Favoriting Professor Dum Dum's Lab: Playlist from September 13, 2013 Favoriting

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Professor Dum Dum, scientist of music, performs experiments in music and human behaviour. Living, breathing volunteers subject themselves to his verbal vivisection, helping all to understand what laymen call "absurdity." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting September 13, 2013

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Artist Track Album Label Comments
Tyr  Sinklars Visa   Favoriting Land  Napalm Records   
Candlemass  Dark Are the Veils of Death   Favoriting Nightfall  Powerline   
Mercyful Fate  Devil Eyes   Favoriting The Beginning  Roadrunner   
Satan's Host  Before the Flame   Favoriting By the Hands of the Devil  Moribund Records   
Midnattsol  A Poet's Prayer   Favoriting The Metamorphosis Melody  Napalm Records   
Septic Flesh  Unbeliever   Favoriting Sumerian Daemons  Season of Mist   
Cathedral  Midnight Mountain   Favoriting The Ehtereal Mirror  Earache Records   
Theory in Practice  Embryo   Favoriting The Armageddon Theories  Pulverised Records   
Evil Incarnate  Twist of the Serpent's Head   Favoriting Blood of the Saints  Deathgasm Records   
Esoteric  Track #3   Favoriting demo  Aesthtic Death  ESOTERIC TOUR DATES 9/20 - 9/22 : Soda Springs, CA (Stella Natura Festival) 9/23 : Portland, OR @ Ash Street Saloon 9/24 : Seattle, WA @ The Highline w/ Anhedonist 9/25 : Boise, ID @ The Shredder w/ Uzala 9/26 : Salt Lake City, UT @ Bar Deluxe w/ Moon of Delirium 9/27 : Colorado Springs, CO @ The Zodiac w/ Stoic Dissention 9/28 : Chicago, IL @ Reggies 9/30 : Indianpolis, IN @ Beale Street Live w/ Black Goat of the Woods 10/1 : Columbus, OH @ Ace of Cups 10/2 : Pittsburgh, PA @ Howler's 10/3 : Baltimore, MA @ The Metro Gallery w/ Oak 10/4 : New York City, NY @ St. Vitus Bar w/ Black Anvil and Evoken 10/5 : Cambridge, MA @ T.T. The Bear's Place w/ Evoken 
Mercyful Fate  Satan's Fall   Favoriting Live  n/a   
Necrophagia  Devil Eyes   Favoriting A Tribute to Mercyful Fate  Still Dead Productions   
Bliss of Flesh  On the Paths to Expiation   Favoriting Beati Pauperes Spiritu  Non Serviam Records   
David Bowie  Teenage Wildlife   Favoriting Scary Monsters  Ryko   
Sacriligious Impalement  Angel Graves   Favoriting L'ur Infera  Woodcut Records   
Yob  Atma   Favoriting Atma  Profound Lore Records   
My Dying Bride  The Dreadful Hours   Favoriting The Dreadful Hours  Peaceville    
Pallbearer  Devoid of Redemption   Favoriting Sorrow and Extinction  Profound Lore Records   
Deinonychus  Long I Feared Theat My Sins Would Visit Me   Favoriting insomnia  My Kingdom Music   
Darkthrone  En Vind Av Sorg   Favoriting Panzerfaust  Moonfog   
Mercyful Fate  Stan's Fall   Favoriting Melissa  Roadrunner Records   
Thergothon  Elemental   Favoriting Thtagn-nagh Yog-Sothoth  Eibon Records   
Tristitia  Wintergrief   Favoriting Crucidiction  Holy Records   

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Listener comments!

King Dean:

going to be listening to the show while running. inspire me professor, i ran to king diamond last night

Don´t fail me tonight Professor! I need strength!
Avatar 12:14am
A. Black:

Listening to metal while working out gives you more strength !!!
Avatar 12:14am

You should play something from the new Kayo Dot album Hubardo tonight for your audience Professor.

Toby Driver(composer, band leader) is a huge King Diamond fan and their music has definitely been influenced by his work, although they're pretty eclectic, taking from other metal sources, as well as non-metal music. He's also quite into the band Esoteric, I know that you're a fan of theirs and have played them in times past.

Hell, he nearly did his last "Tartar Lamb II" album with vocals from Greg Chandler. But ultimately he ended up doing them himself, perhaps because the music compositionally change over time. I'm not sure why. Hubardo is a great album. Was released 13(!) days ago.
Avatar 12:19am
sinister dexter:

Avatar 12:21am

Although, I'd understand if they're not your CUP OF TEA(whether you've previously come upon them or upon listening to this latest release of theirs).

It's their most explicitly metal tinged release since the former incarnation of the band maudlin of the Well. Although Choirs of the Eye(2003), Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue(2006) and the last album Gamma Knife(2012) were all very metal (some of many categories:avant-garde, doom and black metal).
  Swag For Life Member 12:24am

This Satan's Host is fucking great!
  Swag For Life Member 12:24am

Also, if I could sing like King Diamond, I probably would.
Avatar 12:25am
sinister dexter:

stand before the flame ... is it gonna burn you to a crisp?
Avatar 12:55am
King Adam:

i thought my poem sucked last week .... someone help me out!

There once was a lad from Galilee
Whom most mistook for a deity
By the sea he once passed
Trident up the ass!
And since has had difficulty to pee.

(sorry Prof. can´t call in today, maybe someone will read it out)
King Dean:

i have completed my run and my poem
Avatar 1:29am
kermit jung:

Friggin' jumpin' jesus on a pogo stick, Esoteric has aquired my soul. I am there 9/30 in Indianapolis.
Avatar 1:39am

Great cover.
King Dean:

who's that girl prancing on the water
looks like it's jesus, gods only daughter
what it's his son, but look at him twirl
he's acting like a figure skater it must be a girl
gliding on the water like some kind of boat
i guess this is the earliest record of a "gay pride float"
but off in the distance someone is mad
he's angered a real god, i don't mean his dad
a tidal wave smashes his face in the dirt
delivered of course by the man on my shirt
Avatar 1:49am
sinister dexter:

i heard you on shut up wierdo King Dean ... good job! heh heh !!!
King Dean:

they hate me on that show for bringing up blink-182 so now i try to do it every week
Avatar 1:55am
sinister dexter:

hahhahaha those girls are something else!!! who is blink182?haha, keep calling!me and my wife like that show ^_^
Avatar 2:01am

Christ & Erechtheus eternally conjoined in the dark oceanic abyss, where Poseidon resided in His flesh (molecular composition) and forced his evolution into an earth worshiping high priestess.

The guitar tone at the beginning of this track had me thinking of "Heroes". Then there was a section in there reminiscent of Fripp parts from Eno's 'Another Green World'. Perhaps he's on this Bowie album? Yeah he is.

Time for the Osmond Bros. "Crazy Horses."
Avatar 3:32pm
sinister dexter:

damn i passed out ....
had my poem ready to call in too....
hey anyone in michigan wanna go to Esoteric with me?

Jesus he is walking on the water , see?
Poseidon is pissed , calls the fish , whales , crustacean , and anenomee
Says "that bastard , are you gonna let him walk on us?"
The call is heard , creatures of the deep converge , its chaos
Jesus is pulled beneath bloody sea foam
His followers watch , weep and moan
All thats left of the Christ is soggy bits
Maybe its time for them to call it quits

thanks for an awesome show Professor!
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