Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from April 9, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting April 9, 2013: Small Town Songs Must Stop

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John Chris T. Cougar  Small Aerial View Town   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm
Mike East:

up and at them!
Avatar 6:07pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

down and fuck'em.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Mike East:

not a big fan of the sweet tea.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Mike East:

where's howie?! I'm doin' my taxes over here. the clock's ticking...
Avatar 6:13pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

When I lived down south sweet tea was like this thing that if you did not want it they would be pissed off. They also got REALLY pissed off if you did not care for Lynard SkynTard. (sp)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Mike East:

"I was born in a college town" doesn't have the same ring to it.

Being near Penn State, it's the worst of the worst. Small-town small-mindedness and big city attitude. It is a Metropolitan Area.
Slightly Relevant Trivia: 80% of the US population lives in a MA or a suburb of one according to the 2010 Census. So if these singers are correct, only 20% of the population are Real Americans.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Mike East:

when I visited New Orleans, I took note that nobody drank water. It was pretty much either sweet tea, dr. pepper or beer.

what about Merle singin' about 'we don't burn our draft cards down on main st.'? good song but pretty bad content in my book.. 'Okie from Muskogee'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm
Mike East:

new york state of mind (billy joel)

new york state of mine.. Joel
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Mike East:

beastie boys had that NY song, too

new yorks alright by fear

Anything by that douche Toby Keith

"the sidewalks of new york" you know Trip the light fantastic"
Avatar 6:34pm
stingy d:

this is really inspiring
Avatar 6:34pm
stingy d:

Avatar 6:35pm
stingy d:

by ll cool j
Avatar 6:35pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

Sorry, That was me. The chickens and the animals needed me.

Another pro-NYC song: "Big Apple Dreaming" by Alice Cooper
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Mike East:

I think you're probably annoyed that the hvac guy interrupted your show. That would throw me off.

My apologies for having irritated you, Mr Turner; that was not my intent. I was trying to convey that the equivalent for the North and for the Big City isn't a song, but (in that author's opinion) a 'reality' show...and Kenny's family in "South Park", and the incestuous hicks in "The Simpsons".

(I've read the claim that Muskogee was the _only_ place he wouldn't smoke marijuana.)

this music is insipid. i don't even know the correct meaning of 'insipid', but i know this music is it. the fake gutteral twang the guys do is over the top.
Avatar 6:49pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

aAfh. let us move beyond this.
Avatar 6:50pm

To write a letter to anyone in my father's Georgia home town, all that was needed on the envelope was the person's name and the town; the postman knew where everyone was. To place a phone call, you got the town operator and told her who to connect to. One time my father tried to place a call to his mother and the operator told him she wasn't home and directed him to where she was. He left there as soon as he could.
Avatar 6:50pm

Is it worse when pop singers go country, or when country singers go pop? Wasn't Rick Astley a made-over faux-country music guy from the UK?

i got a letter once that was addressed with my name, and 'on some farm near forestville ny.' postal service is like honey badger - it don't care.
Avatar 6:55pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

oh, well.

If they're going to complain about city people, they can stop driving all those trucks and SUVs that are developed by...wait for it...city people with fancy educmacations.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

These songs are the whack!

they're phistomicated.
Avatar 6:59pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

My wife loves Hearty White each week. Seems it coorelates to when she wants to flop ontop of me each week. She admitted to me that he makes her horny.
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