Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from May 2, 2013 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting May 2, 2013: May Day NYC - 2013 - Marchers, OWS, 4 Fantastik Flea Finds!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
May Day Parade/Protest in Manhattan - 5/1/13
Interview with a SUNY Student pre-Parade
  Sound quality was lower than usual. Microcassette/tape issues.
Are YOU Hopeful for the Future?


Marchers Chant
Interview with a Young Anti-Fracking Marcher from the Albany-area.
Why are they trying to kill the middle class?
A Familiar Cast of Characters
Interview with Barbara, a Union Member and Occupy Staten Island Member
Barbara's Message of Peace and Love
What Has You Marching Today?
The Drummers
An Interview with Onlooker, Nick
Obama Chant
The Descendants of Stalin, Hitler, Mao?
Count The Bodies
Socialism .. Guns ...
Wealth and Taxes
A No-Nukes Protester from Japan
Why won't we move forward with green technologies?
The Globalization of the United States
The Place to Be
A Visitor from Holland
Golden Earring Mention
We are People - We are not Illegal
An Onlooker from Turkey
A Young Protester Speaks on the Benefits of Immigrants
An Interview with James - A Marching Union Member
Capitalism, Oppression, Domination
President of the Communications Workers of America - Local 1180
We Are The Workers - Mighty, Mighty Workers!
Solidarity Forever!
What Do We Want? Legalization! When Do We Want It? Now!
Another Union Leader Speaks ...
We Are One!
Occupy Musicians at Foley Square after the Protest - Racism, Your Kingdom Must Come Down
A Shout-Out to Vin Scelsa from Occupy
An Interview with two Occupy Wall Street Members at Foley Square
Catching Up With Brendan Burke - Organizer and De-Escalation Security - Occupy Wall Street
Back Live in the Studio at WFMU
The Voices Of East Harlem  For What it's Worth   Favoriting Right On Be Free  Elektra  1968  LP     
Face Dancer  Change (Excerpt)   Favoriting This World    1979    Actually, from Baltimore by way of R.I. and Washington, DC.   
Kayak  Journey Through Time   Favoriting Phantom Of The Night  Janus  1978  LP     
Descent Into Leprechaunism
There's Andy!
Roadmaster  Sweet Music   Favoriting Roadmaster  Village  1978  LP     
  Thanks for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show on WFMU. I hope you enjoyed it. It was good to see all the empassioned people on the streets during May Day in New York. Their enthusiasm was infectious and a great sense of positivity was in the air. It was also good to see Occupy friends like Brendan Burke, and to hear that their movement lives and breathes and is moving forward despite tremendous resistance. I hope to have Brendan on soon

Really enjoyed the flea finds this week, as well. I am always tempted to cram in as many as I can because I get excited about them and grow anxious to share them with you. Better to let them breathe a bit, though. Nice to play four flat-out on this episode. That one-hour of time goes by too fast. Anyway, I hope you liked them, too. I realize that there are songs I could play that would connect more easily with FMU listeners, but by challenging myself to accept things I might otherwise reject and by asking you to do the same, it feels right somehow, and fun. You are the best audience anywhere, I have no doubt.

Get in touch if you like -

dusty@wfmu.org - Im on Facebook, SOundcloud, and Twitter. There's even a group call Pigeonnaires that you can join. I hope you do. http://www.facebook.com/groups/pigeonnaires/?fref=ts

Time to zzzzzzz now, and then a new week starts. Another week, another Dusty. I'm glad you've stuck with me. Take care and ... always remember.


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Listener comments!

Marmalade Kitty:

Hello clay!
Avatar 6:06pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hello friends. May Day show from NYC. I didn't even introduce it, so ... I hope it's figure-outable.
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Hi all.
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Clay Pigeon:

Hi Marmalade Kitty. Good 2cu!
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Clay Pigeon:

Welcome david_!
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Clay Pigeon:

There's glenn!
Avatar 6:09pm

punch this asshole in the head.
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sFrances from VA:

hey all!
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Clay Pigeon:

I should have took it to him more, glenn. I'm rusty.
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heh amen glenn
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Clay Pigeon:

Hi Frances! Glad you made it.
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you stopped him in his tracks, Clay, he couldn't answer your inequality question.
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sFrances from VA:

Thanks! I've been looking forward to this one, loved your photos that you've posted! Have you ever thought of shooting snippets of video?
Avatar 6:11pm

grrrrrr. i would have killed this ignorant moron.

Thanks for the honesty.
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Clay Pigeon:

TY David_! sFrances ... I will do that. Enjoying the new media aspects I can bring to the show.
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sFrances from VA:

wow, this guy is staggeringly awful.
Avatar 6:13pm

I am proud of Clay. Good questions!

You say you want a revolution, we'd love to see the plan.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Matt from Springfield:

Strident student marchers and confused right-wing onlookers...ah, bringing me back to the Zuccotti Park episodes! :)

Hi Clay and Pigeonnaires! And speaking of which...hi Occupy Staten Island!
Avatar 6:14pm
sFrances from VA:

Clay: awesome! I saw vid as a way to branch out from basic photos or collages that I already do. I'm a big fan of using vid purely to capture audio: pointing my camera at something besides where the sound is coming from to create a 3rd reality (or something)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hi Frances! And hi George "glenn" Jones, nice gesture!
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Clay Pigeon:

Matt ... always a major component of any Accu-P.
Avatar 6:15pm

Heya Clay! My avatar is coincidentally apropos for the discourse.

i get where this guy is coming from. go onto seethroughnewyork.com and see that a cleaner for the mta makes $28 an hour. and then benefits. i've checked salaries of all folks i know who are teachers and csa employees and every one of them has had yearly raises during this 'recession' - in my county 40% of income is fed/state/local employees. 60% work to support the other 40. can't sustain itself
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sFrances from VA:

Hey Matt! Marmelade! Glenn! Fredericks! new & old pals!
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Holland's unemployment is almost as low as Germany's...
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Clay Pigeon:

You do good work, Frances. I've enjoyed seeing it online.
Avatar 6:18pm
sFrances from VA:

Clay, that really means a lot coming from you. Sincerely, you make my day every time I see you like or comment on something. Feel free to be constructively critical too!
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economies are ecosystems. we're all better off if everybody earns a good wage.
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Clay Pigeon:

Agree Glenn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm
Matt from Springfield:

Quite appropos, Carm!

@dale: OTOH, public sector unions first formed in the 60s and 70s so that those employees could make *comparable* wages as the private sector equivalents. Private wages have dropped and stagnated, now they can get those workers angry at public workers and demand their wages be cut. Divide and conquer.
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BTW, my next art rock band will be called Coincidentally Apropos.

Happy Mao day. You ain't gonna' make it with anyone anyhow.
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Clay Pigeon:

Welcome Carmichael!
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Matt from Springfield:

OTOOH, kinda surprised 40% of the employees in your location are public sector--that's like where I live outside of DC.
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Clay Pigeon:

Lennon AND Stalin. What a day!
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Say it, Matt. Race to the bottom!
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Clay Pigeon:

Hi Fredericks. Sorry I've been out of touch. Been thinking of you and hope you are well my friend.
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As a public sector employee, I naturally bristle at the assumption of high wages/low output. I work my ass off, and I ain't gettin' rich.
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obama's not that far left, by the way. maybe for the u.s., but not the rest of the world.
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Living wage in Manhattan for 1 adult with 1 child is $25/hr.
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Matt from Springfield:

@Clay: See, you must be doing something right! :) Next I hope we'll see Marx (Groucho, maybe Harpo...)

@Fredericks: You got it! If we work towards justice for ALL, then all would have justice!
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Lizardner Dave:

This hippie chick was really high, wasn't she?
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Clay Pigeon:

Lizardner - High ... not sure, but well-spoken.
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I was responding to the divide and conquer comment. You post too fast, Matt.

@Matt I once lived on the mean streets of McLean, VA ;-)
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Matt from Springfield:

@LDave: How else would she be a "hippie chick"??
@glenn: More left than Beck-believing old white men can handle...
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"Hi Fredericks. Sorry I've been out of touch."
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Matt from Springfield:

@Fredericks: That's easy to fix: TYPE! TYPE! TYPE! and never stop!! ;)
But I figured that's the comment you meant and responded accordingly.
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sFrances from VA:

@Glenn: So true. Obama is a moderate and that's how he campaigned, but I think a lot of lefties put a lot more of a progressive filter on him.

@Nate: Ha! McLean. (I'm originally from Springfield)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm
Lizardner Dave:

Well, she certainly hit all the campus lefty buzzwords. I just wasn't sure if she was from the Judean People's Front or the People's Front of Judea.
Marmalade Kitty:

A few good videos I found and watched on May Day (Labour Day):



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Clay Pigeon:

Nate. Glad you showed!
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Clay Pigeon:

I have skirted the danger zone of lo-fi unacceptability.
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sFrances from VA:

I miss May Days in PDX....sigh....

these people need a catchier songwriter
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Matt from Springfield:

Hi Kitty!

@Nate: Mean judgmental streets! ;) McLean or Langley HS area?
Avatar 6:26pm

"@Fredericks: That's easy to fix: TYPE! TYPE! TYPE! and never stop!! ;)
But I figured that's the comment you meant and responded accordingly.
Marmalade Kitty:

..more like it!

Audio sounds ok to me, CP. Can't help those db spikes. . .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm
Matt from Springfield:

@LDave: Hmm, which one has the crack suicide squad, again?

@Matt I knew you'd get that joke! Ha! Ha! Have a good one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Matt from Springfield:

And why Vin *voluntarily* went from FMU down to FUV I'll never know...
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Lizardner Dave:

FUV boo, hiss....
Night Al:

Trade agreements benefit poorer countries while taking American jobs away. We used to operate under what we call 'protectionism'. Now American corporations base in poor countries where they can hire workers for slave wages. American companies should be required to hire American citizens. But Obama said to forget it, with the new world order and the global economy, those jobs are gone and aren't coming back. Get over it. Corporate greed will be the downfall of humanity.
Avatar 6:30pm
Clay Pigeon:

Dale and Night Al ... glad you made it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm
Matt from Springfield:

Good one to you too, Nate!
Avatar 6:31pm

Good points, Night Al. And now Sen Baucus wants to fast-track a new trade agreement...

I thought American companies were required to hire non American citizens. Much cheaper than slavery. You don't have to feed, cloth or house them.
Avatar 6:34pm

I met Utah Phillips. Before he died!

Who is Vin. Silly me, I thought he said Vin Scully - Dodgers host
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Clay Pigeon:

Harpo ... thanks a lot for chiming in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Matt from Springfield:

Ahem, U. Utah Philips!! Legendary folk singer and figure. And true, Anarchism isn't "chaos"--it's no government, but laws. No property, but possessions. "Fraggle Rock" is a great example of an Anarchy society; too bad we're very different from the Fraggles and probably couldn't make that work in reality...
Night Al:

@david it seems many of our leaders are being bought by corporations and no longer represent the will of the vast majority of Americans. We need to get the money out of politics.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Matt from Springfield:

BRENDAN BURKE!!! Long time no listen! :D
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@Fredericks: I suppose that's the better temporal framework in which to meet Utah Phillips as opposed to the alternative.
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Danne D:

Happy Clay Day everyone :)
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Matt from Springfield:

@Fredericks: Wow, awesome!!!
Happy CLAY DAY Danne! :)
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Clay Pigeon:

Hello to northguineahills and Danne D. Always welcome here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Matt from Springfield:

Oh, Harpo! There's your Marx, Clay! ;)
Night Al:

I watched George Jones memorial service on CMT this morning. A little churchy at times but still touching at points.
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Clay Pigeon:

ha ha Matt ... you're right! Led Zeppo!
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Danne D:

wait is this guy Anti-Shower?
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sFrances from VA:

It's been interesting in my new job at a local major hospital processing invoices & reimbursements. I know there are a lot of American nurses needing work, yet the place I worked for just paid $3000 to relocate a Philippine family of 5, one of whom if a new hire nurse. I don't want to be xenophobic ala Pat Buchannen (can't spell/drinking beer) but....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Andy Breckman: "Masturbatory!" Maybe he has a Masturbatorium too!
@Danne: Actually I think he's intolerant of Non-Showerers.
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sFrances from VA:

i just think of all of the women of color in my own city who'd love to have that job & would be qualified....

i hope the parking lots stop
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Matt from Springfield:

@Frances: Preferring new hires and/or immigrants, could be they're responding to the need for more nurses, while not letting their salaries rise.
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Danne D:

@M_f_S "everybody has to take a shower" - I couldn't tell if he was pro- or anti- shower based on that. Seemed rhetorical
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Danne D:

I think your listeners knew already Clay :)

@Frances She may be H1B Visa holder. That one seems to always "slide by"
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As well known, workers of any health profession (MDs, DOs, RNs, etc), are in short supply in this nation, mainly due to the dire straits of health industry we find ourselves.
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sFrances from VA:

@Clay: Who you calling, "Characters"? ;)
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They even eliminated all PAs from where my father practiced.
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Clay Pigeon:

YOU frances!
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Danne D:

Little jokes of mine aside, I think it's cool that Clay continues to dig deep. I can respect that :)
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Clay Pigeon:

Appreciate that, Danne!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Danne: Maybe he's not quite a "dirtophobe", but "showernormative" in outlook.

Wooooo! Gospel version of FWIW!!

Analog tape rules! Can I get a picture of the deck for the Pigeonnaires site?

Great stuff from May Day, Clay. I had water in my eyes listening to the people speak.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The kid who called himself Mac Daddy has passed away. I guess he was age 34.
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Clay Pigeon:

I'll post a glamour shot of the RS-B11W, Nate.

Great tune! Kevin Nutt! Where are you?
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sFrances from VA:

North, Matt, Nate; Thanks so much for weighing in & giving me other perspectives to consider. This hospital is also part of a university: so I don't think there's a shortage of locally grown cheap workers.

There are a lot of eye opening, interesting humanity related things about my new boring accounts payable job....;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
Matt from Springfield:

+9 drum fill!! :D
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sFrances from VA:

@Clay: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Back atcha, comrade.
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Dr. Goot:

This is a good tune goin' down!
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sFrances from VA:

Holy shit, I remember FaceDancer. Shit.

Face dancing is "code"
Night Al:

Sounded like SOUTH Harlem to me... B3, bass, good stuff.
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northguineahills:Maybe I'll meet him (U) again "later".
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sFrances from VA:

This explains why, local connection "University of Rhode Island circa 1974, but would ultimately lay down roots in Washington, D.C."
Slim Pickin's:

Going along with the theme, let us not forget our fallen brothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives to get their opinions out to the public about the atrocious war in Vietnam. May 4, 1970, Kent, Ohio...Rest in peace Bill, Sandy, Jeff, Allison. Never forget.

Be the change you wish to see in the world
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Danne D:

Wonder when Clay is gonna break out the "3" album (aka Emerson Berry and Palmer) ;o) - nobody's played it on WFMU before.
Avatar 6:52pm

The guitar was okay.
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sFrances from VA:

I totally dug the FaceDancer track.
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sFrances from VA:

@Slim Pickin's: well said. i dated someone who was in a stroller as a toddler when his mom was at Kent State.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Matt from Springfield:

Kayak, pretty good, in addition to being palindromic.

Wonder if they sued the who for face dances?
Avatar 6:55pm

Late '70s-early '80s always seems to be where one finds a glut of used/discarded vinyl, amirite? Guess it makes sense...

i picked up a skyhooks record a few weeks ago and thought of you, Clay.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Matt from Springfield:

Ahem. Leprechaunosy!! :)
Avatar 6:56pm
Danne D:

@Slim when I was in college I had taken a sociology course (it was around the 20th anniversary of Kent State) and that was one of things that was discussed. Incidental to the rest of this story but anyway soon after it was the end of the semester and I was heading back home and on the VAN on the way to the airport started chatting with the military gentleman that was on the airport shuttle (Rantoul AFB was nearby). Anyhow in the airport I continued the convo and asked him where he was from and he said "Kent, Ohio". And there was a pause. And then he asked me how old I was on May 4, 1970 (and I rather sheepishly told him I was still a couple months in planning). There's a unique kind of bravery - this guy enrolled in ROTC and it paid for his school at Kent State which can't have been easy - he was a student at the time of the incident. And what I took away was how much it affected him even all those years later and how saddened he was at what had happened.
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ha leprechaunism. i have a sandy denny album that descends into hobbitism.
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Danne D:

(LOL not the best post for 6:56 but I hope you check it out slim and other folks)
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sFrances from VA:

@Danne: Thanks so much for sharing that!
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Danne D:

Are they singing Danne D?
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Word, everyone, have a great night!
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This doesn't sound like Lou Reed!
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Danne D:

Whoa Clay like did a mike drop and left :)
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Matt from Springfield:

Good post Danne! :)

Always Remember...Kent State, Haymarket Massacre, International Workers Day...

remember when night people was on at night? It's evening people now..
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sFrances from VA:

Thanks for a great show, Clay! I will not match the mic drop with pouring out my beer on the curb though. ..
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bad bad musci.
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Matt, I am going to meet you.
Slim Pickin's:

@sFrances @Danne D thank you for your comments, I have met many people who have pain and anguish in their hearts and faces when they talk about that day, I did an internship at the newly created May 4 Visitors Center in Kent Ohio when i was a student there. Its upsetting to me how people still to this day(43 years later) affected by the events that happened on that fateful day.

I will be going to the KSU commons on saturday, I hope some of you will join. i will be driving 7 hours from NJ. God bless you all, Peace and love
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sFrances from VA:

Have a great weekend!! See y'all next Thursday if not sooner~!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Fredericks: While I'm still in this world, hopefully!

@ian: "Still Daylight People"!
Have a good still daylight, everyone! :)
Avatar 7:03pm
sFrances from VA:

@Slim: that's how traumatic events work, unfortunately. And as tough as it might be at times, it's good that you've gotten to talk to these fine folks because it only grows empathy for more people who've been involved in traumatic events (small/personal or large scale) that you might never meet, but can still help in one way or another. All the best to you.
Avatar 7:03pm
Danne D:

@M_f_S it's night somewhere out there ;)
Slim Pickin's:

@sFrances very true statement, you couldnt be more right. have a great weekend. i wish you the best, peace.
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