Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 29 October 2012 Favoriting | Abbot & Costello Meet Frankenstorm, Fill-In Seven Inch Stormadelic Edition

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Artist Song Comments
The O'Jays  Howling Wind Love Train   Favoriting
George Clinton  Atomic Dog   Favoriting

Click for the full size image
Low Rider  War   Favoriting  
The Jimmy Castor Bunch  Troglodyte   Favoriting
The Osmonds  Crazy Horses   Favoriting
Destroy All Monsters  You're Gonna Die   Favoriting
Just Water  Singin In the Rain   Favoriting
The Clash  Gates of the West   Favoriting  
Falco  Der Kommisar   Favoriting
Clarence Carter  Strokin'   Favoriting
The Flirtations  Nothing But A Heartache   Favoriting
Girls at Our Best  Politics   Favoriting
People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz  Magic   Favoriting
Subway Sect  Hey Now I'm in Love   Favoriting
The Pastels  Different Drum   Favoriting  
John Trubee  A Blind Man's Penis   Favoriting  
Foom  Dem Old Stanky Blues   Favoriting  
L Ron Hubbard  Alien Visitors Attack   Favoriting
Larry Seven & Jim Sharpe  Mississippi Queen   Favoriting
Sonic Rendezvous Band  City Slang   Favoriting
Plastic Bertrand  Ca Plane Pour Moi   Favoriting  
The Outsiders  Time Wont Let me   Favoriting  
The Vanilla Fudge  You Keep Me Hanging On   Favoriting
Rosko  Where Are You Mama?   Favoriting  
Lulu  To Sir With Love   Favoriting  
Cibo Matto  Black Hole Sun   Favoriting
Lipps Inc  Funkytown   Favoriting
1910 Fruitgum Company  Sticky Sticky   Favoriting
Jimmy Riddle  Yakety Eeph   Favoriting
The Fugs  Kill for Peace   Favoriting
CL Campbell  Hey, Mayor Daley, Man   Favoriting
The Guyettes  Face   Favoriting
Art Bears  Rats & Monkeys   Favoriting  
Joey Heatherton  The Road I Took To You   Favoriting
The Spiral Staircase  More Today Than Yesterday   Favoriting

Listener comments!

  12:02pm Howlin' Wolf:

I call trademark vio.
  12:03pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Good old blizzard noises. That takes me back!
  12:03pm amEdeo:

The pizza outside my window is attempting to harmonize with this track.
  12:03pm other david:

Live from a mic situated on top of the WFMU global headquarters...
  12:04pm Naval Etiquette:

Captain Ken lashes himself to the mast and goes down with the good ship FMU as it slides into the Hudson and floats out to sea.
  12:05pm Carmichael:

Ken takes one for the team! And the pizza ingredients miraculously remain attached to the dough! Remember Domino's, Ken: 30 minutes or it's FREE!
  12:05pm amEdeo:

Oh no.
  12:06pm NWS:

This has to be spun at 78 to qualify as a hurricane.
  12:06pm Michele:

YES! That hurricane pizza gif is the BEST!
  12:06pm Maggie B.:

Who's gonna clean all this mozzarella off my house?
  12:07pm Grand Funk:

  12:07pm Jolene:

This is a perfect time to take everybody's man. They're all distracted by the pizza!
  12:07pm wiseguy:

Auntie Em, Auntie Em, itza flyin' pizza pie.
  12:07pm Roberto:

  12:09pm amEdeo:

Has anyone ever tried combining "Love Up" and "Physical" by Olivia Newton-John? I feel like that would work...
  12:09pm Roberto:

Oh man. $100 minimum for the War on Christmas CD. That's extortion, plain and simple.
  12:09pm pierre:

Bonjour Ken and listeners !
Drôle d'endroit pour un rencontre.
  12:10pm dale:

i was hoping for a gluten free hurricane
  12:10pm Grand Funk:

Is "cc"stello a drug reference?
  12:11pm amEdeo:

@dale: You too?! Whose to say that's not gluten free crust?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm Ken:

Happy Horrorcane everybody!
  12:12pm Gluten:

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  12:12pm Tom - K'way Bklyn:

Spelt the other white meat ......
  12:13pm amEdeo:

Spelt is just as bad (for me at least). Too close to wheat.
Spelt, the other white wheat.
  12:13pm dale:

that's the same sound superman makes when he takes off
  12:14pm moose:

yay yay yay
so glad ken's here
so nice knowing the station is nearby during sandy franken's visit
  12:14pm Sound Effects Guy:

@dale: duh! :)
  12:15pm the glowing one:

Is WFMU still standing? Any walls shaking or windows rattling yet? Also Ken, you're the captain, you will be the last man standing...
  12:15pm Snoopy:

Oh my god the drizzle! Fo shizzle!
  12:16pm Jon Anderson:

We used this sound in "South Side of the Sky". Right off an effects album.
  12:16pm Carmichael:

Glad to hear Ken is manning NORAD by himself.
  12:16pm Traffic Authorities:

@Ken: Expect a citation in the mail.
  12:17pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

have no fear, hall & oates would help guide us all through this storm. now if Ken would only play some............
  12:17pm Carmichael:

Skype, Ken, skype!! I bet you're dressed like the Morton Salt girl right now.
  12:18pm G:

There were three full hours of you on Mary Wing last week, h&o. The most radioplay you've gotten in nearly 30 years.
  12:19pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

G: it's not the same as when Ken plays Hall & Oates.
  12:19pm G:

Didn't PATH close at midnight? That's what I heard on radio weather coverage...
  12:20pm moose:

yep path is down
  12:21pm Minnesota Jeff:

I hate cavemen.
  12:22pm Carmichael:

Turntables on impulse power only, Captain. Shields are holding but weakening. I need two hours to get the warp drive back online. Ach Kant change the laws of science!!!!
  12:22pm dale:

oooh, wonder what martian boogey would sound like at 16rpm?
  12:22pm Robinson Crusoe:

WFMU DJs, shipwrecked in JC. Where is Your Man Monday?
  12:22pm green mountain man mark:

wind is starting to pick up here in central VT. Have one cat outside that does not want to come in yet. Someone already took down the political signs around our street. I was going to go around and karate kick them all down and pick them up.
  12:23pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

is this the storm that the Mayans predicted? or was that Nostradamus. hmm
  12:23pm G:

What is it about hurricane hype that says 70s funk n soul?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:23pm Ken:

Help is on the way dont you worry!
  12:24pm Listener zero:

Listener zero from across the Atlantic reporting in for hurrican party duty!
  12:24pm Dr Bootygrabber:

I dated them Butt sisters. Some threesome! :)
  12:25pm MrFab:

Hey, I actually get to listen to Ken live for once. Howdy!

Stay high 'n' dry, y'all, and I ain't talkin' medical marijuana high, har har.

("Troglodyte" sounds great at 33, mo' funky.)
  12:25pm Donny Osmond:

BLASPHEMY!!!!!!! :)
  12:25pm dale:

state of emergency where i is, yet the postal service delivered political flyers and coupons today
  12:26pm Minnesota Jeff:

  12:26pm dale:

man, osmonds never sounded so good!
  12:26pm Mitt:

  12:27pm DJ Fancy Feast:

Does music always slow down during an Al Frankenstorm?
  12:27pm BSI:

My dog refuses to go outside. Those sad eyes... looks like he's being asked to tear his lungs out. By noon tomorrow I predict he will a'splode mit der wee.
  12:27pm G:

@DJFF: Dude's gotta fill 90 minutes, cut him some slack :-)
  12:28pm green mountain man mark:

I am not sure I am going to make it to the fair this year. Not really because of the storm but a bunch of strange crap that has happened. Plus don't know if the train service will be back on from VT to the city. Last year because of Irene it was down for many days. My sneeze at the sun box may need to wait for another time.
  12:31pm the glowing one:

Six Tips For Feeding The Family During A Storm-Related Power Outage
  12:31pm DJ Fancy Feast:

Whoo - there goes Dorothy!
  12:32pm Vicki:

hi Ken - hope all your 15000 fill ins will be exactly the same show
  12:32pm dale:

poppin in the rain
  12:32pm BSI:

Something vaguely early-Sparks-ish about this Just Water track...
  12:37pm Caryn:

Crap, I didn't know you were going to be on today! Lucky me, checking up on WFMU right now.
  12:37pm Listener zero:

  12:38pm Rammstein:

Hey! I can understand this guy!
  12:39pm Carmichael:

Ken, just play The Only Song and get the hell out. Nothing wrong with being a coward.
  12:40pm m:

I have to admit that I shaked my booty a lot to Falco. Ja.
  12:41pm Loss Prevention:

Ken's gotsta make sure the staff don't walk off with the station under cover of Hurricane Hype. "Ken, everything just floated away, we couldn't do anything!!!"
  12:41pm Dr Frankenschturmenburger:

Happy Hallowe'en: Manhattan as Waterworld
  12:41pm Onan:

  12:42pm Listener zero:

Ken is the man. He has the secret government card to bypass all road blocks and he has a vespa to make it out of town in time safely before the Zomneys arrive.
  12:43pm Listener zero:

Strokin' should have the animated gif from the last 7SD marathon show up (archive STILL unavailable!)
  12:43pm m:

There's this whole genre of songs about stroking or staying up all night, doing it, all night! African American primarily I believe. I wonder if anyone has every written about it. The man is usually making promises....
  12:44pm Van in DC:

It's not bad yet, but still. Fire alarm goes off in my apartment so we all had to go stand out in a hurricane lol
  12:44pm Sandy:



Muchas gracias, Arthur Brown!
  12:44pm the glowing one:

Nine months from now the other fruits of this hurricane will be delivered.
  12:45pm DJ Fancy Feast:

We're already seeing JG Ballard-esque signs of post-apocalyptic societal breakdown here in Hoboken NJ: Over by the cresting river, nobody's cleaning up their doggie poop! Who knows what's next...
  12:46pm Listener zero:

This is a great song.
  12:46pm Caryn:

During all these hurricane shows, I always wonder what it's like to live somewhere where these things happen. Apart from extreme cold, snowstorms (and the very rare high wind), no "extreme weather" in these parts. No wonder people in the US can get extreme about issues. It's the fault of the weather.
  12:47pm Looming Apocalypse:

Today dogpoo, tomorrow THE WORLD!!!!
  12:48pm Listener zero:

View from Brooklyn RIGHT NOW:
  12:48pm the glowing one:

Politics! Left, right!
  12:49pm tim from champaign:

Ken - I'm DJing a party next Friday and was wondering if you mind if I do an ALL BUTT set inspired by your own ALL BUTT sets?
  12:49pm Overinterpreting:

Are the last two songs about election anxiety?
  12:50pm Listener zero:

  12:50pm Carmichael:

That monster is getting funky! Like a bowlegged monkey!
  12:50pm Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm trying to get my head around this - Can Pseu's Thing With A Hook broadcast from Sandy Hook during Hurricane Sandy?
  12:51pm Sandy "Storm" Surge:

I've got your disaster relief right here, baby.
  12:52pm paul:

  12:52pm SteveL:

The Devil's drizzle.
  12:52pm G:

That rain is coming down a good 5/100th of an inch an hour. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12:53pm amEdeo:

  12:53pm the glowing one:

Yay, Clay!
  12:53pm Listener zero:

Animated GIFs for Ken, Sandy themed:
  12:53pm other david:

Clay :)
  12:54pm G:

Clay slept on a JC park bench overnight, to avoid being cut off from JC by PATH closure
  12:54pm drewo:

I trust Clay Pigeon packed his overnights bag.
  12:54pm Michele:

Emergencies make for great radio! Make sure there is enough paper in the EAS machine.
  12:54pm Essex County:

No love for me
  12:54pm Caryn:

Yay, Clay!
  12:55pm G:

Essex County has a dirty name.
  12:55pm DJ Fancy Feast:

Aha, price gouging! More apocalyptic societal breakdown!
  12:55pm Listener zero:

I LOVE WFMU programming during natural catastrophes almost as much as marathon programming.
  12:56pm Sean:

Is the Clay hurricane show going to be an annual event?
  12:56pm Gouging Cabbie:

Just because I'm gouging does not mean he world isn't ending. I wanna drown with money in my pocket. Who wants to be a pitiful corpse?
  12:57pm Listener Zero:

  12:57pm moose:

yay yay clay
  12:57pm G:

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
  12:58pm Vicki:

hi Clay - sorry we didn't make it to see you

good map here -
  12:58pm the glowing one:

Sandy is a grandiose finale to the silent fundraiser, actually. All that money raised, then it gets washed down the drain... haha.
  12:58pm Skirkie:

The Space Station is flying over it right now:
  12:58pm DCE:

haha my office in CLE is closing at 1pm because of the Light Drizzle storm! PANIC IN THE MIDWEST!!
  12:58pm Listener zero:

Listener Zero: That is an uncanny impression of me.
  12:58pm It's official!:

Hurricane Clay is in the house! New moniker for the pigeon.
  12:58pm BSI:

Just tell Gomez it's safe to go outside and pee. He won't believe me anymore. But YOU, Ken (or Clay), he would trust YOU...
  12:59pm fred von helsing:

Irene in Manhattan was 4 ft, a foot short of topping the seawalls
  12:59pm Caryn:

@glowing one: This will just lead to the "31 days of October" being immediately followed by "New-wave-ember", a silent fundraising month to repair hurricane damage.
  1:00pm a.:

long beach island is getting hit hard. the boardwalk is washing away in atlantic city & ocean city, md. hoboken terminal is flooded and red hook is underwater. be safe, wfmu listeners.
  1:00pm Vicki:

Ken just did a timecheck - Clay Pigeon influence there
  1:01pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

Hurricane Irene ultimately came ashore as a tropical storm in Coney Island, with a 4-foot storm surge that washed over parts of the southern tip of Manhattan but didn't wreak the havoc that officials had feared, although it caused tremendous damage elsewhere. Some experts have said that a surge 3 feet higher could have caused huge damage.
  1:01pm fred von helsing:

The studio on the hill will be assaulted by seaborne cannibals and aluminum can collectors
  1:01pm G:

Irene was mainly rain-caused flooding, not storm surge
  1:02pm yayson:

ken, the last line of defense
  1:03pm tahomajohn:

Make thee an ark of gopher wood!
  1:04pm Rob:

The storm surge stats are really confusing. Around 8 pm is supposedly peak. But Gov. Cuomo says the storm surge NOW is already @ Irene levels - which means it's already partway to the worst-case 11 ft. (So I would think that means there aren't actually 11 MORE feet to go, but some amount less than that - or does it - ?)
  1:04pm Sean in Bristol, UK:

Gutted that Irene's show is cancelled but I am guessing things are pretty grim weather wise with you guys
  1:04pm Vicki:

hey that's me, sounding slow or maybe I just think it's the wrong speed - no, definitely wobbling :)
  1:05pm G:

"Numerous boats were damaged or destroyed, killing two people off Staten Island. High winds swept a man off a bridge, killing him. High waves flooded the beach at Coney Island. In Sea Bright, New Jersey, waves washed over a seawall, forcing 200 people to evacuate. Further inland, the Hudson, Passaic, and Hackensack rivers experienced tidal flooding."
  1:05pm Snortley: for excellent weather-porn. Check out their interactive map, like Google Maps for weather addicts:,0039,0017&zoom=9
  1:05pm other david:

"New Jersey local media are receiving reports that waves are topping 20ft (6m), and storm surge is expected to get worse during high tide." - ye olde beeb
  1:06pm xangoir:

ken, listening from narragansett bay in Rhode Island. I read this article earlier today which has details of the flood levels during Irene:
  1:06pm jamesie:

Hi Vicki!
  1:06pm Vicki:

are you using a windup turntable?
  1:06pm Vicki:

hi James!
  1:07pm xangoir:

in particular: "On August 28, 2011, Tropical Storm Irene brought a storm surge of 4.13' and a storm tide of 9.5' above MLLW to Battery Park on the south side of Manhattan. "
  1:07pm paul martin:

Sounds fine vicki!
  1:08pm m:

do most experts feel this or its strength can be attributed to global warming?
  1:08pm Vicki:

did I just drag you in from fb?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 1:09pm Ken:

The noise you hear on this song (Subway Sect) is water residue from hurricane irene.
  1:09pm fred von helsing:

more surreals sandy pleez. a rubber duck warehouse upchucking its contents.
  1:09pm Caryn:

Aagh! WFMU page and stream both went down here for 10 minutes! For a moment, I wondered if something had gone seriously wrong over there. Thankfully, that was not the case.
  1:10pm paul martin:

You did, it works and it is Soo much better!
  1:10pm Carmichael:

These cats are swingin'. I bet they have matching sweaters on.
  1:10pm Flooded Shore Area Streets:

I'll be totally sandy. Good name, biatch.
  1:11pm Vicki:

oh phew, all the records are wobbling
I mean "oh phew"
  1:12pm Irene:

No vicki, it wasnt you this time.
  1:12pm Paul Martin:

but isn't vinyl great!
  1:13pm jamesie:

reminds me of the the North Sea blowing up a gale in the Radio London pirate dayz on the US converted minesweeper
  1:13pm PMD:

Hey... Is today Wednesday?
  1:14pm MrFab:

We may not have weather here in LA, but we had a 3.9 earthquake yesterday. tWhich was, like, was 2 seconds of excitment.

Hi Vicki! When's the next season of Do or DIY? You're overdue!
  1:14pm other david:

nope, it's freeform in a storm
  1:14pm Vicki:

ha ha, I thought my new record was broken - I've not listened to it yet!
  1:14pm Paul Martin:

We needed WFMU in the Blitz!
  1:15pm Vicki:

hi Mr Fab! Don't know actually! Bit busy.
  1:15pm moose:

the real wind sound is starting to sound like the radio wind sound
  1:17pm Mass Transit Fascists:

We know how to keep businesses from requiring people to try to come in. JUST SHUT TRANSIT. Ta-da!!!!!!!!!
  1:18pm NWS:

It's gonna rain. YA HEARD?!?!?!?!
  1:18pm PMD:

Oh, Sandy baby. Duh.
  1:19pm a.:

seriously, shutting down mass transit was probably anti-fascist. this way, our fascist bosses are less likely to require us to come in under these dangerous conditions.
  1:19pm NWS:

Eleven feet??? That's practically a FUCKIN' MILLIPEDE right there!!!!
  1:20pm Dr Bootgrabber:

A buttment? Likin' it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1:20pm fred von helsing:

I got the tiki drinks covered !
  1:20pm dale:

rain is getting heavier and flying horizontally out of the north here in the hudson valley. i did a quick walk about and froze my tootsies off
  1:21pm Power Grid:

Imma fuck with that wiseass FMU
  1:21pm G:

I thought this was a Dick Trubee tune?
  1:22pm Cindy:

  1:22pm PMD:

Federal government is close, so FCC not listening... cool!
  1:22pm other eas:

  1:23pm jamesie:

RSM jauntier
  1:23pm Caryn:

Ooh, PMD is right. Ken, play every song you can never play regularly because of the swearing!
  1:23pm FCC:

Everything's recorded for algorithm-based sound scanning.
  1:23pm MrFab:

Yessss, "Blind Man's Penis"!! Hey trivia fans, 'twas originally called "Stevie Wonders' Penis." But that would have been, ya know, offensive.
  1:23pm dale:

no porn for the blind 7 inchers?
  1:23pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

is this the "Ken's Show" for the week? or will there be one on wednesday too?
  1:24pm other david:

It may be all Ken all the time, from now until Wednesday.
  1:25pm the glowing one:

doggy shit is worse than a blind man's penis, I agree
  1:25pm FCC:

Good live bleepage, Mr. Freedman. We respect Obedience.
  1:25pm fred von helsing:

Essential to play Finnish band The Hurriganes. On-topic Bourbon Street
  1:25pm Irene:

yes like fantasy, movie wind
  1:27pm chris:

I'm sitting here wondering just how proud Irene must be of the job you're doing filling in for her, Ken. You really get her show. That said, this is pretty freakin' awesome!
  1:27pm Caryn:

I wonder if one day it will be revealed that the Weather Underground site is actually run by former members of the Weather Underground organization. That would be awesome. (At least cooler than running a Volvo dealership, or whatever some of those other 60s/70s' radicals are doing now.)
  1:29pm fred von helsing:

this sounds like an industrial version of the Liquid Sky soundtrack
  1:30pm Marshall Stacks:

I am become Xenu, destroyer of worlds!
  1:31pm DJ Fancy Feast:

The Baader-Meinhof Gang site on the other hand is awful for weather...
  1:31pm Caryn:

Oh, FVH is on the money on that one.
  1:32pm L Ron:

Old Mother Hubbard didn't raise her no fools.
  1:32pm Caryn:

My comment was actually about the Hurriganes post, but heck, it works for FVH's other post too.
  1:33pm Not Listening Closely:

Heels are better than pumps
  1:33pm Bambi:

Wish it was MY hurricane
  1:33pm EzSezz:

Ken, did you bring your canoe down from the lake? And your portable urinal?
  1:34pm Sean in Bristol, UK:

Just curious but how are you getting home tonight?
  1:34pm Sandy Dunkin Donuts:

  1:34pm Carmichael:

Maybe the next one will be hurricane Terry-Thomas.
  1:34pm Skippy:

it should have been me
  1:35pm lg:

But what about Jim Price?!
  1:35pm Sandy Dunkin Donuts:

@Sean: Breast stroke
  1:35pm fred von helsing:

Hurricane Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel
  1:36pm Caryn:

Maybe Ken should play a ballad from "Grease". I can't wait for Travolta to wail "Oh, Sandy..." right now.
  1:36pm mjgoins:

WFMU is the best thing about Earth.
  1:36pm the glowing one:

@sean: I guess he isn't
  1:36pm dale:

i can't take my eyes off of hula girl
  1:36pm Sean in Bristol, UK:

@Sandy, nice one, that made me chortle
  1:37pm Hula Girl:

That was the idea *winkwink*
  1:37pm disastrogirl:

My friend is calling it Hurricane Strandy.
  1:37pm disastrogirl:

My friend is calling it Hurricane Strandy.
  1:38pm Caryn:

Man, I have to keep agreeing with FVH today! But I suspect the hurricane namers aren't going to be that adventurous.
  1:38pm dale:

oh, you cruel temptress, hula girl...
  1:38pm gomoonpie:

@ Skippy. Too funny. Skippy vs. Sandy in friendliest name battle. I think Skippy might win
  1:39pm Sandy:

Among my myriad and multifarious offenses, I also activate the FMU doubleposting app.
  1:39pm Hula Boy:

Unfortunately hula girl got washed out to sea. Frickin' French scriptwriter.
  1:39pm Hula Girl:

You can look, butcha cant touch *winkwink*
  1:40pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

is the david lee roth audio track going to be played next?
  1:41pm Chop Scott:

This 7" is in my go bag.
  1:42pm dale:

c'mon hula girl - i have bottled water and canned goods
  1:42pm Humbert:

@dale: They're all b---ches.
  1:42pm BSI:

Mrs. Hippie Queen vs. Donut Queen. Cage-match of the century.
  1:42pm PMD:

At this rate Ken will never run out of 7" es.
  1:43pm Humbert:

Donut Queen will cover the "spread" every time.
  1:45pm Caryn:

You know, all you hula girl lovers could just watch Ep. 1.3 of "Lost Girl" and watch her do that in non-gif form.
  1:48pm Col. Bicuspid:

It seems ridiculous that Ken, filling in for Irene because she can't get to the station is only at 41%of his goal. Pledge people!
  1:50pm dale:

i had to look that up. she's a succubus? no thanks - been there, done that!
  1:51pm fred von helsing:

Ken needs a flood detector alarm text message thingie in his basement. Any Arduino hackers around there?
  1:51pm pierre:

forced to post a comment to support some francophonia over here…

So there it is : comment.
  1:51pm Slimslacks:

The trees are dancing to this song! Oh wait that's the wind.
  1:51pm Caryn:

Hula girl also speaks Russian, if any of you find that to be an extra kick.
@dale: she's not the succubus, she's the human sidekick.
  1:51pm Humbert:

Suck U Bus ??
  1:51pm Humbert:

I'm the original king of the divan
  1:52pm green mountain man mark:

I have an octopus I bought on Saturday that I need to do something with. Didn't get a chance this weekend as planned. Will do something hurricane related with it I guess. Any suggestions?
  1:52pm Slimslacks:

Make cookies
  1:53pm Humbert:

Is it dead, or alive?
  1:54pm Carmichael:

The Outsiders are staying in today.
  1:54pm green mountain man mark:

it is dead and cleaned already.
  1:54pm G:

Apparently Scott did not arrive in time to split the early afternoon shift
  1:56pm dale:

  1:56pm G:

Vanilla Fudge answers that.
  1:58pm Jeff:

I'll never underestimate a hurricane again, if this one has the power to blow Wednesday morning into Monday afternoon.
  1:58pm BSI:

c'mon sandy goddammit, i need the wind to increase another 10MPH before I can rationalize cracking open the beer reserves...
  1:59pm Fuzzy:

Horrible edit of that song
  2:00pm Ike:

Uh oh, the power went out here in Newark for a few minutes. I gotta juice up the Walkman so I can keep listening to WFMU in case the power goes down again....
  2:00pm Dr. Evil:

Vaginas with frikkin laser beams man, i can dig it!
  2:01pm Sandy:

  2:02pm Skirkie:

Gary the Squirrel lives in Highland Park.
  2:04pm Detroit Mac:

Here comes the story of a hurricane.... he could have been chomping on the whirl?
  2:05pm Vicki:

I used my freedom card as ID to buy some shoes in LA. They are out of date now though!
  2:06pm Ike:

Hey Clay Pigeon, how about doing therapy on Ken again? Ask him all about his personal life! That's always gripping.
  2:09pm Central Brooklyn:

yellow leaves, modest breezes, drizzle.

Heap Big Nothing.
  2:09pm dale:

people were calling in to wnyc - stupid people asking if they should crack the window an inch and what do do if they have no battery powered radio.
  2:10pm NPR:

We are like a freakin magnet to the "educated stupid moron" demo
  2:10pm Joe D.:

Clay Pidge with the abstract reference to "The Phantasm"!

ps. the hurricane noise on my radio is starting to get some serious competition from the hurricane noise outside my window
  2:10pm common:

phantasm, the tingler and the changling are some of the best!!
  2:11pm dale:

i thought those were all sex toys
  2:12pm duke:

Hurricane Horse
  2:13pm anne:

holy moly, ustream not just for dj rooftop sets. 50 livestorm cams here:
  2:13pm Mark:

Actor Willie Garson (Groundhog Day, Quantum Leap, Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, NYPD Blue, Boy Meets World, Sex and the City, White Collar) was born Feb. 20, 1964, in Highland Park, NJ.
  2:14pm dale:

don't smoke your good stuff yet, clay
  2:14pm Julie:

He did!!
  2:14pm seang:

Ridin the Storm Out!
  2:14pm Marmalade kitty:

you both sound excited!! :)
  2:14pm dale:

yeah, he sounds a bit mellow
  2:15pm Tim Serpas:

If things get bad, we can count on Clay's knee to trigger the emergency alert broadcast.
  2:15pm Carmichael:

Ken has junk in his trunk.
  2:16pm Caryn:

Still haven't cracked open my "Phantasm" box set in the flying sphere box. Maybe I'm worried that if I open the box with the sphere in it, it'll attack...
  2:16pm Julie:

He needs to reenact that moment!
  2:16pm Skirkie:

You're area is now under pedestrian curfew after 6pm
  2:17pm Skirkie:

I'm sorry "Your"
  2:17pm seang:

Everybody Pledge!
  2:18pm Bruce:

Play 4th if July Sandy
  2:18pm Carmichael:

The Jarmels, A Little Bit of Soap
  2:19pm Ken From Hyde Park:

If the station gets in trouble, will Nardwuar the Human Serviette be able to run things from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada? The station in exile?
  2:19pm common:

to sir with love!
  2:19pm jamesie:

kill for peace!! please!
  2:20pm Neil:

Funky Town!
  2:20pm Caryn:

Seriously, Ken, "Sandy" from the Grease soundtrack. It's so obvious!
  2:20pm The GB Kid:

Floaters - Float On
  2:20pm Dr. Evil:

Kill For Peace!!!
  2:20pm Bruce:

Yeah Clay set Fabio straight
  2:20pm Matt from Springfield:

GO Ken & Clay!!
Enjoying your yabbering-and-wind-sounds from home today!
  2:21pm jamesie:

  2:21pm Dave E::

I choose Milk cow by Norman Greenbaum
  2:21pm a.:

KILL FOR PEACE! Not the whole album but maybe like three songs. Followed by Barry White.
  2:21pm Juan Rapido:

jimmy riddle!
  2:21pm Julie:

Edgar Winter Frankenstein!
  2:21pm Philthy:

Cibbo Matto please!
  2:21pm BSI:

  2:21pm tj:

  2:21pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

i'd pledge if Ken sings the full version of "I need a lover who won't drive me crazy"
  2:21pm Matt from Springfield:

Ask Matt from Bloomington(IN), John Mellencamp actually is a dick in real life.
  2:21pm Irene:

keep singing clay!
  2:21pm Matt from Springfield:

Not as bad taste as Amy Goodman!!
  2:22pm amEdeo:

More Clay Pigeon Mellencamp!
  2:22pm SeymourGlass:

Indie cred! Ha!
  2:22pm Dave E::

  2:22pm Hoosier:

  2:22pm Bruce:

Touche Matt!!!
  2:22pm Matt from Springfield:

LULU!!! Better than Lou Reed-Metallica! Even, dare I say, better than Flesh For Lulu!
  2:23pm dale:

lulu is a babe. play her version of daytripper!
  2:23pm Skirkie:

The Theme from Pete and Pete, "Hey Sandy" by Polaris - stuck in my head for days.
  2:23pm Dave E::

What happened to Irene . . . I'm so stressed now!
  2:23pm Ike:

I don't much like John Mellencamp either, but I'd love to hear Clay Pigeon sing more of it! SING IT!
  2:23pm john & wendy:

Did you bring "You're Gonna Die" by Destroy All Monsters with you?
  2:23pm jamesie:

Amy Goodman is no looker either, sorry.
  2:23pm Bruce:

Play the 45s in Chronological order
  2:24pm Matt from Springfield:

@Skirkie: Love that show, love that theme. That should be the theme to this hurricane!
  2:24pm a.:

I second the Destroy All Monsters request.
  2:25pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
  2:25pm Caryn:

Gotta love Lulu. Of course, since I saw Jimi Hendrix play a Cream cover on her tv show as a tribute right after Cream announced they were breaking up, I've had a soft spot for the lass.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:25pm Dervish:

@Dave E
Irene was last year. We're all into DJ Sandy now.
  2:25pm Vancouver, Before Christ:

We're still busy digging out from the tsunami debris following our DisastroQuake.
  2:25pm Julie:

ohhh this is awesome
  2:26pm Dave E::

Has anyone noticed that the hurricanes with woman's names are severe?
  2:26pm dale:

i heard lou reed doing edgar allen poe's the raven and it had me laughing my ass off
  2:26pm Ike:

@KFHP, I'm sure we all love you, but that's the laziest hurricane song suggestion EVER in the history of the universe. Scorpions are worse than Mellencamp. Indie cred forever!
  2:26pm Vicki:

disembarking the plane returning from NY yesterday they were playing "How Long Has This Been Going On" which I thought was rather funny for a longhaul flight
  2:27pm Bruce:

Hey my radar shoes a pizza or am I hungry
  2:27pm Edgar:

What the fuck was so funny. {stalks off to write melancholy poetry}
  2:27pm Dave E::

Oh, I see . . . wasn't Irene wet and wonderful last year?
  2:27pm Matt from Springfield:

@Vancouver: Oh shit, just found out about that. Stay safe and stay alive, anyone in Vancouver BC.
  2:28pm Matt from Springfield:

FUNKYTOWN!!! And 45 @ 33!! SCORE!
  2:28pm Secret Theme:

This is the "funk 45s going very very steady at 33" show
  2:28pm Philthy:

Thnky! Better than the original by bounds n leaps!
  2:29pm Vancouver, Before Christ:

We had "fake disaster envy". Just keepin up with the east coast Joneses.
  2:29pm Giorgio Moroder:

I recorded this EXACT beat, back in '77! Why did I not release it then, and get a leg up in the competition?!
  2:29pm Bruce:

Here is a not so lazy song suggestion "Her I Cane!" by the Filipino Gum Chewers
  2:30pm fred von helsing:

Funkin' into the wind
  2:30pm Math Minor:

45 at 33 = 73.33333333...% of the original speed
  2:30pm Caryn:

Hurricane names to come:
  2:31pm Brendan:

T-Bone Walker - Stormy Monday
It's perfect!
  2:32pm BSI:

seriously! That Eephin' tune!
Don't tease me, bro!
  2:32pm Ike:

Uh oh, my electricity just wavered again.
  2:32pm green mountain man mark:

Anything slowed the hell down is good. I once had a record player that you could go down to 16 on it. can't find many like that anymore. It was for the talking books for blind people so that you could listen for a very long time to just recorded voice with out needing to keep flipping or changing records.
  2:32pm Show Prep Manual:

When you don't have much time to preplan a show, just heade for your overstuffed file of cheesecake JPEGS and GIFS. They "go" well with EVERYTHING
  2:33pm Hurricane Mitch:

I dropped a heap-load of rain when I came through in 1998.
  2:33pm ?:

That song is twice as good half as fast.
  2:34pm Jay/ London:

checking in from London stay safe over there !!! love the show ken
  2:34pm Matt from Springfield:

Agree wholeheartedly, ? !
Turns bubblegum pop into No Wave!
  2:34pm Carmichael:

Vargas, baby! Now we're talkin' cheesecake.
  2:34pm Caryn:

Looking forward to 2014's Hurricane Nana. Seriously? Not that 2013's Hurricane Wendy or Hurricane Chantal have me quaking in my boots. But 2017's Hurricane Ophelia is gonna be nuts, if her Shakespearean namesake is anything to go by.
  2:35pm seang:

this is awesome
  2:35pm sister sludge:

yummy yummy
  2:35pm Ken From Hyde Park:

John Cougar supports Farm Aid, so there's that.
  2:35pm BSI:

Bless you Ken.
  2:35pm dale:

what the eefing hell?
  2:36pm the glowing one:

Best song so far.
  2:36pm fred von helsing:

Hee Haw !
  2:36pm Anatomy Class:

Precisely which body part is being stated to be sticksticky here, in a song aimed at prepubescents?
  2:37pm Benny Hill:

Ken's Gone Upmarket.
  2:37pm other david:

Apparently Sandy has strengthed to 90-100mph winds.

Stay safe folks.
  2:38pm tim from champaign:

Although Champaign is the home of REO Speedwagon and Starcastle, it's definitely more of a John Cougar type of joint. I regularly refer to Champaign as Lil Pink Houses, IL.
  2:38pm common:

thank you both! suckin on chilly dog outside the tastey freeze!
  2:38pm Caryn:

How come "Sticky Sticky" just brings to mind the new Neil Young album? I think it's the "bunch of drunk people noodling in the studio" vibe.
  2:38pm jamesie:

drown, Wall St., DROWN!
  2:38pm FCC:

  2:39pm Detroit Mac:

My 1st concert at the Grande Ballroom in Detroit ('68) was: MC5, Sly and the Family Stone and top billed... The Fugs!
  2:39pm Matt from Springfield:

Great one! Peace has never sounded so killingly!
  2:39pm Wall Street:

Occupy are at ground level :-) :-)
  2:40pm Matt from Springfield:

Awesome lineup Mac!
  2:40pm Mayor Daley:

The revolution will not be televised ;)
  2:40pm Detroit Mac:

Gonin' to play: "Slum Goddess of the Lower East Side"?
  2:41pm Robert:

Looking forward to Jim Price getting out of his rowboat and rushing in, stretching his show to a full 3 hour shift to spell Ken.
  2:42pm Rahm Emmanuel:

Hey, CL :P
  2:43pm Robert:

Has the trailer in the alley/parking lot blown over yet?
  2:44pm dale:

oh, i remember that record, the one you'd take to share with friends, forget in your car and the sun would cook it all wavy like
  2:44pm Sean in Bristol, UK:

Just been watching the news on BBC here, man, it's looking ghastly in New Jersey
  2:44pm BSI:

yay for Art Bears as well... freaking lovely set.
  2:45pm G:

@Robert: Just wait till the starving and desperate post-flood hordes are gathered around the building with axes, to get at that breakroom cornucopia of weeks-old fridge food.
  2:46pm Caryn:

Laser face? Did he get shot by the laser vagina?
  2:46pm fear & hope:

All hail RERecs.
  2:46pm green mountain man mark:

I have to go to the dentist at 3:15. It is a short walk away. They have a country station or something like that usually playing when I am there. The new kind of country. Wonder if those new kinda dumb country would sound good slowed way the fuck down.
  2:48pm G:

It's the 70th bday of Bob Ross the happy-little-trees tv painter. Nature is rebelling in disgust = Sandy.
  2:49pm monica:

joey heatherton! now yer talkin'!
  2:49pm Dedication:

Jpoey Heatherton, goin out to Andy, who would never miss a minute of a Ken music show.
  2:49pm Matt from Springfield:

@G: Hey hey, now, take a chill pill and enjoy the splendid beauty of nature, even when it's in a passionate rebellion (or as Bob Ross calls it, a "chill stick"...)
  2:50pm Itumac:

By what magic do these memetastic images appear? Be there a vault some where? Or is it an instagram filter that changes an album cover into vintage art?
  2:50pm Caryn:

To get some respite from the news, turned over to a channel where they promised cute baby deer. Aww, sleeping deer. Aww, taking it's first steps. Then, literally 5 seconds after that: "We just got a call that the baby deer died." WTF?!? I turned to this channel for something uplifting, dammit!
  2:50pm Matt from Springfield:

So *this* is Andy Breckman's crush...she is a good singer I admit.
  2:50pm Matt from Springfield:

W00t!!!!! Spiral STAREcase!!
  2:50pm dale:

joey on a serta perfect sleeper was a sight to behold
  2:51pm Joey H.:

Look butcha cant touch ;)
  2:52pm Dr. Evil:

I came for for the laser vagina, I stayed for The Spiral Staircase.
  2:52pm Robert:

Green Mountain, just get nitrous oxide and it'll sound like it's slowed waaay the fuck down.
  2:52pm green mountain man mark:

at Caryn:

I have a roku box and there are tons of web cams on there of live animals. and a rescue shelters. And many many other things, strange and beautiful. Sometimes have that on while wfmu is on. Walk past the screen and always see something wtf.
  2:52pm dale:

but bottled water...canned corn....
  2:53pm Caryn:

Loving the pic on Joey's wikipedia page. Gogoing on the USS Ticonderoga. Nice!
  2:53pm Stevie Wonder:

Spiral S. rippin off my act. Bastids.
  2:53pm Matt from Springfield:

Or Pizzacane, it looks like...
  2:54pm dale:

what channel is that caryn? - i may have to look it up
  2:54pm BSI:

  2:55pm Ike:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're off the air at 91.1.
  2:55pm Skirkie:

Just lost 91.1
  2:55pm Lizardner Dave:

And the 91.1 FM signal is off the air.
  2:55pm Stevie Wonder:

Is Scott there???
  2:55pm ranjit:

uh oh - off the air in Brooklyn
  2:56pm Boz Scaggs:

The Ledo Shufflecane
(You can tell I'm not running out of money, because if I was I would SO be selling out to Ledo Pizza commercials)
  2:56pm Irene:

I just saw a trashcan lid fly by.
  2:56pm fred von helsing:

now that's a walrus of lurv
  2:56pm G:

The transmitter hung in through the whole shift virtually :-)
  2:56pm Caryn:

@dale: oh, local tv channel 4 here. British show about a wildlife sanctuary. So you may have to settle for youtube clips of cuteness.
  2:56pm dale:

strong and good from mt. hope
  2:56pm fred von helsing:

let slip the dogs of profanity
  2:56pm Matt from Springfield:

The Apocalypse will come when 90.1 and the web stream go down as well...
  2:57pm Juan Rapido:

the stream is up! you are live in SF, CA
  2:57pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

you are still streaming online
  2:57pm thomas:

stream still works :)
  2:57pm SteveL:

Steam is still up.
  2:57pm Listening Out There:

Streams are on the air...listening from Seattle...
  2:57pm the glowing one:

but but but.... there's still the internet, Ken. what about us from far away?
  2:57pm Fuzzy:

still listening in Boston...
  2:57pm Bryant:

128kbps MP3 stream still up.
  2:57pm Noah Apple:

We can hear you, Ken! Stay strong!
  2:57pm Snortley:

128k stream is still up.
  2:57pm G:

And the big bad Sandy huffed, and she puffed, and she bleewwwwwww the transmitter line down
  2:57pm Matt from Springfield:

Maybe the super slowed even deeper Barry White finally did the transmitter in.
  2:57pm amEdeo:

  2:58pm mocklah:

still online. listening is san diego,
  2:58pm KevinfromBayRidge:

Yup..Just switched to Flash
  2:58pm Marshall Stacks:

The California transmitter is still up. Coming in loud and clear.
  2:59pm josh:

Sounds good where I'm at. Please don't stop the rocking and please be safe.
  2:59pm G:

precautions = safe sex with condoms during no-electricity hurricane lovemaking
  2:59pm Matt from Springfield:

Good advice Ken! Bathtub's already filled up just in case!
  2:59pm Caryn:

Yup, 20k stream is fine.
  2:59pm Maria D:

Still getting you online in Georgia, the state. And determined to get you up to 45% before the shit hits the fan!
  2:59pm Owen in Indiana:

remember kids, "turn around, don't drown"
  2:59pm Amanda:

Are you trying to get to Oz? You have to get right up next to the eye or something for it to work in a hurricane.
  3:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Stay safe, and have as much fun as possible, everyone!
  3:00pm fred von helsing:

@MvS probly!
  3:00pm Listening Out There:

Watch out for Flying Nuns
  3:01pm Listener Schned:

As of a minute ago, 90.1 coming in fine to northern Westchester-
  3:01pm BSI:

Vote EBERHARD FABER this november!
  3:01pm fred von helsing:

and human heads
  3:01pm Caryn:

I suspect the cartoon idea of overfilling your bicycle wheels until they're the size of floatation devices is not gonna work in real life.
  3:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Tape your pencils down, everyone! Erasers too!

Take care, Ken and Clay!
  3:01pm SteveL:

Oh, the profundity!
  3:01pm Jay/ London:

more like the fan hitting new York ken
  3:08pm Bruce:

Hey where can you get a good tomato pie here?!
  3:11pm Detroit Mac:

Where is hear? Nomad's in Philly and Hopewell NJ are VERY good!
  3:21pm Hall & Oates: Musical Gods:

hear here!
  3:45pm Sleestaxvalley:

My girlfriend really into this song
  3:49pm Sleestaxvalley: is our want....from Mankato, Minnesota Glad the internet is still working..sound great from here!! Ok then.
  3:51pm Sleestaxvalley:

slow this shit down
  3:56pm Sleestaxvalley:

I apologize as this is too many comments...but your playlist is not updating...maybe you have run for cover. Maybe you have a hurricane and pussing tall and skinny guy with a crooked back out your door and cant leave for you would surely die...So much so many possiblities..
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