Favoriting Bob W.: Playlist from August 21, 2013 Favoriting

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Non-commercial indie-pop-rock, but with plenty of WTF? non-sequitur delightful/irritating moments; 90% stuff we've never heard before (45% you'll hate, 45% you'll love), 10% stuff we've heard before (5% you hate, 5% you love). (29 words, 6 numbers.)

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Favoriting August 21, 2013: Fill-in for Ken

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Raymond Scott  Little Miss Echo   Favoriting Soothing Sounds for Baby, Volume 3 (12 to 18 months)  Basta  1997  CD    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Raymond Scott  The Playful Drummer   Favoriting Soothing Sounds for Baby, Volume 3 (12 to 18 months)  Basta  1997  CD    0:13:55 (Pop-up)
Harold Budd  Jane 2   Favoriting Jane 1-11  Darla  2013  CD    0:19:10 (Pop-up)
Max Richter  The Trees   Favoriting The Blue Note Books      MP3    0:24:13 (Pop-up)
This Mortal Coil  I Must Have Been Blind   Favoriting Filigree & Shadow  4 A.D.  1994  CD    0:30:48 (Pop-up)
i rode citi bike to the path today. yay.
Nick Cave  Red Right Hand   Favoriting The Best of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds  Mute  1998  CD    0:37:51 (Pop-up)
Parker and Lily  Two Years In The Air   Favoriting Hello Halo  Orange  2002  CD    0:42:17 (Pop-up)
Legendary Pink Dots  A Star Is Born   Favoriting The Gethsemane Option  Metropolis  2013  CD    0:45:30 (Pop-up)
Third Circle  Freewill and Farewell   Favoriting 12"  Rouska  1988  12"    0:51:02 (Pop-up)
Dead Can Dance  Advent   Favoriting Spleen and Ideal (Remastered)  4 A.D.  2007  MP3    0:54:14 (Pop-up)
i like to rate beer.
Alabama Kids  [track 4]   Favoriting Drowsy Driver  Schemer  1993  CD    1:05:35 (Pop-up)
Bailter Space  Robot World   Favoriting Robot World  Matador  1993  CD    1:09:49 (Pop-up)
Afghan Whigs  Conjure   Favoriting Congregation  Sub Pop  1992  CD    1:13:52 (Pop-up)
Tugboat Annie  League of Nations   Favoriting Superfriends  Sonic Bubblegum  1995  CD    1:17:56 (Pop-up)
The Three Johns  Atom Drum Pop   Favoriting The World By Storm  Abstract  1986  LP    1:21:01 (Pop-up)
john langford from that other band.
33.3  Third   Favoriting   Aesthetics    MP3    1:31:30 (Pop-up)
Goldfrapp  Lovely Head   Favoriting Felt Mountain  Mute  2000  CD    1:33:11 (Pop-up)
Vitamin String Quartet  Rebellion (Lies)   Favoriting       MP3    1:36:42 (Pop-up)
Broadcast  Come On Let's Go   Favoriting The Noise Made by People  Warp  2000  CD    1:41:29 (Pop-up)
Suuns  Arena   Favoriting       MP3    1:44:44 (Pop-up)
more beer talk.beerhear.blogspot.com. and suuns give away sept. 4 LPR.
Algebra Suicide  Little Dead Bodies   Favoriting Feminine Squared  Dark Entries  2013  LP    1:58:59 (Pop-up)
Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty  Working Girl   Favoriting va: Country's Greatest Hits  Soul Jazz  2013  CD    2:00:38 (Pop-up)
Cheap Trick  He's A Whore   Favoriting       MP3    2:03:27 (Pop-up)
Chantal Goya  C'est bien Bernard   Favoriting va: Ultra Chicks Vol. 3  Ultra Chicks  1998  CD    2:06:04 (Pop-up)
Veronique Sanson  Le Printemps est là   Favoriting va: Beginners Guide to French Pop  Nascente  2013  CD    2:08:10 (Pop-up)
Marie  Un train qui part   Favoriting va: Eurovision 73  CBS  1973  LP    2:10:37 (Pop-up)
Carla Bruni  Chez Keith et Anita   Favoriting Little French Songs  Verve  2013  CD    2:13:11 (Pop-up)
Les Sequelles  Mieux vaut tard que jamais   Favoriting Et tant pis si cela vous deplait  Grenadine    CD    2:16:10 (Pop-up)
Lowlife  Eternity Road   Favoriting       MP3    2:22:00 (Pop-up)
Radiohead  Belt   Favoriting va: Volume Seven  Volume    CD    2:25:54 (Pop-up)
Rank/Xerox  Cave Dweller   Favoriting Rank/Xerox  Blast First Petite  2013  CD    2:27:48 (Pop-up)
Ladybug Transistor  Clutching Stems   Favoriting Clutching Stems  Merge  2011  CD    2:32:33 (Pop-up)
The Cure  Fascination Street   Favoriting Disintegration      MP3    2:35:02 (Pop-up)
Gang of Four  Natural's Not In It   Favoriting Entertainment  Rhino  2005  CD  reissue  2:41:11 (Pop-up)
Gun Club  Thunderhead   Favoriting Mother Juno  2 13 61  1996  CD    2:44:03 (Pop-up)
The Mighty Imperials  Kick The Blanket   Favoriting va: Spike's Choice Vol. 2  Desco  2000  CD    2:51:14 (Pop-up)
Catalina Six  Moon 2000   Favoriting va: Little Green Men!  WFMU  2013  CD    2:54:09 (Pop-up)
Rodney Alan Greenblat  Fly in my Pajamas   Favoriting Baby Sea Robot  Interlink  1998  CD    2:56:23 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:04am
Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...oh - that's right - no gif Show rest of August ??
...get to check out a different program tho' !...
Avatar 9:09am

Good Morning, Kennonites. The next 2 weeks will be Ken-free.

What's with Bert & Harry?
Avatar 9:11am
cd tap:

ah yes. Tried out these collections on my daughter. I think she was neither enthralled nor annoyed...
Avatar 9:13am
Yair Yona:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am
Planet Tyler:

Love Raymond - what a great way to spend AM hrs - thanks Bob and good morning to ya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am
Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, Bob, and all.
Avatar 9:15am
cd tap:

<formalities>Hi EVERYBODY. </formalitiesdone>

my co-worker just said there are strange sounds emanating from my office
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am

Hello all! This music is rather appropriate, as I pass the time here at work reading baby magazines.
Avatar 9:18am
cd tap:

wife just asked if I was playing video games.

Feel free to make it stop any time.
Avatar 9:19am
cd tap:

BOY if video games sounded like THIS!...

Is this a stalling tape?

That whole thing was so great...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Bob W.:

sorry for the long instrumental start, but i had to figure out how to send the emergency alert thingy, AND take a bathroom break, all at the start of the show! don't worry, though. i'll play more than three songs in three hours!

Don't worry that's cool, that's what Ken always does.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am

Good morn. to all..."all over tha world!"
Wanted to keep it "real" before I do the "shameless Self Promotion thing" More on that to come... HELLO 'FMU FAITHFUL!!!!
Avatar 9:23am

I'm more than fine with listening to stuff like this all day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am
Bob W.:

yeah, and i can't gif like ken can gif. in fact, i can't gif at all! how does one do all that stuff while d.j.ing?!?
Avatar 9:25am

Ken just imagines really hard and they kind of appear

You have to have 8 arms and a lot of tentacles.
Avatar 9:28am

Bob, you should try to put up just one gif before noon. Did Ken give you the keys to the WFMU gif library?
Avatar 9:29am

Richter sounds kind of great


I'm liking this substitute teacher. He is interesting to listen to.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am

Yeah, loved the Richter...
Avatar 9:37am
cd tap:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am

Omelet on bun?! What kind of diner would do that? That violates all the law of diners. I bet the waitress didn't even call you Hun.
Avatar 9:39am
cd tap:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Rich in Washington:

Diggin' the sounds..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Bob W.:

i know, i know! i'm gunna get my own citi bike account! i think that the program is awesome, and a good value when you get the yearly membership. i only did it because my bike had a flat this morning and i didn't have time to fix it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am

Bye for now, off to start my commute!
Avatar 9:43am

Really Bob? The pricing for Citibike seems totally convoluted and a lil pricey, from what I saw...
Avatar 9:43am
cd tap:

I have my own bikes but Citibikes here in DC seems to be working beyond anyone's expectations. I hear if you support it in NYC though you're a nazi/fascist/dictator/etc...
Avatar 9:44am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am
Bob W.:

the yearly subscription is a good deal, i think. i don't know about the daily rate. i've used the system in montreal a few years ago, and it also kicked ass.
Avatar 9:47am

bixi bike.
Avatar 9:47am

Hmmmm... must look again, it seems...
Avatar 9:47am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Aye, the DC bikeshare program seems to be working like a charm.

...which is more than can be said for the bus-tracking iPhone apps - on the 3rd one in a year. At this rate the theory of "planned obsolescence" will overtake real-time and create a groovy vacuum where we get all floaty.
Avatar 9:49am
cd tap:

..I'm here to back up the Rev's claims--stupid iPhone app NEVER works for me.
Avatar 9:50am
cd tap:

it actually works for buses going in the wrong direction, never fails.
Avatar 9:53am

@Okasa: nice avatar!!
Avatar 9:54am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

[a bit late, but there it is.]
Avatar 9:56am

Kenless in Interland. Good morning Bob and others of your ilk.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Dots still sound like that
- & I still like it.
...don't know 3rd Circle - good!
- DCD...Keep it up & I'll ☆ this Program awright...
Avatar 9:58am

@Lewis: Why, thank you kindly.
William Swan, Jr.:

The image on the homepage right now glorifies bullying, racism, and misogyny.
Avatar 10:01am

that DcD was great - thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am

That was one fine set.
Avatar 10:02am


you never need an excuse to drink beers.
Avatar 10:03am

Professional tasters *never* swallow the beer, you know.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...last night had some kinda 'Scotch ale' - cloudy red & sweet - reportedly 8 &1/2 % ! Not a bad sweet either. Had me musing that pub-dweller Tolkien named the elf Legolas because it sounds like 'legless'...
Avatar 10:05am

when they're on duty I bet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am
Rick from SC:

Bob, there's some great beer down in NC and SC, if you ever get down this way

Yo! I like the sounds of Alabama Kids, not much info on the web, tell me more.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- I think it were this :
- but as a guest tap @ my local...
Avatar 10:18am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

RRN63: good one. I approve of all Founders' efforts I've had so far.
Avatar 10:21am

I'm such a sucker for this guitar sound. Def of an era...
Avatar 10:22am

Takes be back to my UK-livin' days of the nineties...
Avatar 10:23am

where were you, jeezy?
Avatar 10:24am
Cheri Pi:

this is a cool set Bee Dub.
Avatar 10:27am

thanks for the COMPOSTING p.s.a. i have been doing it for eons, dropping off my poop at union sq g'market & it's so cool to see LOWER EAST SIDE ECOLOGY CENTER being born & grow (kinda like WFMU). but back to music: i gotta listen to more THE THREE JOHNS.
Avatar 10:29am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

re: the BEER:
Still in a torrid whirlwind tryst with Otter Creek's Russian Imperial Stout. All other beers are just bitches to me right now. It's a phase, perhaps, but for the moment, awesome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am
Rick from SC:

Notable recent quaffs: Mexican Cake from Westbrook, SC and Triumphant from NoDa in Charlotte
Avatar 10:30am
Cheri Pi:

Avatar 10:30am

Haven't had Otter Creek since I moved back to the midwest. Boy, sure did love their stuff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- I like the Darks RTD...
Avatar 10:32am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I've only had it in bottle form. Might actually shriek & faint if I see it on a tap somewhere.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am

man 10 gal that tiny!! hard to believe that that efficient or cost effective.... that is how most brewerys start. the guys at Maine Beer Co stated on a 2 bbl system and now have a 30bbl brew house, in less then a few years. man i love beer!!
Avatar 10:33am
cd tap:

JJEAAZZZE! Missing beer talk. I had Founders Breakfast Stout on tap and was probably the best thing my throat ever did.
Avatar 10:33am
still b/p:

Otter Creek Black IPA also nice. And I've found it has fairly wide appeal when choosing something to share.
Summer gettin' hot on us one more time today. Will be a good evening for beer accent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...my problem is
- after a workday of being overcaffeinated - I'm not looking for coffeeflavor inna brew
...& I associate dark w/ Guinness - which is itself alone...
Avatar 10:34am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

LOVE this Goldfrapp album. So much more than the disco stuff she did afterwards.
Avatar 10:34am
cd tap:

eh, I don't worry about trying to appeal to anyone anymore. Nobody I drink with likes my heavy duty tastes.
Avatar 10:34am

Thanks for the Goldfrapp!

Give me a nice central European pilsner any day, or a dry, malty English ale. Too much of this local craft stuff tastes like soda pop to me.
Avatar 10:35am
Cheri Pi:

this is nice and some velvet-morningy
Avatar 10:36am

Hey Cheri! Why so quiet lately?!
Avatar 10:36am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

[clicky google] .. ah, Otter Creek and Wolaver's are the same outfit, which explains a lot. Love the Wolaver's oatmeal stout & the organic brown...
Avatar 10:36am
cd tap:

well I think there's too much over-hopped, ill-balanced American brew right now. But there's a lot of great stuff out there too. Left Hand outta Boulder makes some righteous stouty stuff.
Avatar 10:36am

I miss sparring over Mark E. Smith and such...
Avatar 10:37am
cd tap:

that's what I was thinkin' Pi.
Avatar 10:38am
Cheri Pi:

I'm eating chocolate right now Jeezy, 90% Lindt, I'm sure I'll perk up once the caffeine overdrive kicks in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am

Arcade Fire cover! Woo!
Avatar 10:39am

I'm hoping a shower and omelette and Grady's Cold Brew cause similar perkage to occur...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am

bob do you homebrew? you should have a call in segment with people calling in with their brewing problems and other can call in and try to solve them. mine can be the first problem, i dont have the time to home brew anymore...
Avatar 10:39am

Diggin' the playlist Bob W.
Avatar 10:41am
still b/p:

If only the Maine Beer Co. varieties warn't so 'spensive, I'd be glad to have more of the good stuff that's good 'n local. They were right down the road from me....now a few miles up the highway.

In chocolate matters...remember, Lindt wants you to come at it with all 5 senses:

yeah they make some good stuff over here too, I like the Scrimshaw pilsner at my pub since they ran out of the Cotrell old Yankee ale....
Avatar 10:42am

wow, nice string quartet stuff. (i learned of some symphonic thing of PUNK music, done in the mid-1980s. anyone know its title? were there more than 1?)
Avatar 10:43am
cd tap:

chocolate matters? I use to put chocolate in my homebrew. I made a chocolate stout for my wedding. It was colossal ..
Avatar 10:44am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

still b/p: Not sure that I ever had the Maine Beer Co. offerings (spent a while in Bangor working on a regional magazine in the early '00s) -- Fond memories of the Cadillac Mtn Stout from the Bar Harbor co., though...
Avatar 10:44am
Cheri Pi:

You took the words out outta my fingertips C-tap. A chocolate stout right now at 10:44am is exactly what I need.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...now if my local would stream FMU instead of having seven screens of Sport which annoys me immensely...
Avatar 10:46am
Cheri Pi:

I can't complain about the Lindt chocolate bar, its very good in emergencies when I need to engage my 5 senses, including WFMU melting in my brain.

taking bus instead of subway for listening
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am

Bob...I am enjoying your Sets....Thank You!
Avatar 10:48am
cd tap:

..I'll say, beer now, dammit!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am

You are having "Good Sets" with the listeners....he he he...
Avatar 10:48am

beer soon (5pm here) - excellent set - I'd have left work already if my headsets were not glued to my head currently!
Avatar 10:49am

Some of that Lindt chocolate is made here in New Hampshire. I interviewed for a QC job at the factory years ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am
Sem Chumbo:

@Deemer Dave: Nice hat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am

Lindt Chocolate...MMMMMM!!!!
Avatar 10:51am

After the interview they gave me a 5lb. bag of those truffles. Sadly, I didn't get the job, but I did enjoy those truffles.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...so I got tired of the boring expensive pub w/ Sport TV & beer making me fat in my old age
- afterwork every evening
- & switched to healthy delicious redwine & streaming FMU @ home by my lonesome
- but Tue. is my Sat. & they have IrishTrad. Music - so that's my beersies night...
- Another Dave in NewHampshuh like meself!...
Avatar 10:52am

ah ticketses for Paris would be nice too..
Avatar 10:52am

Thanks, Chumbo!
Avatar 10:55am
cd tap:

funny, I had a dream last night that a friend had some crazy-assed, complicated brewing set up that took up his entire house...

Dude, enough with the beer, please play more music.
Avatar 10:55am
still b/p:

I've developed a habit with Trader Joe's 85% bar, because it satisfies the cheapness sense.

@Rev. -- MBC only a few years old. Beer writers were fond of talking about the "buzz" created by the small young outfit. Try the Lunch.

that's so great about the breweries renting the space...interesting...
Avatar 10:55am

I agree re the over-hopping trend. It's too bad. I love well-hopped beer, but some of these ales are like orchestras composed of a single piccolo that's amped to 11.

oh man! pilsner urquell was my favorite beer for years...someone changed the recipe and now it sucks! so sad.
Avatar 10:57am

I live right across from the delightful french place, Moto... They have a "Breakfast Beer." It's a shot of espresso in a Guiness.Surely this is what you require, Cheri?
Avatar 10:57am

Has anyone had Boréale Rousse in a while? Dreamy, as I remember it.

yes!!! thank you bobw!!!
Avatar 10:57am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

That office in Maine was walking distance from the SeaDog brewpub. Convenient perhaps, but could NOT deal with their sweeter fruity beers, which they seemed very big on...
Avatar 10:58am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

that raspberry ale is like a glass of bubblegum. Need to gargle with kerosene afterwards.
Avatar 10:58am
cd tap:

Well said βrian...
Avatar 10:59am

@Common: If you can find it, try Maxxim, also from Czech Republic. May only be available in ethnic delis in the southern half of Brooklyn.

thanks bobw, me and my co-worker were close to dying of boredom
Avatar 10:59am
cd tap:

[referring to 10:55 βrian comment]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am
Mike Sin:

Don't drink too much beer in the summertime, but with Fall approaching... it'll be all stouts and porters. I really can't drink any lagers or IPAs... too hoppy... to carbonated... Anyway, I'm still loyal to Mackeson XXX stout and Wolaver's organic coffee porter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am
Mike East:

@jeezy - You're talking about Moto in Brooklyn, right? I recently watched a documentary on the trials and tribulations the two guys went through to open that place up. Pretty good story. Good food, too.
Avatar 11:02am

Yes that's it, @Mike East. Wow, I'll have to check that out. They've been filming some episodes of Boardwalk Empire there recently...
Avatar 11:02am

The brunch is where they really shine. The food AND the live musicians are fantastic.
Avatar 11:05am
still b/p:

I'll be up in Bangor this weekend to see East African, Nepalese, Colombian and Garifuna music, along with zydeco, bluegrass, gospel...and I don't know what the Peruvian scissor dance is, but I'm fixin' to find out!

I'm a whore!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am
Mike East:

@Jeezy - I just watched the first episode of Season 3...is it that flower shop where Michael Shannon sells the guy 24 irons? I thought it might be, but if so, they really changed the interior. We rent Bwalk Empire all their musical instruments. Harps, banjos, tubas, etc...all came from me.
Avatar 11:08am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Many a very drunk magazine-issue-close happy hour was had at that brewpub. Scores of brave pint-glasses fell to the service of feature journalism.
Avatar 11:09am

Ah, that's cool Mike! Yes, it is the flower shop...
Avatar 11:09am
still b/p:

What was the magazine, Rev?
Avatar 11:10am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

By total coincidence, there's a simultaneous beer-chat on the iPhone over here, fellow noise-makers conspiring to meet for an ale or six tonight. Clearly the universe is thirsty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am
Mike East:

nice. fyi, that doc is called "Eat This New York"
Avatar 11:10am

I'm guessing not the Economist ...
Avatar 11:11am

Cool, will check that out...
Avatar 11:12am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

sb/p: for a brief time, the legendary alt rag "maine times" was re-launched as a monthly feature magazine (2003-2004) - i got to art-direct & design the thing. Very fun.
some other guy:

how come this algebra suicide comp isn't on the dark entries website/store?
Avatar 11:15am

Chante-le, Carla ! Je t'écoute.
Avatar 11:16am
still b/p:

Ah, that's better than a touristy or faux-sophisto glossy thing. Imagine what a time the ol' Maine Times could be having with our current gov! Obama "hates white people" is the latest chunk of charm he's alleged to have hacked up.
some other guy:

oh, there it is
Avatar 11:18am

Starting to sound like Trouble's show. I like it.
Avatar 11:19am

oh excellent, french music. i just phoned my friend at nyu french dept!

Liking the french music,even though i know not what they say.
Thank you .
Avatar 11:20am

Someone call Guinness Book of Records, please. There's no way anyone else has ever shoved more cheese into an omelet. I need to document this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am
Andrew Waterloo:

Avatar 11:22am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

What beer would pair well with an overly-cheesed omelet?
Avatar 11:22am
still b/p:

I'll have the Chèvre Shove Omelet, please....
Avatar 11:29am
cd tap:

dump a bottle of Rasputin Imperial Stout on that omelet...
Avatar 11:29am
Cheri Pi:

thoroughly dig Rank/Xerox
Avatar 11:30am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

OLD RASPUTIN! I'll be back on that stuff when my neighborhood shop runs out of the Otter Creek...

First time catching your show, Bob. Fucking love it.
Avatar 11:31am
cd tap:

yeah, Pi--Rank/Xerox sounds a bit like Family Curse
Avatar 11:35am

For a split second at the beginning of this song, I thought it was Darling Nikki.
Avatar 11:36am

Love the "Disintegration" album. Always play it on Halloween night.
Avatar 11:36am
Cheri Pi:

Can we get a clicky star for that Rank/Xerox? LOL Jennique.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...wasn't - hmm : en.wikipedia.org... ...
Avatar 11:42am
cd tap:

request: Tommy Gun for Joe's b-day?
Avatar 11:42am
Cheri Pi:

Avatar 11:42am
cd tap:

..or anything off Entertainment..
Avatar 11:45am
cd tap:

..or anything by Gun Club..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am
paul b:

I make no apologies -- the Gun Club are my favorite band. Both invocations.
Avatar 11:48am

wha? it's JOE STRUMMER's birthday today? thanks for telling us. (there's a great interview with him in THE BIG TAKEOVER, done coupla years(?) before his death. it's super super, and interviewer jack says he & joe were arguing about something at the end. it's very sweet.)
Avatar 11:50am
cd tap:

just heads up, Keith Moon's bday is in 2 days...
Avatar 11:51am
Marshall Stacks:

I had a lot of friends working for Rank Xerox. Probably not the same Rank Xerox.

Looks like I missed a lot of GREAT STUFF earlier in the show.

Be proud.

This Mighty Imperials is sweet! I never knew they had more material than "Thunder Chicken".
Avatar 11:58am

"fly in my pajamas"? reminds me of this old line that i first heard said by BILLY BRAGG, at irving plaza 1984: "there's a party in my shorts and i want you all to come". (drum roll)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am
Sem Chumbo:

Hope to hear you again here, Bob. Bye for now.
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