Favoriting Imaginary Radio: Playlist from May 5, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting May 5, 2013: Dungeons & Dragons Live!

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Led Zeppelin  Ramble On   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Wildildlife  Stormbringer   Favoriting 0:04:12 (Pop-up)
Thrones  Black Blade   Favoriting  
T. Rex  Ride A White Swan   Favoriting  

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:01am
Matt from Springfield:

Live radio D&D and Gollum rock! What's not to like?

Good evenin' Chris M!

i hope to see some magic missiles

or hear them. however it's gonna happen
Avatar 3:03am
Matt from Springfield:

Me too map! I'm going to get some Mountain Dew!
Avatar 3:04am

I should have had some Dew. I mixed a Zombie. Does D&D have zombies? I was more of a Star Frontiers guy.
Avatar 3:07am

Avatar 3:07am

Dungeons & Dragons & Zombies is a game waiting to happen.
Avatar 3:07am
Matt from Springfield:

(Toldja I'd probably make the beginning of this one! :)
Avatar 3:07am
Chris M.:

hey everybody! we're getting our maps out and our dice. this is going to be great. NY peeps please check out the 20 Sided Store in Brooklyn twentysidedstore.com
Avatar 3:07am

That's def, Jack Bruce, but what ?
Avatar 3:08am
Sean D. Daily:

So, Chris, you gonna attack the darkness?
Avatar 3:09am
Matt from Springfield:

It seems that before "Community", the D&D comedy track was the most famous work of the Dead Alewives people!
Avatar 3:11am
Matt from Springfield:

It's a...g-g-g-g-g...GIRL!!
Avatar 3:12am
Matt from Springfield:

As a fellow nerd, I approve of the name "20 Sided Store"!
Avatar 3:13am

Matt are you into "Community"? I loved it.
Avatar 3:14am
Sean D. Daily:

You mean you play Neverwinter WITHOUT a computer? Mind. BLOWN. ::sarcasm::
Avatar 3:14am
Matt from Springfield:

I still watch it occasionally, though it seems to have peaked after the first 3 seasons. The personnel troubles re: Dan Harmon and Chevy didn't help with that.
Avatar 3:16am
Matt from Springfield:

I'll be Althorius, magic swordsmith.
Avatar 3:16am
Sean D. Daily:

Well, at least the guy's trying to "protect" Neverwinter instead of "liberate" it. There... there is a difference, right?
Avatar 3:17am

Right. i was introduced via an art student on twitter. She still is like biggest fan in world, still is. Has met all of then. Has sat at THE DESK. And does fantastic fan
Avatar 3:19am

Oh god, embarrassing. Had wrong station on iTunes. Please forgive.
Avatar 3:19am
Matt from Springfield:

@KP: That's awesome! I would still want to sit at their study table.
Though Tom Scharpling has worked with some of those actors before, he might have met them all as well.
Avatar 3:20am

Portlastia isn't so funny as funnily accurate
Avatar 3:22am
Matt from Springfield:

@Congolia: Though I liked when Aimee Mann appeared on there, as Gunderin the Elven Minstrel.
Avatar 3:30am

This wizard is a pain. Grab a snack.
Avatar 3:34am
Matt from Springfield:

Roll off! It's ON!
Avatar 3:35am

Ohhhhh typical Creeplord, that coward.
Avatar 3:37am
Sean D. Daily:

Wouldn't Wisdom be a better modifier for initiative than Dexterity? I mean, yeah, Dexterity is agility, which COULD imply quickness. However, Wisdom is used for Spot and Listen. That would imply situational awareness and preparedness, which seems a lot more important for initiative than fine motor skills or agility.
Avatar 3:37am
Matt from Springfield:

But now your Spider Damage Capability is down by 11 Points - if you don't find a recharge stone later, you'll have wasted your SDC on that little spider, leaving you unprepared for Shelob or any huge spiders you'd need it for.
Avatar 3:38am
Sean D. Daily:

It'd also give the more cerebral characters, like wizards and clerics, a chance to go before the arrow sponges and meat walls.
Avatar 3:39am
Sean D. Daily:

@Matt from Springfield: SDC? You play Pathfinder?
Avatar 3:39am
Matt from Springfield:

@Sean: I've had friends and acquaints who've role-played, but I myself haven't done RPGs. I'm not sure there are other mods, like Wisdom in this game or not. It would make sense to roll for a variety of mods throughout a game. Shift the focus and player advantages.
Avatar 3:42am
Matt from Springfield:

Go AP! Nice exposure of your adopted table!
Avatar 3:43am
Sean D. Daily:

@Matt from Springfield: That's actually an interesting idea - using different attribute modifiers depending on the situation. I doubt it'd translate to a tabletop game, though. Too much math on the fly. Now, a computer game, which does all the bookkeeping for you... maybe.
Avatar 3:54am
Matt from Springfield:

Stealin' ma ale!
Avatar 3:54am

Order some Cold Goose
Avatar 3:55am

The Finest MacGuffin Brand Cold Goose in all ye lands
Avatar 3:56am
Matt from Springfield:

What a shady recruiter!
Avatar 3:59am
Sean D. Daily:

Creeplord: "Yes, my child, let me... REASSURE you, slobber drool slaver."
Avatar 4:02am
Chris M.:

i don't trust Creep Lord one bit
Avatar 4:03am

you shouldn't I sense a trap
Avatar 4:03am
Matt from Springfield:

Creep factor increased by x3...
Avatar 4:05am
Sean D. Daily:

Creeplord has a +10 circumstance bonus to his Making You Feel Uncomfortable and Like You Need a Shower skill checks.
Avatar 4:06am

Where is Asst Prod Kirsten? Where hath she be?
Avatar 4:08am
Sean D. Daily:

So you guys are playing for what, two-and-a-half hours? Man, we wouldn't have even left the tavern after 2.5 hours at my Saturday game.
Avatar 4:08am
Sean D. Daily:

Is this worth a "dunh dunh DUUUUNNNNNNH"?
Avatar 4:12am
Matt from Springfield:

@Sean: That seems typical--individual "games" lasting months on end, progressing very slowly night-to-night.
Avatar 4:14am

i'm right here in studio neverwinter! you prolly heard me laughing at that weirdo creep lord!
Avatar 4:14am
Sean D. Daily:

He is not "Slave Boy," sir. His Christian name is "Butt Boy", and I will have you remember that.
Avatar 4:15am

ok. Just checking. This is fun and was a good idea.
Avatar 4:15am
Sean D. Daily:

@Matt from Springfield: I've had games go on for YEARS. Granted, we didn't play every week, but still...
Avatar 4:16am
Sean D. Daily:

Or every month, for that matter...
Avatar 4:18am
Matt from Springfield:

@Sean: Know what you mean; Radford U's Role Players Guild had various overlapping games of different types going on, and it seemed they would never end.

Butt Boy, after Neverwinter's legendary wizard-abbot St. Butt de Boi.
Avatar 4:18am
Sean D. Daily:

"The dandelions are... regrowing! Do you know what this means?" "Sure do! ALL THE DANDELION GREENS SALAD WE CAN HANDLE! w00t!"
Avatar 4:19am
Matt from Springfield:

Hey kiemzi! I agree, this is a fun (and prob unique) radio idea!
Avatar 4:20am

I could never keep it "serious" enough for a real game. I've seen dudes cry when their characters were killed.
Avatar 4:20am
Chris M.:

this is the first time this has ever been done on WFMU!
Avatar 4:20am
Sean D. Daily:

I'm digging it, too. Interesting to hear how another DM runs her games.
Avatar 4:22am
Matt from Springfield:

Wow, I thought this was a first! And if it's a FMU first, it's almost certainly a radio first!

(Ken & Andy might have considered something like for 7SD, but they couldn't possibly get schooled enough on D&D AND play it within their one hour slot).
Avatar 4:22am
Sean D. Daily:

And just like that, the game turns into The Walking Dead. And hey, some of you guys even have crossbows!
Avatar 4:25am
Sean D. Daily:

I'm going to be upset when they Chris has to go off the air at 6. I'm really getting into this.
Avatar 4:26am
Sean D. Daily:

And why's he allowed to roll two d20's? House rule? Or character ability?
Avatar 4:26am
Sean D. Daily:

And why's he allowed to roll two d20's? House rule? Or character ability?
Avatar 4:27am
Matt from Springfield:

@Congolia: The Radford RPG held some hearings/proceedings on killings of characters. (Though actually, it was to hold the "killer" to account in cases where they believed he killed to get back at the other human player for outside "real world" issues. Strictly prohibited from bringing outside drama into the self-contained worlds).
Avatar 4:29am

I don't know the full scenario (it was 22 years ago), but knowing this guy, he had it coming
Avatar 4:30am
Sean D. Daily:

The zombies are going after Creeplord? GO ZOMBIES!
Avatar 4:31am
Matt from Springfield:

Nothin' like a sheet o' flames! From the fingertips to your enemies!
Avatar 4:33am
Matt from Springfield:

Good audio on the dice hitting the table.
Avatar 4:34am

wai'minute... is this guy called T-Rexicon?
Avatar 4:36am
Matt from Springfield:

Uggh, typical selfish hoarder!
Avatar 4:37am
Matt from Springfield:

The new edition may have changed his name from "Marcbolanion".
Avatar 4:38am

i love it.
Avatar 4:39am

Use the Slider
Avatar 4:40am

Avatar 4:40am

PLAY the slider!
Avatar 4:41am
Matt from Springfield:

"Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion...the game is real, only the radio is imaginary!"
Avatar 4:41am

Speaking of Zombies, don't ever let me make you one. I think i alcohol poisoned myself.
Avatar 4:43am
Matt from Springfield:

Is a Zombie the fruit juice and lots of rum and brandy cocktail?
Avatar 4:44am

yeah. I used the Trader Vic's recipe.
Avatar 4:46am
Matt from Springfield:

I imagine the bigger danger is people throwing back more than 1 of those, at a party or someplace fun and not keeping track. Only to lose their dinner later.
Avatar 4:46am

Avatar 4:47am
Matt from Springfield:

Oh FUCKS YEAH!!! "Ride a White Swan"! Thanxamillion, kiemzi!
Avatar 4:48am

Bolanaise on the show sammich
Avatar 4:49am
Sean D. Daily:

This may be apropos of nothing, but so far I've starred every single song played on this show. Granted, there weren't a LOT of them, but still...
Avatar 4:49am
Matt from Springfield:

Bolanaise on a Bolagnese show sandwich.
Avatar 4:50am
Matt from Springfield:

@Sean: Since the feature was introduced, I consider a good show to have 4+ tracks starred. So glad Chris could oblige! :)
Avatar 4:51am

Quorthon, how goes the Viking Metal biz?
Avatar 4:52am
Matt from Springfield:

"I really don't like flavor."
Avatar 4:52am

Use the spell of Crustening
Avatar 4:53am
Sean D. Daily:

My Illustrated Man will serve you some Dandelion Wine, then I'll tell you some Martian Chronicles... WAIT! Something Wicked This Way Comes!
Avatar 4:56am

wait, is it Tourettesacon?
Avatar 4:56am
Matt from Springfield:

"AlChemically Castrated"?!? :D
Avatar 4:57am
Matt from Springfield:

@Congolia: Thereseacon is on tomorrow at midnight..
Avatar 4:58am

Avatar 5:00am

plot twist!
Avatar 5:01am
Sean D. Daily:

Phylactery? LICH? Oh HELLS no...
Avatar 5:02am

wait what is phylactery!?!
Avatar 5:03am
Sean D. Daily:

A phylactery is a magic item owned by a monster called a lich. And a lich is... yeah, they're nasty.
Avatar 5:04am

whoa! stuff's gettin' inTENSE!
Avatar 5:04am
Matt from Springfield:

Sultans? Are the Saracens invading now!?
Avatar 5:05am

When people stop being enchanted...and start getting real
Avatar 5:07am
Sean D. Daily:

So, wait a minute, you're shoving us out the door with this snot-nosed runt who's going to pull fire down on us from EVERYTHING EVIL WITHIN A HUNDRED MILES, not to mention a LICH... yeah, um, I'd love to help you guys, but... yeah.
Avatar 5:14am

visual aid... twitter.com...
Avatar 5:16am
Sean D. Daily:

@kiemzi: Good idea! I should do that at my games.
Avatar 5:20am
Sean D. Daily:

One zombie attack. Nine animated statues. Gratuitous dandelion ink. Sword Fu. Eyeball Fu. Rage Fu. Three stars. Joe Bob says check it out.
Avatar 5:20am

more action goin' on in this place... twitter.com...
Avatar 5:49am

Thanks to all show participants for a fun night.
Avatar 5:50am
Sean D. Daily:

And with 11 minutes to go, too.
Avatar 5:55am
Matt from Springfield:

Have a good night, real and game personae!
Avatar 5:59am
Sean D. Daily:

Great game and show!
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