Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from September 15, 2013 Favoriting

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Way-left-of-center music and chatter. Guaranteed less than 2% rock and roll. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting September 15, 2013

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
C.O.B.  Music of the Ages   Favoriting Spirit of Love  BGO  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Edward Ka-Spel  The Shadow Mask   Favoriting Khataclimici China Doll  Streamline  0:04:00 (Pop-up)
Circle  Andexelt   Favoriting Andexelt  Tumult  0:08:08 (Pop-up)
Eddie Harris  Freedom Jazz Dance   Favoriting V/A: Essence of Funk  Hip Bop Essence  0:15:05 (Pop-up)
Noah Creshevsky  Summer   Favoriting The Four Seasons  Tzadik  0:26:33 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Kane  BQE   Favoriting I Looked at the Sun  Table of the Elements  0:38:39 (Pop-up)
Rob Crow  Who Takes My Recyclables?   Favoriting Lactose Adept  Cargo Records  0:43:51 (Pop-up)
Bérangère Maximin  Der Stern   Favoriting Infinitesimal  Sub Rosa  0:54:03 (Pop-up)
Vacuum Tree Head  Sighed Waves Mary   Favoriting Excel (Eye Eye)  Megaphone  1:06:42 (Pop-up)
International Live Electronic Music Inc.  Deck Pulse   Favoriting Field Recordings  X-OR  1:11:50 (Pop-up)
King Crimson  Fracture   Favoriting Starless and Bible Black  EG Records  1:27:21 (Pop-up)
Pege Quintet  Baby Car   Favoriting V/A: Hungarian Jazz Anthology  Cosmic Sounds London  1:38:53 (Pop-up)
Henry Kaiser/Wadada Leo Smith  Black Satin   Favoriting Yo Miles!  Shanachie  1:49:25 (Pop-up)
APM  Close Shredder Engine/Sprint Mill Mix 2   Favoriting Sprint Mill  ICR  2:02:36 (Pop-up)
Yma Sumac  Montana Mama   Favoriting Recital  ESP-Disk  2:09:07 (Pop-up)
Care of the Cow  Conversation Piece   Favoriting I Still Don't Know Your Style  Fame & Fortune Records  2:12:34 (Pop-up)
Lee Michaels  If I Lose You   Favoriting Recital    2:18:59 (Pop-up)
Hawkwind  Opa-Loka   Favoriting Warrior on the Edge of Time  Cherry Red  2:21:16 (Pop-up)
Unbecoming  Problems 101   Favoriting Cooked on Twizzlers  Palmeadow  2:31:34 (Pop-up)
Land of Marigold  Tree   Favoriting Land of Marigold  Bug Incision  2:35:36 (Pop-up)
Peter Blegvad  Improv Tune/Crumb de la Crumb   Favoriting Live at WFMU (Jim Price)  WFMU  2:41:53 (Pop-up)
Valet  April 6   Favoriting Blood Is Clean  Kranky  2:45:59 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:05pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, all.
Avatar 9:07pm

Childrenof Bodom is a melodic death metal band, that was very out of step with the rest of their stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

Hey Dave - very interesting start...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
David L.B. is RRN63:

Eddie - what have you done for me *lately* - ?!?!
Avatar 9:08pm
Dave Mandl:

Here there Droll, davex, DLBRRN63.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
David L.B. is RRN63:

THX1138 !
...the shortest distance from PinkDots to EddieMurphy is - a RRN63 Comment...& it's still too long...
Avatar 9:10pm
Dave Mandl:

Droll: You never know with these death metal bands.
Avatar 9:14pm
Dave Mandl:

Should have been "Hey there," not "Here there," but that was probably obvious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm
David L.B. is RRN63:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15pm
David L.B. is RRN63:

...Here There Be...Daves.
Avatar 9:17pm
Dave Mandl:

Avatar 9:18pm

Sorry! Was late getting back from dinner in the city. COuld you please start the show from the top again, Dave. Thanks.
Avatar 9:19pm
Dave Mandl:

Jeezy: Sure thing. I kind of got off on the wrong foot anyway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
David L.B. is RRN63:

...I told my story I saw Eddie Harris shame a pick-up drummer by just clacking the keys of his sax...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
David L.B. is RRN63:

...& then just a few years later - he was struggling but carrying on - & then soon deceased from illness.
Avatar 9:29pm

"It's always [CDs shuffling] nice [CDs shuffling] to play music for you [CDs shuffling]."

I come for the mic breaks. I think you've almost got the hang of it now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm
David L.B. is RRN63:

...he's shamed pick-up drummers by just clacking CDs...
Avatar 9:31pm
Dave Mandl:

Droll: Thanks. Just another 10 years or so and I'll have it down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

Hi Dave...the other Dave, Dave M.
Avatar 9:36pm
Dave Mandl:

Greetings, duke.
Avatar 9:37pm

Hi Dave!
Avatar 9:37pm
Dave Mandl:

Greetings, Holly.
Avatar 9:39pm
Dave Mandl:

BTW, Friendship Society friends: I have the details on my Jet FM (Nantes) rebroadcasts, as mentioned last week.
Avatar 9:40pm
Dave Mandl:

It's every Sunday 9 p.m. to midnight local time, so I guess 3 p.m. here on the east coast. Today was the first one, though I didn't hear it.
Avatar 9:40pm
Dave Mandl:


sup dave.. good vibes
Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Dave and all the listeners.

There it is. Hey hey. http://www.jetfm.asso.fr/site/-World-Of-Echo-le-dimanche-a-21h-.html
Avatar 9:42pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening bloopy, Richard. How's it going?
Avatar 9:42pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey, trish.
Richard from Venezuela:

Enjoying the new wfmu mobile app. Looks and works amazing.
Avatar 9:45pm
Dave Mandl:

Yeah, it's got some nice improvements. I use the app all the time.

Hey Dave. A show for la grille. Excellente.
Avatar 9:47pm
Dave Mandl:

@trish: Merci bien.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

Is that a retransmission of the WFMU show? How did that come about?

'Trois heures de radio hors-pistes'

Like skiing outside the lines.
Avatar 9:51pm

Hey Dave, that's a good pic of you!
Avatar 9:51pm

Big, yes. Impressive, I'm not so sure about. Maybe if they ever finished repairing it.
Avatar 9:52pm

(The pic on Jetfm.com)
Richard from Venezuela:

Scrobbling the music is also good.
Avatar 9:58pm
Dave Mandl:

Holly: Why, thanks. It was the only photo I had.
Avatar 9:59pm
Dave Mandl:

@davex: Yeah, it's a week behind the FMU broadcasts, so today should have been a rebroadcast of last Sunday's show, and next week will be tonight's show.
Avatar 10:01pm
Dave Mandl:

The program director approached me and said he'd be interested in a rebroadcast of my show, and I said yes. Pretty simple. They've been running DJ/Rupture's show for a while, but since he's stopped doing it for now I guess they wanted an FMU replacement.
Avatar 10:03pm

I had to look up "Scrobbling". What does one do with lists of what other people listen to?
Avatar 10:03pm
Dave Mandl:

@trish: Ha, yeah, I didn't see that. "Hors-pistes." That's exactly what it means.

Avatar 10:08pm
Dave Mandl:

@Droll: I know what scrobbling is, but I haven't done much of it so I'm far from an expert. Most people who listen to web stations can probably explain it better.
Avatar 10:09pm
Dave Mandl:

Last.FM is big on scrobbling.

oh The Star. Could have listened to that track all night!
Avatar 10:12pm
Dave Mandl:

@jeanli: Yeah, agreed. But it was 8+ minutes, and I start to get antsy after that long.
Avatar 10:13pm
Dave Mandl:

And good evening, AzulLunitta.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm

Dave M.: Sounds like a nice extension of the show. Glad to hear that there are innovative stations out there.
Avatar 10:20pm
Dave Mandl:

@davex: Thanks. It's nice that they're doing it.
Marmalade Kitty:

I had my suspicions of scrobbling.. 1/wtf is "scrobbling" 2/are they stealing my music? 3/..wtf??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
pacific standard simon:

Working, then shopping, now cooking -- but here at last! Hi Dave.
Avatar 10:31pm
Dave Mandl:

Welcome MK, pss.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32pm
pacific standard simon:

Dug this version of Crimso so much -- it's a shame Jamie Muir couldn't stay longer, too.
Marmalade Kitty:

Hello Dave!
Marmalade Kitty:

Scrobble: 1/ to waylay, kidnap or steal
2/a datum or the aggregate data collected by this means
Avatar 10:38pm

There are some utterly blistering live bootlegs of '74 KC setting the bar with this song. Still, it's the Belew lineup that really bakes my noodle.

DM, Aren't you afraid of an international culture war playing prog now that you're internationally syndicated?
Avatar 10:39pm
Dave Mandl:

Droll: Nah, I think they can handle it. I'm not sure I'd call this prog anyway. I don't know what it is.
Avatar 10:40pm

[saucer eyed] King Crimson, 1974, Fracture... not... prog?!
Avatar 10:41pm

Classy -- leaving lots of time for the listeners to applaud at the end like that.
Avatar 10:45pm
Dave Mandl:

It's a tricky label. I wouldn't put '74 King Crimson in exactly the same bucket as (say) Yes. But that's a much longer discussion, and I'd probably put people to sleep.
Avatar 10:47pm

Oh no you wouldn't, they're already gone because you just played 11 minutes of it.
Avatar 10:48pm

[checks] Nope. Not gone.
  Swag For Life Member 10:48pm

I'm still awake!
Avatar 10:50pm
Dave Mandl:

Thanks fleep, 12539. And my mother's probably still listening. She would never change the station.

That was a stereo seque if ever I've heard one. And I've never heard one.
Avatar 10:56pm
Dave Mandl:

@trish: Yeah, that's, um, exactly the way I planned it.

Make the Kaiser WLS go away! it just did, thanks!
Avatar 11:06pm
Dave Mandl:

@j: It's gone. You're safe now.
  Swag For Life Member 11:16pm

Care o/the cow! I haven't heard this in decades!
Avatar 11:17pm
Dave Mandl:

Yeah, it's an oooold favorite around here. I haven't heard this in ages either.
Avatar 11:18pm

There's got to be a word for when you hear something remarkable on WFMU so you Google it and all you can find are links back to WFMU.
Avatar 11:19pm

Like an interview with Dave Mandl, yes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:19pm
pacific standard simon:

I had to go away because the stew was burning.

Prog is one of those things squirt away when you try to pin it down. But I know exactly where to fit King Crimson from '72-'75 -- right next to Mahavishnu, which is jazz/rock, not prog.
Avatar 11:20pm

fleep, If we spoke German, we'd have the word for it. We need a loanword.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21pm
pacific standard simon:

The best thing is when you do a search on an artist, and find an in-studio performance in the FMU archives.
Avatar 11:21pm

care of the cow = the roches * the native hipsters
Avatar 11:22pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: I'll buy that (Mahavishnu comparison). And Fripp was a big admirer of John McLaughlin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm
pacific standard simon:

I saw something on the web once about Dave Brock auctioning off one of his original stomp boxes from the glory years of Hawkwind. Doubt that it still worked, after all that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30pm
pacific standard simon:

His drummer was pretty big, too!

Avatar 11:35pm
Dave Mandl:

@jeanli: Yup.
Avatar 11:36pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: Do you mean Lee Michaels's drummer?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37pm
pacific standard simon:

@Dave - yeah, I think Frosty was his name -- dead, now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39pm
pacific standard simon:

A real man-mountain.

Twizzler is what you call someone who does The Twizzle -- a dance on a Dick Van Dyke episode (twist+sizzle=twizzle).
Avatar 11:39pm
Dave Mandl:

Interesting. I don't know much about Lee Michaels. My sister used to listen to him when I was very young. That's where I discovered him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42pm
pacific standard simon:

Michaels was ubiquitous on the San Francisco music scene in the late '60s, before his big radio hit, "Do You Know What I Mean?" You're right, he would often perform with just his keyboards and a drummer.
Avatar 11:45pm

Holy crap! He's not kidding: www.imdb.com...
Is that like The Dougie or The Humpty? Maybe the Sacroiliac?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48pm
pacific standard simon:

Would I kid? And Freddie Blassie is in that episode.

I'm wrong about Frosty, though. Bartholomew Eugene Smith-Frost, AKA Frosty, is still with us, according to the internet.
Avatar 11:51pm

pss, Trust, but verify.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53pm
pacific standard simon:

And don't forget to tie up your camel.

No trace of my favourite counter licorice growing up - long before nibs - the Billy stick. It had engraved lettering I read before I could read.

jeez i never get any work done when listening to Dave, i keep checking the playlist every three songs...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm
pacific standard simon:

Black Jack gum made a comeback, so keep the faith, baby!
  Swag For Life Member 11:58pm

Thanks, Dave (M).
Avatar 11:59pm

Great show DM, and nice work re-categorizing KC as not-Prog Rock so the 11 minutes didn't count against the 2% limit. Don't be surprised if you're still questioned in the parking lot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am
pacific standard simon:

You're all the fun I can handle on Sunday night, Dave.
Avatar 12:00am
Dave Mandl:

Thanks, folks. Have a great week!

Bassetti comes close in appearance. Pretty sure it was 'BILLY'


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