Favoriting Gateway to Joy with Donna: Playlist from February 16, 2013 Favoriting

This bell have of a clear sound. It is a noise which to cleave the head.
Belly famished has no ears. Sit down here by me. Do you like the soup?

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Favoriting February 16, 2013

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Artist Track Album
jani christou  mysterion prolog und sprechertext   Favoriting Jani Christou 
reinhold friedl & michael vorfeld  eaves   Favoriting au defaut du silence 
christoph heemann  track 7   Favoriting the rings of saturn 
Christina Kubisch & Fabrizio Plessi  tempo liquido II   Favoriting tempo liquido 
Ake Hodell  Mr. Smith in Rhodesia   Favoriting Verbal Brainwash and Other Works 
april orchestra  industria ellettronica   Favoriting Presente RCA Sound, vol. 5 
Lucia Dlugoszewski  phrase 2-b / phrase 2-c oblique 1 / disparate 12-a   Favoriting disparate steinway radical other 
leopoldo la rosa  andes no 1 1969   Favoriting Tensions at the Vanguard: New Music from Peru (1948-1979) 
walter casas  la creacion   Favoriting Tensions at the Vanguard: New Music from Peru (1948-1979) 
vojtech havel  solo for violoncello   Favoriting the meridian crossings 
thomas a clark  spell for sarah   Favoriting experiments in disintegrating language / koncrete canticle 
orchestra of the upper atmosphere  almost unrecognisable but for its surface markings   Favoriting Orchestra of the Upper Atmosphere 
joey baron & robyn schulkowsky  dinosaur dance no. 3   Favoriting dinosaur dances 
Andrej Korzynski  trying to catch a fly / diabel / trying to catch a fly (reprise)   Favoriting secret enigma 
intersystems  track 4   Favoriting free psychedelic poster inside 
hitoshi kojo  interstellar creepers   Favoriting high tide mirror 
makigami koichi & anton bruhin  electric eel   Favoriting electric eel 
laszlo sary  the voice of time   Favoriting works by laszlo sary 
juan jose iturriberry  musica nocturna   Favoriting musica nueva latinoamericana 1-4 
butch morris  conduction #38 in freud's garden   Favoriting conductions 38/39/40 

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Listener comments!

  Swag For Life Member 9:12pm

Unexpected joy!
Avatar 9:14pm

nice start to the evening....
Marmalade Kitty:

EveninG! a bit of oil would sort that out ;)
sweet cheri:

hiya donna, great to hear from you again! so what's up donna?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm

Yay! Wonderful surprise to hear you here,

Ha! My first attempt at the comments thang! I feel all grown up!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm

Gateway to Comments :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41pm

Mr. Smith is a good white man.
Avatar 9:42pm

Will be back in a jiff, I love Ake Hodell!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

Is that Ian Smith, the white Rhodesian leader back in the day? Just a guess. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

God save Mr. Smith.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm

Ian Smith was always in the Brit papers when I lived there in the 70s.

Marmalade Kitty:

reminds me of lines at break time

Creepy and lovely.
Avatar 9:49pm

And now look what Mugabe has done w/ the ZANU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

I was leery to say that, ngh, but the fact is that human beings generally are pretty shitty to each other no matter the ethnicities. Smith was just another example of shittiness. Mugabe is the more recent version.
Avatar 9:54pm

Power corrupts absolutely. Mugabe was doing well until the mid 90s, and then power bug bit him and things slowly went downhill from there. Of course, in my opinion, no one should be in executive power for more then 12 years, 8 years is enough as it is.
Avatar 9:55pm

All I could think was "I must have this Åke Hodell record" until I realized there was only one copy to be found, and it's priced at $133... If the rest of the album is this good, it might be worth it.
Avatar 9:56pm

Everything Ake Hodell does is gold. Although, the only vinyl I have are the Fylkingen comps that came out in the 70s.
Marmalade Kitty:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm curious as to what the intersystems poster looks like.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51pm

Wow, Donna has comments! Groovy.
Avatar 10:52pm

Ken, I can see it just fine.
Look again.

Hey Ike, wonderful Cambodian biz in my new hood. You would approve!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hoo boy. I see now that that's the album name and not merely a comment. I must pay more attention to the headings on the columns.
  Swag For Life Member 11:56pm

Go Zeena!

Thanks for your efforts, Donna.
Marmalade Kitty:

(Mr. Smith is a murderer)

I had to revisit this.. great show, Donna!
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