Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from February 7, 2013 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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Favoriting February 7, 2013: Hands free failure

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jean-Baptiste Barriere  Temps : La Spirale   Favoriting pandemonium  0:09:54 (Pop-up)
Jean-Baptiste Barriere  Dérive   Favoriting pandemonium  0:10:01 (Pop-up)
Hafler Trio  The Limitations of Silence   Favoriting "Bang!" - An open letter  0:23:16 (Pop-up)
Hafler Trio  Supressed Noise   Favoriting "Bang!" - An open letter  0:25:28 (Pop-up)
Hafler Trio  Inherent Aggression   Favoriting "Bang!" - An open letter  0:25:49 (Pop-up)
Hafler Trio  Grey Voices   Favoriting "Bang!" - An open letter  0:26:24 (Pop-up)
Death Convention Singers  The Ballad of Sandoval County   Favoriting Death Convention Singers  0:42:18 (Pop-up)
Dylan Nyoukis  Four Ways To Pronunce 'Idiot'   Favoriting The Acrylic Widow  0:54:40 (Pop-up)
François Dufrêne  Triptycriytheme   Favoriting OU Review  1:03:29 (Pop-up)
Robert Horton  There he Wisely   Favoriting Just Before Setting the Sky On Fire  1:21:39 (Pop-up)
Neokarma Jooklo Trio  Arabian Sun   Favoriting Solar Vision  1:22:03 (Pop-up)
Angus Maclise  Heavenly Blue pt.4&5   Favoriting The Invasion Of Thunderbolt Pagoda  1:35:01 (Pop-up)
Ensemble Economique  Light Reflects as Seagulls Dive   Favoriting At The Foot Of Nameless Roads  1:33:47 (Pop-up)
Hells Hills  The Wheel of junior High   Favoriting The Pearled Ether  1:36:04 (Pop-up)
Ros Bobos  Suggestology (Feel Your Thighs)   Favoriting Sonambulations  2:00:52 (Pop-up)
Unborn Unicorn  Untitled   Favoriting Unborn Unicorn  2:01:24 (Pop-up)
Chora  I Met an Oak Tree As Tall As My Finger and It Was Suffering...   Favoriting Chora/Quivers split LP  2:02:10 (Pop-up)
Fabio Orsi / Mamu Thones  The First Born   Favoriting The First Born  2:11:29 (Pop-up)
Fille Qui Mousse  Trixie Stapleton 291... pt. 3 & 1   Favoriting Trixie Stapleton 291 Se Taire Pour Une Femme Trop Belle  2:20:13 (Pop-up)
Hoor-Paar-Kraat  Veni, Vidi, Volo in Domum Redire   Favoriting A Doorbell of Earbows For Brefix  2:41:19 (Pop-up)
Conrado Silva  Equus   Favoriting Musica Nueva Latinoamericana  2:43:24 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:12pm

Look Fab, no hands!
Avatar 3:12pm
rob t:

the Barriere is totally awesome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13pm
Sem Chumbo:

I feel I fail better by listening attentively to this program. Good afternoon, Fabio.
Avatar 3:14pm

Star-clicking the everloving HELL out of this list.
Avatar 3:14pm

that was an amazing transition!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:14pm
tim from champaign:

"Pandemonium erupts! Fabiomania is runnin' wild!"
Avatar 3:14pm
Cheri Pi:

I approve!
Avatar 3:17pm
chocolate monk:

good evening from Brighton, man. wondering if yr young skinny butt ever ran into Rachel/Tommy back in the day? you know? Lou's better half. You were a big Meat Packing District player right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19pm

excuse me?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm
Mike East:

ugh -a guy got on the bus today shouting into his hands free phone. I almost let it ruin my day, but he hung up before the bus left, so I forgave him.
Avatar 3:24pm

thing about people shouting into their phones is they're always talking about the lamest thing imaginable and they don't care that everyone can hear them clearly. I don't get it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Mike East:

I think they want everyone to hear them because they think they are important and/or interesting, which, you are right dcp, they never are.
Avatar 3:26pm

That's up there with the person on the metro/subway/etc who leans full-body-length against the pole by the doors: blocking traffic while eliminating 6 people's ability to hang the frack on. This is why we need antimatter cannons.
Avatar 3:27pm

...ah, classick Hafler Trio. A good day.
Avatar 3:29pm
rob t:

indeed. man, this show is featuring some serious sonic Rolfing.
Avatar 3:30pm
rob t:

and personally, I would go with an EMP weapon instead. lighter charges and dead electronics, a good combination.

third guy in h3o was a made up "expert in sound" if memory serves correct
Avatar 3:40pm

my memory says likewise (re: jeff-m @ 3:37)
Avatar 3:40pm

Avatar 3:43pm

here is the call I heard on the bus least likely to show up as an ID episode of "Scorned Love."

ring ring
(screaming on other end)
"oh, he's YOUR man? Oh, ok. I'm not down with that. I left Chicago to get away from that drama. You can have him."
(end of call)
Avatar 3:43pm
chocolate monk:

always remember their piece in that 'Tape Delay' book, always seemed more interesting than most of the other gonks in there.
Avatar 3:45pm
rob t:

Cecile, that is perfect.
Avatar 3:48pm

TAPE DELAY, jeezus there's a flashback. Probably still have mine, down there with all those RE/Search books and old whatnot...
Avatar 3:49pm

...[man woman right next to me is talking on her work phone at FULL VOLUME--breaking out in loud as hell laughter HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...JEEzus...]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm

I am really spacing to this...the problem is I'm still at work

same, still on the shelf. be interesting since it's 20+ yrs on, and since most of those people are still working, to go back and read it.
Avatar 3:51pm
Chris from DC:

DCE: yep.

So nice this stuff. Hate to keep saying thanks, but...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53pm

@ DCE - I'm, on the other hand, lying in a sense deprevation tank right now.
Avatar 3:55pm
chocolate monk:

what kinda sick stuff is this?
Avatar 3:56pm

fan damned tastic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm

According to the playlist, its some sort of ballad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:57pm

@ Stanley, you will turn into an ape very soon if you keep it up

@Chocolate Monk -- OWN YOUR SICKNESS
Avatar 3:57pm

OK, wearing my Failure Bluetooth Device. Let's have a listen ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm

@ DCE - gorilla or orangutan, the choice is mine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm

my Failure Bluetooth Device

aka my BlueCavity
Avatar 3:59pm

"This is a very tasty world..."
-Jerry Cornelius
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm

"when I was a kid, the only way to get a blue tooth was to eat a snow cone"
Avatar 4:00pm

Is this Bruce Springsteen?
Avatar 4:00pm

Dishes - check.
Laundry - check.
Litter box - check.
Gas bill - check.

I'm ready to fail now.
Avatar 4:01pm

dude, you quoted Michael Moorcock.
Avatar 4:01pm
chocolate monk:

@ERD i have a feeling the sickness owns me. @Loren I met the Boss just last summer. his shirt was button very low, very confident for a short arse.
Avatar 4:01pm

@Cecile: Jerry is a particular hero of mine...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
Ozark Dervish:

Speaking in tongues while handling snakes without hands
Avatar 4:01pm

rob t, shortest crime show ever.
Avatar 4:02pm

I want this vocal piece to last absolutely forever. Plus another forever.

that sounds like Bill Cosby..
Avatar 4:02pm

I'm in awe.
Avatar 4:03pm

This is completely bonkers.
Avatar 4:03pm
chocolate monk:

you know I am gonna use all these quotes for my PR.
Avatar 4:04pm

Elmo on ayahuasca. Absolutely awesome.
Avatar 4:04pm

Avatar 4:04pm

okay, now I know this is Cypress Hill!

I wonder how the B side to this sounds...
Avatar 4:05pm

Avatar 4:05pm

ah, the monk revealed. Often this playlist gets updated a bit slow so I'm never sure of what's who. Brilliant.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

Can you tell me where it hurts?
All In:

Party"s over.
Avatar 4:06pm

Cecile: that's Kobaian, innit?
Avatar 4:06pm

I feerl like i am falling into a crack in the web based soundwaves
Avatar 4:06pm

<hitting bong> <attempt failed><sitting in cubical><attempt failed>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm

Cubicle Bong, gnfab
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm

blizzard, you say? it's sunny in CLE for a change
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm
Mike East:

can we just cancel this whole snow storm thing? I'm really not in the mood.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

big snow job, apparently.
Avatar 4:09pm

BSI, I was just imitating Dylan Nyoukis...
Avatar 4:09pm

man, we need mountains of snow down here to stop all this bullshit...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:10pm

I like the sound of sounds "enemating"
Avatar 4:11pm
chocolate monk:

its WIDOW!!!
Avatar 4:11pm

Fab, is that OU Review from the vinyl reissues?
Avatar 4:12pm
chocolate monk:

no, it is WIDOW!!! you said WINDOW you dafty

Structured Query Language
Avatar 4:14pm

The modern artist is misunderstood. Really.
Avatar 4:14pm

Ha, funny Fab has never even seen "MySQL" before....man, just goes to show how cool he is.

pronounced "my sequel"

You're pronouncing MySQL correctly, Fabio
Avatar 4:15pm

MySQL es su SQL.
Avatar 4:16pm

420 is coming up in the chatroom clock.... celebrate?

You say MySQL, I say MySQL.
Avatar 4:17pm

Hey Dylan - Okay, I stand corrected -- TWICE! sorry for the mis-reading/announcing there...
Avatar 4:17pm

Sigurdur: Two words: White Widow. Or is that Window?
Hillbilly in Deliverance:

SQL like a pig.
Avatar 4:20pm

white widow..........alaskan ice ,,,
TommyT from Rivercity:

Any Diamanda Galas in your bag?
Avatar 4:22pm
chocolate monk:

no sweat Fab, i know how twitchy and scatter brained you are til that 2nd coffee enema kicks in. thanks for playing man. Vinyl will be enroute any day.
Avatar 4:25pm
Chris from DC:

An all-star set here.
Avatar 4:27pm

Sigurdur Just did the due diligence on alaskan ice, sounds great, I'll keep an eye out.
Avatar 4:30pm

i highly recommend it fleep
Avatar 4:35pm

And also i am more than a cannabis connoisseur, there is the rest of life. I know stating the obvious

More window widow please
Avatar 4:37pm

Is this a Spencer creation?
Avatar 4:42pm

going to the cinema in down town Reykjavik free entry ,,, so gotta go bye everone and thank you mr DJ for the ride
Avatar 4:43pm

Sigurdur Enjoy the rest of life ;)
Avatar 4:43pm

Feel like I'm trotting on a horse.

Hey, Fabio.
Avatar 4:44pm

I was speaking of the track prior to this one, but this works, too.
Avatar 4:44pm

Avatar 4:45pm

Howdy All!
Avatar 4:45pm

yeh, the fuzz/wah bass works for me.
Avatar 4:45pm

yes, this is some background music

Totally rocking talk-over song. Who is it?
Avatar 4:47pm

So are you NYC folks getting slammed badly tomorrow, or is it mostly hype?

Bed music sounds like an Animals outtake. "Gotta get a guru, gotta get a guru."
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:47pm

Funny thing is you could sing Eno's song Sky Saw over this tune pretty easily.
Avatar 4:47pm

i would love a cd of all of Fabio's talkover music...
Avatar 4:48pm
sFrances from VA:

hellooooo alllllll~
Avatar 4:49pm

Hope it's mostly hype, and I'm not rubbing it in: classic.wunderground.com...
The 65-degrees (more even?) is accurate but it's not partly cloudy. It's a beautiful, bright, sunshiny day!
Avatar 4:49pm

Hi, sF!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The Failure of Punxsutawney Phil
Avatar 4:55pm

@Ken: Maybe Phil was only predicting for parts west of him?
Avatar 4:56pm

@kat330 It's only 59 in L.A. with snow on the way above 3000 ft. I think you got our weather by mistake, please return it.
Avatar 4:58pm
chocolate monk:

i need more extreme weather (pref of the snowy kind).. here on englands south coast its all pretty meeeh!
Avatar 4:59pm

@fleep: We have a rollercoaster every week, bouncing between 15 and 60 as extremes. I won't gloat about today (the gods hate hubris), BUT it's impossible not to boast about an afternoon outside in the sunshine in early Feb.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

I'll believe "blizzard" when i see it. but just in case did a quick "survival run": 4 pounds protein, one pound cheese, three bags popcorn, two kinds of cookies.

NWS, do your worst.
Avatar 5:02pm

And I really do hope they are overselling the snowmageddon dingus, so nothing that matters is affected and the businesses depending on snow are helped out.
Avatar 5:03pm

i like your style G...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03pm
Mike East:

don't forget the beer, G!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03pm

@steve: easy peasy. i'm takin' it take it slow in the snow.
Avatar 5:05pm

my rations will probably consist entirely of vegetables and kettle corn
Avatar 5:06pm

G any particular species on the protein, or just a big lab grown slab
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm

i got a little wine refrigerator, stocked up. and far from empty bottles of kahlua and baileys to mix over ice. (those are staples, got the bigass bottles on hand.) and jamesons, sake, etc. no trouble in the intoxicant category.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm

@fleep: some recently deceased (not to be confused with diseased) sea dweller, some recently demised mammal muscle...
Avatar 5:08pm

So is this month of playlists in Febio or Fabruary?
Avatar 5:08pm

Well since Fabio mentioned single-malt earlier, now all thoughts turn to the smoky nectar of Islay...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm

moments away: Bag of Popcorn One. goes well with teh tuneage.
Avatar 5:09pm
Philo Gristle:

@Mike How was that Chinese crispy shrimp & walnuts? Just walked in to a strong chicken curry aroma myself. Kat's been cooking. If they made deodorant that smelled of curry, that'd be my preference.
Marmalade Kitty:

Good evening! Just showing off my new spots..
Avatar 5:11pm

@Philo: With our kitchen window wide open, you got a good whiff before you even got through the door. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm
Mike East:

@Philo Gristle - it was fantastic, but I ated too much and regretted it. Also had a cola with it that someone gave me, which didn't help. enjoy the curry. hopefully I will have some ginger salmon waiting for me when I get home this evening.
Avatar 5:11pm

Niiiice, MK!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
Mike East:

@BSI - you must let me know when you are in the NY/NJ area and I will share a glass of my 18yr Laphroaig.
Avatar 5:13pm

NOICE, mike, that's the stuff...
Avatar 5:14pm
Philo Gristle:

@Mike I know the feeling! But ginger salmon sounds outstanding.... I could overdose on that myself. Had a chance to catch any good movies recently?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm
Mike East:

...if it lasts
Avatar 5:14pm

Orsi/Mamuthones = Seventy three thumbs-up.
Avatar 5:16pm

Of course once the snow starts falling, we all revert to feral lunatic beasts, waving mammoth jawbones in the street & stealing each other's scotch. Onward, dystopia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19pm
Mike East:

@PG - I recommend "Primer," if you haven't seen it, especially if you were into TimeCrimes (which I believe you recommended to me). Total mindfuck. Watched it two nights in a row and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it. Other than that, I've been watching the Lorax with my daughter which is pretty good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
Mike East:

(my avatar is the time machine from "primer" to show my current obsession)
Avatar 5:21pm
Chris from DC:

Great show today. Leaving, need beer.
Avatar 5:22pm

I'm getting cooler just listening to this happenin' bass riff.
Avatar 5:23pm
Philo Gristle:

@Mike Ha! We did see Primer some time ago, and loved it. Sorta. I have a feeling you can solve it, but it's beyond my mental range, but did really dig it. On the same time travel front we just saw Looper (finally) and it gets a recommendation, though still prefer 12 Monkeys for Bruce Willis timetravel hijinx.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Just wait until Clay Pigeon arrives. That's when the party really begins!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24pm
Mike East:

cool! didn't know looper was out yet, but I've been looking forward to it. I've been reading a blog which claims to have solved Primer...and yet I'm still totally confused.
Avatar 5:28pm
Philo Gristle:

I don't mind being puzzled, tho, long as it engages me during the proceedings! Another film I loved but which threw me for a loop was an old Gene Hackman/Arthur Penn flick, Night Moves. Straightforward mystery, and probably solvable, but the ending.... wow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:28pm
Mike East:

also, I think Shane Carruth (primer director/actor) worked on Looper in some capacity.
And 12 Monkeys rules!
Avatar 5:29pm
Philo Gristle:

And they made Primer for like 5K. Insanity.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:30pm
tim from champaign:

W.R. is a good movie. You'll learn quite a bit about orgones.
Avatar 5:31pm
Philo Gristle:

I always weep a little when Fabio reads these NYC film listings.... sniff..... used to have such treats in Helsinki, over here in boondocks it's dvd at best. Makavejev did a couple of decent oddball 'Hollywood' flicks later on, like Coca-Cola Kid with Eric Roberts.
Avatar 5:34pm

Alas, time to fly.
Long Live the Drone Zone...
Avatar 5:36pm

Avatar 5:37pm

my primer recommendation- if you wish to paint a wall red, like this playlist, use gray primer. preferably benjamin moore fresh start. it's the shit.
Avatar 5:38pm
Philo Gristle:

But if you're Clint Eastwood, you just paint the whole town red and name it Hell.
Avatar 5:41pm

I've decided to call them Febio's playlists in Fabruary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Justice Department Advisory Memorandum:

Drones are totally permissible.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
Matt from Springfield:

Reporting a scheduled absence!
Normally would stay for Clay of course, but I've got to go now! A nice restaurant has a one-day-only prix fixe menu, and I'm meeting the folks there for it.

Now don't forget me! ;) Have a fantastic night everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm

Have a bite for us.
Avatar 5:44pm
chocolate monk:

now if i could only fashion a microphone for the job, this is the sound of the worm swimming in my brain
Avatar 5:44pm

Aw, Matt, bon appetit! How could we ever forget you?!
Avatar 5:45pm
Philo Gristle:

@Matt Enjoy, you remain unforgettable.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:48pm
Matt from Springfield:

That was tongue-in-cheek, if I'm not there I know already Clay will get nervous and ask "Where's Matt from Springfield?!" :)

But thanks all, I'll have a delicious bite for each of you!
Avatar 5:49pm

(Matt's surely gone now, so to complete my earlier comment .... if you never go away?! ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm

@kat: MEOW :)
Avatar 5:52pm

I keeed, I keeeed. Matt knows I love him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm

It's the Clay Trivia Hour :)
Avatar 5:54pm

veni vidi velcro. i came, i saw, i stuck around.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

Veni, Vidi, Volo in Domum Redire (Latin)

I came, I saw, I wanna go home
Avatar 5:56pm

g - rem acu tetigisti.
Avatar 5:56pm

@glenn: You come in for the sounds / You stay for the community.
Avatar 5:57pm

webelo is short for "we'll be loyal scouts"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

@glenn: I admit, I am ok at touching
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

not "we'll be losers soon"?
Avatar 5:58pm

"Gay Agenda".
Avatar 5:58pm

I first met a young man and he told me he was a Webelo.
I said "webelos wobble, but they don't fall down!"

Reader, I married him.
Avatar 5:58pm
sFrances from VA:

(still listening/lurking while plowing through creating another specific resume....)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

I so love updating my resume-CV /sarcasm
Avatar 6:00pm

i uhhh, got kicked out of cubs for smoking dope.
Avatar 6:04pm
sFrances from VA:

G: At least I kept good news over the years...I'm more of a worker bee than a careerist though...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

What's it goin'?
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