logo by robert piersanti

March 9, 2013 Favoriting
Marathon Week 1 w/ co-host Joe Belock!!!

Call 800-989-9368 or go HERE to pledge!

Pledges of $75 OR MORE automatically gets you Terre's premium:

The Cherry Blossom Clinic with Terre T. presents
Do The Proxilin Stomp!

Rarities from DJ Terre T's personal collection of punk "dances!"

"Do The Proxilin Stomp" CD cover designed by Eye Noise Art (gigposters page, Etsy page).

Plus a flashlight with the classic Cherry Blossom Clinic logo!

(Color combo of actual prize may be different)

Pledges of $120 OR MORE gets you in the running for our grand prize!

Jon Spencer Blues Explosion "Still Number One" Rock Pack!

Consists of:
- Meat + Bone CD and LP
- Extra Width LP
- Now I Got Worry LP
- Orange LP
- "Bag of Bones" 7"
- JSBX large-size T-shirt
- Red JSBX bag

Pledges of $120 OR MORE gets you in the running for one of two "not-quite-grand-but-still-mighty-awesome" hourly prizes!

To be given away at 4:30 pm

Portlandia "Is It Local?" Fun Pack!

- Portlandia Season 1 DVD
- Portlandia denim bag
- "Put a Bird on It" large-size T-shirt
- "IFC Hearts Podcasts" headphone
- Cool notebook and pen

To be given away at the end of the show

Ugly Things Prize Pack!

This prize pack contains:
- The last 3 issues of Ugly Things magazine (#32, #33, #34)
- The Misunderstood The Lost Acetates 1965-1966 CD
- The Fenmen (Wally Waller and Jon Povey, pre-Pretty Things) Sunstroke CD
- Loons (featuring Mike Stax)/Clinic split 7"

Many, many more prizes will be given away throughout the show for a minimum pledge of $15 OR MORE!!!

(For more information on WFMU pledge levels and swag, check here.)

Follow Terre!!!
on Twitter: Twitter.com/TerreCherry
on Facebook: facebook.com/terre-cherryblossom-WFMU
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Terre T's avatar View Terre T's profile Favoriting

Favoriting The Cherry Blossom Clinic with hostess Terre T

On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
WFMU LIVE Audio Streams (Get help):   Pop-up  |  128k AAC  |  128k MP3  |  32k MP3

Wednesday 6 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
Note: The music bed between sets is the william orbit remix of pierre henry's "psyche rock" taken from the 1997 album metamorphose -- messe pour le temps present featuring the music of pierre henry and michel colombier (FFRR/polygram 4562942).

The last column may have tons or NO info depending on how reliable my notes are. (I write up the set list as I play it)
Artist Title Album, Notes Approx. start time
THE MOVE  Cherry Blossom Clinic Revisited   Favoriting Shazam!. 0:00:00 Pop-up)  
JOEL RL PHELPS  Cherry Blossom Hours   Favoriting Joel RL Phelps' website, Facebook and Soundcloud. 0:07:03 Pop-up)  
THE LYRES  Help You Ann   Favoriting On Fyre. Pledge now and you could win this CD! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
0:09:20 Pop-up)  
RHINO 39  Prolixin Stomp   Favoriting On Terre's 2013 premium Do The Prolixin Stomp! Yours for a pledge of $75 or more!! 0:19:42 Pop-up)  
AUDACITY  Garza Girls   Favoriting Mellow Cruisers. Pledge now and you could win this CD! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
0:29:26 Pop-up)  
DICKS  All Night Fever   Favoriting On Terre's 2013 premium Do The Prolixin Stomp! Yours for a pledge of $75 or more!! 0:32:33 Pop-up)  
JON SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION  Bellbottoms   Favoriting Orange. Part of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion "Still Number One" Rock Pack! Get in the running for a pledge of $120 or more! 0:34:24 Pop-up)  
CEREMONY  Hysteria   Favoriting Zoo. Pledge now and you could win this CD! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
0:52:35 Pop-up)  
THE CUTS  Do the Sleeper   Favoriting On Terre's 2013 premium Do The Prolixin Stomp! Yours for a pledge of $75 or more!! 1:03:52 Pop-up)  
KING TUFF  Keep On Movin'   Favoriting King Tuff. King Tuff Pledge now and you could win this CD! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
1:20:39 Pop-up)  
ART ATTACKS  Do the Big Baby   Favoriting On Terre's 2013 premium Do The Prolixin Stomp! Yours for a pledge of $75 or more!! 1:25:40 Pop-up)  
WILD FLAG  Boom   Favoriting The Portlandia "Is It Local?" Fun Pack will be given away in just a few moments! Get in the running for a pledge of $120 or more! 1:28:31 Pop-up)  
CHEAP TIME  Down the Tube   Favoriting Fantastic Explanations (And Similar Situations). Pledge now and you could win this CD! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
1:49:49 Pop-up)  
THE MISUNDERSTOOD  I Unseen   Favoriting The Lost Acetates: 1965-1966. Part of the Ugly Things Prize Pack!! Get in the running for a pledge of $120 or more! 1:52:41 Pop-up)  
THE ABOVE  What She Said   Favoriting The Above. Pledge now and you could win this CD! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:09:13 Pop-up)  
SCREEMER  Interplanetary Twist   Favoriting On Terre's 2013 premium Do The Prolixin Stomp! Yours for a pledge of $75 or more!! 2:11:35 Pop-up)  
DICKS  Dicks Hate The Police   Favoriting Kill From the Heart. Pledge now and you could win this CD! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:29:10 Pop-up)  
WHITE WIRES  Everywhere You Were   Favoriting White Wires III. Pledge now and you could win this CD! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:40:35 Pop-up)  
EDDY CURRENT SUPRESSION RING  We'll All Be Turned On   Favoriting So Many Things. Pledge now and you could win this LP! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:48:42 Pop-up)  
THE BONERS  Do The Itch   Favoriting On Terre's 2013 premium Do The Prolixin Stomp! Yours for a pledge of $75 or more!! 2:53:07 Pop-up)  
JON SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION  Afro   Favoriting Extra Width. Part of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion "Still Number One" Rock Pack! Get in the running for a pledge of $120 or more! 2:56:25 Pop-up)  
THE GEARS  Don't Be Afraid to Pogo   Favoriting On Terre's 2013 premium Do The Prolixin Stomp! Yours for a pledge of $75 or more!! 2:58:30 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12pm Fuzzy:

Surely I can't be the only one here!
Avatar 3:12pm Joe B:

let's see some love for TERRE T!!!!!!!
Avatar 3:13pm Joe B:

forget ann what about TERRE!!!! we need some help here for WFMU!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:14pm Skirkie:

Dig that flashlight.
  3:14pm jacc:

hi guys
  3:15pm jack:

hi guys
Avatar 3:15pm KP:

Make this day very Terre!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm AP Paulie B:

Hey everybody! Thanks for checking in! Keep the pledges comin'!!!
  3:17pm jack:

see ya later theres a beer with my name on it in the fridge
Avatar 3:19pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Okay comments board people, I need some place to eat around Lyndhurst. Been to Rutts an awful lot lately, need to branch out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21pm Skirkie:

Mr. Bruno's does a niiice pizza.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22pm Andrew Waterloo:

good afternoon
  3:24pm jack:

WTF ? prolixon stomp ? prolixpn sucks !
  3:26pm jack:

lol I speak from experience you don't wan't no prolixon !
  3:27pm jack:

prolixon petrifies your nads beavis hahahhahahahha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm AP Paulie B:

@Skirkie No I don't!

@Jack You may not want prolixin but you definitely want Terre's premium CD!
  3:29pm jack:

ok buy me one lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm Fuzzy:

Is it just me or is the Marathon Map broken?
  3:31pm jack:

want my addie so you can send it ?
  3:32pm ?:

Is it just me or is the jack broken?
  3:33pm jack:

jack was broken a long time ago
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm AP Paulie B:

Play nice, everybody.
Avatar 3:35pm Snortley:

Why no pledges from Wyoming, South Dakota, or Mississippi? C'mon out there, get with it!
  3:35pm jack:

hey bud ice !!!!!!!!! cheap ! and good !!!!!!!!!
Avatar 3:36pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Ended up at Stewart's in Kearny. Too nice to not eat outside.
  3:36pm jack:

thorazine shuffle
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm Fuzzy:

Thanks for your helpful answers...
Avatar 3:40pm Snortley:

No, the map's not broken. Sparta, NJ is in fact located in the middle of Saudi Arabia.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm Mike East:

I pledged for Terre's premium because as hurricane Sandy taught me...you can never have too many flashlights.
  3:40pm dinatekno:

Jersey girl living among the zombies in Naples, FL - representing & showing support ! I love you TerreT!!
Avatar 3:40pm Joe non Papa:

@snortley, Delaware's not in either. (I think that Wyoming was the only state that didn't have a pledge last year.)
  3:40pm jack:

hello ? is there anybody in here ??? just knock if you can hear me, is there anybody home ?
Avatar 3:43pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Map is buggy on my phone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm Fuzzy:

I got it figured out -- Chrome was being paranoid and blocking the "unsecure" script that generates the map.
Avatar 3:47pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Why is it always the other person that's unsecure?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm G:

Google Chrome: Bringing TSA Security Theatre to your handheld device since 2008. :)
Avatar 3:58pm BadGuyZero:

Hello everyone! I apologize for my tardiness. I'm working a music fest in Denton and had to get things up-and-running. But I got back my hotel room ASAP so I could listen to Terre T and Joe B!
Avatar 4:00pm BadGuyZero:

I used to be unsecure of myself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm Joshua K:

I have unleashed the prize account.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm joe:

Jeez auto correct made a mess out of my comment on my pledge
Avatar 4:02pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

What's with Terre?!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm joe:

I was trying to yell at Terre T for making me try to spell Rockinest when I took her call the other day. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm G:

@joe: www.damnyouautocorrect.com
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm joe:

LOL thank you G
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm Fuzzy:

Who Are The Grammar Police? They make me feel insecure!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm AP Paulie B:

Who Makes The Grammar Nazis?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm Joshua K:

Who is Grammar Hitler?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm joe:

The scary part is it's not even like a brutal nazi thing. it's more like ewww you don't want to do that do here let me change that for you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm AP Paulie B:

Okay guys... I know I'm partly to blame but let's knock off the Nazi references and get back to Terre and her great show and why you should pledge!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm Mike Sin:

Folks, please keep WFMU on the air for another year. Seriously, WFMU's operating budget is exactly what you're pledging for -- there is no "padding." No DJs pull a salary. They create and maintain these radio programs for free. You, the listener, keep WFMU on the air each year. WFMU easily provides the most bang for you entertainment buck. Think about what you overpay on cable TV and $6 pints of domestic cruddy lager each year! Ha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm joe:

Yay Dan of the Woggles
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm Joshua K:

We need more Matt Berry level pledges
Avatar 4:21pm BadGuyZero:

Portlandia has it all wrong...put a Terre on it!
  4:23pm johnny:

Jesse Malin wears a hair piece , just fyi.
Avatar 4:24pm Joe B:

lotta great prizes no one in the drawing! let's go!
Avatar 4:25pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

If WFMU can produce a decent domestic lager, I'll pledge even more.
  4:29pm Manchild Woman Marie:

Joe and T be rockin' me.
  4:38pm Matt from Point Pleasant:

Hey joe! i think broadway is opening up soon.
  4:38pm Matt from Point Pleasant:

Hey joe! i think broadway is opening up soon.
  4:41pm Orange Blossom Dan:

Nice one BGZ!
Avatar 4:44pm Joe B:

thanks matt! see you at jenks north if they survived!
  4:46pm Ed in Florida:

Real American money! I'm a native New Yorker (Catskills) and it is therefore my birthright to end up in Florida.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm Skirkie:

How bout all you folks that got free tickets from Terre.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm Skirkie:

That's a great rest stop.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm Fuzzy:

When you gonna start giving away DingDongKingKongSingsongBurgers?
Avatar 5:09pm SpamPrince:

Thanx for the Morning Zoo shoutout, Terre & joe! Yer the best! (Hi Frank)
Avatar 5:11pm Holly in NC:

Hi everyone! I'm out & about wearing Terre T's t-shirt from last year - it always gets tons of compliments.
And of course am getting this year's cool premium as well ;-)
  5:12pm Ignore Function:

I've talked to lots of bands who love playing the CBC, Cheap Time among them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13pm Mike East:

I played with the Above for one or two rehearsals many years ago. I remember doing the song 'Bollywood Woman.' Glad to see theyre still rockin'
  5:14pm Eugene:

It's 12 dj premiums for $500 and 18 for $1,000. Terre just stated it (for the second time) the other way around.
Avatar 5:16pm Holly in NC:

I'm totally entering the pool for the Above
  5:18pm dinatekno:

Screemer sounds similar to Sweet's "Ballroom Blitz".
Avatar 5:18pm BadGuyZero:

@Ignore Function: Same here. Every time I've talked to Ty Segall WFMU has come up. He loves the station and Terre especially.
Avatar 5:22pm Holly in NC:

Shirtless Deniz Tek worth mouse pledge, bare minimum...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm Skirkie:

The Ettes, Jim Jones Revue, Household, Chrome Cranks, Paul Collins Beat, Dengue Fever
Avatar 5:27pm Sigurdur:

Love Kevin
  5:33pm V.:

the WFMU Snacks Sticker Sheet is making me hungry.
Avatar 5:34pm On the Yazoo:

Now there's a pledge from Mississippi.. Sorry I'm late.. Had a Doctor's appointment.
Avatar 🍒 Swag For Life Member 5:37pm Artie:

Terre is love. Pledge her up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm Ignore Function:

If you don't pledge you get a wedgie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm Ignore Function:

If you win the prize is sent after you send your pledge money, right? With all the other stuff?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Ignore Function:

Thanks Terre and the gang!
Avatar 6:05pm BadGuyZero:

@Ignore Function: Yes.
Avatar 6:06pm BadGuyZero:

Great show, Terre! Thanks for the fantastic co-hosting job, Joe! I'll see you all next Saturday!
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