Favoriting Monica: Playlist from September 1, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting September 1, 2013: Carve Your Name Right On My Gun

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Artist Track Approx. start time
James Brown  Cottage For Sale   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Witherspoon  I'll Never Be Free   Favoriting 0:03:30 (Pop-up)
Betty Lavette  If I Can't Be Your Woman   Favoriting 0:07:59 (Pop-up)
Lou Rawls  Can You Dig/Take Me For What I Am   Favoriting 0:10:56 (Pop-up)
Bootsy Collins  I'd Rather Be With You   Favoriting 0:13:58 (Pop-up)
Sly  Temptation Walk (Part One)   Favoriting 0:19:13 (Pop-up)
Curtis Mayfield  Toot 'N' Toot 'N Toot   Favoriting 0:21:47 (Pop-up)
Gladkazuka  El Untitled (Sano Pantera Version)   Favoriting 0:30:06 (Pop-up)
JD Twitch  Olaiya   Favoriting 0:38:52 (Pop-up)
Tasha Thomas  Shoot Me (With Your Love)   Favoriting 0:43:53 (Pop-up)
The Flying Lizards  Money B   Favoriting 0:47:08 (Pop-up)
Wet Willie  Keep On Smilin'   Favoriting 0:52:21 (Pop-up)
Mink DeVille  Cadillac Walk   Favoriting 0:54:50 (Pop-up)
Georgia Satellites  Keep Your Hands To Yourself   Favoriting 0:58:23 (Pop-up)
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts  Cherry Bomb   Favoriting 1:01:11 (Pop-up)
Barbara Mandrell  Treat Him Right   Favoriting 1:09:39 (Pop-up)
The Manhattan Brothers  Marie   Favoriting 1:11:53 (Pop-up)
Big Maybelle  Ocean Of Tears   Favoriting 1:14:27 (Pop-up)
S.E. Rogie  Do Me Justice   Favoriting 1:18:16 (Pop-up)
Junior Kimbrough  Nobody But You   Favoriting 1:19:56 (Pop-up)
Ensemble Economique  I Light My Cigarette, I See YOU There   Favoriting 1:24:37 (Pop-up)
Betty Harris  I'm Gonna Git Ya   Favoriting 1:29:15 (Pop-up)
The Staple Singers  For What It's Worth   Favoriting 1:31:32 (Pop-up)
Gregory Porter  Liquid Spirit   Favoriting 1:33:53 (Pop-up)
Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels  Bring It On Home To Me   Favoriting 1:42:08 (Pop-up)
Joe Tex  Hold What You've Got   Favoriting 1:45:25 (Pop-up)
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss  Killing The Blues   Favoriting 1:48:28 (Pop-up)
Willie Nelson feat. Rosanne Cash  Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends   Favoriting 1:52:59 (Pop-up)
Willy Deville  Goin' Over The Hill   Favoriting 1:56:35 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:03pm

Well, shoot! It's Monica.
  Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

I am having trouble picturing James Brown living in a cottage.

Hi from da office, Mo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm

90.1's got it's ears on.....happy unofficial yada yada
Avatar 7:13pm

evenin' fleep, 12539, Dru, and dale! expecting a quiet cozy gathering tonight.
Avatar 7:14pm

I'm here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- & MONICAtime...
Avatar 7:15pm

bout damn time, starwick!
Avatar 7:17pm

Don't hate the playa -- hate the game!
Avatar 7:17pm

Pow, RevRab!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

going through my record collection and have tons of stuff i'll never listen to again - who wants mint copies of junior's first album, 12 inch 45s of 'just the way you like it', 'somebody else's guy, centipede, build me a bridge' etc etc
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...her face is so perfect it's like a mask
...check them 'eyebrows'..that skin & cheekbones & teeth & kurlz...Go ahead & blow me awayy babez ; In Heaven - Everything is Fine...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

Who are you shooting at?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Doug Schulkind:

You always aim to please, Monica, and please you do!
Avatar 7:22pm

hello monica, from where is today's gif?

crossing fingers 4 a September Song!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Keith Moon : We called it 'Maximum R&B' because we played James Brown - Bo Didley - Marvin Gaye - & that *is* Maximum R&B...
Avatar 7:26pm

yo, doca, KFHP, duke, and Doug Drummer Some. It's six-shooter sunday, fellas.

good show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Embarrassment :
...boy - PunkRock sure helped get past that !!
- but still...
Avatar 7:39pm
ken in denver:

Lil' ol' "Gun Crazy" Peggy Cummins! www.youtube.com...
Avatar 7:41pm

hi, map! and thx!...ken in denver - xlent! your reward is that i will not shoot you down.
Avatar 7:43pm

Embarrassment: having multiple conversations going on Skype chat or texts -- and sending content to the WRONG recipient...then needing to sometimes explain just what that message might have meant, or explaining that no, that was not aimed at he or she who received it. Aargh!!
Don F.:

Got a cassette copy of TooT n Toot, Mo. Thanks for playin. Just got gifted the surf rock compilation with all our faves (starbucks issued).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

oh my, this tasha tune should be illegal!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

Give me all you money!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm
listener james from westwood:

even when i leave voice mails for my lifelong friends, half the time i utterly foul up the exit and wish i could redo it. i've sometimes scripted calls to interview subjects for just this reason to spare them my flailing attempts at extraversion.
Avatar 7:50pm

@Dale Many years ago in another life I had lunch with Junior. What a great guy. We got to talking about things that are different in the two countries. I told him how my kids loved Polos, a UK version of Lifesavers, peppermint flavored, VERY sweet. Two weeks later Junior sent me a package from home, filled with what we would think of as a Costco size amount of them. A box, as though what a candy store might receive in order to put out a dozen at a time, but the box had 4 dozen. Junior included a note: "don't tell your dentist!"
Avatar 7:50pm
texas scott:

making 'special' brownies for the 1st time tonite.
perfect soundtrack.
wish me luck!
Avatar 7:52pm

@Texas Scott --- can you make them with Splenda?
Avatar 7:52pm
ken in denver:

One of the greatest noirs. Especially that scene.
Avatar 7:53pm

deanland! i hear on that one... hey there, Don F. - hope all is well by you...dale, maybe tis is.... LJFW, i hear ya. i have those awkward moments too... T'scott!... no, duke, no!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

deanland, that's so cool! nice when celebs aren't douches. i gave peter gabriel a ride from a pancake house he stopped into after a concert in upstate ny to his hotel and he was a real gentleman. a stoned gentleman, but a gentleman just the same
Avatar 7:56pm

T'scott... as you probably know, just beware of miscalculating or getting impatient and eating too much at once!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Dec. 4th 1980 :
...Sophomore (?) in High School - smalltown (pop. 15,000?) NorthNewEngland town - Dead MillTown...
...Member of local FilmSociety - hanging wit tha grownups feelin' arty & soh-phisticted
...puttin' on 'Woodstock' @ the HighSchool...
...In the local News:
- the infamous 'MickeyMouse' acid blotter. Powerful stuff - little kids found it parents' fridge & thot it water-soluble toy tattoos er somethin'; the super-evil work of the Devil.
...Drop acid w/ friends before film showing - split my 'unicorn' blotter w/ a pal who's got this 'MickeyMouse' (Sorcerer's Apprentice - to be precise about the Archetype...)
- which, it turns out - is 4-way super-blotter, utterly unbeknownst to me @ that point in my Psychedelic experience (just turned all of 17 years old then in Nov.)
- consequences: Tripping absolute total gonads - like never had before - not just In Public - but in front of whole HighSchool bunch of turds
- whilst 'Woodstock' - a great intense documentary - unspools in all its' glory
- & I completely Melt & Freak Out.
...Late Dec. 8th - John Lennon is Shot.
...Long Winter in New England...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

@ken in denver I have never seen that film, but after watching that clip, I want to
Don F.:

Monica - you's on fire tonite! Willy DeVille wife in process of making a doc on his life. As heard from C. Cioe from Uptown Horns.

I first heard "Cherry Bomb" on Bill Kelly ~30 yrs. ago. I even recorded it on a compilation cassette I made of a round-the-week sampling of WFMU.
Avatar 8:10pm

That first Georgia Satellites record is great! They do an outstanding cover of "Every Picture Tells a Story" on it.

Thom Panunzio produced "Cherry Bomb." The album that track is from had multiple producers.
Avatar 8:10pm
ken in denver:

Wet Willie, so notably name checked in Charlie Daniels' "The South's Gonna Do It Again." OK, you can shoot me now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm

damn, barbara and her two sisters were heatin' up the country!

Hey, Monica.
Avatar 8:15pm

thx, bad guy zero! yeah, multiple producers on that album, hard to tell.... dale, right?...Ken Denver - bang bang....Robert, you rule!
Avatar 8:15pm

yo, KP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- got 'CherryBomb' w/ Joan & L7 Live on 'Spirit 0f 76' - a good'un...
Doug Schulkind:

Overheard just now from the kitchen where Jessie is working on a late dinner: "Wow. What a dynamite show Monica's doing!"

She speaks for us all.

That cassette was for people to listen to at the Worldwide TV-FM DX Ass'n that I attended just outside Syracuse. I just thought everyone who had much interest in radio should hear a sampling of WFMU, and at that time it was the only practicable way to do it. I still have the tape.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Sorry - 'Spirit of '73' :

Mon Cheri, Georgia Satellites, tres bon.
Avatar 8:22pm

Doug, you tell that Jessie gal right on with the right on...xlent, Rev Rab... robert - a radio missionary you are!... c'est vrai, KP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& in the Spirit - Playlist ☆s o'plenty...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm
Uncle Michael:

May I join you all?

Cassette? The random song generator served as my introductory point-everywhere swimming intro. It still reads "dial-up speed" http://wfmu.org/randomsongs.php
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
Uncle Michael:

That Ensemble Economique was smokin'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


I was at the King Memorial today. still in va. this is super fitting. Tnx
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm
Uncle Michael:

I meant to say that I'd like some of what that Ensemble Economique was smokin'.
Avatar 8:33pm

But of course, Uncle Michael. Come awn in! And yeah, the EE album is great. New here at the staion.... trish! you're goin' back like a rocker, lady!! love it.
Avatar 8:41pm

It was Roy Head
Avatar 8:42pm

deanland - YES!!!
Avatar 8:42pm

Original Top 40 version of Treat Her Right.
Avatar 8:44pm

Wow! Never heard this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Embarrassment :
...people around here telling me I know so much about music
...then tuning in to FMU...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
Uncle Michael:

Rev, I have that same experience.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

  Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

Thanks, Monica!
Avatar 8:58pm

ok, you crazy kids! your dj is signing off!! thanks for swingin by and see you all next week!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Damn Monica ! :
...be easier to ☆ trax I *don't* like...
Avatar 9:00pm
ken in denver:

That finish gave me the Willies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm
Uncle Michael:

Thanks Monica!
Avatar 9:01pm

We will celebrate Labor Day at Yankee Stadium. What could be nicer?

And DeVillies.
Thanks for the fine rocking listen, Monica.
Chris from Stroud England:

Nice Set Monica. Best from Groovy Stroud
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