Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from February 28, 2013 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting February 28, 2013: The Sequester

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
President Obama addresses workers at a shipyard in Newport News, Va. concerning the sequester. Audio courtesy of WSJ Digital Network.
Man Discusses the Sequester - Madison Square Garden - Manhattan
Upbeat Thing
Trouble Funk  Drop The Bomb   Favoriting   Sugar Hill  1982  12"     
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a press conference - speaks concerning sequester. Audio coutesy of CBS Online.
An Interview with Ryan
Job Interviews
Thinking Positive
Ryan's Message
The Fiery Furnaces  Single Again   Favoriting   Rough Trade  2004  12"  From an unmarked 12" promo.   
An Interview with Andre
Kicking The Can Down the Road
Off The Cliff
Destined to Fail
The Can
Fundamental Weakness
Pitting Factions
Are We Dumbed Down? - dusty@wfmu.org
  Andre works in a prominent NYC radio newsroom.
W - I am enjoying the recent paintings. - http://www.blackbookmag.com/art/george-w-bush-s-paintings-revealed-1.58392
Andre's Message
Duane and Greg Allman  Melissa   Favoriting Duane and Greg Allman  Bold  1972  LP     
An Interview with Tony
Sen. Rand Paul (TP-KY) speaks concerning the sequester - Audio courtesy of CNN.
Tea Party and Republican Dysfunction
Way Down
Six Teenagers
Do You Still Love America?
Westfield, NJ - Pidgemix
Tony's Message
Montrose  Open Fire   Favoriting Open Fire  Warner Bros.  1978    Produced by Edgar WInter   
Jeffrey is Homeless
Once in a Blue Moon
NYC Mayor Bloomberg press conference concerning Hurricane Sandy
Faux Spanish - Peter Ustinov
Homeless Not Helpless
A Drug is a Drug
Whitney Houston ' Crack is Wack' Interview with Diane Sawyer (Excerpt) courtesy of ABC Television
The Cute Guy ... Billy Joel
Jeffrey Sings "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me."
HP Lovecraft  High Flying Bird   Favoriting II  Philips  1968  LP     
President Obama speaks concerning the Sequester
Debra and Marcia
You Don't Seem Worried
What's Your Biggest COncern Today? - dusty@Wfmu.org
Messages of Peace and Love
The Colwells  Up With People!   Favoriting Up With People!  Pace  1965  LP  I think this was sung in every high school in America at that time.   
Tony and George - Young Men w/Cigars
Who's Paying Who?
Came From Nothing
Sen. Rand Paul
Human Nature
Something Blowing Up
Romney Voters
Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Waxes Poetic about Trees
Rationalizing Romney
That Polarizing Media
Final Message
The Tape Turn - Music ... unknown (It was a vinyl LP tacked to the wall in Studio B - unmarked)
An Interview with Tasha
What Do YOU Make of it All? ---- dusty@wfmu.org
Is Tasha Hopeful?
How Do We Get United?
Who Is Your Hero?
Tasha's Dream
  If you'll notice, I ask a LOT of the same questions over and over and over and over ....
Tasha's Message
Starz  Tear It Down   Favoriting Starz  Capitol  1976  LP  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starz_(band)   
An Interview with Chris, a Homeless Man
What Do YOU Miss Most About Your Grandma? --- dusty@wfmu.org
Waiting to Come Back
Own My Own 'Hood
Life Sucks Now
Happy Enough
Do YOU Like America?
Grandma on Crack
Baxter Stockman?
Mother Earth  Down So Low   Favoriting Living with the Animals  Mercury  1968  LP  Featuring Tracy Nelson   
  Thanks for listenning to this episode of The Dusty Show! Sorry I am a little late in getting this playlist done. As I type this, we are in the midst of Marathon and things are understandably hectic.

Perhaps you have noticed that in recent weeks I have bounced back and forth a lot between live shows, stories, and taped issue-oriented shows. I was reviewing the archives prior to Marathon and trying to get a feel for the arc of the past year. Admittedly, I have struggled to find my footing a bit recently. I'll be glad when Marathon is over and some time and normalcy return. I also miss filling in on the three-hour shows. I have so much vinyl stockpiled! I have always felt that mine is not a music show and I get a bit of crap for the music on Dusty, yet, sometimes you guys make me feel like you really enjoy it! We'll see where things go.

I am on Twitter, Soundcloud and Facebook now. Look me up. Join the Pigeonnaires! Until next time, take care ... PLEASE PLEDGE!!!! and ...

always remember

Clay - NYC 2225899

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:03pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hello in there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm
Matt from Springfield:

The Sequester Gazetter Episode!
Hi Clay!
Avatar 6:04pm

OK, I made it here for Clay. Thought you were sequestered for a minute.
Avatar 6:05pm

Avatar 6:05pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hey Matt, Carm. Badness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Matt from Springfield:

BGZ! Is this a Dusty Show first for you? :) Like the avatar!
Avatar 6:06pm

Hi and bye, Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Sugarfly Waterloo:

good evening
Avatar 6:06pm

It's been a while since I dropped by the Dusty Show comments.
Avatar 6:07pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hi and bye. Cecile
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Matt from Springfield:

Yeah, the sequester's going to affect a lot of people around here; all the possible government furloughs, plus the "furloughs" and hours cut from local business as spending money drops.
Avatar 6:07pm
Clay Pigeon:

Sugarfly ... welcome.
Avatar 6:07pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

So, then, I got all the Sea Quest Nation fan club together for nothing tonight? This sucks. The Scheider mask alone cost me half a week's pay.
Avatar 6:07pm
sFrances from VA:

Hey all!
Clay,thx for playing Trouble Funk! I'm going to sit back & enjoy the show!
Avatar 6:08pm

Hey Cecile! Come around more often.
Avatar 6:09pm

I will Carm!
Avatar 6:09pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hi Frances! Pete.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hey Frances, Pete, Sugarfly, Cecile, Carm!
Avatar 6:12pm

hey Clay! bummed i keep missing your show because of work, glad to be listening live again. ive been out of the loop since Dirty Clown!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Matt from Springfield:

A lot of Federal workers live paycheck to paycheck and have kids to support, so furloughs would hurt a lot of people; yet there's almost a brutal justice towards the people in power with this sequester. This was supposed to be a poison pill that hurts all parties and benefits no one, so Congress would get their shit together. And of course they didn't! They've ALREADY failed, they've failed SEVERAL times in fact, so it's time to face the consequences politically.
Avatar 6:14pm

just wondering - how many libertarians would it take before society fell apart because nobody was paying taxes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

good to hear this topic. my job prospects have been most probably wiped out by the sequestration, an application process that has consumed me for the last few months. but cross my fingers and readjust and keep on keepin on.

Ah yes, Melissa! Thanks for the info. Like this better
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Matt from Springfield:

Too bad the ordinary people have to suffer through it as well. I can only hope they will channel their anger at the political establishment, hastening the conclusion to this debacle and getting it over with for a generation or forever.

Phew! Anyways...early version of "Melissa"! Interesting listen!
"Politics divide, music unites!"
Avatar 6:14pm

i know that's badly worded, sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hurry Republican Party! There's still a minority of Americans you haven't left yet! Keep running into batshit territory, faster than the teabaggers can catch up to you!
sweet cheri:

hey there clay & everybody else!! what's up??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Sugarfly Waterloo:

I enjoyed Paul Bagela's suggestion that if Texas and Kentucky really want to deal with their toxic addictions to government funding they can close the massive military bases that exists there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Let me guess, no congresspersons or senators will lose any paychecks?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
Matt from Springfield:

Westfield New Jersey goes 90s techno! :)
Avatar 6:18pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hey Cheri and Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Ken: Some have "volunteered" to give up 20% of their pay or donate it in response--zero mechanism for verifying if they comply.

Is Westfield, NJ a real song? OY VEY! Rock me, Montrose! Love it!
Avatar 6:20pm
Clay Pigeon:

A Pidgemix, Nate.

Is "Bad Motorscooter" a Montrose tune?
Avatar 6:21pm
Clay Pigeon:

I think so, Nate.

I must have a Pidgemix. I feel a pledge extra coming on. . .
Avatar 6:21pm

Clayton, I can tell you had some time for editing. Sounds great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Matt from Springfield:

"Blue book"? Oh, Bloomberg!

What's your car's Bloomberg value? :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Matt from Springfield:

Woooohoooo! Bloomberg Spanglish!!
Avatar 6:22pm
Clay Pigeon:

Thanks for noticing, Fredericks. From here on out the editing thins as time eroded. Good to hear from you.
Avatar 6:23pm
Clay Pigeon:

haha Matt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Nate: That's an idea for Clay's "Bonus CD" he always includes w/ Clay's Classics premiums--next time include a CD of Pidgemixes!
Avatar 6:24pm

can't believe how self motivated this guy is. i wonder where he'll be in a few years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm
Matt from Springfield:

Yeah!! You tell 'em, high class powder Whitney!
Avatar 6:25pm

Yes. Pidgemixes and Bloomberg Spanglish, all mashed up real soft-like.
Avatar 6:25pm

Hello, fellow Pigeonnaires.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm
Matt from Springfield:

Salt in Fabio's wounds!! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: Great idea! And of course Pidge's sound FX throughout.

H.P. Lovecraft psych band!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hey Fredericks! How Pigeonnaire of you.

@Matt Awesome! I'm getting out the ol' leather taco now. Ready to fill the Paypal. Wait a minute, WFMU take PayPal?
Avatar 6:28pm
Clay Pigeon:

I endorse Pigeonnaires.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Nate: I believe WFMU does! Check the Pledge! page.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Clay: Aha! Like a pigeon, flying in the air! It works!
Avatar 6:29pm

Ok. Just signed in and saw the banner
Avatar 6:31pm

I think I'm going to have to talk to Andrea about building a plug-in, so you can sign into "Friendship Society" via the mobile WFMU App
Avatar 6:32pm

Do I hear Kenny Rogers singing in this group???
Avatar 6:33pm

Ok. I'm going to see if Pigeonnaires is available on Facebook Groups
Avatar 6:33pm

I'll coming up in a couple of weeks to help out during the final week of the marathon. I'm looking forward to it!
Avatar 6:33pm
Clay Pigeon:

Maybe Carm. I hope so.
Avatar 6:33pm

jeeeez. i always thought up with people was a buncha earnest right wing doofuses. i didn't know it was a musical.
Avatar 6:34pm
Clay Pigeon:

You'll have fun, Bad Guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Matt from Springfield:

There's another hidden perk to the sequester's furloughs--Federal workers aren't allowed to strike (which I agree with). Federal workers also aren't allowed to work for free or when there's no money appropriated (harder to understand years ago, e.g. why no free internships, but agree now).

The Teabagger Republicans who are wanting this sequester probably don't like *anyone* striking, particularly Feds. And yet...that's what this winds up being, a labor action! A slowdown and walkoff, FORBIDDEN from working more than 32 hours a week. After being pushed around for so many years, now can be a time of "striking" in protest at Congress, LEGALLY!
Avatar 6:34pm

I know he was a member of Up With People at one time. He was one of the guys they mocked in A Mighty Wind. Sweaters and smiles.
Avatar 6:34pm
Clay Pigeon:

Huge musical, Glenn. Sponsored by Schick.
High gas prices:

Got you down? Thank your friends in DC for the Iranian sanctions and our Saudi pals who claimed they would increase production. World markets react to scarcity.

Why love America when America certainly doesn't love you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
Matt from Springfield:

A mandatory and not voted on strike, but still powerful, affecting all departments and nearly every worker equally. Once flights are backed up for miles and meat lovers can't get any meat w/o paying $100s on the black market, the anti-government voters may get a lesson in what government does, the hard way.
Avatar 6:37pm

Hey, High Gas: Look up Prescott Bush. This crap has been going on for the last 75 years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: Up With People, crazy group, they almost satire themselves! I believe that was the group crazy Interior Secretary James Watt had at the national 4th of July concert, because the Beach Boys were "un-American"(!!!!)
Avatar 6:37pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

I come from a family full of hard-working public employees. I'm not one, but it bugs me how much this debate characterizes public employees as all wasteful laggarts. Really just not true.
Avatar 6:38pm
Clay Pigeon:

Beano vs. Gas-X.
Avatar 6:38pm

or, high gas prices, you could always say that if you embrace capitalism, ya gotta suck up high gas prices. gas in venezuela = 9 cents / litre.
Avatar 6:38pm

www.facebook.com... I reserved it for us
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: Monopolies, cartels, speculators and oligarchs--markets or socialism, whatever you call it, it ain't "free" by any means. The whole energy market is rigged, and not in the regular guy's favor.
Avatar 6:40pm

"Romney built his business from nothing." come on now, thats just silly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Matt from Springfield:

Ha HA! Thanks Nate! I'm joining up!
All you Pigeonnaires should join the appropriate FB group, too :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Matt from Springfield:

@steve: Hey, people will only vote for Romney if they're silly to begin with!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I recall Dave Emory on WFMU mentioned Prescott Bush a few times.
Avatar 6:42pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Still, we ought to be able to find ways to cut expenses without this kind of both-sides-of-the-aisle jackassery.
Night Al:

Worked the 'Pink' concert last night, 'Bon Jovi' tomorrow night... hard work putting on these big concerts.
Avatar 6:42pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

I miss Dave Emory's voice.
Avatar 6:42pm

@Matt I'll shoot you an email after the show. I have a couple questions. . .
Avatar 6:43pm
Clay Pigeon:

this tape turn could be a freakout. not used to deck.
Night Al:

If you don't have a senate and house majority, you're a lame duck president.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Pete: There's the easy way, and the hard way to do it. Seems like the whole of America will have to take the hard way, thanks to Congress.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Matt from Springfield:

Go ahead, Nate!
Avatar 6:43pm

Joining late... hope you have a great show Clay! I'm going to have to do a replay later to catch the first half.
Avatar 6:44pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hey Timbo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

federal workers are a huge number of people that are commonly referred to as one, within which there is a lot of variation according to agency and departments. for National Park Service workers, to protect the worker, they are not to work for free doing their duties so that the worker is paid for their work and not taken advantage of. that said, there are thousands upon thousands of volunteers who augment the work of the NPS (and other public agencies) because there are less and less permanent NPS paid staff, yet more and more work. visitation to National Parks have increased substantially, facilities age with time and are falling apart, and budgets are reduced each year. the result of this all is "blame the government" if any NPS services fall short. so when we speak of "federal workers", be specific in who/what you're talking about, and back it up with experience or stats. federal workers are us, our relatives, friends and neighbors. just my 2 cents to a previous comment somewhere on the board.

hey clay! late sign in for me - my cat was having a mild seizure and i had to sit and hold her. who know having pets was so hard.
Avatar 6:45pm

I've been in Government for 25+ years, and I still can't figure out how my budget works, much less the whole system's. Someone who says they can run government because they own a business is a complete jackass.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Special Man:

Why don't Clay and Andy Breckman team up for the marathon: Andy's snarky remarks meet Clay Pigeon soft power united through the love of soft 70s rock.
Avatar 6:46pm
Clay Pigeon:

Thank you, Anne.
Avatar 6:46pm

what carm said, times 100.
Avatar 6:46pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hey Dale!
Avatar 6:47pm

I miss Bill Clinton. That guy knew how to do it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: Not only is profit totally not the point of government, but no one inside or out of government knows how their budgets work anyway! And the budgets we have are always late anyway, after much legislative infighting and dealmaking.
Avatar 6:47pm
Clay Pigeon:

Sounds fun, Special. I'm looking forward to hosting with Duane and William Berger. Oh, and Fabio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

@Special Man ...I agree. Clay and Andy would be great together.
Avatar 6:49pm

is the list of dj tag teams up yet?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Matt from Springfield:

Wow, Clay and Bill Berger! That should be fun--in fact, you interviewed Wm. Berger already during Sandy, so I KNOW that will be fun!
Avatar 6:50pm
Clay Pigeon:

I may have blurted.
Avatar 6:50pm

Oh, A Mighty Wind kinda went after the New Christy Minstrels as well. That was a strange time, folk singers from the suburbs singing about picking cotton in the hot sun, spending time in a Mexican prison, and chasing whales in the Atlantic. All they had going for them was sincerity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Matt from Springfield:

@steve: A kind listener has "leaked" the tag teams to the public :)

Avatar 6:51pm

whoa nice work Matt!
Avatar 6:51pm

@steve: Yes. The marathon pairings are up on the marathon page. There's a tab for the list.
Avatar 6:52pm

Avatar 6:52pm

Clay, I really enjoyed your marathon after Sandy. Love to hear you in the studio just spinning whatever you feel like spinning. Good stuff. Are you setting up for another battle with Fabio anytime soon?
Avatar 6:53pm
Clay Pigeon:

I suppose i should wrap it up here. Andy's coming up with Night People. Thanks for listening everyone. Don't forget marathon and FMU in the upcoming 2-weeks. Appreciate your listening. Take care and ... always remember ... CC5 !!!!!!!!!!! 99
Avatar 6:53pm

Thanks @Matt and @BadGuyZero! Michele & Frangry with Ken Freedman. . .Any thoughts?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

thanks a bunch, Clay!
Avatar 6:54pm
Clay Pigeon:

Power Pop battle with Evan Davies after marathon, on his show. A 3-hour duuuuuuel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks BGZ, finally the "legit" copy! ;)
Avatar 6:54pm

Avatar 6:55pm
Clay Pigeon:

Facebook. Twitter. Heh.
Avatar 6:55pm

On the EFD Pop Battle, I mean. . .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Matt from Springfield:

WHOA!! That's AMAZING Clay!! I - must - not - miss - THAT!! :D

Thanks for this important and topical show (like always)!
Have a great night, Pigeonnaires! Always Remember...to PLEDGE! :)
Avatar 6:55pm

Man, this interview is so sad. Feel so bad for this guy. :'(
Avatar 6:57pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Anne, are you in the NPS? Part of my public-worker family is.

oh, i love sister steve - wrong tracy nelson?
Avatar 6:58pm

Good fun, thanks Clay!
Avatar 6:58pm

Cheers, Clay. Have a great night.
Avatar 6:59pm

If thrift store clothing can have demons attached to it can flea market records have them too?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

@Pete, yeah but on a seasonal basis. which if rumor is correct, all seasonal hiring is nixed due to sequestration. I've been seasonal for 4 seasons, state contractor for 1, full-time volunteer for 1: Hawai'i, NYC, and Indiana. big up to you and your family!
Avatar 7:00pm

Later, Clay dude.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Nice outro song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Clay, check out Linda Ronstadt's cover of that Tracy song. (Only with you could I suggest a Linda Ronstadt record on WFMU.)
Avatar 7:01pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

NPS is one of my favorite organizations, public or otherwise. Cheers to you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

thanx Pete :) where does your family work?
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