some people who were listenin to BJ are still listenin now to MFW , maybee not commentin but listen , it's a sublimely beautifull transistion , WFMU eternal , oh yais
Bloody hell I enjoyed that! Less rock n roll than last week (pulls on tin hat).
damn, the 5 Royales, the group that keep on giving!
There was one bit at the end of solo where the guitar and the scream both stumbled into some joint moment of ecstasy, gave me the chills!
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Generated by KenzoDB, written 2000-2025 by Ken Garson
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Listener comments!
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Marmalade Kitty:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Ken From Hyde Park:
There was one bit at the end of solo where the guitar and the scream both stumbled into some joint moment of ecstasy, gave me the chills!