show! Thank you.

Jesse: You should drop in some droniness from Seattle luminaries Kinski. Checked out some pretty damn groovy psyche-blues from a band they opened for: Gravelroad. You may dig them. They put on a hell of a good live show. Some other recent faves--Lumerians -- unfortunately I can't recommend specific tracks, but I saw them last summer and they blew the doors off the comet tavern (and killed hte power supply multiple times). =)

What a mindboggling this "Prayer of a fool 2011" track is. I just need to replace this shitty speaker at the back of the screen with some proper headphones later after work (actually the same applies to this Tristan Perich).

wonderful track this Windmils ...

That sounds shitty. hope you feel better man. Mint tea and/or whiskey to the rescue!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04am

glad yr digging greg & slugluv & all. thanks for the well wishes, g. it's nothing that a near total lack of sleep won't cure. hey, waitaminute...

Uh huh. It's 5am your time. shit, I still have no idea how you do that. I mean, I don't exactly have a job at the moment...so my sleep schedule is kinda wack. Nice little hip-hop mash up.

Morning, all! Currently debating with myself whether to go to the pharmacy & grocery store or just stay home. It's freezing outside & I feel like crap. But the pain killers I'm gonna get at the pharmacy would make me feel better. I'm torn, so I've decided to stay in and listen to you for the moment. Good tunes make the morning go better.
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