Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from January 22, 2013 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting January 22, 2013: Tony Coulter Presents Tape Hiss: Anode (PLEASE NOTE: "Tape Hiss" shows are not archived.)

Artist Track Album Label Year
THE IN-THEME  Holger Hiller: Toyshopshoptoy   Favoriting      
ANODE  "Kinetic Experiments" cassette, side A   Favoriting      
ANODE  "Kinetic Experiments" cassette, side B   Favoriting      
ANODE  "Minimal Spirits" cassette, side A   Favoriting      
ANODE  "Minimal Spirits" cassette, side B   Favoriting      
ANODE  Evening Thoughts   Favoriting V.A.: Another Climate [cassette]  Palace of Lights  1980 
THE OUT-THEME  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting      

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This week's show is devoted to the music of Anode, who were from Seattle and were associated with the Palace of Lights label. Active from the mid-'70s to the early '80s, they mostly only "released" privately circulated cassettes, two of which we'll hear today. Anode's lineup included: Robert Carlberg (synths, tapes, percussion), James Keller (piano, guitar), Dave Keller (bass & percussion), and Chas. D. Bronson III (drums).
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

Hello Tony and everyone,
I am looking forward to the next episode of Tape Hiss with baited breath!
Avatar 12:00pm

Present and accounted for, Tony.
Avatar 12:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, Sir Lancelot and Carmichael!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
listener james from westwood:

crazy with work but will be listening happily! glad to hear the hiss!
Alf from Upstate:

Welcome back Tape Hiss!
Avatar 12:05pm

Haven't managed to split for food.
Thus, present yet growing restlessly gnaw-ish.
This could get weird. But yay for the hiss!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

I think the last TH show was prior to the marathon/storm (marathon), and after that everything was knocked for six!
Avatar 12:09pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Listener J, Alf, and BSI!!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

do these original cassettes have proper copyright warnings printed on them?
Avatar 12:10pm

oh this is gonna be fun.
Avatar 12:10pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir Lancelot Pratt: Nope -- they don't.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Doug S.:

Hooray for the Hiss!
Avatar 12:10pm

Howd E's & O's.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Rich in Washington:

Greetings, Tony! This sounds exciting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

BSI, re: Tyler Cowen's dining guide, I don't always agree w/him but it's useful for ideas & fun to read. I didn't like Bang Ga Nae in Alexandria as much as he did (I guess black goat stew is not my thing), but I've found some great Indian, Thai, and Burmese from that guide.
Avatar 12:16pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey All, I'm having wacky problems with the playlist feature today -- some kind of mega-long delay that's messing me up. Apologies!

Greetings NGH, Doug, Rich, & Ike!
Avatar 12:21pm

I'd be a happy man if there were any Burmese restaurants in my hood.
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

I wonder whether it all the extra profile stuff (which is new like from a week ago) that is slowing the system down!
Robert Carlberg:

Too bad the firewall I'm behind doesn't allow streaming. I'd sorta like to hear the program!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

this track sounds like Black Sabbath's first album slowed down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm
Rich in Washington:

@Robert Carlberg: Are you at a network that's blocked it, or something?
Wonder if there's a work-around for you.
Avatar 12:25pm
Tony Coulter:

Robert!! So glad to have you here, even if you can't listen. I will send you the show later. Folks: Robert is the main man of Anode.
Avatar 12:27pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir Lancelot: You might be right about the reasons for the delay. I've never experienced this before: a lag of at least a minute or two, which makes listing short tracks hard!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm

Hey, Doug mentioned this GtDR Flash player on Friday. It works now! www.wfmu.org...
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Trouble was complaining about the computers being slow as well...
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Tony Coulter:

@ Robert: Scrambled post above now unscrambled!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

well whatever - I am certainly into the tracks you've played so far, sounds like a minimalist Faust!
Avatar 12:33pm
Tony Coulter:

Since I'm having trouble listing the track titles in real time, I'll just list 'em all in one go here:

Anode: “Kinetic Experiments” cassette, side A

01. 25 in. High (6/74)
02. Cacopheno I (w/ K. Leimer) (10/74)
03. The Fish-Milk Syndrome (7/75)
04. Hopeless Vendetta (8/75)
05. (excerpt from) A 30-Split of Meat (4/76)
06. (excerpt from) Hagstrom Reacts to a 30-Split of Meat (5/76)
07. (excerpt from) Harold Spills the Beans: Abreaction (6/76)
08. If It Rains in Seattle (1/77)
09. Little Deaths (2/77)
10. Trouble/Sleeping (4/77)
11. (excerpt from) Collapse of a System of Details Part 1 (3/76)
12. Admiram Plateche (w/ Marc Barreca) (6/77)
13. Goteborg (7/77)
14. Thesis/Antithesis (8/77)
15. Obsessive Music (w/ K. Leimer) (10/77)
Avatar 12:34pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya, Lewis!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:39pm
listener james from westwood:

loving this show so far!
Avatar 12:40pm
Tony Coulter:

Glad to hear it, James!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

was the palace of lights label a local Seattle label that put out lots of experimental rock music in the 70s?
Avatar 12:43pm

Pink Floyd-ish helicopter sounds.
Avatar 12:43pm

It's a moogey wonderland!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

a certain Orb Peel session comes to mind whenever I hear stoned helicopter sounds!
Avatar 12:46pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir Lancelot Pratt: Yes, Palace of Lights was a very fine Seattle label, that has actually been reborn and is both reissuing old stuff and releasing new things.

Howdy, y'all. What's with people's pics on the comments?
Avatar 12:52pm
Van in DC:

Greetings Tony and peoples.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55pm
Rich in Washington:

Hey, Senor Fab! You can now log in to WFMU with an identity.
Avatar 12:58pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Van and Mr. Fab. Those pic are part of a new rating/social-networking feature recently added to station playlists. I'm all for it, but it's messing up my accu-playlist -- the page is loading so damn slowly!
Avatar 1:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Here's the tracklist for side B:

Anode: “Kinetic Experiments” cassette, side B

01. Luxus (2/78)
02. Something Terribly Wrong (2/78)
03. Spider on Glass (4/78)
04. Small Events and Delicate Sadnesses (9/78)
05. Drama of Sleeping (9/78)
06. Technical Aphasia (2/79)
07. Faces of Memory (9/78)
Avatar 🥁 1:01pm

Maybe a different browser would work better.
Avatar 1:04pm
Tony Coulter:

Hi Snortley! You could be right -- also, I suppose I could try scrubbing the browser I'm using.
Avatar 1:08pm

what detergent does one use for browser scrubbing?
Avatar 🥁 1:09pm

I hope you're not using IE, especially v.8, it's pretty hopeless with a lot of things. V.9 has problems, too.
Avatar 1:13pm
Tony Coulter:

Hello, I'm back after a bit of house-cleaning (threw out a couple of weeks worth of cookies). I'm using Safari, which has always done the trick until this week and the new playlist features. I might experiment with using a new browser, but don't want to switch browsers in mid-stream.
Avatar 1:13pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya, Glenn!
Avatar 1:15pm

hi tony. i like safari, but most people seem to hate it.
Avatar 🥁 1:16pm

Welcome to beta testing.
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Tony Coulter:

The page is loading a bit faster now, post–cookie purge.
Avatar 1:18pm

I usually move a bit faster after a good cookie purge.
Avatar 🥁 1:21pm

Could be some useless browser "helpers" getting in the way. not to mention a dozen or so other possibilities.
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Tony Coulter:

At least the music is chugging along without any mishaps....
Avatar 1:21pm

anybody still hungry? www.bbc.co.uk...
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Van in DC:

Viggo looks to be one popular name in those parts
Avatar 1:27pm

What an awesome headline. I want to name all of my non-existent children "Norway Goat Cheese Fire."
Avatar 1:30pm

there's your next album title, bsi.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm
Doug Schulkind:

Norway Goat Cheese Fire harkens memory of another food-borne calamity, the great Boston Molasses Disaster of 1919: bit.ly...
Avatar 1:32pm

by the way, i'd like to belatedly / publicly thank doug for putting up the link to all the king crimson stuff. theforbiddenfiles.blogspot.ca
Avatar 1:33pm

holy sticky fuck, that's a lot of molasses.
Avatar 1:35pm

I'll get to the Norway Goat Cheese Fire. ... before that, I still need to do something with Don't Eat the Organ Bag.
.....sensing a trend here, maybe.
Avatar 1:37pm
Van in DC:

Those horses died happy

Ah, now I see the 'sign in/register' thing up top.

re this music: "Hello, 'Discreet Music,' we salute you!
Robert Carlberg:

Yeah I'm behind a big industrial firewall that is locked down to the "T". Too many people were streaming Pandora! :)

Interesting (and more than a little weird) to see track titles of stuff I did more than 30 years ago. "Small Events and Delicate Silences" is a phrase I picked out of Anais Nin's writings, whom I loved at the time. Ever read "Under A Glass Bell"?

How in the world did you get a copy of "Kinetic Experiments"? I think only about 5 copies were ever made....
Robert Carlberg:

Tony Coulter said: Hello, I'm back after a bit of house-cleaning (threw out a couple of weeks worth of cookies).

What, were they getting stale? You should keep them in a Ziploc.
Avatar 1:45pm

Robert: Lovely sounds, maestro. I have no hat, so head's off...
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Robert Carlberg:

Sir Lancelot Pratt wrote: do these original cassettes have proper copyright warnings printed on them?

Be serious. I couldn't GIVE the stuff away at the time.
Avatar 1:49pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Robert: I bought both cassettes I'm playing today from Archie Patterson of Eurock, who lives here in Portland, where I moved 3 years ago. (Thanks, Archie!)
Avatar 1:50pm

so if they appeared on You tube you would'nt care!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:51pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Sir Lancelot Prass
That is definitely your most photogenic side. Congrats!
Robert Carlberg:

Incidentally, in the "News Weirder Than Shit" category, all of the other members of Anode continue to perform, to this day -- as a Country & Western band!!!
Avatar 1:52pm

Need to slip out, hope to be back by three EST.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm

Robert, I also tip my whole head to you. Nice sounds.
Avatar 1:53pm

I can't find my Bar Mitzvah photos (fat dopey kid in a badly fitting trilby) so this will have to do!
Robert Carlberg:

Say hello to Archie for me. I haven't been down to see him since my sister passed away, which was my only reason for visiting Portland. Well, that and Music Millennium.
Avatar 1:56pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Robert: I will!
valkoinen kukkaruukku:

lovely show Tony, thanks. And happy new year to everybody.
Avatar 1:56pm

probably the last thing I thought you would do!
are you more Johnny Cash than Townes Van Zandt?
Robert Carlberg:

Sir Lancelot Pratt wrote: so if they appeared on You tube you would'nt care!

Knock yourself out. Don't expect it to help you find a girlfriend though. :)
Robert Carlberg:

I don't do CW. The Kellers do. I can't stand the stuff.
Avatar 2:00pm

Some great Soweisoso-era Cluster type sounds in this. Heavily diggin.'
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Tony Coulter:

Thanks, valkoinen kukkaruukku! And greetings....
Avatar 2:00pm

more likely to end a relationship - would like to try Kinetic experiments my dear?
Avatar 2:03pm
Tony Coulter:

Here's the tracklist for the cassette side we've been listening to:

Anode: “Minimal Spirits” cassette, side A [rec. 2/78–3/78]

01. International Musical A
02. Luxus
03. Obsessive Music
04. Something Terribly Wrong
05. Conversation Chart
06. Like Trains Passing in the Night
07. Body Valentine
08. Hopeless Vendetta
Robert Carlberg:

Ike wrote: Robert, I also tip my whole head to you. Nice sounds.

I appreciate the sentiment, but Kerry Leimer's stuff from the same period is 1000x better. He's been slowly assembling new CDs from the old cassettes -- go visit PalaceOfLights.com and encourage him to finish them.
Avatar 2:06pm

oh Robert,
your so self deprecating!
Avatar 2:06pm
Tony Coulter:

You're too modest, Robert! This stuff is great.
Robert Carlberg:

The subtitle to "Something Terribly Wrong" is "Water in your Oil, Blood in your Urine" -- something my car & I shared at the time.
Robert Carlberg:

What was it Mike Oldfield said about "cloth-eared nincompoops"?
Avatar 2:11pm

he said:-
"the bells, the bells, those tubular bell!
Avatar 2:14pm

i'd like to be more self deprecating, but i'm not very good at it.
Avatar 2:15pm
Van in DC:

I've always loved Mike Oldfield, and Sally for that matter. Mostly though his tunes featuring Maggie Reilly on vocals. Magical voice, she has, *I* think.
Avatar 2:19pm
still b/p:

Lost my vinyl copy of Ommadawn years ago, to a thief, I think. Angry...so angry and bereft.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:20pm
Rich in Washington:

This is great stuff. Enjoying this show immensely.
Avatar 2:20pm
Tony Coulter:

Here's the tracklist for what's on now:

Anode: “Minimal Spirits” cassette, side B [collaborations w/ K. Leimer; rec. 6/77–12/78]

01. The Fear of Electricity
02. Agfa Nomad
03. God Rest
04. Reflective Calm
05. The Good Part of Something Larger
06. Variation on a Rhythm Track
07. Beautiful Edge Snail Fin
08. Afayed S’Fbutnz
Avatar 2:22pm
Tony Coulter:

Please humor me while I test the playlist feature (I've been consulting with Kenzo).
Robert Carlberg:

In case anyone's interested. John Gore took a bunch of my environmental recordings and mixed 'em together into one big gooey mess. It's endlessly entertaining!
Avatar 2:35pm
Tony Coulter:

OK -- done testing. Sorry for today's snafus.
Robert Carlberg:

Tracks 7 & 8 are looped & processed recordings of Kerry when he was really really sick with a sinus infection.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:38pm
Rich in Washington:

It probably seems more problematic on your end, Tony. The show sounds splendid.
@Robert Carlberg: this is amazing stuff. What are you up to these days?
Avatar 2:42pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Rich: Thanks. But you wouldn't notice, 'cause I gave up trying to list the individual tracks as they play. Luckily, I'm playing whole cassette sides, so I can get away with not listing tracks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:43pm
Rich in Washington:

I am on the prowl for a decent cassette deck for the first time in years. It's surprisingly hard to find one that isn't auto-reverse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:47pm
Rich in Washington:

You're not the only one dealing with delayed response of website. My last comment took several minutes to land here (11:47 PST)
The Beaver:

Has Larry Mondello band made it on Tape hiss? Beware the blog loves lost R.I.O. music.
Avatar 2:48pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Robert: Echoing Rich's question: What are you up to these days?
Robert Carlberg:

What am I up to? About 5'11".

Not doing much recording anymore. The world is too full of bad music already. I still have lots and lots of ideas, but never enough time or money to carry them out. I just play them in my head...
Avatar 2:49pm

@Rich: interesting dilemma. I still have my old cassette deck, but had to replace my receiver/amp recently, and of course, finding one nowadays with a decent PHONO pre-amp was a gut-wrenching time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm
Doug Schulkind:

Don't you just love it when Tony throws a Hiss fit! Here's to the next treasures unearthed! Speaking of treasures, two more radio shows are coming up, live, here on Give the Drummer Radio:

GIVE THE DRUMMER SOME, live from Pittsburgh
6:00-7:00pm (ET)

KAMINSKY KAMOUTSKY, live from Providence, RI
7:00-9:00pm (ET)

In the meantime, settle back into your La-Z-Boy and enjoy these fine artists (all from cities beginning with P) ready to entertain you on your 24-hour Drummer Stream:

A. Mirzaeva
Sidney Bechet
Bogard Brothers
Keletigui et Ses Tambourinis
Discafric Band
Mulatu Astatke & His Ethiopian Quintet
Thanin Intharathep
Soonthorn Sujaridchan
Chich Chocolate
Unidentified Syrian musician
Irma Serrano
Sam Taylor, Jr.
Freddie Scott
Floyd Jones
Baby Boy Warren
Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens
Bill Landford & the Landfordaires
African Quavers Swing Orchestra
Billy Wooten
and more
and more
and eternally more...
Avatar 2:51pm
Tony Coulter:

@ The Beaver: I've played lots of LMB on my regular shows, but not yet on Tape Hiss. Good idea, though!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm
Rich in Washington:

@BSI: I actually need the whole kit n' kaboodle, as my amp is proving problematic, as is my old cheap cassette deck. I always hated autoreverse for playing back or trying to rip them to computer files. It just makes it confusing.
The cassette player I have in my setup is actually an old Sony Walkman, which is simple and easy to cue, etc, but I'd like a conventional deck now, more fully integrated into my setup.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm
Rich in Washington:

What about Lumpy Rutherford?
Avatar 2:56pm

...definitely need to replace my kaboodle. soon.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
listener james from westwood:

many thanks, tony!
Avatar 2:58pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks for listening everybody! And Robert, for making the music!! See you all next week....

nad makes pretty good pre amps, but i think you can get good ones from peachtree that also have usb interfacy things.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Rich in Washington:

Great show, Tony!
Avatar 3:01pm

well done TONY,
GREAT FIND and show.
Great Robert, you were so ahead of time, Boards of Canada, With G-dspeed you black emporor etc owe you a massive debt.
Avatar 3:04pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, Rich and Listener James!
Avatar 3:06pm
Tony Coulter:

And thanks Sir Lancelot, too (damn this delay!)
Samuel Cammegh:

Hi, I realise that this was a really really long time ago, but I'm very interested in listening to the Anode tapes. Any chance some way of doing so could be organised?
Robert Carlberg:

Samuel, I realise that this was a really REALLY long time ago, but all my music is up on Bandcamp now.
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