Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 11 July 2012 Favoriting | The Show That Ended on a Lysergic Note

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
Sigh  Somniphobia   Favoriting In Somniphobia 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Can  Waiting For The Streetcar   Favoriting The Lost Tapes 
*   0:06:32 (Pop-up)
Shock City Shockers  Open Your Eyes You Can Fly   Favoriting Shock City Shockers Vol 2 
  0:16:22 (Pop-up)
Amiri Baraka  Who Will Survive America?   Favoriting Listen Whitey! 
*   0:21:05 (Pop-up)
Kanye West  Who Will Survive in America?   Favoriting My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 

Click for the full size image
  0:24:51 (Pop-up)
Henry Mancini  The Happy Pipers   Favoriting The Party (OST) 
*   0:36:41 (Pop-up)
Dragons  Anarchy in the UK   Favoriting Cover the Earth 
  0:38:11 (Pop-up)
Wild Billy Childish & The Musicians Of The British Empire  Anarchy in the UK   Favoriting  
  0:40:39 (Pop-up)
The Ukrainians  Anarkhiya   Favoriting  
  0:44:20 (Pop-up)
Public Image Ltd  Lollipop Opera   Favoriting This is PiL 
*   0:47:26 (Pop-up)
Laetitia Sadier  Fragment Pout Le Future De L'Homme   Favoriting Silencio 
*   1:02:54 (Pop-up)
Kraak & Smaak  Forget About You feat Lee Fields   Favoriting Mixed Feelings 
*   1:07:19 (Pop-up)
Santigold  The Riot's Gone   Favoriting Master of My Make Believe 
*   1:12:00 (Pop-up)
Fuxa  Cheree   Favoriting Electric Sound of Summer 
*   1:18:38 (Pop-up)
Superchunk  Cruel Summer   Favoriting  
  1:29:04 (Pop-up)
Fini Tribe  De Testimony   Favoriting Trevor Jackson Presents Metal Dance: Industrial, Post-Punk, EBM, Classics & Rarities 80-88 
*   1:32:03 (Pop-up)
Lol Coxhill  Two Little Pigeons   Favoriting Ear of the Beholder 

Click for the full size image
  1:39:19 (Pop-up)
Lol Coxhill  Streets Flooded Please Advise   Favoriting Hotel Dilettante 
  1:42:33 (Pop-up)
Ivor Cutler  A Suck of My Thumb   Favoriting Ludo 
  1:46:34 (Pop-up)
Grauzone  Raum   Favoriting DJ Kicks: Digitalism 
*   1:50:13 (Pop-up)
Grauzone  Eisbaer mixed by Carlos Peron   Favoriting  
  1:54:08 (Pop-up)
Witthuser & Westrupp  Illusion 1   Favoriting Trips und Traume 
  1:57:38 (Pop-up)
Les Crane  Friends   Favoriting Desiderata 
  2:01:41 (Pop-up)
Pastor John Rydgren  Hippy Version of Creation   Favoriting Silhouette Segments 
  2:06:19 (Pop-up)
Thurl Ravenscroft  I Aint Afraid   Favoriting  
  2:09:49 (Pop-up)
Ken Nordine  Anytime, Anytime   Favoriting How Are Things In Your Town? 
  2:12:09 (Pop-up)
Sigh  Amnesia   Favoriting In Somniphobia 
  2:20:50 (Pop-up)
Tang Dynasty  The Internationale   Favoriting  
  2:28:54 (Pop-up)
Brainticket  Brainticket Part 1   Favoriting Cottonwoodhill 
  2:32:59 (Pop-up)
Kim Fowley  Inner Space Discovery   Favoriting Outrageous 

Click for the full size image
  2:42:04 (Pop-up)
Workshop  Very Story-Board   Favoriting Workshop 
  2:46:25 (Pop-up)
Die Radierer  Drogen Todt Ob Es So   Favoriting Eisbaren und Zitronen 
  2:50:44 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:01am Cheri Pi:

Schlock Rawk?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:03am Ken:

Rock Yes.
  9:05am Neg-guh-tor:

Nice start, Ken! Enjoyed the 4th show very much, btw. You rule.
  9:06am Dan Bucenec:

Hello, Dr. Savage.
  9:07am other david:

So, Freeform or Death raised $81,639 after an initial goal of $50,000 - rather excellent news, cant wait to see WFMU on the big screen
  9:08am Mark:

I was going to ask if you were going to get around to playing something from Can's "The Lost Tapes"
  9:08am Jeff:

That was so loud so early in the morning. And you'd expect a band called "Sigh" to sound quietly wistful.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:08am Ken:

Morning all! yeah, great news on the movie. So excited that it's finally going to really happen.
  9:10am Cheri Pi:

My subliminal message is going to be the best thing you've NEVER seen!
  9:11am Sam:

Do subliminal messages in films actually work? What's the latest research on that?
  9:11am Nathan:

Having used public transport in Germany before I seriously doubt these guys had to wait that long for the streetcar. However this could be related to a trip to London.
  9:11am other david:

Nu-uh, mine will.
  9:12am other david:

I suspect movie geeks will try and track down all the subliminal message and they'll eventually be plonked up on tumblr or something.

So much power.
  9:13am Dan B From Upstate:

Not sure what to put for my subliminal message. Something about narwhals maybe?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:13am Ken:

Sam, it depends on how you define "work." You can definitely see a single frame of video. So it's really not all that subliminal. Whether they work or not depends on what they set out to do.
  9:13am Judy:

Can Can Can waits for streetcar,
Sing sing sing chant to hell,
Shwing shwing shwing went my ear things,
From the moment I heard it I fell.
  9:14am Caryn:

If the documentary is ever released on DVD, I suggest that it should be Region 0. So many foreign listeners would want to have it, that that is the simplest way.
  9:15am fofox (:

I know, neg-guh-tor! I'm hoping Ken will channel Phil Hendrie in the near future. We would be repeating our deplorable comments all over and over again..I said, we'd be repeating our deplorable comments all over and over again.
  9:15am Cheri Pi:

@Sam-I'm definitely going to "do" something with my frame, not sure yet if it will be for good or for evil.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:16am Ken:

Is Region 0 like Pal, Secam and NTSC all wrapped into one?
  9:17am Caryn:

@Ken: Region 0 just means it will work anywhere in the world, on any DVD player.
  9:21am other david:

I might ask a comic artist I know if they fancied using the frame, that or a big sausage pizza quote...
  9:21am Doug C.:

Great show last week. I hope Ken has some outrage left for today.
  9:24am Mark:

I took two courses with Amiri Baraka when I went to Stony Brook. He never sang in class.
  9:25am Homer Simpson:

Mmmmmm . . . crackers.
  9:27am Cecile:

Good morning!
  9:28am Dan B From Upstate:

I love that Rockabye Kashmir has become talk over music.
  9:28am Cecile:

Caryn, everything should be Region 0.
  9:29am Caryn:

Why would you need underpants for your hands? Did someone suddenly decide that putting your bare hands into gloves was like going commando? This is like that alternate universe Dave Allen talked about where eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge made Adam and Eve self-conscious about a different body part than their genitals...
  9:29am Scottmcdowell:

Beautiful start this morn!
  9:29am Caryn:

@Cecile: damn straight!
  9:29am hamburger:

Not so sure on the subliminal message thing but hey ho! A weird glitch-fest might have been cool, but I'm not the kickstarterer
  9:30am Marmalade Kitty:

morning Ken! listeners! Kanye sounding much like Gil
  9:30am Vicki:

NTSC Region 1 covers PAL viewers. In reverse it is not possible to watch PAL on an NTSC tv. Duh.
  9:30am AnAnonymousParty:

Handerpants, Brilliant. Yet one more thing I have to wear, clean, everyday just in case I get in an accident.
  9:31am Cecile:

I am crabby that my NZ Conchords related films may only be screened 5 times on my computer before my DVD get permanently switched to that region. :(
  9:31am hamburger:

with handerpants, I'd suppose you'd have wwwww fronts instead of y fronts what with the the hoohah and the dingdong all up the ying yang
  9:32am Cecile:

Region free players over here are expensive and generally suck. We threw up our hands and went with a US CD/DVD/Blu Ray player.
  9:32am Sam:

Announce the secret code!! Now I'm dying to know it!
  9:33am Caryn:

I wonder if there are floppy handerpants for those who prefer boxers?
  9:33am Sam:

Let's all try to guess the secret code! Is it OU812 ??
  9:33am Cecile:

I understand you can do various hacks, but we are too chickenshit to do them.
  9:34am Sam:

Is it FDR4EVR ?
  9:34am other david:

Your listening is very important to us, please stay tuned
  9:35am Caryn:

@Cecile: when I bought a new DVD player, I kept the old one, but hacked it to be region-free. But I'd definitely prefer having more Region 0 discs available, dammit!
  9:37am hamburger:

A technician acquaintance o' mine once said you can indicate which region you wished your DVD to be set to, by simply taking a rusty nail and engraving that number using roman numerals into the 'glossy' side of the disc.
  9:38am Cecile:

oooh, I could do that. we still have it.

Thank God, no Mumford. That was the painful part of Brave - mumford music. But the rest of the movie was great. Wish they would have gotten the folks who did the Secret of Kells music for that one.
  9:39am Caryn:

While we're waiting, anyone have any ideas how to make eating bread more interesting? Have been living on bread for 3 weeks now and getting bored. Mind you, the only tools I have to zhoozh things up are oil, black pepper, soy sauce, stock cubes, ketchup and a bit of mustard. But maybe some WFMU culinary genius/listener can come up with something.
  9:39am Aaron in Jcity:

the greatest music video ever
  9:41am Mark:

Travis Bickle approves
  9:42am hamburger:

I would probably adjust my attitude towards the bread, and maybe read something like 'Down and Out in Paris and London' to accompany my reading bread experience
  9:43am Webhamster Henry:

You don't have a xylophone "Anarchy in the UK" do you?
  9:43am fofox (:


I think you need more than a culinary genius. You need someone like MacGyver, but in a chef version.
  9:45am Nathan:

Caryn we need to start a kickstarter for you. If you had some milk, nutmeg, sugar you could make a bread pudding. Bread sauce maybe...? Have some seasoned croutons in a broth made from the stock cubes.
  9:45am Doug C.:

Cecile, you can copy your dvd's via a burning program like Nero and Anydvd by Slysoft allows you to burn almost any dvd. Now it is region free. It is legal as you have a court approved right to make copies of your media.
  9:46am dante:

what is the artist that was playing bohemian rhapsody in the background?
  9:47am Nathan:

@Caryn break up the bread and toss them in a bit of oil maybe some dried herbs if you've got 'em until browned, put them in the oven till they're dry/crisp and have them with the stock cube broth.
  9:48am Caryn:

@Nathan: yeah, my current version of the croutons and broth idea is just to make a broth with a stock cube and dunk the bread in. But I suspect in the long term, the amount of salt I'd be taking in daily would be an issue.
  9:50am other david:

Caryn - some cinnamon, some butter and bit of sugar and bread becomes a tasty dessert
  9:50am fofox (:

Burn the bread. Give us some SOS smoke signals so we can spot your whereabouts and deliver you some delicious tacos.
  9:51am Nathan:

@Caryn: I wouldn't worry about the salt, probably need it judging by the rest of the diet. It's summer in Finland surely living in the sticks there should be some berries around. I'm sure there is some worthwhile forage out there.. Nettles? Wild rocket.. ? Elderberries? Even dandelions and their leaves are edible. I'm sure there are resources to help identify stuff.
  9:51am fofox (:


Rockabye Baby.
  9:52am Cecile:

Caryn, can you sell some stuff?
  9:53am Cecile:

or barter?
  9:55am BSI:

What it is!
  9:56am bw:

wrong number???
  9:58am still b/p:

Was also going to suggest good ol 'butter and cinnamon on lightly toasted bread.
Or toast over open flame if you have a gas stove for a different flavor from standard toasting. Can you get even a little something to spread and ration it carefully -- pesto, hummus, avocado, cheese, vegemite...?
Caryn needs a Cookstarter campaign...with at least a half-cupboardful goal.
  9:58am Marmalade Kitty:

The full Question time show with Mr. Lydon:
  9:59am hamburger:

Can you fish in Finland? Might be able to get some herring.
  10:02am Ken From Hyde Park:

A story about some silly woodchucks caught stealing -
  10:04am paul:

not kosher!
  10:04am Caryn:

@Nathan: naah, forest berries will come around from August onwards, and the weather this summer has indicated berries will be rare. I keep my eyes open for various wild foods, but none found so far that I'd feel safe eating.
@Cecile: sold plenty of stuff for months now, and trying to find some more, so we'll see :)
@still bp: nice, but lack of gas stove, cinnamon, milk etc. makes difficult. I do have a third of a jar of expired pesto, which will probably go on my bread today.
@hamburger: fishing is fine, but the lack of nearby waterways and a rod make that tricky
I appreciate all the ideas.
  10:05am Sam:

Ah qu'est-ce que j'adore Laetitia!
  10:05am Caryn:

Loving the "I'm a twat" list!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:08am Ken:

At least here in Jersey, the blueberries are our in spades and they have bloomed two weeks earlier than usual. Got myself a big colostomy bag full last weekend in the Great Bear Swamp.
  10:09am Cecile:

the rain brings out the blueberries.

Well, good luck Caryn. If you can avail yourself of any social services, this might be a good time to think about it, if you haven't already.
  10:09am Cecile:

this is a good jam.
  10:10am fofox (:

From channeling to hacking..Ken, a full-fledged DJ.
  10:10am dictater:

The hiccup with the DJ-Twat list is that a very high percentage of people who describe themselves as a DJ are twats
  10:11am tim from champaign:

@Caryn - me too! I wish I had that on hand when I was DJing at a bar when the drunken class of 1992 reunion attendees rolled in. Got lots of "You mean you don't have Bon Jovi?" type questions. Best question was "What type of music do you listen to?"
  10:11am Comments Back Office:

User Notice: Essay-sized food disquisitions, normally scheduled for noon-to-three shifts, have been moved forward today to even out system bandwidth usage.
  10:12am Dave B:

Haven't been here in a while. Just wanted to say hello!
  10:12am ?:

"Love, where would I be now" similarity.
  10:13am dictater:

DJ Twat, is actually the perfect DJ name
  10:17am Caryn:

@Cecile: hey, where do you think the bread is coming from? Yay for the local food bank!
And now I'm imagining a hipster wearing those big antlers from the gif...
  10:20am Cecile:

Is there a place where we can donate so your food bank can get something besides bread? I donate a fair amount to banks around my home.
  10:20am other david:

What Cecile said!

Would be happy to help
  10:21am Cecile:

and nathan is right - dandelions if they are not sprayed, can work as greens, even being a little older.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:22am Ken:

Hi Dave B!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:23am Ken:

Caryn - Dont live on bread. If you're broke then eat beans and rice. Way more healthful and probably cheaper.
  10:24am Marmalade Kitty:

Caryn, are you in the jail house?
  10:24am Mark:

Yes you need protein
  10:27am Vivian:

I have to agree with Ken. If you can get some beans and rice, you can spruce it up with anything. Stop by a fast food place & grab some packaged ketchup, hot sauce, etc. Bread is wonderful and filling but rice and beans are better.
  10:28am other david:

I think the issue is Caryn is living on what she can get from the food bank, so no choices.

Again, willing to help in any way I can.
  10:29am Caryn:

@Cecile: nah, they get government funding. It's basically 3 breads and 2 fridge items if lucky. Often the fridge items are meat and dairy, which is nice. This week it was some juice and a pudding cup. At least I have dessert now! I did get 2 cans of spam last week. I'm thinking of slicing them up, frying them, and making a sandwich.
  10:32am other david:

*nibbles wfmu*
  10:33am Dave B:

That "Twat" list is easily applied to many different professions. I am especially fond of responses #9, 14, 16, 17, 20 & 24
  10:34am Caryn:

I wonder if those old ladies actually ride that motorcycle?
  10:35am Phillip in San Antonio:

YAY! Old Fini Tribe. A little relation to the Revolting Cocks.
  10:35am Cecile:

Well, this song was great until the verse started.
  10:35am Cheri Pi:

Agreed-nice use of New Order though
  10:36am Buster P.:

DJ - DJ....DJ - DJ...
How you feeling?
Twat twat twat!
  10:36am Caryn:

@Dave B: those are nice. Personally like no. 15 too. Although security would probably be called on me by someone else while I pummeled the person making the request.
  10:42am Marmalade Kitty:

I just read the comments.. what happened Caryn? are you gointo be ok?
  10:49am Social Services:

Caryn has mentioned employment/income issues in comments for awhile now. She'd have to expatiate or update, if so minded...
  10:49am Dave B:

This Cutler track would mash well with Trololo Guy
  10:50am buddy:

you are dead air upstate..... but you know right/
  10:51am Caryn:

@MK: oh, I'm fine. Just my constant financial slump compounded by the fact that there's about 8 months worth of unemployment cheques I now haven't received. But I'm hopeful I might get that finally sorted out this month or next.
  10:51am buddy:

OK your back.... very dicey!!!
  10:53am still b/p:

Trivia de Title Tracks: "Streets flooded. Please advise." -- was the telegram message sent by Robert Benchley to his New Yorker editor...from Venice.
  10:53am Tech Nerd:

For future reference: Figure out how to route the 90.1 feed backwards up the Croton Aqueduct to the Catskills listening area.
  10:55am Caryn:

@still b/p: nice!
  10:55am Cecile:

Is this DJ named DJ Kicks, or is it a DJ on the DJ Kicks series of comps?
  11:00am other david:

@Caryn: if sending some food or money would help you, even a bit, don't hesitate to ask - my email is davidmee [atttttt] ireland [dot] com

And I'll stop bringing it up now, promise :)

(feck off, bots)
  11:02am Cecile:

same here, caryn. Ken can give you my email.
  11:02am BBC Technology:

Breaking 'news': Web's celebrity cats get festival
  11:03am Brian in UK:

Respect for playing Lol Coxhill, Ken.

Hope things work out Caryn.
  11:05am report:

what Social Services said. Careful, kind-hearted FMUers.
  11:11am Caryn:

Aw, bless. You guys are so nice. But it'll be fine, the unemployment stuff seems to be slowly but surely straightening out, and I'm hopeful about some new jobs coming up. Really appreciate the sentiment, though :)
  11:12am Ken From Hyde Park:

Thurl Ravenscroft, the voice of The Grinch and Tony The Tiger!
  11:13am Caryn:

John Rydgren's voice always reminds me of some of the voice acting on "Kentucky Fried Movie".
  11:13am Marmalade Kitty:

prego, Caryn.
  11:14am Ken From Hyde Park:

Well, the guy who sang the grinch song. I guess Boris Karloff was the voice of the grinch.
  11:15am Vivian:

@ Caryn. Okay, but if things haven't progressed in a couple of weeks, let us know. WFMU listeners care about music and each other-oh god, do I sound like a hippie...
  11:16am Ciderbully:

Boris Karloff was groovy.
  11:17am Cecile:

hahahhaha, vivian.

But speaking of hippies, if you have a hippie natural foods store or co-op in your town, you might be able to barter work for grub.
  11:18am Caryn:

@Vivian: well, Ken is known for his occasional hippie music selections :)
  11:18am Cecile:

I want Snoop Dogg to do a version of Desiderata.
  11:22am groucho:

good afternoon from northern England.
  11:24am Cecile:

this is like if immortal decided to make a Tom Waits record.
  11:25am Cecile:

Hal Willner needs to work with Sigh.
  11:27am Cecile:

but then there would be no genres left because they would use them all up.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:27am Ken:

That's it. Sigh is my new favorite band.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:28am Ken:

Hi Groucho! Where in Northern UK you at?
  11:28am Cecile:

*covers Rammsteins's ears*
  11:28am Cecile:

*covers Rammsteins's ears*
  11:29am Dan B From Upstate:

Can never get enough sigh.
  11:30am Marco:

Is it still Sigh?

Thanks for this discovery!
  11:31am Marco:

Oups I meant for the previous 30sec or so...
  11:32am Dave B:

@Dan B - or enough "Un Chien Andalou" (the GIF accompanying the Sigh track)
  11:33am fred:

I remember Ken doing a show with just different versions of the internationale, years ago. If I remember correctly, one of the guy who wrote it died in NYC.
  11:33am still b/p:

I liked some of Lurie's Marvin Pontiac stuff yesterday. If I request that on some other Wednesday, will I just get one of the DJ responses from the list?
  11:33am Listener Okasa:

Ken, great job curating the gifs this morning. They've been outstanding.
  11:34am Deepak:

The Internationale. No matter who covers it, its always uplifting
  11:34am Marmalade Kitty:

Mae Brussell, Queen of conspiracy, said that the CIA were determined to kill the "dangerous"hippie" movement counter culture in the 1960's, and that Charles manson was made a patsy, to give hippies everywhere a terrible reputation.. could this be why hippies still are hated to this day?
  11:35am Caryn:

Man, those Beatles were busy, what with being part of a Communist plot to destroy the minds of decent Western kids, while simultaneously being part of a Capitalist ploy to destroy the morality of decent Communist kids...
  11:35am other david:

Right I'm off to protest against some fundamentalist christians, great show Ken - cyas later
  11:35am paula pc:

this Brainticket by Brainticket never gets old, even though it's old
  11:36am Cheri Pi:

  11:39am Cecile:

I have a love/hate affair with hippies, and it's not because of Manson. It's the mix of sterness, idealism and anti-intellectualism in many of the hippies I've encountered.

But then again, some of the nicest people I know pencil in the Rainbow Gathering onto their calendars.
  11:39am Danne D:

Hi Ken and all. I have to say tomorrow SSD Buskfest is the most foolishly inspired idea yet. Figure on busk fights, muggings, chaos. Truly inspired.
  11:41am it doesn't follow that..:

I was asked if I was a hippie at a recent internet mediated job interview. "A what?" I asked.
  11:42am Little Miss Dog Pedant:

Ken—Can Buskfest include puppets? And their puppeteers, of course. Street puppetry!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:44am Ken:

Yes Puppets! Please come - email me at ken at wfmu dot org
  11:44am Madi:

I am SO showing up tomorrow, this will be EPIC!
  11:45am Tin Huey:

What about puppet heads? My car is filled with...
  11:45am Madi:

...P.S. I almost cut my hair
  11:46am Marmalade Kitty:

fascist hippies =D
  11:47am Vivian:

My only issue is with wookies-sometimes mistakenly called hippies. They love to share - only what you have since they don't have anything to share. When we've camped at festivals, they love to come over & strike up a conversation while I'm cooking. But if you ask for anything in return, they come up short. That is why I practice my scowl before heading out to a festival.
  11:49am fred:

Will the buskfest feature a "soak Andy" segment?
  11:50am Cecile:

hahahahaha, vivian.
  11:52am Danne D:

@fred - I figure that the premise is that Andy will be a busker himself and try to beat them all and take their money. Of course Ken will need to put in a provision where Andy can't cheat and give himself a massive donation in order to win ;)
  11:53am fred:

@Danne: That's a great idea. Of course, this would have to be documented.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:54am Ken:

yes to puppets, mimes, and any other even remotely plausible form of street performance that somebody might pay a QUARTER for.
  11:57am Andrew Waterloo:

Awww... it looks like I missed an opportunity to express me feelings about hippies :(
  11:58am Mike East:

Ken, I rarely comment on your show, but I frequently enjoy it.
  12:02pm Madi:

There is a guy who busks the F train - an alto recorder. I never notice he's playing until I notice I'm just a shade sadder.

While busking in Barthelona, there was an irish trio that would strap their one guitar to a drunken leg while they slept on the beach . There was sometimes a guy who took our spot - a harmonia soloist. WE'LL GET YOU YET PONCHO AZUL!!!
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