Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from March 31, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 31, 2013

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
István Márta  Overture   Favoriting Works  Hungaroton  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Julia Rovinsky  Energy Flow (Ryuichi Sakamoto)   Favoriting Dawn  Ent-T  0:06:01 (Pop-up)
Aldo Clementi  GiAn(ca)rlo CArDini   Favoriting Punctum Contra Punctum  Die Schachtel  0:11:15 (Pop-up)
Expo '70  Universal Horizon   Favoriting Animism  Kill Shaman  0:16:15 (Pop-up)
Don Bikoff  To Ellen   Favoriting Celestial Explosion  Tompkins Square  0:28:07 (Pop-up)
Stafrænn Hákon  Blek   Favoriting Ventill/Poki  Resonant  0:31:25 (Pop-up)
Kristin Oppenheim  She Was Long Gone   Favoriting Selected Works  303 Gallery  0:37:22 (Pop-up)
Soft Boys  The Pigworker   Favoriting A Can of Bees  Ryko  0:40:05 (Pop-up)
John Zorn  Island/Ghetto   Favoriting Filmworks XXV  Tzadik  0:49:30 (Pop-up)
Mark Mothersbaugh  Mothersbaugh's Canon   Favoriting The Royal Tenenbaums OST  Hollywood Records  0:51:58 (Pop-up)
Sonic Catering Band  Table Manners   Favoriting Seven Transdanubian Recipes  Peripheral Conserve  0:56:59 (Pop-up)
Sonny Stitt Quartet  Norman's Blues   Favoriting New York Jazz  Verve  1:02:23 (Pop-up)
Algebra Suicide  Cerebral Dance   Favoriting Summer Virus Night  Dom Elchklang  1:09:15 (Pop-up)
Sparks  I Like Girls   Favoriting Profile The Ultimate Sparks Collection  Rhino  1:11:11 (Pop-up)
Eyeless in Gaza  Back from the Rains   Favoriting Back from the Rains  Cherry Red  1:14:04 (Pop-up)
Intelligence  Tropical Struggle   Favoriting Icky Baby  In the Red  1:17:30 (Pop-up)
Family  Scene Through the Eye of a Lens   Favoriting Music in a Doll's House (reissue)  Reprise  1:19:37 (Pop-up)
Carl Orff  Rondo   Favoriting Volume One / Musica Poetica  Celestial Harmonies  1:25:55 (Pop-up)
Organum  Obon (Version)   Favoriting Vacant Lights / Rara Avis  Die Stadt  1:28:10 (Pop-up)
Mats Gustafsson, Paal Nilssen-Love, Mesele Asmamaw  Baro 101-B   Favoriting Baro 101  Terp  1:34:35 (Pop-up)
Sun City Girls  Lemur's Urine   Favoriting Singles Volume 3  Abduction  1:39:32 (Pop-up)
John Carpenter  The Bank Robbery   Favoriting Escape from New York OST  Silva Screen  1:41:38 (Pop-up)
Carl Stone  Nyala: Second Section   Favoriting Emit:1196  TIME Records  1:50:34 (Pop-up)
Hijokaidan  Circles   Favoriting Hijokaidan Tapes  Alchemy Records  1:54:14 (Pop-up)
Art Lande  Jaimi's Birthday Song   Favoriting Rubisa Patrol  ECM  1:59:11 (Pop-up)
Harry Partch  June 11, 1935 - Santa Rosa, California   Favoriting Bitter Music  Bridge  2:03:03 (Pop-up)
Strange  Four Eyes   Favoriting Souvenir Album  Normal Records  2:11:30 (Pop-up)
Dan Friel  Velocipede   Favoriting Total Folklore  Thrill Jockey  2:21:44 (Pop-up)
Alex Calder  Suki and Me   Favoriting Time  Captured Tracks  2:21:49 (Pop-up)
H.N.A.S.  Welt der Getränke   Favoriting Gegenstände Fallen Zu Boden  Dom Elchklang  2:24:32 (Pop-up)
Jozef Van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch  Hetoimasia   Favoriting Apokatastasis  Incunabulum  2:33:26 (Pop-up)
Peter Blegvad & John Greaves  Bottle   Favoriting Unearthed  Sub Rosa  2:40:17 (Pop-up)
Benoit Pioulard  Florid   Favoriting Hymnal  Kranky  2:42:39 (Pop-up)
Chico Hamilton Quintet  Blue Sands   Favoriting Complete Studio Recordings    2:46:07 (Pop-up)
Rob Mazurek Octet  Keeping the Light Up   Favoriting Skull Sessions  Cuneiform  2:52:28 (Pop-up)
Paul Bley Quintet  Ictus   Favoriting Barrage  ESP  2:56:22 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

Happy Birthday, Dave without an E!

(Doug said to say that)
Avatar 9:00pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, music lovers.
Avatar 9:02pm
Dave Mandl:

Thank you!
Avatar 9:05pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

What it is!
Avatar 9:05pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Rare treat to dig this thing in real time vs. archives.
Avatar 9:06pm

hello dave m. and all listeners
Avatar 9:06pm
Dave Mandl:

Welcome, Rev.
Avatar 9:11pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey, Doca.
Avatar 9:16pm

intriguing set so far, dave, demanding but also very hearty songs, if i may call that.
Richard from Venezuela:

Greetings Dave and all the listeners.
Avatar 9:18pm

good evening Dave! yes, i am happy to be listening LIVE too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)
Avatar 9:19pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Been on an Expo70 binge ever since he played Sonic Circuits fest here in DC a few years back. Superior stuff.
Avatar 9:20pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey there, Richard. Thanks, @SL!
Avatar 9:22pm

Avatar 9:28pm
Dave Mandl:

Haha. I'm half Hungarian myself, and so is my wife.
Avatar 9:30pm

AWESOME! Hungarian-Gypsy-by-way-of-New-Jersey here :)
do either of you speak Hungarian???
Avatar 9:32pm
Dave Mandl:

Not a word, unfortunately.
Avatar 9:37pm

me neither, although i totally recognize it when i hear it, thanks to my Mom and Grandma :) -- but when i was born, not considered a "good" thing to speak languages other than English in the US -- took Hungarian class at Hungarian House in Manhattan, hoo boy! some of those vowel sounds are like the combined sound of TWO Sanskrit vowels! FASCINATINg but difficult language!
  Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

Avatar 9:40pm
Dave Mandl:

@SL1313: Yeah, I'd love to learn it sometime but TBH it wouldn't be practical, and it would take me ages.
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Dave Mandl:

@12539: I might have a few more tonight, but not many.
Avatar 9:41pm

12539, Lurker rule #1!
Avatar 9:43pm

so if you're half hungarian and your wife's too, so your children will be whole hungarian or only one quarter?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
I X Key!:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Mike Sin:

!Happy birthday. Dave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm

If you and your wife are both half Hungarian, your children will be two thirds Scandinavian and one eighth Latvian. Simple physics.
Avatar 9:48pm

@cklequ: especially living in the new jersey/new york area. latvian by osmosis.
Avatar 9:49pm
Dave Mandl:

@Mike: Thanks, pal.
Avatar 9:50pm
Dave Mandl:

@cklequ: She's half too, isn't she? And 1/4 Italian and 1/4 Russian.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm

I think it's 1/3 Russian... I can't think straight. I'm distracted by trying to decide what type of music my new band "Latvian By Osmosis" should play.
Avatar 9:55pm

checker music for Balinesians???
Avatar 9:57pm
Dave Mandl:

I'm half Russian, so my daughter's 1/4 Russian.
Avatar 9:57pm

There's some mysterious connection between Hungarian and Finnish, so you're perhaps in some way Scandinavian.
Avatar 9:58pm

@cklequ: you can check on wikipedia's list of musical genres, as explored by trouble during the marathon.
  Swag For Life Member 10:01pm

Dave, I think she's 25% Italian, 25% Russian, 48% Hungarian, and 2% rock and roll.
Avatar 10:02pm

Avatar 10:02pm
Dave Mandl:

@12539: Hahahahahahaha.
Avatar 10:02pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

English on both sides, my wife is English/Dutch & some other odds & ends, yet our pup is 100% boxer. Sounds like someone was teepee-creeping, as they say.
Avatar 10:02pm

true, when i was studying Hungarian, one thing we learned was that Finnish is one of the few (perhaps the ONLY???) languages on the planet that is even remotely similar to Hungarian!
Avatar 10:03pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

god, love this Stitt track.
Avatar 10:03pm
Dave Mandl:

Actually, 90% hip-hop.
Avatar 10:03pm
Dave Mandl:

@SL: Yes, Finno-Ugrian family.
Avatar 10:04pm

@slugluv: does hungarian possess also all those declinations which finnish has?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm

Nothing mysterious. Hungarian and Finnish may go back to a common ancestor language in pre-writing times. People have been arguing that since the 19th century, but it's not 100% accepted even today. Time will tell...:

Avatar 10:05pm

Also, Japanese and Semitic languages are related, oddly enough, so break out the Wasabi.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm

The article I linked to gives summaries of some of the similarities, doca...
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Actually, the theory of a common language is far from agreed upon by linguists.
Avatar 10:07pm

certainly those languages have more differences between them than the differences between the indo-european languages
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10pm

Like I said, Snortley, time will tell :) But people have been noticing and speculating about the similarities since the 18th century... In the 1980s it was taught in garden-variety linguistics courses as a "hypothesis," unproven and subject to subsequent confirmation or refutation. It's no more pinned down either way today... But there's been a lot more theorizing in the last 20 years about pre-writing linguistic reconstruction than there was in the middle of the 20th century...
Avatar 10:12pm

i just read that! re: Hungarian being related to Sumerian, Japanese, etc. -- but apparently dismissed by linguistics? hhmmm . . . the plot thickens . . . and OF COURSE some friends over the years have half-jokingly claimed that Hungarians really ARE *aliens* :)
Avatar 10:13pm

@ doca -- oh gosh, i do not know! i did not get to continue my studies :( (BUT certainly want to when *finances* permit!)
  Swag For Life Member 10:14pm

I heard somewhere that language is a virus.
Avatar 10:15pm

here is the link from Wiki:
Avatar 10:16pm

Yes, there are linguistic remains in modern languages that can be tied to archaeological evidence. However the "evidence" of a common ancestor tongue is tenuous at best. Most of what has been found in remote linguistic connections turns out to be connected to migrations.
Avatar 10:17pm

and more FUN with HUNGARIAN! :)
Avatar 10:18pm

Genesis 11:1 And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.

That settles that.
Avatar 10:18pm

There is no language in our lungs... No we're leaving nothing, just chiselled stones
Avatar 10:22pm

If there is one root language, will it be called Pangean?
Avatar 10:23pm

Unlike the ancients, we don't chisel stones much, and thanks to computers, we may leave little behind at all. Even our architecture is perishable and will be found only as heaps of brick and broken glass.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm

Happy birthday, Dave! Thanks for the musical gifts!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Happy Easter! Rabbit is here!
...This is not an easter egg I'm bouncing in my paw, however...

- Tolkien based a lot of his Elvish on Finnish - & their epic Kalevala influenced him - anybody didn't know. Tolkien was an Oxford Philologist - but an odd one out in those times as he put emphasis on ancient things as Literature not just Linguistics.

- Joyeux Arien Solar Return - !!! [transl.: Happy B-Day]
- Fellow Comrade in the Army of Dave - !!!
Avatar 10:29pm
Dave Mandl:

@osvi: Thanks!
Avatar 10:29pm
Dave Mandl:

@RR: Wow, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31pm

@Droll: The caveat is that not a few scientific linguists think there is no way to reconstruct "Proto-World," if it even existed (language could have started separately in different places, not in one place).

One major speculative hypothesis about possibly connecting Indo-European, other Eurasiatic languages, and even some other language macrofamilies, is Nostratic ("Our" human language):

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Are the Finnish Skandinavian?
...First I thot I heard that they did not relate to other Skandi.s or Germanics - but rather to Asians, possibly even Koreans.
- If one looks @ a North Polar Projection of the Globe/Earth - looking down @ the Map from over the North Pole - these things may make more sense.
- But then I've read quite different things in the FMU Comments Boards here - that it's related to Hungarian, yeah, & other little East European/former Soviet countries...
Is F.S.er Caryn Finnish? She is like - scary - w/ Languages, yes - ?!?!
...So now I wonder if what I heard was talking about the Language Finnish & not the people...hmm...or just rubbish &/or I misheard/misremember...
- Russians are more Viking than people think, no? Or Russia was settled by them? Prob/ invaded - like everywhere else...'Rus' means 'Red'.
Avatar 10:40pm

G, Geneticists are definitely able to reconstruct the ancestry of extinct plant/animal species and reason about their ages and interactions over time through just DNA. All of Google translate is done through statistical analysis of translated UN documents, those methods are also clearly very effective. The problem is probably not how to reconstruct Pangean, but the lack of written historical record for analysis to do it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- As for the People
- Genetic Science is gonna be wunna the things that rocks the 21st century like other things rocked the 20th.
...Mitochondrial DNA does not change from mother-to-mother, so they can follow Racial connections all over the place...
Avatar 10:44pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

As a regular user of the comment boards, please understand that I include myself in any insult in this comment, but there is truly a million-monkeys thing going on here -- given enough playlist chatter, every now and then something truly fascinating emerges. I have been fascinated lurking on this one.
Avatar 10:45pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Also, I quickly read above, "Russians are more Viking than people."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47pm

Yes, Droll, the ongoing accumulation of databases of deep-time genetic information is part of what extremely distant-time language-reconstructing linguists are working with -- above and beyond the historical sound-change reconstruction that they have used to do "comparative linguistics" and "historical linguistics"since the late 1700s.

I got my 23andme.com genetic text last year when they lowered the price to 99 bucks. I am 2.something percent neanderthal, as you can tell by the scabs on my knuckles from where they drag on the sidewalk. More recently I seem to be mostly Viking and Celtic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Compared to where, Pete - ?!?
- I think it's more about how serious anybody wants to be @ a given time
- but seems to me it's top-heavy w/ Smart Babies around here - !
...You & I may well have a different standard about that, of course!...I feel quite an uncooth unshooled hayseed hereabouts - a good %-age of the time...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49pm

@Pete: Get me on a topic I know something about, and you never know what I might say. I've published on language in academic journals since the 90s, and I studied linguistics as an undergrad at U of Michigan back when it had a leading linguistics program, though I was too young and dumb to take full advantage at that time (I was more interested in literature in them days)...
Avatar 10:50pm

G, Wow! You're the first people I know who wanted to peek at the last page of the Book of Life. What did it say? What's your expiration date?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

$99 - !!
...That's interesting John Carpenter handled all those aspects of the moviemusic...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52pm

Yeah, RR, it used to be closer to 500ish///
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54pm

@Droll: All knowledge that is now considered generally accepted and common sense started as weird speculation at some point (e.g., diseases are caused by microscopic germs, and so many other examples).

Heteroclite can become mainstream, given enough time, and actual truth that proves out. So there's hope for us weirdos.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...People in general have no idea what's coming @ them w/ Genetic Science...They could do just such an analysis from a single hair - or even what you leave on things after a meal.
Avatar 10:56pm

This is a bit random but I started a bit of internet searching related to Algebra Suicide (I had listened to them years ago but had forgotten about them) and found a couple things coincidental. First, this interesting discussion by a couple writers and former WFMU DJ, www.inotherwordsmerida.com... Then, buried deep in the comments of this discussion: launch.groups.yahoo.com... someone mentioning an association with Lydia Tomkiw through Dave Mandl's friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes!: Totally random to actually reference the actual Music being played! : P
Avatar 10:59pm
Dave Mandl:

Yeah, we had a bunch of friends in common (inc. former FMU DJ Bart Plantenga). When she moved to NY we became pretty good friends.
Avatar 10:59pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

My tired brain can't keep up, but this might be the first comment list I come back and read through the next day to see what I missed. Good show, Dave! Happy birthday!
Avatar 10:59pm
Dave Mandl:

Jose Padua (a mutual friend) wrote a nice piece about her for the Brooklyn Rail, where I'm music editor. It should be Google-able.
Avatar 11:00pm
Dave Mandl:

@Pete: Glad to hear it. And thanks!
Avatar 11:01pm

G, Yes, science changes one funeral at a time. I, for one, shall never revoke my membership in the Flat Earth Society.

...And people keep talking about music that goes along with these comments boards. Is there a link?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- As for Comments Boards & Chatter
- I find it interesting sometimes to see the relation between the Music being played & the Tone of the Chatter. The gab may not be on-topic as far as referencing the music directly
- but they dance together...
- Music, Playlist & Comments together are not *exactly* like anything else I know of - now that I reflect on it - !...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03pm

@Droll: My heteroclite comment was allegorically about WFMU 0:-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04pm

Is "one funeral at a time" a covert reference to Kuhn's _Structure of Scientific Revolutions_? Because that fits.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05pm

Speaking of heteroclite: Ladies and gentleman, Mister HARRY PARTCH!
Avatar 11:06pm

Thanks, Dave. Happy birthday and thanks for the interesting music tonight. Here's the article you mentioned: www.brooklynrail.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'heteroclite'... : Of all the Cards in the Deck, rather not be The Hermit - the one Monkey that knows Fire - but so it goes.
Avatar 11:10pm

Normal sucks: knowledgeisnecessity.blogspot.com...
Avatar 11:11pm
Dave Mandl:

@Spaniel: Thanks and thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

..*Once again - !* :
- Weighing FMU's virtues as a life-affirming stimulant
- vs. its' possible shortcomings as a suitable soporific.
- Is to say - should I keep listening & crawl under covers, or choose another stream - or even something radical like no music @ all...
Avatar 11:13pm

G, Not Kuhn, but it might as well be.

I like the idea of the story of FMU told through allegory. Last year's epic flood, leaving Upsala for the Hobokenland, it's all great yarn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

AntiPilgrim's Regress
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17pm

@Droll; There's no definite upper limit to the number of interesting things someone hasn't done yet... Imaginary library...
Avatar 11:19pm

That's intense.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...this means Mr. Mandl that your Sun will be about where my Jupiter in my 9th House is
- so makes sense you may mentor the expansion of my horizons
- & all this in Aries - which I could see for foreward-thinkin' Avant (Aries wants to be First) as well as maybe 'direct' stuff...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- 'Imaginary library'... Who's that Hispanic author that does the short stories that are sort-of Kafkaesque (...maybe) & sees the world as lotsa Libraries...

Made it home from work in time for the last bit of your show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Jorge Luis Borges...
Avatar 11:36pm

H.N.A.S ! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

fleep's Link:

...'Dr Ghaemi is by no means the first to comment on the positive association between manic-depressive tendencies and outstanding achievement, but he goes much farther by calling “normal” into question'...

- An old friend called people 'Dull Normals' - & that's just too handy - using it stuck w/ me.
- There's all sorts of ways to be Creative - but generally the type is gonna tend to be either On or Off @ any time - obviously. Ya don't wanna be a snob - but some people have Highs others just plain can't see.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Trying to put my finger on what I like about this Program's style...but can't quite yet.
- I like that it's Avant, but not dry? There's Substance & feeling as well? Not all Expiriments are a success, & Mr. Mandl's filters are good?
...Pretty much every FMU-J gets points for being varied & for their program pacing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...it's not *willfully* weird - simply Smart & Tasteful?...
Avatar 11:55pm

There's challenging music, and then there's aggressive music. The latter has overtones of contempt for the listener. The trick is balancing the challenging with some respite, ear sorbet between courses.
  Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

Thank you and Boldog Szulinapot, Dave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thx fleep!: ...whew - a dolphin didn't let me flounder on my own there...
- Not that I'm the enemy of the willfully weird! Back to your article Link...
Avatar 11:59pm

Thanks, Dave.
Avatar 11:59pm
Dave Mandl:

Thanks very much, folks.
Avatar 12:00am
Dave Mandl:

And thanks everyone for listening and chatting. Have a great week.

Great show, wonderfully mysterious
Avatar 12:01am

thank YOU, Dave! wonderful show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...actually, I guess 'double-screening' is commonplace now
- but FMU 'Radio' & Comments is first to engage me...
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