Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 30 October 2012 Favoriting | A Silent Playlist for Post Hurricane Commiseration. No archive available

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Artist Song Comments
John Cage  4:33, the extended remix   Favoriting

Ciccone Youth  Silence   Favoriting
John Cage  Lecture on Nothing   Favoriting
The Fugs  Nothing   Favoriting

Listener comments!

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:02am Ken:

Anybody home?
  9:02am dcp:

hope everybody's ok up there
  9:03am Ken From Hyde Park:

The sun is peeking out here. We haven't lost power. All is well here.
  9:04am adam:

miss you lots ... come back soon ...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:05am Ken:

Still have no power at our studios, or either transmitter. I'm in the dark in Hoboken with four feet of sewage in the basement. But OK otherwise.
  9:05am Bill W:

Good luck, Ken! I'm hoping there's limited subway service in time for the record fair...
  9:05am dcp:

dodged a bullet here in DC
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:06am Ken:

Tried getting to the station on my bike but the way out of town was under a river.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:06am Ken:

Me too Bill!
  9:07am pierre:

"Your dead air is better than their air".

Sending all the love and support from Paris.

Courage !
  9:08am Patrick:

loving the extended remix!
  9:08am Goyim in the AM:

Ken, is online pledging still functional at the moment, or should I wait until power is restored at the station?
  9:08am Webhamster Henry:

The Katyn statue down at Exchange Place must have looked kind of funny.
  9:13am Titus in GA:

be safe and stay golden, Ken:) you do a damn good effort keeping the fort intact!
  9:13am Caryn:

So, Ken, are you doing this (for now) conceptual playlist from your home? How are the pets doing?
  9:16am Andrew Waterloo:

Ken, can I request The Nothing Record?
  9:18am Webhamster Henry:

It's too bad the transmitters are down, they could be playing that Arwolf program that used to go on.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:19am Ken:

Yes, Im at home on my laptop battery and my wireless 4G card. And YES YES YES you can still pledge. Please do, lord knows we need it more than ever now.
  9:20am Inner Ear Detour:

Just wondering: If there's no power at the station, how is the website still going?
  9:20am green mountain man mark:

@Ken from HP are you able to sneeze at the sun you say is coming out?
  9:21am Andrew Waterloo:

Has there been any contact with the station?
  9:21am Goyim in the AM:

OK, will pledge. In return, can you play the title track of "There's a Riot Goin' On" by Sly & the Family Stone?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:22am Ken:

The website is now served from the cloud. I have not been able to reach anybody at the station yet, as phone circuits are all totally maxed out.
  9:28am Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Ken and all the listeners. Glad that wfmu's people are safe. all the good wishes.
  9:30am Sousé:

WFMU's pulse is still beating. Humanity is saved. Good morning Ken, and good luck.
  9:31am Listener Rob Montclair:

Glad the building is dry Ken that must be at least one big relief. If there is anything this listener can do please give a shout.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:32am Ken:

Thanks everybody. Im looking into how we can get a WFMU stream back up soon, possibly from the "Give the Drummer Some" studio.
  9:34am magz:

good luck from canterbury uk
  9:35am Vivian:

Ken, did you move your records out of the basement prior to Sandy?
  9:36am Caryn:

Hoping that they have enough supplies at the station. Anyone living really close by willing to row over there with some supplies?
  9:36am Michael:

Ken - good luck at home and in JC. No power for me in Massachusetts and none for my mom in Monmouth County.
  9:36am phil:

pulling for you guys!
  9:37am rsr:

I hope you are all keeping your spirits up, and looking after each other. Still in somewhat of a disbelief that something of this magnitude could hit NY. Sending love from FL and will hopefully get my donation in soon!
  9:38am Vicki - WFMU:

Love this track
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:38am Ken:

Vivian - I had moved them off the bottom row but I think I lost a ton more anyway as the water is four feet high in my basement.
  9:39am rsr:

(I meant to refer to all of the northeast in previous msg, sorry--I know all of northeast has been hit hard.)
  9:40am Vicki - WFMU:

Ken - if the Drummer Some studio can't do it I have downloaded QuickTime Broadcaster and can give it a go.
  9:40am other david:

Sending best wishes from Ireland, pledged what I could earlier - and hopefully everyone is getting the message, this is what it's like without WFMU - awful - so pledge and keep the station alive!
  9:40am Goyim in the AM:

Pledge in. And thanks for playing my request so quickly! Could you also play the Mike Batt lawsuit track from a couple years back?
  9:41am Vicki - WFMU:

can you play John Cage next?
  9:41am other david:

And if Vicki and Drummer Some can't do it.. I can fire up my shortwave transmitter...
  9:42am charlie:

i think we're inbetween notes of cage's "as slowly as possible"
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:42am Ken:

Great, thanks Vicki! Goyim, you request is coming right up after the next John Cage remix.
  9:42am Vivian:

Oh no! Maybe they can be salvaged? Above all, I'm glad you're okay. Hope everyone else at WFMU is also okay. I will submit my pledge either today or tomorrow.
  9:43am charlie:

yes, bummer about your records, ken!
  9:45am Caryn:

Ken, maybe once things settle down, you can get some volunteers to help clean and dry your records to see if at least some can be salvaged?
  9:50am Goyim in the AM:

Also, can you please play "Silence" by Ciccone Youth?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:50am Ken:

I'll be back soon folks, gotta head over to a friend's house to recharge my devices.
  9:50am kenya:

hi ken, i'm glad you are okay. let us know if there's anything we can do from out here.
  9:50am Sometimes Jasmine:

Stay safe New Yorkers… I’ll be catching up on the 7 second delay archive until you’re back up!
  9:51am other david:

Ugh, awful to hear about more records lost :(

Hope most can be salvaged.

Also I think Ken needs to get one of these so he can keep WFMU alive from home at times like this:
  9:52am ?:

WFMU's dead air, better than their air.
  9:59am listener jeff:

Hope you have moved ALL your records from the basement ....
  10:00am lewis:

I am digging this John Cage...
  10:01am other david:

It's pretty catchy
  10:02am green mountain man mark:

I am actually wearing the WFMU dead air shirt and didn't even think about it.
  10:03am mrmucho:

Many of the AM band channels were off the air this morning, even the mighty 1010 WINS
  10:04am other david:

so this is all your fault, mark.
  10:07am Caryn:

Coming up, a 1.5 hour extended megamix of "Enjoy the Silence".
  10:07am fred:

mark, you should change into the "good ship WFMU" shirt
  10:10am Cecile:

I love you Hurricane Ken.
  10:10am G:

I am hearing nuances in Cage I never noticed before.
  10:11am Cecile:

I am glad you are well and in one piece. Jeezus, that's scary as hell.
  10:13am lewis:

I love that there are people in the world who make the best of dead air and with whom I can share the irony.

and yes @cecile, that was messed up even from afar!
  10:15am G:

Just read in my news feed that 95% of Newark is without power too. It's going to take a week or two to get everyone back on. Fortunately for FMU, they are in the central business area of JC, because triage priority goes to denser areas where more customers can be brought back online (scattered suburban houses where an entire line needs to be redone for one customer get lower priority). If FMU's problem is the local transformer, how long to fix depends on whether it's a repair thing (can be fast) or a replace thing (can take time).
  10:16am Cecile:

I pledged just a tiny bit to start an emergency kit for the station.
They should get shelf-stable food, blankets and flashlights! This seems to happen every 2 yrs now. :(
  10:16am G:

Have you guys heard anything about what precisely the local JC power issue is? Probably not yet...
  10:17am Cecile:

Cory Booker is not going to be sleeping for a month.
  10:17am Julie:

Hmm..I guess I can stop making my jokes about broadcasting in the dark when you're actually DOING it Ken!
  10:17am Cecile:

right now, lovely Tim Berne is playing in the background
  10:17am G:

Yeah, Cecile, the dude is boning up on transformer repair on even as we speak :-)
  10:18am lewis:

Ken and Clay were into the fmu emergency kit yesturday afternoon. Had a flashlight and an assortment of bottle / can openers. the flashlight was in working order.
  10:18am green mountain man mark:

I suppose it is too early to ask about the status of the record fair. I can put on my good ship shirt. But it is in the dirty clothes bin. Doesn't matter in this situation. Actually, it is what I would do at any time.
  10:20am f0f0 (:

Hola Ken, and fellow commenters!

See people ? This is how it feels to be a non-listener! ha!
  10:20am Cecile:

hahahhaha, G
  10:21am Ken:

OK, back online at my friend John's house and now will resume getting a backup stream up. details to follow.
  10:21am G:

If the studio problem is the local transformer drowning, the electric co. needs to pump it out, dry it with forced air, clean the salt and dirt out of it, check for any remaining issues, and if there's no ongoing damage then voila -- juice.
  10:22am Artie:

Eerie, isn't it?
  10:22am f0f0 (:

Ken, is it possible to request songs? Or should we request animated gifs?
  10:22am The Boob:

Hello. I made a donation expecting crystal-clear 24/7 entertainment but am now experiencing complete silence. I was wondering how I could get a refund of my donation?

Bahahaha I kid, folks...
  10:22am Caryn:

I was just typing to wonder when Ken will get back from the neighbours', and there he is! Maybe I should wonder when the station will be back on the air, and it will suddenly be so? Naah, I doubt that'll work as well.
  10:23am lewis:

as noted above wfmu has only the highest quality dead air
  10:25am upstate sean:

hey Ken, best wishes with all the FrankenSturm (correct spelling!) headaches...
  10:26am G:

Unless FMU can get hold of a suitable generator (and those are probably in very, very short supply by now), they are at the mercy of the electric company's decisions about how and when to get their local JC area back on the grid.
  10:28am Holly in NC:

John Cage = brilliant. Sending good thoughts up your way!
  10:28am other david:

In lieu of a "suitable generator", might I suggest an FMU tandem bike, tied into a dynamo which would allow Ken & Clay to have a show whilst simultaneously powering a transmitter.
  10:29am G:

12 minutes ago: "BBC Breaking News ‏@BBCBreaking

2.4m households without power in New Jersey after storm #Sandy, state governor Christopher Christie says. "
  10:30am Doctor B.:

Hang in there, guys.
  10:30am upstate sean:

andy actually would be very good on the bike
  10:31am giselle:

  10:32am G:

re: bike idea -- that's definitely DIY, and greener than the standard gas-driven generator... better for the obesity stats, too...
  10:33am dcp:

Gov. Cristie: "Wait! Don't axe FEMA yet!!"
  10:35am f0f0 (:

I'm pouring a libation and sacrificing a cow to Poseidon. Geez! Chill out god and leave the East Coast alone!!
  10:37am Ron:

Hope everybody at the station is doing OK. Best wishes from Chicago. Stay safe.
  10:37am yayson:

i love this song and i love wfmu
  10:41am Snortley:

Just heard my old apartment was 3 feet under water. Good thing I got evicted!
  10:41am Caryn:

@f0f0 (: : I think you need to make some sacrifices to the Hekatonkheires (the three giant gods of violent storms and hurricanes), Ares (the god of storms and hurricanes) and especially was Typhoeus (the god of destructive storms, and the primal source of all hurricanes and storm-winds).
  10:41am upstate sean:

yayson, how are you hearing it?
  10:42am dcp:

I'm going to have to flag that picture as inappropriate...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:42am Ken:

I just posted a pic of me that ended up online, of me in my futile attempt to bike to the station this morning...
  10:42am Cecile:

Ron - 25 ft waves on Lake Michigan - you guys better be careful, too.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:43am Ken:

As soon as everybody is sick of this Ciccone Youth song, let me know and I will put the John Cage back on.
  10:44am other david:

Ahaha, that pic! Ken, your dedication to this station borders on the insane - which is why we love you.

Take care mister.
  10:44am Caryn:

Ken, I hope you commented on that online story to identify the biker and advertise WFMU a little. And don't go right back to the Cage, if you can put in "Enjoy the Silence" before it.
  10:47am monica:

eyvind kang, please.
  10:48am other david:

That photo needs to be put on a t-shirt for next years marathon
  10:48am J:

Can anyone call McGyver back in business, and point him to WFMU headquarters. Check with Paramount Pictures, they should have his number!
  10:49am Caryn:

Ken's 2013 marathon premium: the WFMU hurricane survival kit, with that picture on the cover of the package.
  10:50am f0f0 (:

I know Caryn, thing is I've already libated to them and didn't got any answer. It seems there's a party down at the Tartarus.
  10:52am adi:

silent fundraiser marathon!
  10:52am other david:

J: McGyver and ET
  10:52am kenya:

That is the opposite of staying inside.
  10:53am Caryn:

@f0f0 (: : well, that Tartaros party takes care of Typhoeus, Kottos and Gyes, but leaves Zeus and Ares still around, so keep trying.
  10:54am pierre:

Ken, a radio warrior.

i'm speachless
  10:54am groucho:

you beautiful, beautiful people. good luck from North-East England
  10:55am das:

Hooray, your alive!
  10:55am Julie:

Ken, next time you go biking in a flood, you need to wear something with WFMU on it!
  10:56am tomasz.:

glad you're all ok. best of luck getting everything right side up. love from Glasgow
  10:56am Jeezy:

Why didn't you hang-glide ken? Very disappointed in you...
  10:56am Julie:

Guys, give to the fundraiser and help buy Ken a jet-ski to get to the station.
  10:57am listener james from westwood:

ken's bicycle masters boardwalk and quagmire with aplomb. 100-year storms, not so much. be safe, ken and all hudson county folks!
  10:58am other david:

This Ciccone Youth track is getting a bit repetitive now - could you put 4:33 back on at 78rpm?
  10:58am listener james from westwood:

i've got a downloaded trouble archive rolling to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
  10:59am f0f0 (:

Ken, please play "The Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel as soon as the power is back!!!!

But, heck, I guess it would have the same effect on me: I would just press the mute button right away and wait till is over.
  10:59am SteveL:

Awesome. Everything about this is why I keep giving to this station, especially Ken on his bike. Ho-le-Crap! Proud to be a listener. (Please turn the silence down a bit. Its deafening.)
Avatar 11:00am Julie:

Might i suggest this Kenny G archive
  11:00am Caryn:

@f0f0 (: : well, then Ken should play it before the power is back. That way, we avoid the mute button. Play it next, Ken!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:02am Ken:

Agreed, that Ciccone Youth was starting to grate. Here's John Cage's lecture on silence.
  11:03am G:

Ken made it into that news photo because **no one else** was out trying to bicycle through a flood. -- I'm not spotting a lot of other pedestrians (or, cycletians) in that street scene :-)
  11:04am G:

Too bad his canoe is probably up at the lake house, or he'd have a decent shot at getting to the studio :)
  11:04am Caryn:

@G: I keep looking at that dark car in the background. Is someone actually trying to drive somewhere, or is the car just floating down the street. The picture is cropped in such a way that I can't tell. Ken, can you remember?
  11:05am G:

fortunately, DJs living in NYC don't need to get to JC shifts for now --

Reuters Top News ‏@Reuters

FLASH - NJ commuter train service to Manhattan likely to be suspended for 7-10 days: governor
  11:06am Dan B:

Powerlessness be damned, WFMU goes on strong!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:07am Ken:

OK, Im running home again to get my Mac Laptop so I can maybe get a stream up and running... back in a few.. enjoy the Cage... Caryn - nobody was in any of those cars.
  11:07am dcp:

gotta go play with Playmobil guys with my kid. Later. Good luck NY/NJers..
  11:09am Caryn:

@Ken: I suspected as much. Man, that person is gonna have a fun time trying to find their car.
  11:10am other david:

"I could have sworn I parked right next to that pod of killer whales.."
  11:11am G:

about the biking pic -- did anyone flag it as inappropriate yet? :P
  11:14am Caryn:

Dammit, can't find the biking pic via google. If anyone can find that story, I suggest they comment on it to acknowledge Ken and WFMU. Any way to get pledges, people!
  11:14am G:

someone will do an all-flood playlist after station is back up -- peter gabriel, here comes the flood; wreck of the edmund fitzg.; etc etc etc :)
  11:15am other david:

  11:16am G:

Reuters Top News ‏@Reuters FLASH - East Coast power outages from hurricane peak at 8.1 million homes and businesses: Dept of Energy
  11:16am SteveL:

G: Fighting the urge to flag Ken's photo as inappropriate.
  11:16am Vicki - WFMU:

  11:19am Carmichael:

Ken, you're an effing ANIMAL! Hey you other people: how are you listening to the station? Over the airwaves? If so, can you mic and stream it from your Skype account?
  11:19am Caryn:

@G: well, Meghan already did an all-rain show (, and I suspect an all-flood show will probably show up there, too.
  11:20am Young Adult Flagging Ken's Picture:

That grandpa is fucking riding a fucking bike through a goddam flood. People shouldn't have to see that shit!
  11:21am other david:

Carmichael - the station is silenced, over the air & net.

So Ken is trying to get up a stream from his own home.
  11:21am Caryn:

@Carmichael: we're not listening (well, some are listening to the archives), just enjoying the conceptual playlist and comments board.
Avatar 11:21am Julie:

I'm sure Clay has the appropriate music at the ready!
  11:23am duke:

I'm listening to Rex's Halloween show. I bet he has a collection of flood music also.
  11:24am G:

Clay's probably rethought his idea of a good opening power-restoration set twenty times since midnight.... some in dream, with a red spot on his head from resting it on the board while napping/passed-out...
  11:24am SteveL:

Glen Jones had a pretty cool program (as usual) Sunday. Pretty sure it involved survival tips, eating your neighbors, something like that.
  11:25am Carmichael:

So the "listening" comments were all faux, eh? OK, now I get it. Ken, can you play Marcel Marceau's latest release? I believe it's called "Huh??"
  11:25am BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

Good morning.
  11:26am Caryn:

I wonder if I should dig up my dvd of "Silent Movie", or an actual old silent movie, to co-ordinate with this playlist...
  11:26am green mountain man mark:

Would a HAM radio come in handy now?
  11:27am other david:

Actually, I wonder if Clay has his tape recorder with him - it would be interesting to hear how they got through this.
  11:27am Andrew Waterloo:

This John Cage piece is way better than that Simon and Garfunkle song about silence.
  11:27am Goyim in the AM:

Carmichael: all of my requests were for silent pieces. Geddit?
  11:28am Carmichael:

I don't get nuthin', apparently ...
  11:28am fred von helsing:

fire that muther up !
  11:30am BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

A friend of mine in Jersey City said that the Shop Rite at Marin Blvd and 4th Street is open and has power. That's just a few blocks from the station.
  11:30am f0f0 (:

Libations aren't working Caryn! I'm about to throw the towel...But here, this is my last resort:


Sing to me of Ken, WFMUse, the man of bleeps and sounds
driven time and again off course, once he had plundered
radio waves from space.

Many cities of men he radiosignaled and perverted their minds,
many pains he suffered, heartsick on the open waters of Hoboken,
fighting to save his radio station and saves his radio DJs from being drown.

Launch out on your story, WFMUse, daughter of Radio Zeus,
start from where you will—and emit your radio signal for our time too.
  11:31am green mountain man mark:

Actually, that radio that is used for deep under water to the surface would be more appropriate. It sounds just like people talking on HAM. Maybe it is. Has that voice on helium sound.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:31am Ken:

OK, back at John's house, and Doug Schulkind is now trying to fire up a stream from his studio in Pittsburgh.
  11:31am other david:

@gmmm: There was a mention about phone lines being tied up, I suspect some HT radios for comms could be useful between Ken & the mothership.

True ham radio fact: in the US the only music allowed to be transmitted on ham radio frequencies... is stuff played from relayed from the International Space Station.

But technically.. I guess John Cage is alright,
  11:33am G:

The Shop Rite has a private generator, because they lose their whole refrigerated inventory without it!
  11:34am G:

Sam Potts ‏@sampotts No power here. Happy to report all my books are functioning at full capacity: pages still in proper order, turning smoothly, still easy to read.
  11:36am PMD:

@Carmichael - glad you asked because I was just about to. Ken, sorry about all the crap!
  11:37am Carmichael:

How about the Tremeloes' Silence is Golden?
  11:38am upstate sean:

maybe Trent can get a stream going from his rollerskates or something
  11:44am PMD:

OK, just posted the photo of Ken on Facebook, asking people to donate. Ken, in case you don't have it I'll send to you now.
  11:46am tomB:

Loose lips sink ships?
  11:50am PMD:

Ooops, never mind... I'm behind the curve.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:52am Ken:

Looking good for Doug to start streaming live in just a few minutes folks!
  11:53am Caryn:

Yay, Ken! Let's get some WFMU programming going!
  11:53am G:

w00t! a Pittsburgh laptop = FMU in Exile
  11:54am ?:

that's what I like - existential radio!
  11:55am Andy in Berlin:

while you're at it, you should play Alan Watts' lecture on the importance of nothing
  11:56am f0f0 (:

Yes G! This is a look into a post-apocalypses Wfmu!!
  11:57am jimmy:

I get it: "Nothing", "4:33." HA!
  11:57am Carmichael:

Let's hear it for Undisclosed Locations!
  11:58am Andy in Berlin:

I just checked and it looks like the archives are working. How about naming songs and we can look them up from past shows and play them ourselves.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:58am Ken:

OK, you can all tune in to Doug's show at this link:
And I am goingg to sign off on this page. And I'll meet you all over at Doug's new playlist page, linked from the homepage.
  12:00pm Dan B From Upstate:

Just finished Ken's fill in from yesterday... A little upset I've missed today's fill in so far. I love that version of 4:33. Guess I'll check the archive... This show IS being archived, isn't it?
  12:00pm G:

Yes, people were playing archives waiting for the power to come back last night (see Clay P's still-open comments board). The website's servers are outside of the immediate area, and hence are the only part of the station not subject to local weather/power issues....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Am I live? What is the frequency, Kenneth? Ha!
  12:02pm Carmichael:

Still get the disconnected error.
  12:05pm Nate in Detroit:

Charmichael (and others trying to listen): it's not the usual "listen" link on the homepage - click the "click here" link in the news section just below the other link...or just open this url:
  12:11pm FLOOD WATERS:

Floodwatering playlist comments.
  12:12pm FLOOD WATERS:

Floodwatering the playlist comments.
  12:12pm FLOOD WATERS:

Floodwatering playlist comments.
  1:28pm A fish:

Hi guys!
  1:43pm sFrances from VA:

Hello WFMU & friends. WFMU *is* the very definition of community! Stayed up late w/the Dusty playlist of chat last night & am so glad to see y'all here too.
Hoboken spirit shines bright, through it all.
  6:01pm Fern:

Yo Ken, there gonna be an archive if this historic show?? I couldn't listen live.
  10:46am common:

i admire you quite a bit, ken.
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