Favoriting Dance With Me, Stanley with Stashu: Playlist from September 24, 2013 Favoriting

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This isn't the kind of show you take home to your family. Get your polka shoes on and get ready to rumble.

Monday 8 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 3rd, 8pm - 9pm: Stashu and her Co-Host Bucci
Mon. Mar 10th, 8pm - 9pm: Stashu and her Co-Host Joe McGasko

For upcoming special events for Dance With Me, Stanley with Stashu, click here.

Favoriting September 24, 2013: Your Grey Sky is Blue

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Paul McCartney  Mrs. Vandebilt   Favoriting            
Lun  Comment Se Va   Favoriting           0:05:02 (Pop-up)
Pink Turtle  Take A Walk on the Wild Side   Favoriting           0:07:44 (Pop-up)
The Troggs  Love Is All Around   Favoriting           0:11:29 (Pop-up)
The Goodies  Sophisticated Boom Boom   Favoriting           0:13:49 (Pop-up)
Sweetback  Come Dubbing   Favoriting           0:16:06 (Pop-up)
Green Velvet  Land of the Lost   Favoriting           0:20:49 (Pop-up)
Linda Laurie  Land of the Lost   Favoriting           0:25:00 (Pop-up)
Phuture  Your Only Friend   Favoriting           0:25:52 (Pop-up)
Linolium  Unit 25   Favoriting           0:30:58 (Pop-up)
ex-Girl  Pop Muzik   Favoriting           0:33:58 (Pop-up)
Green Velvet  Earthquaker   Favoriting           0:39:21 (Pop-up)
Candlestickmaker  Unclog   Favoriting           0:44:44 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Fumio Miyashita 







0:50:28 (Pop-up)
The Musical Youth  Blind Boy   Favoriting           0:58:03 (Pop-up)
Loituma  Ievan Polkka   Favoriting         acapella  1:02:19 (Pop-up)
Astrud Gilberto  Fly Me To The Moon (Kaskade remix)   Favoriting           1:04:53 (Pop-up)
Mouse on Mars  Mykologics   Favoriting           1:09:33 (Pop-up)
Ella Fitzgerald  Blues Skies (Maya Jane Coles remix)   Favoriting           1:13:05 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Twerk Update 







1:18:37 (Pop-up)
Pole  Taxidub   Favoriting           1:22:45 (Pop-up)
Okapi  Mammal Interpreter (ituri-mix)   Favoriting           1:29:12 (Pop-up)
Pale Cacoon  Toy Box   Favoriting           1:33:50 (Pop-up)
Green Velvet  Fake and Phony   Favoriting           1:36:22 (Pop-up)
Kid 606 and Bruce Springsteen  Dandy in the USA   Favoriting           1:43:26 (Pop-up)
Baths  Phaedra   Favoriting Obsidian          1:50:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Fumio Miyashita 







1:57:28 (Pop-up)
Blitter vs. Hrvatski  Nuclear Cats   Favoriting           2:03:58 (Pop-up)
Ikonika  Manchego   Favoriting Aerotroplolis  Hyperdub        2:09:27 (Pop-up)
Moderat  Milk   Favoriting II  Monkeytown        2:13:06 (Pop-up)
The Spotnicks  Telstar   Favoriting Out-A-Space: The Spotnicks in London  El    CD    2:22:51 (Pop-up)
Umberto  Night Fantasy   Favoriting confrontations  Not Not Fun    CD    2:26:04 (Pop-up)
Ken Camden  Spectacle   Favoriting Space Mirror  Kranky    CD    2:32:05 (Pop-up)
Nightcrawlers  November Being   Favoriting Spacewalk  Atmosphere  1985  Vinyl    2:37:26 (Pop-up)
Gerry Rafferty  Right Down the Line   Favoriting City to City  United Artists  1978  Vinyl  Trow Bridge  2:41:38 (Pop-up)
OMD  Kissing the Machine   Favoriting English Electric  BMG  2013  CD    2:46:38 (Pop-up)
OMD  Enola Gay   Favoriting           2:52:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Fumio Miyashita 







2:54:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:10am
DJ Stashu:

Let's get sophisticated.

hello dj stashu. i got a real question for u, y are there no dance shows on tv anymore like american bandstand or dance party usa? its now like game shows with a "best " dancer being judged, or voted upon. whats up with that?
Avatar 3:15am
DJ Stashu:

I don't know of any
Avatar 3:16am
DJ Stashu:

I dance during this show. Does that count?
Avatar 3:18am
DJ Stashu:

Dancing with the Stars?
Avatar 3:23am
fred von helsing:

g'morning !

its kinda like a dance show on thee infonet...i wuz more thinking ov live music with people having fun through dance. the dancing w thee stars is like elietist, or only "famous" people dancing. is thee message, it takes hard work to dance well...in thee real world some people are naturally talented...and radiate...thee pure natural dancer seems lost...
Avatar 3:27am
DJ Stashu:

Hallo! Well the lack of dance show like that... that needs to be fixed. The gap must be filled. Who's going to start?

i dont know? mtv not really music oriented. thee infonet seems like thee next step. dance a universal human art-form, evolution is necessary! thee growth ov thee medium ov expression should be shown somewhere somehow.

even soul train. people want to dance. thats a fact! people like music. thats a fact! people like to watch other people dance. thats a fact! thinking about it, there is a polka dance show called mollie b polka party.
Avatar 3:46am
fred von helsing:

wow, freaky set. and soul train ? hell this suburban kid watched that EVERY Saturday afternoon !
Avatar 3:48am
DJ Stashu:

Dparty! I found it on YouTube while looking for Detroit Dance Shows
Avatar 3:50am
fred von helsing:

a polka show ? with bowling during the breaks


come on clubland, show off, strut ur stuff!!! show them polkanauts whats up!
Avatar 4:03am
fred von helsing:

nonnii, lisää suomen kieltä :)
Avatar 4:06am
fred von helsing:

Astrud Gilberto - the possibilities for anagrams boggles the mind

dance on mars?
Avatar 4:09am
fred von helsing:

take me to mars - milla jovovich (she makes lovely music)
Avatar 4:10am
fred von helsing:

only dance can unite the disparate portions of our corporeal incarnations
Avatar 4:11am
DJ Stashu:

No just Mouse on Mars.

moonwalk? waltz for humanity! limbo is never too low!
Avatar 4:15am
DJ Stashu:

The bunny hop

unite and conga!
Avatar 4:22am

Wow. Haha.
Avatar 4:27am
DJ Stashu:

Just twerk slow if you're not quit sure yet. It's like anything... it will become second nature.

taxi mutant, caberet voltaire. sweet tune...
Avatar 4:28am

(@ the Juicy J: Scholarship (50 Gs). ^ ^


'All tracks are FCC CLEAN. All tracks are awesome. '

There are some really twerktastic tracks on the album being reviewed in the link above. ;)

But seriously, I should make a point to download some of your archives. I'm rarely awake at this hour but every time I've caught a hint, I enjoy the experience. Never seen the comments board for your playlists though, always this fancy stripe, look?

*WFMU has an abundance of good shows.
Avatar 4:32am
fred von helsing:

oooooooo silly but hops
Avatar 4:32am
DJ Stashu:

I decided to class it up with stripes tonight... And I lost my robot somewhere.
Avatar 4:33am

fancy stripe background( I could just look at the old playlists, I suppose)*. I'm going to fall asleep listening in the near future. Not an alarm-clock, here.

Really enjoyed Musical Youth and Loituma segment, especially. That was right when I began tuning in.
Avatar 4:35am
DJ Stashu:

Super happy face!
Avatar 4:41am
DJ Stashu:

Butt hops are serious sometimes.
Avatar 4:43am
Doug W.:

Hurray - Great News
Avatar 4:47am

This pattern would make for a fantastic twerking of the twerking rhythm of the twerker. Twerkee stuff.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Avatar 4:48am

Pre-Bruce. 3< 3< 3< 3< 3<

kid 606. yeah hardcore! rough tough dj.
Avatar 4:53am

The mashup/mix was cool. [I just commented on twerking to that track prior to his accompaniment]. First time I've ever hear kid 606, ...impressed.

go on go on

Avatar 5:03am
fred von helsing:

once you go eight track you'll never go back
Avatar 5:04am
DJ Stashu:

el oh el!
Avatar 5:10am

Dude, you're in for a rude awakening. I was sarcastically sharing that link.

It's a review of a new prog, jazz-fusion, black-metal, sludge, doom, experimental, post-metal record 'Hubardo' by the band Kayo Dot.

The Juicy J track being explicit just reminded me of reading that note in the review for DJs checking it out. Hence "But Seriously", when addressing my experience with this show in time's past and moving forward. But maybe the awakening won't be so rude, and you could twerk out there tunes or *the sublime, majestic horror*... Twerking will spread across the land of the USA, even in ... OH FUCK MANCHEGO!
Avatar 5:12am
DJ Stashu:

Avatar 5:12am
DJ Stashu:

Avatar 5:12am

Excuse, my juicy pejorative. That wasn't necessary (I suppose it's not over the air, though). I've seen a past comment board apology for explicit, so I'll follow that custom. :p
Avatar 5:14am
DJ Stashu:

It's ok. The werld ain't perfect!
Avatar 5:24am

And the awful punctuation placement(bad old habit, fleshed out when sleepy, distracted...). The apology was tongue in cheek, albeit sincere. I nose!

But I was going to bring together a fantasy about twerking to this track, prior to losing it when I heard Ikonika come in. Listened to Aerotropolis tonight while on a bike ride.:

'6.) > > > (GOTHIC ROCK) Slow simple bass, drum, and synth with clean echoey meditatively sad vocals, some light psychedelic sounds. Synth changes feeling at 5:15, slowly pulsing and increased drum activity -- feels dense where beginning felt sparse. Starts slow fade out at 9:00.' - aka 'The First Matter (Saturn in the Guise of Sadness)'. It wasn't intended but earlier today I envisioned this track getting air-play on commercial 'alternative' rock radio or something along those lines.

And imagining it rather in a twerking context is even more sadistic.

You're really milking the Moderat. I was going to use the USA to draw into 'The First Matter' as described above becoming even a hit pop track in my local city, Milwaukee. Beyond far-fetched.
Avatar 5:25am
fred von helsing:

TELSTAR possibly my favorite satellite
Avatar 5:25am
DJ Stashu:

Space is very cool!
Avatar 5:26am
fred von helsing:

TELSTAR! 1950sunlimited.tumblr.com...
Avatar 5:29am

Why is it possibly your favorite?
Avatar 5:30am
DJ Stashu:

I think because of it's cuteness, am I correct?
Avatar 5:32am
fred von helsing:

yeah it kinds of looks like an art school project that got molested by Andy Warhol
Avatar 5:32am
DJ Stashu:

:) Happy times.

dont take this the right way but you are a great dj #fanmail
Avatar 5:38am
DJ Stashu:

Aw shucks

yup, good works.
Avatar 5:40am
fred von helsing:

that spotnicks album, is it more crazy surf stuff ?
Avatar 5:41am

Avatar 5:42am
DJ Stashu:

That one song is very unique I think
Avatar 5:54am
DJ Stashu:

Good night! Thanks for being!
Avatar 5:55am
fred von helsing:

cool show ! happy ears and lilt in brain

srs great tunez ill be back next time
Avatar 5:56am

Set David Byrned me up. Good mourning! & off to sleep I'll finally go, got drunk on this, had to stay up.

Nu-Claire cats.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Thanks for this show.
Avatar 4:19pm

There was a Detroit dance party show in the 80s called "The Scene."
the Canterbury wood-elf:

...and there's Chick-a-Go-Go (public access TV in Chicago), featuring an incredible roster of guests: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chic-a-Go-Go#Artists_who_have_appeared_on_Chic-a-Go-Go
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