Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from June 8, 2013 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

Saturday Midnight - 3am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sat. Mar 15th, Midnight - 3am: Rich Hazelton and his Co-Host Kevin Nutt

Favoriting June 8, 2013: “...his peculiar yet toxic nod...”

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Artist Track Album Label
Friends of Dean Martinez  Wichita Lineman   Favoriting On The Shore  Narnack 
Cul De Sac  Nepenthe   Favoriting China Gate  Thirsty Ear 
Calexico  Puerto   Favoriting Algiers  Anti- 
Les Negresses Vertes  C'est Pas La Mer A Boire   Favoriting Mlah  Sire/Warner Brothers 
T. Rex  Planet Queen   Favoriting Electric Warrior  Reprise/Rhino 
Sparks  Thank God It's Not Christmas   Favoriting Kimono My House  Universal/Island 
Guru Guru  Baby Cake Walk   Favoriting Kanguru  Brain 
Blues Magoos  Life Is Just A Cher O'Bowlies   Favoriting Electric Comic Book  Sundazed 
Amon Duul II  Eye-Shaking King   Favoriting Yeti  Mantra 
The Angels of Epistemology  The Charmed   Favoriting Fruit  Merge 
Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited  Triple Threat   Favoriting Fluid Soundbox  Mai Tai 
Stereolab  L'Enfer Des Formes   Favoriting Mars Audiac Quintet  Elektra 
Cubismo Grafico  Jour De Vanves   Favoriting Mini  Escalator 
Autour De Lucie  L'eau qui dort   Favoriting Immobile  Nettwerk 
Kitty, Daisy & Lewis  Mohair Sam   Favoriting Kitty, Daisy & Lewis  DH Records 
The Bonzo Dog Band  Monster Mash   Favoriting Peel Sessions  Strange Fruit 
Jacques Dutronc  Les Petites Annonces   Favoriting Et Moi Et Moi Et Moi: 1966-1969  RPM 
The Cowsills  Troubled Roses   Favoriting The Cowsills  Razor & Tie 
Deerhunter  Pensacola   Favoriting Monomania  4AD 
The Rolling Stones  Midnight Rambler   Favoriting Let It Bleed  ABKCO 
Speedy West  Speedin' West   Favoriting Steel Guitar  Sundazed 
Stian Carstensen  [Look grandpa!] Buckwheat's On Bogweed   Favoriting Backwards Into The Backwoods  Winter & Winter 
The Tiger Lillies  Bully Boys   Favoriting Shockheaded Peter  Acultural Industry 
Scott Walker  Jackie   Favoriting Scott 2  Fontana 
Vanilla Fudge  Ticket To Ride   Favoriting Psychedelic Sundae: The Best Of Vanilla Fudge  Rhino 
Alexander Rabbit  The Hunchback of Notre Dame   Favoriting The Hunchback of Notre Dame (The Bells Were My Friends)  Mercury 
Dungen  Panda   Favoriting Ta Det Lugnt  Subliminal Sounds 
The Attack  Sleep Like A Child   Favoriting The Five Day Week Straw People  Angel Air 
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band  Shifting Sands   Favoriting Part One  Sundazed 
Paul Giovanni  Willow's Song   Favoriting The Wicker Man  Silva Records 
Leonard Cohen  The Guests   Favoriting The Essential Leonard Cohen  Columbia 
Rufus Wainwright  Oh What A World   Favoriting Want One  Dreamworks 
A Small Good Thing  Border Incidental   Favoriting Slim Westerns Vols. I & II  Leaf 

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Listener comments!

Dr. Z:

Good Morning Martha! Welcome to Rich's old slot!

Good evening/morning all,

Visual for this week: www.motoi.biz...

Yay! Non-linear listeners unite!
Dr. Z:

OOPS. Just been informed that Rich is here for one last go-round before the "Summer Schedule" (that goes until December.)
Seriously, Friday nights will not be the same. Rich. you're going to be a hard habit to kick. The tracks AND the visuals will be missed.
Avatar 12:33am

It's that warp in the space time continuum due to the weather.

Hi Rich, have always enjoyed the show and will definitely miss it during the hiatus. Also, it's still in the mail but wanted to thank you for the Jaw Harp Family Party Pack... best marathon prize ever.
Chop Scott:

You will be missed my friend! Hook up that squirrel carcass to Fabio's muffler!!
Avatar 12:36am

The images that appear on the playlist, at some point after the show ends - are they your work, Rich? Are they executed during the show?

fleep, not during the show during the week
cs, a disturbing thought
snake scott:

Yeah Rich we all are gonna be pretty bummed out all summer with you gone on Sat. nites....hope you're back in the fall
Avatar 12:52am

Archives going back to 2001, so there's plenty of freeze dried carcass I've never heard to bridge the gap. But live is always better and that will be missed.

Hmmmmmm..."freeze dried carcass." Never has a ray of hope sounded less appetizing. But: I'll take it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:01am

Visuals are pretty amazing. The lacy technique is reminiscent of Tibetan sand mandalas.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10am

Have a nice break, Rich. If you're taking that inflatable carcass on the road for a tour, then be sure to get the right size of tractor-trailer.

great job, Rich, i've been listening for last couple years and so appreciate the care you put into the show. thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- can't sleep, but can check last hour before total Deflation (@ least for now).
- I really have enjoyed & I Thank You
- & Best of Luck w/ other pursuits.

You played this for me, didn't you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- one of the Fudge's better covers - perhaps because the original was pretty heavy for 1965 - & really still a fairly distinct sound...

actually for me but if you want it to be for you sure
Avatar 2:21am

The Rabbits are multiplying.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...my brain imagines transition from Fudge to my species compatriot Alexander here to 'The Jeweler' by Pearls Before Swine...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...or, yerknow, not...

Vanilla Fudge and Inflatable Squirrel Carcass: both on their "farewell tours". But one can still hope: how many times have the Eagles called it quits, only to reappear?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...actually, I use a calculator/computer these days like everybody else...
- ☆☆☆☆☆...

...not to insult anyone by comparing to the Eagles, but you know what I mean.
Avatar 2:53am

If Sue said she'll miss Rich, it's only because she's losing the last 15 minutes of her show. I'll miss Rich talking over Fabio's muffler, but we will still have Fabio himself.
The carcass has provided many hours of wonderful music, and even more hours of non-music. Thanks Rich, have a great break, we'll see you when you get back.
Avatar 2:56am
kim (germland):

same here, droll
see you, rich

thanks for listening everyone. have a great summer. go see live music.
Avatar 2:58am

Thanks, Rich.
Avatar 4:28pm
Listener David in Budd Lake:

Dickey! Don't take so long to come back to the air!

Weep...weep...sniff - I cant believe after all these years I wont have something live to annoy all my co-workers with. guess they will just get to go thru the archives with me starting 2001 or so
love your show man - its actually the only music I listen to

Yep, gonna miss the carcass... awesome shows, Rich. Looking forward to your return:)
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