Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from March 1, 2013 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting March 1, 2013: I Should Have Known
~~Animation by Minnesota Jeff

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Love Unlimited  I Should Have Known   Favoriting   Uni  1972  45     
Duke Ellington  Happy As The Day Is Long   Favoriting Duke Ellington Presents Ivie Anderson  Columbia  2001  CD  Recorded in 1933  0:03:51 (Pop-up)
Lester Bowie  Hello Dolly   Favoriting Fast Last!  Sony Japan  1998  CD  Recorded in 1974  0:06:30 (Pop-up)
I Compani  Le Notti Bianche   Favoriting Garbo and Other Goddesses of Cinema  icdisc.nl  2012  CD  Composed by Nino Rota  0:11:19 (Pop-up)
Frank Carlberg  Federico on Broadway   Favoriting Federico on Broadway  Red Piano Records  2012  CD    0:12:41 (Pop-up)
Anthony Braxton + Italian Instabile Orchestra  Composition 63   Favoriting Creative Orchestra (Bolzano) 2007  Rai Trade  2008  CD    0:23:05 (Pop-up)
Aki Takase  Surface Tension   Favoriting a week went by  psi  2010  CD    0:44:51 (Pop-up)
Gato Libre  Japan   Favoriting Forever  Libra Records  2012  CD    0:47:24 (Pop-up)
John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman  They Say it's Wonderful   Favoriting John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman  Impulse  1991  CD  Recorded in 1964  0:54:33 (Pop-up)
Alessandro Bosetti / Chris Abrahams  Waltz for Debby   Favoriting We Who Had Left  Mikroton  2012  CD  Composed by Bill Evans  1:01:53 (Pop-up)
Les Sculpteurs de Vinyl  Lablax   Favoriting Memory & Money  Stupeur et Trompette!  1997  CD    1:07:13 (Pop-up)
Dialogue Dreams  Two quinuclidonium tetrafluoroborate   Favoriting A Necessary Conjunction  Vindu Music  2012  CD    1:10:14 (Pop-up)
The Special AKA  Alcohol   Favoriting In the Studio With the Special AKA  Chrysalis  1984  CD    1:11:51 (Pop-up)
Marvin Gaye  I Wish I Didn't Love You So   Favoriting Vulnerable  Motown  1997  CD  Recorded 1977-1979  1:16:51 (Pop-up)
Prince  Pope   Favoriting Letitgo  Warner Bros.  1994  Single    1:19:46 (Pop-up)
Pauline Kim Harris  Psycho Killer Variations   Favoriting     2013  WAV  Composed by Eric Lyon; Recorded live at Bowery Electric, NYC, Feb. 13, 2013  1:26:24 (Pop-up)
Pauline Oliveros  Something Else   Favoriting No Mo  Pogus Productions  2001  CD  Recorded in 1966  1:39:53 (Pop-up)
The Shangri-Las  I Can Never Go Home Anymore   Favoriting The Best of the Shangri-Las  Polygram  1996  CD  Originally released in 1965  1:53:36 (Pop-up)
Mystic Eyes with Ollie Olsen  The Log of Mystic Seaport   Favoriting Norse Sagas  unreleased    CD-R    2:00:59 (Pop-up)
Teeth of the Lions Rule the Divine  He Who Accepts all That Is Offered (Feel Bad Hit of the Winter)   Favoriting Rampton  Southern Lord  2002  CD    2:27:41 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD    2:55:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


what great 80's flick is that image from Kurt?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm

almost a wm berger playlist image, eppur si muove

Bonsoir Kurt !
Tuning in from the phone app.
Therefore no octopussy avatar.

Love this version of this tune.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Sem Chumbo:

Well begun, thank you so much K.G.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13pm

Van Cliburn died Weds. He was the biggest thing going in classical music 55 years ago. That's what you get for basically not performing after the 70s: the memory hole!
Avatar 3:15pm

ummmm. this may be a dumb question. is it possible to copy images into google / other search engine so they can be identified?
Avatar 3:16pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hi everyone! thanks for tuning in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19pm
Sugarfly Waterloo:

@glenn look for TinEye
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:28pm
Sem Chumbo:

That's some eye, that TinEye. Thanks SW.
Avatar 3:30pm

Love the GIF.
Avatar 3:30pm

that's very cool. my thanks as well.
Avatar 3:35pm

alas. poor yoric. arts.nationalpost.com...
Avatar 3:38pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

wow! amazing story, glenn. will save the link for more closely attuned reading. thanks.
Avatar 3:56pm

oh! johnny hartman.
Avatar 3:59pm

Hiya, Koit. Are you psyched for the marathon?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

Is someone worried the mic is HIV positive?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

Kurt's show just got hi-jacked by Scott and I'm loving it.
Avatar 4:08pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

def psyched for the 'thon, tho business will take me away from week 1, sad to say.
Avatar 4:10pm

Ha, I have this Sculpteurs de Vinyl.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm

@glenn: it is a very nice skull. And an excellent production of Hamlet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24pm

Expressway to Yorick's Skull
paula pc:

i am won over by the way he says "Pope."

Ahh I love strings!!
Avatar 4:32pm

I got a 404 error when trying to read that article, Glenn. Takes me to the site, but not the story.
Avatar 4:37pm

huh. i tried it again. 404 it is. it's probably because somebody pointed out that it was a 4 year old story.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm

@Carm: the same story in The Telegraph: www.telegraph.co.uk...
Urania Mylonas:

Pauline Kim Harris is a damn genius! Thank you for playing her piece Kurt!!!
Avatar 4:52pm

al queda has a magazine. who knew? news.nationalpost.com...

enjoy the weekend all! Beeeeeers!!!!

Wow,like just WOW......that into this........there is a heaven.
Avatar 5:20pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

Hello. I am done work and home.
Avatar 5:21pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hello, gmmm! i was scared no one was listening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Mike East:

I'm here Kurt. Very busy. Enjoying this track, though :)
paula pc:

Kurt, this track is phenomenal, as has been the entire show so far.
Avatar 5:24pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ha! thanks. yeah, i know you're all out there. been quiet on the comments today, tho.
Avatar 5:25pm

Is that the Ollie Olsen, the experiementer from Australia?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm

Listening as usual and loving it (as usual)!
Avatar 5:26pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ollie olsen is norwegian but the other half of the duo is australian. let me ask her and see if i can get an answer right quick.
Avatar 5:27pm

I'm zoning on the spacey music, despite my avatar.
Avatar 5:28pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

cecile, ms mystic eyes sez "yes, very much."
Avatar 5:29pm

any chance to this unrealesed cdr will see a daylight?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29pm
Mike East:

ooh, this is my favorite part of the trip right here
Minnesota Jeff:

Wish I could be listening live right now, just sneaking in to say "YO!"
Avatar 5:31pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ollie olsen worked with michael hutchence! en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm

Isn't this the same Aussie Ollie Olsen who recorded as NO back in the 80's and did a collab w/ Michael Hutchence?
Avatar 5:31pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hi mn gif!
Avatar 5:32pm

because I seem to remember there being an Ollie somebody in the ANZ post-punk scene.

Todd! Great minds!
Avatar 5:32pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

OH! wait till you guys see the marathon premium cd cover minn jeff did for me! it's fantastic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm

My guess is Friday midday many commenters are nearcrazed at the approach of the weekend. 4-6PM many are travelling home, on the US east coast anyhow.
Avatar 5:35pm

I'm here, just pretty busy...
Avatar 5:35pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

Speaking of the marathon. The hoof is going to be on the ground floor of the station and that means it is a small space with limited participants. Maybe even just enough room for the musicians and such. That being the case listeners who usually go to Maxwell's to see it might make plans for a meet up at another place. Since I thing the hoof will be streamed again this year. I will be coming from VT so I don't have any other place to go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm

Addendum: Or busy getting work done finally, so they can leave on time. 12-3 is still fuckaround time; 4-6 is buckledown time :)
Avatar 5:39pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

yeah, sorry to say the hoof won't be open to the public this year. hopefully by next year the ground floor will be a licensed public venue, but not just yet.
Avatar 5:42pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

if somebody wanted to organize an actual listener meetup, we could post it and help spread the word. but we're too taxed to take something like that on, unforts.
Avatar 5:43pm
Mr. Lowry:

You need to play this and The Shangri-Las at the same time.
Avatar 5:43pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

wife and I will be down there that weekend and hopefully over the course of the next couple of weeks we can all as listeners come up with some options for ourselves.
Avatar 5:46pm

Kurt, you could have an un-official remote event at a place much like Maxwells, via the wonder of Skype. Any laptop plugged into a big-ass TV and sound system would do the trick.
Avatar 5:47pm
aaron in chicago:

I'm still giggling over "feel-bad hit of the winter"
Avatar 5:47pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

carm, yeah, it's been discussed, and would be welcomed if a listener wanted to organize it. we're just not taking on anything else right now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

we could even have it catered, kinda like this :)

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:49pm

I don't know how we got to John Coltrane & Johnny Hart to Teeth of the Lions, and I don't care. Somehow, it all works.
Avatar 5:50pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

through the magic of radio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm

Avatar 5:53pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

the gif is looking really good right now.

...This sounds like my brain today roasted inside a Saturn V engiyne...

...Who should annunciate 'Goood Eevening EfffEmmmYoo' for me :
- Alfred Hitchcock
...Robyn Hitchcock
- or Bela Lugosi - ??

- Opinions?
Avatar 5:55pm

Pee Wee Herman?

...Coltrane coulda got down w/ any of it - @ one point or another...

@Carm. :

...Fine - ! : )
Avatar 5:58pm

Oh, crap, it's over! Have great weekend everyone!
Avatar 5:59pm

Aah, here she is. Great show, Kurt. Have e good weekend, everyone!

gif ='s John McCain - ???...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm

McCain in the Hanoi Hilton
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