Favoriting Monica: Playlist from February 10, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting February 10, 2013: Good To Me As I Am To You

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Helen Humes  Living My Life My Way   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Aretha Franklin  Good To Me As I Am To You   Favoriting 0:03:52 (Pop-up)
Bobby "Blue" Bland  Who Will The Next Fool Be?   Favoriting 0:09:51 (Pop-up)
Bob Dylan  Shooting Star   Favoriting 0:10:09 (Pop-up)
Waylon Jennings  My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys   Favoriting 0:12:34 (Pop-up)
O.V. Wright  Don't Let My Baby Ride   Favoriting 0:15:31 (Pop-up)
Eddie C  Jam On The Dallas Road (feat. Dr. Mike Roma)   Favoriting 0:18:34 (Pop-up)
Patrice Sciortino  Dactyle   Favoriting 0:22:23 (Pop-up)
The Pluto Walkers  Vindaloo   Favoriting 0:24:44 (Pop-up)
iTAL tEK  Hyper Real   Favoriting 0:27:34 (Pop-up)
Jack Payne & His Orchestra  Say It With Music   Favoriting 0:31:07 (Pop-up)
Pete Johnson  Death Ray Boogie   Favoriting 0:39:14 (Pop-up)
George Benson  Billie's Bounce   Favoriting 0:42:26 (Pop-up)
Claude Williamson  June Bug   Favoriting 0:47:50 (Pop-up)
Petra Haden  Carlotta's Galop   Favoriting 0:51:30 (Pop-up)
Stacey Q  Two Of Hearts   Favoriting 0:54:34 (Pop-up)
Os Cariocas  Samba Rock   Favoriting 0:58:36 (Pop-up)
Hayley Mills  Green And Yellow Basket   Favoriting 1:01:00 (Pop-up)
Mutwawa  Initiation Of The Portal   Favoriting 1:09:21 (Pop-up)
Café  Identify Yourself   Favoriting 1:11:45 (Pop-up)
Poirier (feat. Natalie Storm)  Gal U Good (Astronomar Remix)   Favoriting 1:15:43 (Pop-up)
Patrice Sciortino  Fonderurgie   Favoriting 1:19:04 (Pop-up)
Deutsche Wertarbeit  Deutscher Wald   Favoriting 1:24:19 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Child Of The Moon   Favoriting 1:24:52 (Pop-up)
Paul Bascomb  Got Cool Too Soon   Favoriting 1:27:18 (Pop-up)
The Masqueraders  I Ain't Got Nobody Else   Favoriting 1:38:01 (Pop-up)
Kris Kristofferson  Feeling Mortal   Favoriting 1:40:45 (Pop-up)
Sammy Fain  Beyond The Laughing Sky   Favoriting 1:43:38 (Pop-up)
Jessi Colter  It's Not Easy   Favoriting 1:47:21 (Pop-up)
Annie Lennox  Cold   Favoriting 1:50:28 (Pop-up)
Tammy Wynette  It's Just A Matter Of Time   Favoriting 1:55:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:04pm

Hi Monica! Great start!!!
Avatar 7:05pm
Dave E:

Hi Monique! How are you tonight?

Love it. Hello Mo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

You know it's Aretha before you get to the playlist...

Chicken/noodles/peanut sauce for dinner. Around but too messy to type for awhile...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Yeah, as soon as I heard the ringing tone of Hume's voice and the languid, bluesey melody, I said, "Must be seven o'clock."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Sem Chumbo:

Mirror, mirror.
Good evening. Wonderful songs.
Avatar 7:06pm

I do believe this is the first time I've seen Magnani without darkly circled eyes LO
Avatar 7:06pm
Dave E:

That lady does not look too happy....
Avatar 7:06pm
other david:

Epic Aretha.
Avatar 7:06pm

Yow! I was listening to some Helen Humes this afternoon, and thinking, 'It would be great if Monica played some, maybe I'll make a request.'
Avatar 7:07pm
Dave E:

There's only one DAVID!
Avatar 7:07pm

Monica! Usual Suspects! Pensive lady! Lady grabbing her own shoulder!

I know I'm a Ludite, but why don't I have a little icon-y thing?
Avatar 7:08pm
Dave E:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

Luddite, maybe ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

(anti-technology person)

I dunno
Avatar 7:09pm
Dave E:

Avatar 7:09pm
other david:

The Friendship Society welcomes all Davids equally.

cb1: clickify the sign in/register link at the top of the playlist
Avatar 7:10pm
Dave E:

I'm a little slow!
Avatar 7:10pm

The Luddites were famous for their hit, "A Whole Lotta Ludd"
Avatar 7:11pm
other david:

True and alas The Luddites suffered due to poor adoption rates of the phonautogram format.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Sem Chumbo:

Back to back Bobby's, and both plenty blue.

Yes and didn't they do Heart of Gas?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

A couple more days until Mardi Gras. Anyone have exciting plans?

Actually I do have an icon - it's a pane of glass over a dead white sky.
Avatar 7:14pm

Hello CB1, Sem Chumbo, other David, fleep, Dave E, G, bruceleh, LilyAbigale, Parq, and Starwick!!
Avatar 7:17pm

Hi all. Snowy Sunday listening.
Avatar 7:17pm

Hi Ken from Hyde Park and david!
Avatar 7:17pm

Then there was their other hit, "Ludd to Ludd You,Baby" (during the disco era, of course).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Sem Chumbo:

@KFHP: just the usual, beads, beignet and Bourbon St.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

Miss Monica, you've gotten me interested in movie goddess gifs. May I nominate this one for a future playlist?
Avatar 7:20pm
other david:

"Ludd Save The Queen", was a particularly jarring departure for them. If I remember correctly, they were arrested & confined to port by a metropolitan police steamship, whilst attempting to perform the ditty in question.
Avatar 7:21pm

It was there they conceived their hit TV show, "The Ludd Boat" with an all Amish crew.

So nice to hear the word "whilst"

wassup monica!!
Avatar 7:22pm

hola, deanland! so anyone watching the grammys??
Avatar 7:23pm
other david:

@fleep: let's not go near their prog Sea Shanty era, please.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

Oh, are the Grammies tonight? All I know is, Westminster Kennel is tomorrow night and Tuesday night. Miss Mon, maybe a Frenchie will win this year!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

Sunday Supplement had a Taylor Swift tribute page. Must be grammies.
Avatar 7:25pm

This is the alternate Grammy's music show, right? :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

Avatar 7:25pm
other david:

*lists Parqs gif in the "I defy you not to fall in love with Audrey Hepburn" column

@deanland - you got that right!
Avatar 7:26pm

hey now, g... yes, d'land!
Avatar 7:26pm
Dave E:

Whilst I took a pee!
Avatar 7:27pm
texas scott:

i'm late what did i miss?...oh yeah the accuplaylist...
Aretha! Bobby! Waylon!
i sure picked a bad day to quit smoking.
no grammys for me.dog and pony show,that one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

This is also February sweeps in the US. Ratings set ad rates for the next quarter year. Stupor Bowl last week, Grammies this week, "all new" schlock on all channels all month
Avatar 7:27pm

Hope Frank Ocean wins Best Album. My only stock in tonight's Grammys...
Avatar 7:27pm
Dave E:

Whoa, this is from left field . . . I love it!
Avatar 7:28pm
Dave E:

Who cares who wins . . . if Monica is playing it, everyone wins!
Avatar 7:29pm
Dave E:

Who cares who wins . . . if Monica is playing it, everyone wins!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

Other David, I list "Roman Holiday" altogether in that column. Why that's considered a "Woman's picture" is beyond me. Is there any man who isn't riveted by that final scene? When Joe walks out of the press conference chamber, quietly trying to come to grips with the knowledge that he is shattered for the rest of his life, how could any man not feel that in his gut?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm

@Parq: That's the stuff that dreams are made of.
Avatar 7:30pm
other david:

Quite. Quite.

*emits what one may regard as a particularly poignant wistful sigh*
Avatar 7:30pm
Dave E:

Wet dreams?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm

@Parq: Frankly, my dear, he did give a damn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm

Okay, guys, KP time for the inimitable moi. Miss Monica, once the question of the evening is posed, I'll wander back to the puter and weigh in.
Avatar 7:32pm
Dave E:

Saw Grover Kimble last night at Crossroads Coffeehouse . . . a great show if I may say so. . . . I was enthralled by his guitar playing and singing!
Avatar 7:32pm
other david:

Tschus for now, Parq.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'd sooner watch paint dry than watch any of those awards shows. Could not care less. WFMU is much more entertaining. Come to think of it, if WFMU put on an awards show, I'd probably watch that.
Avatar 7:34pm
Dave E:

Avatar 7:34pm
other david:

I do wish I could click a favourite star next to Ken From Hyde Park's last comment.
Avatar 7:35pm
Dave E:

I have no TV and who cares - sorry!

Hi Yo SBB, lovely set, we'll be missing you tomorrow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

"I'd like to thank my mom and dad. And Ken Freedman. And other david. And Monica. ..."
Avatar 7:36pm
Dave E:

Avatar 7:36pm
Dave E:

Avatar 7:37pm

Is a Ludite slang for Qualude junkie?
Avatar 7:38pm
Dave E:

I need more wine!
Avatar 7:39pm

Well, what with the Grammy Fashion Police banning buttocks, nipples, decolletage, and the like, why not just read the recap and see what performances are preserved online for later viewing pleasure?
Avatar 7:39pm
Dave E:

Why do I want to look a nipples?
Avatar 7:40pm

CBS time delays the Grammys here, it's stale by the time we see it and the winners are already listed online, so brick that.
Avatar 7:40pm

Pass the bottle, Dave E.... D'land, could anything have been worse than Bety at the S'Bowl?...tomB, yes, it is...yo, joerg!!! oy, why??? 13th, no?...
Olex in Greenpoint:

Pantyhose dancing to this right now!

Yah, Mo, Ray can tinkle those ivories!

Oops - I mean Pete
Avatar 7:41pm

cb1 - indeed he can!!!
Avatar 7:42pm
other david:

Say what you want, but that man knows how to boogie to a death ray.
Avatar 7:43pm

I could swear there was a lady with a hand on her own shoulder, looking at a mirror on a stick, and then she vanished off the playlist.
Avatar 7:43pm

Jazz guitar is underrated.
Avatar 7:44pm

you go, olex!.... fleep, oy, what a buzzkiller that is... why, Dave E. why?... All the little people, Ken from HP... soon come, other david.... Parq, you missed a spot....
listener gary:

Good evening. sorry I was absent last week. I was in Houston having a damn good time...margaritas every night for dinner...for a non-drinker I did myself proud!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm
Matt F:

Hey Monica. Sorry I'm late, been falling down the youtube rabbit hole for much of the afternoon/evening. Good To Me As I Am To You is probably my all-time fave Aretha performance, and as it happens one of the things I found on youtube earlier today was a killer live version of that very song, from Amsterdam in '68. No fooling!
Avatar 7:45pm
Dave E:

Monica - good point ......
Avatar 7:46pm
other david:

The WFMUammys audience begin to think something was askew with the voting, when other david awarded david_ a "hear hear!" award.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

Ain't this fun!
Avatar 7:51pm

No prob, Matt F - we've ALL been there! and hey, I saw you played that Aretha track - SO killer diller!!!.... michael, ain't we got it fun?...Listener Gary, you are absolved for your absence. Hope you had a swell time...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Sem Chumbo:

An all verb set: we've all bugged, yes?
Avatar 7:53pm

Can I just say that you guys and gals are a fabulous looking audience tonight? GROUP SHOT!!!
Avatar 7:53pm

This is the 4th Petra I've heard this week. This will teach those Moving Sidewalks who's #1!
Olex in Greenpoint:

Do you have any shag dancing tunes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Just finished a Boston Globe article on Petra:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

I read the analog version.
Avatar 7:55pm

ok, fine.. here i am!! is dale here? where's my scrabble buddy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

Group shot? Wait, lemmie change my shirt. Came out to find out who that "Two of Hearts" was. Marshmallow pop with a sexy big-little-girl front vocal? Yes, please!
Avatar 8:00pm

Michael - thanks for sharing. New album pretty great...Annie! 'Bout time, girl!
Windy City:

Taylor Swift seems to be dressed like Willi Wonka
Windy City:

That's my Grammy Fashion update for the night
Avatar 8:10pm

Wow, that's hysterical - because isn't "Gottrocks" from The Flintstones, their replacement name for the Rothschilds or something?

it was always "OK MR. SMARTYPANTS" which sort of has a coolots tie-in...

When my father, who was Irish, thought we young'uns were getting too big for our britches, he would roar, "Who do you think you are - Lord Muck from Clabber Hill?" I assume he had learned that in his youth, either from his father or from the priests who would box him on the ear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

Back in college, under the sway of a Venice Beach pal, I shelled out $5 for a copy of Wet - The Magazine of Gourmet Bathing. Tres West Coast. My Dad, who was paying for my college education, was not impressed, to say the least.
Avatar 8:13pm

My mother accused me of having "aristocratic tastes" when I insisted on a shirt with 1" vertical muted stripes ($5) at JC Penney's instead of the $3/$4 shirts.
Chris A:

My mom admonishing me for getting a little too big for my breeches: the more memorable times were when I decided I wanted to travel somewhere, like France (when I was in high school), or Asia (in the middle of graduate school!). Mom would say that travel always has to be earned through hard work. And of course, I can't say she's wrong about that.
Avatar 8:16pm

In 1964 a NYC Transit cop (back in the day when there was an independent Transit Police Force) asked me, "Who do you think you are, John Dillinger?" FWIW, my parents wrote to a bunch of city agencies to get the guy in trouble (long,long story, short of which is my best friend and I, both in our early teens, were, uh, 'detained' in a subway station). I'll never forget his badge number: 3-4-4-1. As I left the, uh, 'detainment' I said to him, "Badge number 3441, you're going to regret this." I was a sassy kid.
Chris A:

TomB, my mom said things like that to me at various times, too!
Chris A:

TomB, my mom said things like that to me at various times, too!
Windy City:

I got the, " who do you think you are ?"

Little Lord Fauntleroy

"King of Egypt"
  Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

(Google suggests that Mrs Gottrocks was a Three Stooges character.)
Avatar 8:19pm
Rob S:

deanland, great story!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm

I'm coming up blank on the "Who do you think you are" trope as such, but what my parents always dug up to get in my face was something to suggest that what I was doing was an indolent waste of time. "I suppose you think you're going to become big shot with *that*" was the general idea -- kind of like what I imagine gamers get from their parents over all the work the put into their skills in Katamari.
Chris A:

I'm loving the show, but the bf is summoning me to watch the archives. So, once again, thanks for a great show Monica, and thanks to the FMU archives!
Avatar 8:21pm
ken in denver:

Let's hope Revenge Cop stays away from the Grammys: www.theatlanticwire.com...
Listener Schned:

My mom liked to inform us that we were "not exactly the president of the Chase National Bank!" which carbon-dates back to the 1930s at least!!
Avatar 8:23pm

"who do you think you are" is bad, but "do you know who i am" is 1000 times worse.
Avatar 8:24pm

or maybe "don't you know who i am"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm

Actually, my parents were the "don't hurt their wittle self-esteem" types, which has its own downside that I had to learn a lot of stuff through experience as an adult -- which is a very solid but very expensive learning curve, sometimes.

By "solid" I mean when you learn by experience, you *really* know something, as opposed to taking someone's word for it when you don't have the experience yourself...
Avatar 8:26pm
ken in denver:

Who's that over there on the left? Katrina Vanden Heuvel?
Avatar 8:28pm

Chris A - yes, it's always about being too big for one's britches. don't strive, stay in your lane, who do you think you are....Parq, up there with "I suppose"....yo, Rob S!...Windy City - ha, the royalty thing , yeah....Fleep, really?....Deanland, well you are, aren't you?...tomB - priceless!.... Neil, that's a good one! but seriously the hell, dude.....PJ, the Irish will take you down like no one else....ScottC - yes!!....Jeff - it IS??? damn...
Avatar 8:28pm

anna magnani.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm

on Anna M.: "She was referred to as "La Lupa," the "perennial toast of Rome" and a "living she-wolf symbol" of the cinema. Time magazine described her personality as "fiery", and drama critic Harold Clurman said her acting was "volcanic". In the realm of Italian cinema, she was "passionate, fearless, and exciting," an actress that film historian Barry Monush calls "the volcanic earth mother of all Italian cinema." Director Roberto Rossellini called her "the greatest acting genius since Eleonora Duse". Playwright Tennessee Williams became an admirer of her acting and wrote The Rose Tattoo specifically for her to star in, a role for which she received her first Oscar in 1955."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

Sing along time! <straightens tie>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

<okay, not wearing tie -- straightens shirt collar>
Avatar 8:32pm
other david:

*straightens string vest*
Avatar 8:32pm

"400 watts! What do you think we are, related to Rockeffer?"
When we left the 400 watt chandelier in the dining room.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm

straightens teeshirt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm

It's Romper Room!!! :P
Avatar 8:32pm
ken in denver:

Re Anna M: Grrr!

love it!
Avatar 8:34pm
other david:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm

"OK, mommy, I'm a little worm crawling on its belly, just like you and daddy. Kk?"

I LOVE YOUR SHOW! Hello from Venice, Californeee!!!

my mom always makes an additional comment : who do you think you are? all stars spinning around over you?
Avatar 8:39pm

wow, it's like all you guys grew up in MY house.

Lovely song!
James Douglas:

thanks for putting me in a better mood with this tearjerker
Dennis Diken:

nice show Monica!!
Avatar 8:44pm

In my house it was a huge sigh and a sing song tone that sounded like Robert Plant in an Augmented 4th saying: "Do what you WA-AANT"
Avatar 8:45pm

yeah, we all had the same parents, but how come we only had one sister?
Avatar 8:46pm

James Douglas, my pleasure...thanks, ?....glenn, i'm afraid we did..... shoe, oy..... Lane - thank you!!!....Hi, Karl!... Texas Scott - howdee!! didn't see you earlier, kiddo.... G - thanks for the back story on anna....Listener Schned - now that's funny... thanks, chris a!

Parents are always adorable disasters.

My mom admonished us by saying we were acting like prima donnas. But for years and YEARS I thought she was saying pre-Madonna and this was long before Ms. Cicclione entered the scene.
'WE'RE NOT MADE OF MONEY YOU KNOW" was another favorite.
Avatar 8:47pm

Nice Sammy Boy

very nice to hear Mr. K's new stuff.
Avatar 8:50pm

frenchee, it's a beautiful album. oh yeah, "money doesn't grow on trees" biz.....
Avatar 8:51pm

so nice to hear ms lennox.. what a voice!
Avatar 8:52pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

This is all softening the periodic house-shaking of the heavy equipment trying to dig out the world outside. It's like living in a mine.
Avatar 8:52pm
Rob S:

great to hear Jessi C
Avatar 8:53pm

once my dad said to me "money doesn't grow on trees" my reply was "no, but it grows on flax plants" my ass was sore for about a week.

Cold in the Poconos, but hot now.

Loved the show.

Avatar 8:53pm
other david:

As ever, wish you were on for hours longer. Perfect show, thankoo!

Speaking of the different parenting styles of the past, Richard Thompson has a great song called "Can't Win" about the efforts of family to keep their offspring down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

"No, mom, we're not made of money. We're obviously made of bitterness, and there wouldn't be any room left for money. :-) "

Im wondering how many of us really have the confidence to say we will be totally different parents? I can imaging myself being a bad parent to be honest.
Avatar 8:56pm

CB2 in the house!!! Many thanks xo... Rob S - thank YOU. and ain't she great???... Pete from Boston - love it, thnx... annie , she's so amazing.. THANK YOU ALL FOR TUNING IN TONIGHT - STAY TUNED FOR DAVE MANDLE WITH MATMOS LIVE!!!
Avatar 8:56pm

bitterness has made g funny.
Avatar 8:57pm

Another show worth a trip to the archives. Thanks, Monica
Avatar 8:57pm

shoe, i made a concerted effort to be anything but what my parents were..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

@shoe: I'm figuring it would be really tough to be on a really tight budget and have to say no all the time. Most parents are not going to tell kids all the income and expense issues. So they go to the old "money doesn't grow on trees" standby.

@G thanks for ur opinion

I really like Matmos, last time seeing their live they were playing coolest version of "teach me tonight"
listener jeff:

Sorry for posting late - listening to archive!
The "Outlaws" consisted of Waylon, Willie, Tompall Glaser and Jessie Colter. Saw them several times back in the day. Once was when Willie had his Fourth of July picnic in Kansas City. The Grateful Dead also peformed - strange mix deadheads and cowboys!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm

Love you, Monica!!! Howard in Portland!
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