Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from October 3, 2013 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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Favoriting October 3, 2013: Along the Watchtower of Failure we must keep the View

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Koi Pond  OΔYΣΣЄІA   Favoriting So Higher    0:13:49 (Pop-up)
andrea belfi  "C"   Favoriting Wege    0:21:16 (Pop-up)
F/i  Untitled Electric Piece   Favoriting The Past Darkly, The Future Lightly    0:24:40 (Pop-up)
F/i  Psychological Warfare Testing   Favoriting The Past Darkly, The Future Lightly    0:24:59 (Pop-up)
Hockenkeit  400 boys   Favoriting Omu4h 4aholab/400 Boys    0:40:33 (Pop-up)
Sakada  Baggage Reclaim   Favoriting Undistilled    0:52:09 (Pop-up)
Martin Schwarzenlander  First You Want Petersbrunnhof, then Hellbrung and Finally even Miraball-Palace   Favoriting Sozialistische Musiker Initiative  split with Max E. Keller  1:13:29 (Pop-up)
Peter Zinovieff  Agnus Dei   Favoriting V/a Interface    1:20:58 (Pop-up)
Stuart Busby  First Steps   Favoriting v/a Gold Leaf Branches    1:28:26 (Pop-up)
Robert Horton  Beauty of Decay   Favoriting     1:34:57 (Pop-up)
François Bayle  Substance du Sign (excerpt)   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique    1:58:27 (Pop-up)
François Bayle  Metaphore (excerpt)   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique    1:58:47 (Pop-up)
François Bayle  Journal (excerpt)   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique    1:59:08 (Pop-up)
François Bayle  Journal (excerpt)   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique    1:59:14 (Pop-up)
François Bayle  Journal (excerpt)   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique    1:59:21 (Pop-up)
3/4 Had Been Eliminated  The Cradle (excerpt)   Favoriting Theology of...    2:00:00 (Pop-up)
François Bayle  It   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique  with Robert Wyatt  2:06:42 (Pop-up)
François Bayle  It   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique  with Robert Wyatt  2:06:51 (Pop-up)
François Bayle  It   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique  with Robert Wyatt  2:06:58 (Pop-up)
H.N.A.S.  motorbeine   Favoriting Im Schatten Der Möhre    2:11:57 (Pop-up)
H.N.A.S.  Ganz Unverbindlich   Favoriting Im Schatten Der Möhre    2:12:26 (Pop-up)
Catherine Christer Hennix  The Electric Harpsichord   Favoriting The Electric Harpsichord    2:38:31 (Pop-up)
Bill Orcutt  Solidarity Forever   Favoriting     2:46:32 (Pop-up)
Anvil Salute  Vines Through the Window   Favoriting     2:47:39 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Hey Fabio!

What movies did you watch this week
Avatar 3:15pm

Good afternoon everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Strength through pledging.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

good afternoon all. this koi pond thing is greeeeeeet! clicky.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

good tunes, good times. good day!
Avatar 3:16pm

woo hoo
Avatar 3:21pm

Damn, Fabio broke out the Greek keyboard. Shit's about to get real!!

love this
stranger from the future:

That was awesome

Meaningless psychic occurrence- I was just thinking about F/i five minutes before you played them.

Another shooter here in dc
Avatar 3:29pm
chocolate monk:

doues richard franecki of F/I still do shit??? he did that great wonkly 7" on Stomach Ache in the 90s,,
Avatar 3:31pm
chocolate monk:

man, i miss Stomach Ache records,, come back Charlie Ward all is forgiven!!!!
tim from champaign:

Man, that's terrible, bringer. Stay safe.
Avatar 3:36pm
rob t:

nice to be back - no more Net blocking at new job!
Avatar 3:47pm
chocolate monk:

aw man!!! Hockenkeit, god bless Jeff Fucillo. the portland mumbler now resides in japan land.
Avatar 3:52pm

CM - was Grux from Caroliner the one behind Stomache Ache? whatever happened to him?
Avatar 3:53pm

or is it a secret

i love this 2
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

the stars are out tonight
Avatar 4:01pm
chocolate monk:

think Stomach Ache kind of floated through the years between rrron lessard, grux, bananfish, maybe aeven a few more. Grux is still making music,,
Avatar 4:01pm

Steve - Grux typically plays our Nor Cal Noisefest (which begins tonight!), but I don't see Rubber-O Cement on the bill... they've played enarly every fest. From what little I know, Stomach Ache is absically RRRecords, but I was listening to Nirvana and Pearl Jam when those releases were around.
Avatar 4:05pm

Peter Falk is so amazing in that movie!
Avatar 4:07pm

We jsut picked up Husbands from the library... we've been on a great kick with Wings of Desire and Derek Jarman's Blue... we're pacing ourselves with repeat viewings of Cheers and Taxi... loved those shows... still do.
Avatar 4:09pm

ah ok. i have a few of the cdrs, they're all mid 2000s and definitely have grux's drawings on them. plus who else would release cdrs of creepy organ music? tho there's a million other releases over the years ive never seen. may dig up Dinosaur Makeout Party for some dinner ambiance.
Avatar 4:09pm
chocolate monk:

yeah i think RRRon was the mastermind behind putting them records out, but i think there were periods when Seymour Glass was involved in some of the releases, and also Grux at other times... fucking GREAT "label"... i once called "Charlie Ward" cant remember where i got the number, basically ended up talking too the dude and finallty got him to reveal who he really was, it was artist Rougeux.
Avatar 4:10pm
chocolate monk:

yeah think those CDr reissues with "bonnie banks" drawings are DEF Gruxs doing.

Is that Michelle Boule the one who used to be on WFMU?
Avatar 4:14pm

i should send a letter to their Mexico address next time i'm bored
Avatar 4:16pm
chocolate monk:

ha! already done that, got it sent back with one of those little stamps saying address does not exist or some such. brilliant.
Avatar 4:19pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm

this is perfection
Avatar 4:20pm

I like that dude, Grux... one time i was DJing a Rubber-O Cement show, and I played Fred Neil's "Dolphins" with whale sounds... Grux said "this sounds great, but I know what would make it sound better." He started playing the records backwards and fidlling with the cross-fader...then he said, "here, you try... use the effects if you feel like it. " I was in awe of his bravado, or what I thought was bravado, but damn was he right on, it sounded like a beautiful mess. Joe Colley as DJ Itchy Scab used to do really fun sets with thrift store records. I always wondered what was rolling around those dudes' heads... something weird i imagined. Fabio, is something weird rolling around inside your head?
Avatar 4:21pm

I like the high frequency squelches. Reminds me of the ending to This Heat's Fall of Saigon.

this 1 & the 1 before !!!!!
Avatar 4:27pm

thats great Loren. i used to be obsessed with Caroliner, and managed to collect i think every single Caroliner LP and 7 years ago. still amazed by that stuff. sad i'll never get to see them live, being on the east coast. i remember Carlos Giffoni saying he offered to make them a headliner of his No Fun Fest mid 2000s and Grux declined...
Avatar 4:28pm

and yeah, cant fathom the daily life of the brain of someone like that
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chocolate monk:

saw rubber-o-cement at the first No Fun Fest.
Avatar 4:33pm

i think it was the year there was the amazing Brutal Sound Effects night
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so many memories
Avatar 4:38pm
chocolate monk:

nah man, the Brutal SFX night was 2006, never made it that year, i heard thats when the testosterone was starting to stink up the place, too bad, first two years were fucking great, total goof love.
Avatar 4:39pm

Being on the west coast, I lament at all the great gigs happening on the east... my buddy and I went to the second no fun fest... distinctly remember the chocolate monk night... that was out of control... nothing like that ever happens over here... so we have a few goodies, but they seem small potatoes comapred to the east coast bounty.
Avatar 4:42pm
chocolate monk:

ha yeah,, that night was mad,, Karen was pregnant, seem to remember during the Polly Shang Kuan band/16 Bitch Pile Up set bodies flying everywhere and trying to fend off limbs from bump. but thats a good example, it was hot, sweaty, people moshing, piled on top of each other but no gnarly aggressive vibes,, just FUN
Avatar 4:46pm

Steve - seeing Caroliner was pretty cool, but this was about eight years ago... they played with Hans Grusel's Kranken Cabinet (?)... a lot of mentor buddies who hipped me to all the outrageousness that happened well before I could go outside after dark told me of that band (big fans of TFUL 282, SCG, SF Seals)... While I was impressed with Caroliner, I was delighted to see their faces, my buddies... was like some tweaked-out kids on x-mas morning and Santa is wearing a flaming rayon jumpsuit dipped in radioactive junk... it was overload for me... and these were folks that had seen some crazy ass shit... since they will never die, as they are a singing bull incarnate, I'm sure at some point they'll happen upon the east coast.
Avatar 4:48pm

right - the year he said he offered Caroliner was the year that had brutal sfx night. i remember Rubber O very first act of fest 1 i think? NFF did turn into a moron fest one night in 2006 unfortunately. but so fondly remember CM and Hersee 2005(?)! though i didnt know who CM folks were at the time...
Avatar 4:49pm
chocolate monk:

the drunk scottish people.
Avatar 4:49pm

One of my favorite things is when Fabio plans his social calendar while reading the event announcements.
Avatar 4:51pm

How come Obama will negotiate with IRAN and RUSSIA but not his own COUNTRY??!!!!
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That pile of bodies was bliss... pedals, cords, and gunky beer clothes seemed to come flying out of nowhere, but it was all smiles... rarely does that type of physicality stay so utopian... I got beat to shit during the Hair Police set... glasses broke, I went back to the venue after a good cry and let Florian Hecker destroy my only two brain cells. I needed those, but it was worth it!
Avatar 4:54pm
chocolate monk:

Avatar 4:55pm

How come republicans get to hold the government hostage simply because they want what they want? (which is NOT to have health insurance BTW).
Avatar 4:57pm

I hate it when mommy and daddy fight.
Avatar 4:57pm

Steve - if you ever see Carolina playing and need a cheap place to stay, you're more than welcome to visit and I'll put you up. I'm here every Thursday to say nothing and thank Fabio for making my day a million times better. Come out and visit here in Northern California! My wife might want to put you in a tent... bye!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

with ya fabio!!!
Avatar 4:59pm

hot damn, thanks Loren!!!
Avatar 5:00pm

I missed them like the one time they played in MN. Am jealous of what sounds like great shows! You guys should totally hang out. Have CarolinerCon.
Avatar 5:04pm

This 3/4 is pretty dang cool. Is it new?
Avatar 5:05pm

ha. long ago i tried to organize a get together in nyc where we'd listen to every Caroliner record over one long day interspersed with organ music, but it never happened. maybe my CarolinerCon will happen one day...
Avatar 5:06pm

@Cecile: 2007
Avatar 5:06pm

Is it still available?
Avatar 5:07pm

this is pretty epic and is even kind of hooky in a weird way
Avatar 5:08pm

they're from Italy, but it was on Soleilmoon which is domestic
Avatar 5:09pm

OK, I'll take a look for it.

wow wow wow love it all

Avatar 5:18pm

Well played Fabio!

Where DO you get this bed music?!?!!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Failure - sweet Failure...
Avatar 5:25pm

Well, since there were only like 400 made, and it came in a pretty box, I bet I will not be able to find the 3/4 Eliminated disc.
Avatar 5:27pm

@ Cecile: The thing about failure is that you should push back against it now and then. you never know what will come out of it...

Cecile: http://www.midheaven.com/item/theology-by-34-had-been-eliminated-cd

A quote from Einstein: "Still there are moments when one feels free from one’s own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments, one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable: life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only being."
Avatar 5:30pm

Speaking of ridiculously small releases, I got a Gate/Tom Carter 7" that is 98/313 (ok, odd number) and a Zaimph cassette that is 20/30 (a rounder number).
Avatar 5:31pm
chocolate monk:

love this disk but suspect this is Fabio doing a classic 'take a dump' track.
Avatar 5:32pm
chocolate monk:

Ken Bruce on BBC Radio 2 does it often after the conclusion of 'Pop Master', we are dealing with radio masters here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...c'mon : the Republicans are putting Politrix ahead of the Nation (that's you & me) - & the rest is Fox Propaganda. The rest of the actual Civilized World has figured out *a long time ago* that Health Care is both Expensive & a Basic Human Need & Right - & worked all this out already. But not in 'Merica where Business & Greed mean more than anything, & there is a pathological fear of 'Socialism' in any form. This is why the Affordable Care Act is as complicated, flawed, & complex as it is (& I will give them that) - because Health Care is such a large chuck - 1/6th? - of the entire U.S> Economy - & there's just no getting around Big Pharm & all those sorts getting their piece of the pie...
Avatar 5:33pm

Not gonna pledge until I get my first checkbook in 9 years. And this time, I can really pledge! (now that I'm working). So, next week. (I don't do paypal, sorry).
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cecile - www.austinchronicle.com...
Avatar 5:36pm

And for those who missed it, my court summons was dismissed! I waited in line for 50 some minutes for a clerk to scan my summons (where we were supposed learn if the court room we were to be sent), and stamped, "dismissed", and told I could leave. I lost a lot of sleep over that July 4th incident.
Avatar 5:38pm

thats great news ngh
Avatar 5:38pm

oooooh, awesome, glenn, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...other Nations spend much less on Health Care, but get a great deal more out of it...
- Great ngh! ; Now - when do they give you your sleep back - ??...
Avatar 5:38pm

somebody buy ngh a celebratory cider.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm
Mike East:

@ngh - atleast you didn't lose any money on it! congrats!
Avatar 5:41pm

Well, they delayed my meeting until 1:30 b/c of my court date (no one told me that). After said meeting, I left work, and figuratively said, 'screw you guys, I'm going home'. (My project lead implicitly said it was ok).
Avatar 5:42pm

*looks in fridge*, nothing better then a dos xx. But, I'll take it.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- better 'en what I got till payday brother - altho' I got off-brand Nyquil for my cold...I'll just pretend I'm Lester Bangs & I like this osrt of thing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...sort of thing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm
Mike East:

my wife bought me some double agent IPA (sam adams) in honor of her "friend" Sydney Bristow. She recently burned through 5 seasons of "Alias." thank god that's over.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:49pm
Matt from Springfield:

Double Agent IPA is pretty good, Mike!
Hey Fabio and Clay and commenters and beersies!
Avatar 5:49pm

(off brand nyquil), puts my wanna-be walter white glasses on, oK, I think I have a party *back to reality, sips my dos equis.*

This is so pretty, just like vines through the window.
Avatar 5:50pm

I had Southern Harvest Sierra IPA the other day, I usually hate IPAs, but it was actually really good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- man, for me - it's FMU & ocassionally another stream, PBS News - & no time to watch or read a damn thing!!
- Sam Adams *can* do it if they want change it up a bit...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:51pm
Matt from Springfield:

@RRN63: I got some kind of cold symptoms at the end of my Thailand trip, and the Nyquil brand isn't even sold there! So much for a drugged out recovery on the long plane ride back! So I bought off-brand pseudoephedrine at a Booth's pharmacy in the airport. It wasn't great, but was satisfactory.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Sierra Nevada is a favorite...

wow awesome show_thanks so much!!!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
Matt from Springfield:

Solidarity with us Shutdowns! Thanks Fab and Clay!

"You and me baby - against the world!" A-HEM. That is KATE BUSH, "Burning Bridges", 1985 B-side. Dunno whachu talkin bout w/ Ms. Reddy..
Avatar 5:53pm

"Lemmings with suicide vests."
– Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California, describes his fellow Republicans forcing the government shutdown
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...the IPA trend...bitter can be tasty, or otherwise...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:54pm
Matt from Springfield:

"You're on WFMU, man!"
Freedom Rock for a new generation!
Avatar 5:55pm

In August, I went to get a bike rack I bought off of Craigs list for my apt, and I think I saw Kacy on the F train in Prospect Heightsey area.. Same voice (commented on me struggling w/ the contraption), looked the same as the images online, but I've been too shy to say so, online. (he was w/ Kierston (sp).)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Matt from Springfield:

No Strength in this Failure, only on Fabio's show.

Endgame? There is none. The Republicans have no cards to control, so they lash out by trashing what they can.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...even Ronnie Raygun the B-Movie StarWars Freak occasionally gave a shite about the actual Country more than the Politrix...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

Pure Bully worldview: they're upset, so someone's gotta burn--don't matter to them if you had anything to do with their anger, but you're in their path...
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chocolate monk:

Fug it up, Fab!
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*Simpsons reference* Malaise forever (Jimmy Carter statue)
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There are about a dozen of us!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Matt from Springfield:

@RRN63: True, and considering that Raygun was committed to "doing stuff", complete inverse of his movement 30 years on!
Avatar 5:58pm

I have to go home!!!!

Hey!! Newbie! I Love thi station! ^_^
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hurry, before Clay comes on Cecile! ;)
Have a good one!
Avatar 5:59pm

hahah, I'm here for about 15 more minutes.
Miguel EPB:

The Newb^^
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- it started w/ GingGrinch & the Rep. Revolution Contract Against America by Karl Rove - this totally divisive Govt. putting Politrix above the Nation. They've prevented Campaign Reform - & everything is Money Money Money.
Avatar 6:00pm

Scotty is always down in Engineering. You must be thinking about the Sulu chair.
Avatar 6:01pm

welcome, Miguel!
Avatar 6:06pm

Just checking in to say I'm in Honolulu streaming and lovin' it!
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