Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 04 July 2012 Favoriting | Channeling Michael Savage

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Artist Song Album Comments Approx. start time
Laibach  America   Favoriting Volk 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Johnny Sea  Day of Decision   Favoriting  
0:03:40 (Pop-up)
The Mutants  So American   Favoriting  
0:09:32 (Pop-up)
Butthole Surfers  American Woman   Favoriting Rembrandt Pussyhorse 
0:11:17 (Pop-up)
Culturcide  Industrial Band   Favoriting Tacky Souvenirs of Pre-Revolutionary America 

Click for the full size image
0:16:15 (Pop-up)
Anal Cunt  American Woman   Favoriting Top Forty Hits 
0:19:38 (Pop-up)
LCD Soundsystem  North American Scum   Favoriting Sound of Silver 
remix courtesy of Cribley!
0:21:59 (Pop-up)
Prince  America   Favoriting Around the World in a Day 
0:34:26 (Pop-up)
James Blood Ulmer  Are You Glad To Be In America?   Favoriting Title Track 
0:39:18 (Pop-up)
Evolution Control Committee  Star Spangled Bologna   Favoriting Plagiarhythm Nation 
0:42:56 (Pop-up)
Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings  This Land Is Your Land   Favoriting Naturally 
0:48:25 (Pop-up)
Andre Williams  America   Favoriting That's All I Need 
0:52:28 (Pop-up)
Melvin Van Peebles  Love Thats America   Favoriting Rated X By An All White Jury 
0:56:22 (Pop-up)
King Missile  America Kicks Ass   Favoriting  
1:07:36 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Guns - Then   Favoriting  
1:10:27 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Guns - Now   Favoriting  
1:18:20 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  America Eats Its Young   Favoriting Title Track 
1:35:06 (Pop-up)
Swamp Dogg  God Bless America For What?   Favoriting  
1:40:47 (Pop-up)
Kim Fowley  Is America Dead?   Favoriting Animal God of the Streets 

Click for the full size image
1:46:25 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  I'm Afraid of America   Favoriting Earthling 
1:54:34 (Pop-up)
Die Trip Computer Die  America's Burning   Favoriting We Are Your Friends 

Click for the full size image
1:59:04 (Pop-up)
Public Entertainment Association for Culture and Education  The Constitution Song   Favoriting  
2:02:22 (Pop-up)
Buddy Starcher  History Repeats Itself   Favoriting  

Click for the full size image
2:06:15 (Pop-up)
Homer and Jethro  Great Men Repeat Themselves   Favoriting  

Click for the full size image
2:09:15 (Pop-up)
Bruce McCulloch  That's America   Favoriting Shame-Based Man 
2:16:10 (Pop-up)
Ed Shepp  America the Britneyful   Favoriting Bling 
2:18:04 (Pop-up)
Unknown  America   Favoriting Americana Vol 1- Vox Populi    2:19:41 (Pop-up)
Public Entertainment Association for Culture and Education  The Gettysburg Address   Favoriting  

Click for the full size image
2:22:12 (Pop-up)
Alexander Hacke  All American Happy Hour   Favoriting Sanctuary 
2:24:43 (Pop-up)
Kiss  Star Spangled Banner   Favoriting Alive Three 
2:28:45 (Pop-up)
Curtis Mayfield  Miss Black America   Favoriting Curtis 
2:38:23 (Pop-up)
The Firesign Theater  Hey Reagan   Favoriting  

Click for the full size image
2:41:10 (Pop-up)
Morrissey  America is Not The World   Favoriting You Are The Quarry 
2:44:22 (Pop-up)
Brazilian Girls  Nouveau Americain   Favoriting  
2:48:50 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:01am Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning. Happy Fourth Of July, everyone.
  9:02am kat330:

Happy 4th, Ken, and all to come! I have a card that substitutes "under Canada" for that highlighted bit.
  9:02am D in Miami:

Good morning, Ken! Happy 4th!
  9:03am oɟoɟ (:

Happy Cuatro de Julio!
  9:03am amEdeo:

Laibach! Happy Amerika everyone!
  9:04am kat330:

Hm, are those Canadian geese flying in the sunset? Fits if so.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:05am Ken:

Hi everybody! I thought I would be all alone today! Welcome!
  9:06am Little Miss Dog Pedant:

Keep your dogs away from Firecrackers!
  9:06am sugarwolf:

happy birthday, America!!!
  9:07am jay/ London:

Laibach they have done the soundtrack of iron sky has anyone seen it. Ken was that clip of you drunk on freeform or death LOL happy 4th to you all :)
  9:07am other david:

The Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to do sciencey stuff! Today we celebrate our.. HIGGS BOSON DAY!
  9:08am Ken From Hyde Park:

Please don't forget Star Spangled Bologna from Evolution Control Committee.
  9:09am Vicki:

4th of What?
  9:09am Lizardner Dave:

Happy 4th everyone. Make sure you dig up Jean Shepherd's "Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb" for a listen sometime today.
  9:09am kat330:

Now that they've possibly disCERNed the "god particle," perhaps I'll get a new card stating "one nation, under an indivisible god particle."
  9:09am dale:

when do we declare independence from china?
  9:10am kat330:

@Vicki: The Firth of Forth. Or the Forth of Firth?
  9:12am oɟoɟ (:

Today, my friends, we have the historical opportunity to celebrate the USA in the Nicholas Miglio way.
  9:12am kat330:

@Lizardner Dave: Love Jean Shepherd.
  9:12am Tom:

"God Bless America" Is that a request or a demand?
  9:15am D in Miami:

So much better than the original.
  9:16am Mark:

wonder what Gibby is up to these days
  9:18am Tom:

I had the pleasure of seeing the Butthole Surfers at Toad's Place in New Haven back in the 90s. They played as if they were possessed by demons!
  9:21am other david:

Tom: hah! I miss George Carlin :(

Also a Jean Shepherd fan here, Ken mentioned him during his NFCB award too.

I was listening to one of his shows a year or so back, and Jean mentioned on one of his Irish shows that he visited my town (Naas) which was a real "wait, wat!" moment.

JS, is also highly thought of in the amateur radio geek world. The stories concerning soldering irons, rf propagation(!) and radars are all classics.
  9:21am Mark:

wow an A.C. song with discernible words!
  9:30am other david:

I <3 Ken
  9:30am kat330:

Oh, hell, I was just in the middle of a workout until I heard I'm supposed to remain horizontal...
  9:31am trs:

Yelling Media 101
  9:31am amEdeo:

WOOH! The end of america!
Sleeeep! Sleeeeeeeep!
  9:31am Vivian:

Oh god, did Lyme disease take over Ken's brain?
  9:31am kat330:

@OD: Don't we all? Would we be here (esp. on a holiday) otherwise?
  9:32am Little Miss Dog Pedant:

Put Obamacare on Kickstarter!
  9:32am Andrew Waterloo:

@Vivian I think it's the lizard people this time.
  9:33am kat330:

Maybe Irwin has finally brainwashed Ken?
  9:33am Aaron in Minneapolis:

  9:34am Birdman of Alkaseltzer:

Those would be Sanhil Cranes, grus canadensis
  9:34am other david:

  9:34am oɟoɟ (:

Let's see if today's playlist reflects Tea Party views.
  9:34am kat330:

Heh!!!! Ken doesn't even know his own name!
  9:34am Aaron in Minneapolis:

Hes channeling Savsge....this is wonderful!
  9:35am kat330:

Clearly someone named "Michael" has taken over Ken's mind.
  9:35am Angela:

this is really upsetting THIS IS WFMU why is this man yelling! Isn't he the head of WFMU? And why is he ranting against Obama? This is HORRIBLE. IS this a joke? I can't believe this. I hate yelling. I hate republicans.
  9:35am kat330:

@Birdman: Thanks for the clarification. :)
  9:35am GAIL:

  9:36am Andrew Waterloo:

Ken's main issue is that he doesn't speak over the Pretenders
  9:36am Webhamster Henry:

Ken, it's not you, it's the Lyme Disease talking!
  9:36am kat330:

Yes, the Prince of America!
  9:37am Mark:

I think Ken may have drank a whole bottle of cough syrup from CVS(either that or he was reading a transcript of Michael Savage's show)
  9:37am oɟoɟ (:

Spot on Michael!!!

Now take it on Kenny G!! That 10th rate clown!

We support you. Down with the Castrocare!! <3
  9:37am Aaron in Minneapolis:

Angela he has to do that once in a while just so no one suspects WFMU as a communist station.
  9:38am kat330:

@Mark: The latter makes sense. No doubt the name drop was deliberate.
  9:38am Birdman of Alkaseltzer:

@angela Close your eyes and picture pretty hummingbirds, you will feel better
  9:39am kat330:

Guess I can safely return to my non-horizontal workout.
  9:39am Lizardner Dave:

I thought Irwin was on at 3.
  9:39am Proud merken:

Bout time someone wasnt afraid to speak the TRUTh on this commie music outlet!!!
  9:41am D in Miami:

People not yelling about things is what got us into this mess in the first place. Those old cronies are all deaf! Go Ken!
  9:42am Mark:

I saw Blood Ulmer and this band open for PiL in April 1980, they were great
  9:42am Aaron in Minneapolis:

The term is Pinko merkin, not commie
  9:43am Mark:

I just want to know how the whole Roberts/Obamacare thing relates to the TomKat divorce
  9:46am D in Miami:

The woman talking is the equivalent of the person translating to sign language.
  9:47am Jeezy:

Drat it all to tarnation! I've only ever heard the Dodge Dart of "So American" and I see on the playlist I slept through another chance to hear the original.
  9:48am Mitt Romney:

wait! what!?
  9:48am michellllllle:

Excellent show so far. I knew you were going to be extra super weird this morning.
  9:50am kat330:

@Mark: Probably the relevant details are in the pre-nup.
  9:51am D in Miami:

Miss Black America's got a nice wiggle!
  9:52am kat330:

Those dudes are showing great dual-action coordination.
  10:00am duke:

Happy 4th to all - no excetions
  10:00am Gone Fishin':

Mayberry, that's where I want to be.
  10:03am Dave in PA:

  10:03am D in Miami:

I used to live near Crestwood. That sign doesn't seem so out-of-place for that town.
  10:04am giselle:

Happy Independence Day, from Canada.. are you ok Ken?
  10:04am jeff:

hey ken, any remote bcasts this summer? more than welcome to bcast from my suburban central nj screen porch.
  10:05am Rt, Hon. Theresa May:

That's it, you tosser, you're going on our LIST!
  10:06am Dave in PA:

  10:06am ?:

this may put me in a bad mood for my mushroom trip- off to the do or diy stream!
  10:07am Angela:

Thanks for the clarification Aaron! I am tuning out now. I will not listen to this show again - at least when he is speaking. Wow - I can't believe what he is saying. I can't believe this isn't a joke. I contribute money to this station. I feel sick.
  10:07am Bum on the street:

Still waiting for my gold plated medical card...please deliver along with spare change
  10:08am moose:

oh angela!
  10:08am seriously?:

Who is this nut job? Why do they give him air time?
  10:08am kham:

I think Ken's Rush lacks a certain....deafness.
  10:08am Little Miss Dog Pedant:

But seizures are often controlled with Dilantin, which *increases* intelligence, concentration, and learning. And life expectancy! It's a Smart Drug! It's a Life-Extension Drug! Roberts will live forever, and will be Chief Justice until he destroys America entirely!
  10:09am duke:

Ken is testing bathsalts for the upcoming Seven Seconds Delay show
  10:09am Rob W:

We're becoming Chávez's Venezuela, Castro's Cuba... and don't forget Choummaly Sayasone's LAOS! I've seen school-children in my neighborhood eating larb and whistling Pheng Xat Lao!
  10:10am D in Miami:

She'll be back when she realizes there aren't better stations out there. Ken will calm eventually.
  10:12am Rob W:

And let me tell you, Sayasone-care makes Obama-care look like a walk in the park!
  10:12am kham:

I found a good gif for today's evil Ken:
  10:12am Dave in PA:

Ken Nordine for President 2012!
  10:13am roman david:

my goodness Ken! this is hysterical - listening from the UK, does thought of
  10:13am Lizardner Dave:

We're becoming Lester B Pearson's Canada!!!!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:13am Ken:

To all the liberals who are upset by me FINALLY showing my true colors: Dont go away mad. JUST GO AWAY.
  10:15am other david:

  10:15am rjk:

You know, sometimes, it's difficult to tell parody from the real thing.
  10:16am Groucho:

don't leave in a huff, leave in a minute and a huff
  10:18am patanjali:

Angela, Hate is not good for you: cultivate feelings of friendliness towards those who are happy, compassion for those who are suffering, goodwill towards those who are virtuous, and neutrality towards those we perceive as evil. You, too, DJ!
  10:18am oɟoɟ (:

LISTEN TO KEN!! HE TALKS THE TRUTH! Also every DJ should have the right to carry a gun when doing his/her show.
  10:20am other david:

oɟoɟ: yes! this is their inalienable right! and they should be allowed shoot into the ceilings at will! anything less is not true freeform! it's communism!
  10:23am duke:

DJ's should be allowed to arm monkeys too. This is america dammit and if a monkey can't have a gun what did our forefather fight for?
  10:24am Estate of Charlton Heston:

Ken, we will be submitting a pledge thru the NRA of $100,000 to help spread the good word and work you are sharing with your listeners around the world
  10:24am jan:

These lovely girls talking about machine guns- people like them are now
on the Discovery Channel each Wednesday evening in the show American Guns. It's fascinating and frightening at the same time, just how American's love their guns- especially military assault rifles and beyond.
  10:24am amEdeo:

I went to the drug store to pickup Adderall... And They Were Closed. Ken was right! The end of America has truly begun!!!
  10:26am Mark:

in the summer I believe in the right to bare arms
  10:27am Ted Nugent:

First time listener . . . Love the show!!!
  10:27am kat330:

@OD [back at 9:21]: What's this Ken award you referenced?
In re: Shepherd, I managed to be in one of his WGBH TV productions, "The Phantom of the Open Hearth (1976)." If that episode is anywhere to be viewed, check for the really long-haired redhead at the bar. :)
  10:28am kat330:

@amEdeo: "Adderall"? Now that truly sounds like snake oil.
  10:30am kat330:

So Ken, with your new attitude adjustment, does this mean Burl Ives is no longer "persona non grata"?
  10:30am jan:

Here is the facebook page for the daughter featured on the Family show
American Guns
  10:30am Mark:

I heard Ken's Mom is a front for the Koch brothers
  10:30am Chad:

Finally, a decent non-libturd show on 'FMU
  10:31am rjk:

This is why we can't have nice things.
  10:32am Chad:

Buy gold, people
  10:32am other david:


^video of Kens award speech there

Also, you're famous! Will have to hunt that episode down :)
  10:33am kat330:

Yeah, well, don't blink if you do catch it. Thanks for the link, OD!
  10:34am Mark:

I wonder what drugs Michael Savage is on
  10:34am Chris Matthews:

And please be sure to buy MY new book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero.
  10:34am other david:


  10:34am Chad:

Ken should go on the Patriot Zone
  10:36am Lizardner Dave:

@kat - is it this?
  10:37am kat330:

Is it "cheating" to be watching real Ken instead of listening to fake Ken?
  10:38am SteveL:

  10:38am other david:

Yin/Yang - it balances out, Kat.
  10:38am kat330:

Holy cow, LD! I had trouble in a search of episodes just to find the title! I'll have to check later and give the exact minute mark.
  10:39am other david:

Thanks Lizardner, will watch it later!
  10:40am Mark T in Central VT:

People need to take their "F" it all.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:40am Ken:

Everybody should buy several copies of my book, "Dilantin and You."
  10:41am Lizardner Dave:

...perfect together?
  10:42am Mark:

Ken, I already have!
  10:44am OBAMA CARES:

Ken don't be a negative creep. Obama is a great prez! Happy 4th.
  10:44am An uninformed listener:

Are the rumors true that Nick the Bard will be voicing the audiobook version of "Dilantin and You?"
  10:45am mrmucho:

Ken, did you happen to catch 'The Sid Saga' on TCM last weekend? By the guy who did "Multiple Sidosis". Great stuff.
  10:45am Anderson Cooper:

It's time, Ken. You are among friends. It's OK to just come out and say it.
  10:47am Infotaintment:

Animal Planet tv: "Mermaids: The Body Found"
U.S. National Ocean Service: "No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found,"

Non-infotainment: "Are you fucking kidding me?"
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:48am Ken:

mrmucho - Sid was a patriot. Do you have the link?
  10:51am Hugo:

I'm still waiting for a song called "God bless Sweden". I think I will have to wait in vain.
  10:52am mrmucho:

Looks like they are playing it again in September. It's a must-see. Sid personifies the best of the US of A!!|449587&name=The-Sid-Saga
  10:54am other david:

Hugo: why would god bless a nation where expensive medication is provided to patients who desperately need it, free of charge!

Argh that's communism!
  10:55am kat330:

@OD: Also, never knew the connection between Shepherd and my fave SF author, Theodore Sturgeon, which I found in my search and at Wikipedia. Wow.
  10:56am oɟoɟ (:

Hugo, we have Hello Sweden.
  10:56am Hugo:

A country like that may not need God's blessing ...
  10:57am kat330:

Ken, congratulations on the NFCB award! I did not know until OD mentioned.
  10:58am Mark:

"American Dreamer" Alan Vega perhaps
  10:59am kat330:

@Hugo: Weather still chilly? Today here we're due for a heat index high of 108. It's a day for indoor sports and FMU for sure.
  10:59am other david:

@kat: Since I first discovered Shepherd (a few years back I caught a re-run on WBAI and was hooked) - I've found him to be linked as either an inspiration or a colleague of many people I look up to, he's a thread linking a lot of the stuff I love together.

Well worth checking out his show on the day of Jack Kerouac's death for instance, where he recounts their early days.

@Hugo: truth!
  11:00am kat330:

Indiana's shame is the "Least Green State." Well, that figures, though I'm actively involved in doing my part.
  11:01am Hugo:

The Swedish national day was on 6 June. Over here, they're known as "söta bror" (sweet brother). Indeed, they are.
  11:02am kat330:

@OD -- and of course the other connection is Shepherd was a Hoosier. Opposite ends of the state we are though.
  11:02am SteveL:

Indiana, as a Unitarian friend said the other day, a perfect site for mission posting. So much work to be done.
  11:03am kat330:

Heh, "Most VPs Born"?? That's supposed to be *awesome*?
  11:03am Mark T in Central VT:

There is a new map of the nation out with all the Lyme disease hit spots. Did anyone see this since Ken's listenership seems to appreciate maps of the nation about specific shit of interest.
  11:04am kat330:

@SteveL: Well, with Daniels going to Purdue, do you think things will improve or worsen for us?
  11:05am groucho:

hello from england. great show ken, very informative. until now I'd never even heard of america
  11:05am other david:

Planning to visit Scandinavia in the not to distant future.

You're our sensible, humane neighbours to the North. A lot of viking blood here in Ireland, but we're the drunken, slightly mad, distant relatives.
  11:05am Hugo:

@kat330: 65 today, forecast - 75 by Saturday
  11:05am kat330:

@Mark: Lyme Disease has a hit? What's the title? Is it on YouTube?
  11:06am Mark:

and do you have a link to this map, Mark T?
  11:06am kat330:

@OD: Remember, the Vikings stole all your prettiest women (and Scotland's). :)
  11:06am oɟoɟ (:

So bestiality is Washington's shame..but in the awesome hand, they have the lowest infant mortality...but what about the baby animal mortality rate?
  11:07am kat330:

@oɟoɟ (: Oooh, that's a dark thought.
  11:08am Mark:

I will aver that Massachusetts has the worst drivers
  11:08am Hugo:

Ireland is well worth returning to. Fond memories of Dublin and Galway.
  11:10am Hugo:

Dublin was of course founded by the vikings. I should go to Isle of Man one day.
  11:11am Mark:

the coincidences are mind-boggling!
  11:11am Chad:

this is the greatest thing evar
  11:11am KevinfromBayRidge:

Is this possibly a ploy to light up the comment board on a holiday!!??...or can we connect it to Andy Griffith's demise?
  11:12am other david:

@Kat: Indeed

@Hugo, regarding Ireland: "The insane, on occasion, are not without their charms." - as another Hoosier put it :)
  11:13am Glenn:

This is great
  11:13am D in Miami:

No, Mark. Miami has the worst drivers.
  11:15am Chad:

democrat union, for accuracy
  11:15am Hugo:

@oD: Well, now you know where it came from.
  11:15am Mark:

ah, but Miami is not a state. Tampa drivers are pretty bad too
  11:17am Mark:

I'm starting to have cognitive dissonance about cognitive dissonance
  11:17am D in Miami:

Good point. But I think Massachussetts is about as big as Miami.
  11:17am rjk:

YEAH! Sing Jaques Brel.
  11:18am Mark:

Miami might be bigger
  11:19am D in Miami:

But Massachussetts might be smarter.
  11:20am Mark T in Central VT:

A cog rail crazy train is what this is
  11:20am Hugo:

I'm fairly confident that WFMU will return to normal programming by noon (or by midnight).
  11:20am Mark:

what is normal programming on WFMU
  11:21am kat330:

The problem with driving in Boston area is there are no GD street signs. People turning around and trying to find where they're going causes a lot of traffic issues. That and diagonal streets.
  11:21am other david:

Or what passes for "normal" programming on this wonderful nuthouse :)
  11:22am Ted Nugent:

I'm feeling a little verklempt . . .
  11:22am D in Miami:

That Shepp was less annoying than the crepp it parodies.
  11:24am D in Miami:

The problem with Miami is we do have street signs, yet people still drive around lost, not knowing what the hell they're doing.
  11:24am KevinfromBayRidge:

@ otherdavid, I'll be coming over your way in a week & a "huff". Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  11:25am kat330:

P.E.A.C.E. out.
@D: Signs not in the right language or large enough letters. :)
  11:26am Unclear on the concept:

Lincoln was a girl?
  11:27am kat330:

Must have been the UFO's above Pennsylvania that made last weekend's storms blow over the state.
  11:28am D in Miami:

Later kat. I don't think it matters, it's just pure ignorance. Oh, and disregard for rules of the road.
  11:29am Andrew Waterloo:

In Waterloo they all drive like deranged RIM executives
  11:30am Lizardner Dave:

I just started my charcoal chimney for my grill using the NY Times as kindling. Just figured New Ken would appreciate that.
  11:30am Randy in NC:

The problem with drivers in Miami/Ft L is that there are too many type A drivers. That and goofy things like I saw on I-95 last week, a guy in a beat up pickup pulling a homemade trailer with a donkey in it in one lane doing 42 and a guy in a brand new Lamborgini in another lane doing 85. Very unsafe.
  11:30am Hugo:

What's normal for WFMU may not be normal anywhere else.
  11:30am Conrad:

How bout:

RIAA "American Fuhrer"
Eno/Byrne "America is Waiting"
The Tape Beatles "America is Confident
  11:30am D in Miami:

Ignorance is not bliss for those driving among the ignorant.
  11:31am Chad:

Pagans - Dead End America
  11:32am Lizardner Dave:

The most fontastic version of the national anthem ever.
  11:33am JAQ:

Chad: Pagans would really be great right now
  11:33am Mark:

uh oh Kiss's "Star Spangled Banner" made my stream rebuffer
  11:33am kat330:

@Lizardner: Thanks again for that Shepherd link. Check at the Red Rooster Lounge in the last 15 mins. or so, beginning around 1:05. The picture quality is really poor and so damn dark, and I'm wearing a black vintage dress, wouldn't ya know. But I think you might see the back of the long-haired woman whenever they show the barstool area if enough light at any split second. :) Thought I saw or at least heard my laugh at 1:06 - 1:07 for e.g. I recall it was a fun few hours of shoot at a bar. :)
  11:33am Chhh:

  11:35am kat330:

Maybe Ken is doing this show to hand over to the FMU haters as evidence of how "fair and balanced" the station is.
  11:36am KevinfromBayRidge:

Like everything it does, FMU & Ken do reactionary better than anyone else ( take that, FOX!!!)
  11:36am Mark T in Central VT:

Does anyone know if Opie ever said "it can't be, Aunt Bea!?" on the Andy show? Or was this a comedian I remember doing a bit.
  11:36am Ike:

Ken thinks Michael Savage is hilarious so I think he is impersonating Michael Savage here... maybe? Is that Savage's accent?
  11:37am Mark:

the city of San Diego?
  11:38am kat330:

The City of Sea World, Andy Breckman's happy place.
  11:39am San Diego:

alright already
  11:40am Lizardner Dave:

@kat I will check it out later. For now, San Diego!
  11:42am Sam Diego:

  11:43am Sullivan County NY:

Firesign Theatre Lives
  11:47am Skirkie:
  11:47am kat330:

Guess we have something to say now, Mr. Morrissey.
  11:48am Mark T in Central VT:

American cannibals eat "hand" burgers on the 4th of July
  11:49am kat330:

But still need to elect a female president, sigh. Hopefully in my lifetime.
  11:49am Lars Widding:

Is this Brother A. West? Hilarious!
  11:50am kat330:

Love the .gif.
  11:52am Kobayashi:

You guys ready for me?
  11:55am kat330:

Are the wieners ready for *you*?
  11:55am Mark T in Central VT:

And they eat corn wee-"knees"
  11:56am other david:

Thanks Ken, many many laughs were had. Classic show sir.
  11:57am KevinfromBayRidge:

"In God's Hands"- not bad from an atheist!
  11:57am Mark:

The Coney Island hot dog eating contest starts soon!
  11:57am kat330:

Thanks, real Ken, for presenting us with fake Ken today -- happy time for all!
  11:58am D in Miami:

Noon time means beer time! Thanks, Ken, for all your craziness!
  11:58am Mark:

Romney a weaker candidate than Bob Dole?
  11:58am Hugo (dutch):

Thank you!
  11:59am Mark T in Central VT:

They take the seeds from our grapes
  12:01pm duke:

Ken's finest hour!
  1:41pm tahomajohn:

Rupert McMurdoch for President!
  1:56pm tahomajohn:

Dick Cheney Rises Again!
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