Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from June 5, 2013 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting June 5, 2013

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
jeffrey lohn    music from paradise  daisy records  1984  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
philip perkins  afternoon/evening   Favoriting the king of the world  fun music  1983  LP  0:07:26 (Pop-up)
robert schroder  galaxie cygnus-a/teil 7   Favoriting galaxie cygnus-a  innovative communication  1982  LP  0:12:10 (Pop-up)
idea fire company  fiume   Favoriting postcards  the anti-naturals/swill radio  2013  LP  0:21:13 (Pop-up)
spacecraft  surface   Favoriting paradoxe  wah wah  1978/2013  LP  0:24:33 (Pop-up)
thierry fervant  initiation   Favoriting seasons of life  phillips  1982  LP  0:30:14 (Pop-up)
warning  darkness   Favoriting s/t  vertigo  1982  LP  0:37:08 (Pop-up)
baffo banfi  vino donne e una tastiera   Favoriting ma, dolce vita  innovative communication  1979  LP  0:43:25 (Pop-up)
vito ricci  the ship was sailing   Favoriting music from memory  creation company  1985  LP  0:50:31 (Pop-up)
alan licht  four years earlier   Favoriting four years older  editions mego  2013  LP  1:08:14 (Pop-up)
bart zoll  nuclear girls   Favoriting   bartzoll records  1982  12"  1:22:11 (Pop-up)
lavvi ebbel  telepatia   Favoriting   le disques de crepuscule  1983  12"  1:27:50 (Pop-up)
mark cunningham  blood river dusk   Favoriting blood river dusk  feeding tube  1997/2013  LP  1:35:00 (Pop-up)
steve hiett  miss b.b. walks away   Favoriting down on the road by the beach  cbs/sony japan  1983  LP  1:41:10 (Pop-up)
claire hammill  tides   Favoriting voices  coda/new age  1986  LP  1:45:28 (Pop-up)
the left bank  foggy waterfall   Favoriting     1969  LP  1:49:00 (Pop-up)
paul dasken  busy day/wichita lineman   Favoriting   speckled ax  1988  12"  1:58:47 (Pop-up)
florian vogelfrei & friends    vulkan  no label  1993  LP  2:07:54 (Pop-up)
dean blunt  y3/papi   Favoriting the redeemer  os:so  2013  CD  2:13:10 (Pop-up)
roland p young  extension   Favoriting mystiphonic  em  2013  CD  2:18:24 (Pop-up)
v/vm with chris de burger          7"  2:23:47 (Pop-up)
malletman  my destiny   Favoriting   mallet records  1987  12"  2:27:20 (Pop-up)
elton john  bennie and the jets   Favoriting goodbye yellow brick road  mca  1973  LP  2:32:03 (Pop-up)
the it  donnie   Favoriting   dj international  1986  12"  2:37:13 (Pop-up)
plinth  the london necropolis company   Favoriting collected machine music  time released sound  2013  CD  2:38:45 (Pop-up)
fire  where are you   Favoriting could you understand me  skyf zol  1973/2013  CD  2:46:45 (Pop-up)
jack hammond  strange wine   Favoriting open the door  no label  1980  LP  2:50:15 (Pop-up)
kurt vile  snowflakes are dancing   Favoriting wakin on a pretty daze  matador  2013  LP  2:57:13 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


This Philip Perkins track is a delight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49am

G'morning JA, Alastair! Nice sounds on this AM.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am

Licht is a guitarist, right? This reminds me of some overdriven organ contraption.

Here !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hear !
Avatar 8:10am
Cheri Pi:

greetings JAnites!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am
Rick from SC:

Morning all, from way down here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am

Happy New June 5th!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19am

Good morning John Allen!
Avatar 8:23am
John Allen:

hey there michele and aa and ricksc and cherpi and all!
Avatar 8:24am

Don't think I've heard V/VM on WFMU before.
Avatar 8:27am
Cheri Pi:

this is effed up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am

Good Morning all.
B-B-B-Bennie and the J-J-Jets
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am

Moanin' all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
Andrew Waterloo:

good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

Dug that Jack Hammond track
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