Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from July 8, 2013 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

Monday 3:01 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 10th, 3:01pm - 6pm: Scott Williams and his Co-Host Ira K

Favoriting July 8, 2013: Is it gonna make me sweat?

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Leo Sayer  You Make Me Feel Like Dancing   Favoriting 45 @ 33         
Can  I Want More   Favoriting Flow Motion  Spoon      0:03:13 (Pop-up)
I Signori della Galassia  Proxima Centauri   Favoriting Iceman  Medical      0:06:38 (Pop-up)
Boys and Girls Club of the Night  My Friends Over You   Favoriting Va, Dave Soldier's Hip Hop Rascalz        0:14:55 (Pop-up)
Pyrolator  Ein Weihnachtsmann Kommt in Die Disco   Favoriting V/a, Denk Daran!        0:18:31 (Pop-up)
USAries  Are You Ready To Come? (With Me) Pt. 1   Favoriting V/a, Personal Space - Electronic Soul 1974-1984        0:22:21 (Pop-up)
Quarks  Konigin Turner Mix   Favoriting V/a, Raumschiff Monika        0:25:22 (Pop-up)
Family of God  Family of God   Favoriting Family of God  Family of God  Family of God  Family of God  0:28:32 (Pop-up)
Normal Brain  MUSIC   Favoriting         0:36:07 (Pop-up)
Fred Lane  I Talk to My Haircut   Favoriting From the One That Cut You        0:48:02 (Pop-up)
Tom Fazzini  There Be No   Favoriting Neck To Neck        0:51:13 (Pop-up)
Nash The Slash  Dance After Curfew   Favoriting         0:54:16 (Pop-up)
King Kong  Old Man on the Bridge   Favoriting Old Man on the Bridge  Homestead      0:58:19 (Pop-up)
Urdu  Questioning the Moon   Favoriting V/a, Wrapped in Tangled Up Tape      Dan Bodah's 2013 WFMU Marathon Premium  1:04:41 (Pop-up)
Tank of Danzig  The People Are Hungry   Favoriting Not Trendy  Music a la Coque      1:10:51 (Pop-up)
Tuff Kidz  I Don't Want You No More   Favoriting Va, Dave Soldier's Hip Hop Rascalz        1:14:22 (Pop-up)
20 Fingers feat. Sandra Gillette  Short Clean Dick   Favoriting (edit)        1:17:26 (Pop-up)
Pharaohs  Again   Favoriting Replicant Moods  100% Silk      1:20:50 (Pop-up)
Telepathic  We Are Telepathique   Favoriting         1:31:01 (Pop-up)
Billy Jam  Institutionalized remix   Favoriting       oops, I missed this segment last week! to make amends, I seek YOUR cover/remix/mashup/800% stretch/etc... to contribute to our SUICIDAL SUMMER JAMZ!  1:31:05 (Pop-up)
Absolute Body Control  Move Up   Favoriting Live        1:42:05 (Pop-up)
Intelligence Dept.  Loneliness   Favoriting V/a, Danza Meccanica (Italian Synth Wave 1982-1987)        1:46:43 (Pop-up)
Steel Mind  Bad Passion   Favoriting V/a, The Best of Italo Disco, Volume 1        1:52:49 (Pop-up)
Dump  A Love Bizarre   Favoriting That Skinny Motherfucker With The High Voice?  Shrimper      1:59:49 (Pop-up)
Cymande  One More   Favoriting S/t  Janus      2:06:41 (Pop-up)
Fleetwood Mac  Albatross   Favoriting Black Magic Woman  Epic      2:09:40 (Pop-up)
T. Dyson and Company  It's All Over   Favoriting V/a, Personal Space - Electronic Soul 1974-1984        2:12:45 (Pop-up)
Jonas Reinhardt  Semazen Selam   Favoriting Mask of the Maker  Not Not Fun      2:19:15 (Pop-up)
Mr. Chop  Blow Your Head   Favoriting Switched On        2:25:09 (Pop-up)
Pilesar  Hormones Remix v3   Favoriting Stereo Outs      get 'er 'ere  2:28:47 (Pop-up)
Skorpio  The King with Shred-Legs   Favoriting V/a, Funkytown Budapest        2:32:11 (Pop-up)
Marine  Kiss My Knee   Favoriting Life In Reverse        2:36:04 (Pop-up)
Cristina  Disco Clone   Favoriting Doll In The Box  Ze      2:39:48 (Pop-up)
Gary Wilson  NY Surf   Favoriting Forgotten Lovers  Feeding Tube      2:43:58 (Pop-up)
Minimal Compact  Statik Dancin'   Favoriting S/t EP        2:46:12 (Pop-up)
The Lords of Percussion  The Kung Fu   Favoriting V/a, Funk Fu: Psycho Funk vs. Rare Grooves        2:49:47 (Pop-up)
The Lonesomes  1+1=Moo   Favoriting A Tribute to the Great Outdoors        2:52:36 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Tom Cameron 

SYN   Favoriting

Music To Wash Dishes By 




2:55:01 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Green Mountain Man Mark:

I like hammers too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Sem Chumbo:

Hammer time?
Avatar 3:04pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 3:05pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

ooh, another hit from the roller rink on rt.1, circa 197-???
Avatar 3:05pm

alright who spiked my drink
Avatar 3:08pm

@Steve: I did (I think)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm
Scott Williams:

Hey pals! hope you're ready to get sweaty; 3 hrs of la danza (not tony)
Avatar 3:18pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Good deal. I've put on mah (mah mah mah mah mah) boogie shoes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...learned the word 'roofying' on Mandl's board last night - maybe I'd heard it...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...if they steal my OJ @ work - it's spiked w/ Monster drink - so they better not wanna relax...the clown says the koolaid on the *left* is the *electric* koolaid...
paula pc:

so far I am LOVING la danza
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22pm
Scott Williams:

thanks Paula! good to see you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

RTD!: Faye played a BSI track other night: + Excellent!
Avatar 3:26pm
dc pat:

LizB did today too didn't she? I wasn't listening unfortunately but saw the playlist...
Phil in Portland:

Wow, outta sight set. As usual, the high point of my Monday. Is it too early to favorite this episode?
Avatar 3:29pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

True 'nuf rabbit/pat, it was a blast of yay.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm
Scott Williams:

ahhhhhhh!!!!! I fucking did it! I left FB open on an audio computer!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- you can always Unfavorite! but that's unlikely...
...back to the chaingang of boring for me - flipside...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm
Scott Williams:

Awww, sweet, thanks Phil in portland!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm

sorry I'm late...I will pay the fine but request I be spared the rod.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
Matt W:

Family of God is also my middle name
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
Sem Chumbo:

Maybe Family of God would sound even more interesting at a different speed.
Avatar 3:37pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Is that little Agnes?
Avatar 3:39pm

Family of god is too cute. It's getting cute up in here. :)))
Phil in Portland:

You're welcome, Scott! It takes the 'oh man' out of 'oh man, it's Monday.'
Avatar 3:43pm

Heya, Scott!
Avatar 3:44pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

always a sucker for the mellotron-esque mock-choir keyboard. Instant clicky-star.
Avatar 3:46pm

Scott, Is "Family of God" really on the "Family of God" label? If so, they are the first confirmed Quadfecta, I already have them on the band/album/song Trifecta list (rotang.com...)
paula pc:

I like your attitude about the weather, Mr. Willliams!!
Avatar 3:50pm

My friend, Danielle, did the Big Star doc. And I missed it like a chump.

Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
tim from champaign:

I ate too much this weekend. Way too much.

no way purity ducking ring
Avatar 3:52pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:


fortunately for late bloomers tho HGH doesn't start declining at 30 as easy as a bike ride can get everything regulated

Obedear the sky is low
Avatar 3:56pm
dc pat:

I don't know what Tom Fazzini is but I just starred the hell out of him.
Avatar 3:57pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

.......................holy crap.
Avatar 4:00pm

Now this is what I like: synthy laser shots, spacey keyboards, and generated hand clapping!

OK. I'll bite. After weeks and weeks of trying to understand the 3:00 p.m. ET interlude, I must ask. What's the point of Jim Price? I've listened to you and Irene for years (both on the same day and different days) and have enjoyed the heck out of your programs. But Jim Price? I mean, not everything has to have a point, but I've rarely experienced anything so pointless.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

heyba heyba
Avatar 4:02pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Old Man OnnaBridge! May I renew my holy crap?
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:03pm

hoba hooba hobba!
Avatar 4:03pm
dc pat:

starring the hell...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Sem Chumbo:

Double down at will, RTD.
Avatar 4:04pm

They can't legally fire Jim without legal repercussions. So they give him 1 minute per week. Someday the bastard'll figure it out.
paula pc:

As a fan of 15-60-75, I realize that it is hypocritical of me not to like King Kong. Now I succumb...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
Scott Williams:

hey dweeb, to each his own, but i love Jim Price's show like crazy; he's got a pretty storied history here - did some great hour long shows in the 90s with Vanilla Bean (RIP), and amazing daddy-to-us-all freeform shows way back in the 1970s. the challenge of making 1 interesting minute is, I think, not pointless.
Avatar 4:05pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Love the Jim Price bits more than life itself.
Avatar 4:06pm
dc pat:

I can't see how you can NOT see the point of Jim Price.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm

I find it amazing that he will come in to the station and do one minute per week. Unless he lives there on a couch or something.
Avatar 4:07pm
dc pat:

it's like the high point of radio all over the universe...

Wow!! Should I ever need someone to do PR for pointlessness, I'll get in touch. While I have no idea whether what Carmichael says is true, it certainly makes the most sense.
Avatar 4:10pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Jeezoflip that drum machine sounds familiar. Roland TR505? [80s cassette-era geek now ducks & leaves the room].
Avatar 4:12pm

I have an arid sense of humor, dweeb. But I DID hear some things ...
Avatar 4:18pm
dc pat:

does everything have to have a point? Does everything need to make sense. Does this song have a point?
Avatar 4:20pm

1 8 7 7 Kars 4 Kidz ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm
Mike East:

my nephew tried out for the kars 4 kidz commercial...didn't get the part.

I did say that not everything has to have a point in my original post, so I'll not revisit that, er, point. What I will say is that this song is not on the air every morning. Not to worry. I'll just schedule a bathroom break for that time in the future.

Every Monday, that is.
Avatar 4:24pm
Cheri Pi:

I slept with Roland when Big Black rolled through town, he gave me a computer virus I'll never forget-the slut.

Randy Newman ain't got nothin' on this.
Avatar 4:25pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

you never know where that MIDI has been.
Avatar 4:25pm
Cheri Pi:

Never dialed-up the next day like he promised either.
Avatar 4:26pm
Cheri Pi:

he's never even met TR-3.14, or sent 1 lousy check.
Avatar 4:26pm

Speaking of tryouts, I just saw the documentary "The Guy ... From That Thing" (or something like that). Extended interviews of character actors talking about the cutthroat business of Hollywood. Very insightful.
Avatar 4:34pm

I had to look it up for my own satisfaction: Bill Murray's SNL singer Nick Springs used a Univox SR-120 drum machine. Cheri, it could be your brother in law. Ya never know ...
Avatar 4:35pm
Cheri Pi:

If Univox SR-120's out there listening-tell TR-606 to send a check!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:37pm
tim from champaign:

Nice one, Biily Jam!
dax supradeca:


Institutionalized was a Jesse Krakow song, right? :3
Avatar 4:39pm
Yair Yona:

Hello friends

Let's make it Maximal Mix Maxters - MMM;)
Avatar 4:44pm

Scott needs a remix of Institutionalized? If nobody else wants to, I'll make the Institutionalized-4-Kids or remix. Or is it Kids-4-Institutionalized?
Avatar 4:47pm
Cheri Pi:

Hiya Yair!
Avatar 4:47pm

hey speaking of Scott playing synthy dance music... has everyone gotten their DJ premiums and marathon swag? i still haven't received anything yet, feel like it usually comes sooner.

I'm digging this Absolute Body Control
Avatar 4:48pm
Yair Yona:

Hi Cheri!

yea tis cool
Avatar 4:48pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I have it on good authority that the swag is moving out NOW. [turns quickly to conceal 2013 fmu shirt]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm
Mike East:

@steve - still swagless over here, too. I hear the minions are working hard, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
Scott Williams:

Hey there Steve, drop me an email scott at wfmu dot oh are gee and I'll look into why you haven't gotten your swag yet. most likely what happened is you requested DJ premiums that aren't ready yet, but are very soon to be back-ordered.

exCIA audio drones unite!
Avatar 4:50pm
Cheri Pi:

Say what??? Swag sightings???

Absolute Body Control made me say that.
Avatar 4:53pm
Cheri Pi:

This music makes me feel very sophisticated and important, like I live in an 80's new wave movie-set loft and drive a Lamborghini around the sewers at night.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Scott Williams:

I clicky-star that, C.P.
Peter Principil:

Tuxedo moon influence?
Avatar 4:56pm

Yo, Yair!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Sem Chumbo:

Ahem, one privilege of being a foreign listener, it seems, is prompt swag delivery. Mine showed up around May 1st.

im already on the third song, Rev.
Avatar 4:57pm

I haven't received my swag either, but I paid late. So I don't deserve it just yet.
Avatar 4:58pm
Cheri Pi:

Technically I forgot to order my swag-pile until wayyyy late in the game. luckily the prize patrol paid me a visit so I'm rolling in fresh, tasty swag-like prizes.
Avatar 5:01pm

thanks Scott! just wanted to be sure i wasnt the *only* person who hasnt gotten swag yet. im sure its just a backorder.
Avatar 5:02pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Still wading through the premiums. It's a great year...
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
tim from champaign:

I'm waiting by the mailbox too, Steve.
Avatar 5:05pm

there's few things in life better than some swag. i think i hallucinated a person wearing the Gary Panter shirt the other day.
Love Supreme:

..... beware the fantasy becoming reality....
Avatar 5:11pm
DJ Meat Head:

Slow dance!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
Scott Williams:

righto stasho

omg albatross :)

ANyone seen PACIFIC RIM yet?
Avatar 5:17pm

North Star by Fripp almost directly rips off this Mac song! ...and Intelligence Dept sounded like I Feel Love.
Avatar 5:21pm
Stan From Around The Block:

OMG You're talking.
Avatar 5:28pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Is Is Fun

haircut time for me rev your bandcamp was mediocre

the solid one that is moving on to the blue sausage
Avatar 5:32pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

The more swag the longer it takes. I also heard that some items are holding it up such as the Glen Jones shot glasses. Longer it takes the better. It entertains me so much each day to drive up to the house and see if a big box has arrived.

Sounds like a dance mix of the Stooges "Loose".
Avatar 5:33pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:


Mr. Chop that is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm
Scott Williams:

mild correction: the IBJ shot glasses are in the house
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

♏ Skorpio!

actually i kinda like how everything is bookedmarked on profiles

i will go back to this first set and listen to it, i missed a good portion of it
Silk Shirt:

Gold Chains & Disco Sucks!
Avatar 5:52pm
DJ Stashu:

Punk disco marshmallow gummy bears opera and line dancing
Silk Shirt:

Minimal Compact Rules!
Avatar 5:53pm

Purely awesome Scott!
dax supradeca:

alright i saved rev's drones for later play
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Scott Williams:

bye everyone! this was fun. stay sweaty, ya hear
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Mike Lupica:

I was just listening to the Quarks song and heard the FB alert go off. I spent a good five minutes trying to figure out how/why, since I don't have FB open.... And then I read the comment thread. WELL PLAYED, SKAHT.
Scott Williams:

clicky-star on you, Mr (nee) Transistor! I'm always ready with a chuckle when I hear that beep on other radio shows, so I guess I was doomed from the start. Oyyyy....

LOVE the Fred Lane. I can't stop listening to it. Thanks!!!
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