Also the rainstorm sound effects at the start of the Lemonheads one had me playing the "Raindrops by Dee Clark or Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath?" game
this song came on fmu some months back when i was editing a massive, unending, somewhat depressing text on chromosomal disorders, incl. mongoloidism. a literal LMAO.
Oddly, Amanda, not saturated at all -- the shows I've been listening to have been doing the same as you, playing a token track or two. Fortunately, I can play Lou Reed in my head without any radio at all.
Funny. I recently had the false memory that Bad Manners had appeared on The Young Ones. Somehow, my memory of the My Girl Lollipop video and my hazy recollection of YO episodes had morphed together.
Now I see how wrong I was.
Ugh I feel like I've missed so much - Bad Manners? The Young Ones, Listener James name checking wilhelm scream (who I saw my friend's band open for last year). Weird REM covers :)
@Carmichael what the generation that keeps tacking years on to the end of it to stay releveant. My generation allegedly has like 12 years to it now or something while the generation on either side is supposedly 25 years long. this is hog wash
again - longer rant and argument :) basically the idea is that my generation gets marginalized. I'll dig up the story I ranted about sometime. But I won't ruin Amanda's comment board anymore :)
- if take Boomer to = 'Baby Boom', the spike in births after WWII, I'm in by a few months practically being b. 3rdNov. '63. Otherwise - consider the 'Grunge' age group the Xers (Cobain b. early '67).
- See - I'm into Astrology too - & there Age Groups are demarcated by the Outer Planets that are slow & stay in Signs a long time...involved topic...
- A literal 'Generation' - what is that? Not the word people want it to be, perhaps...
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
howdy all!
listener james from westwood:
pacific standard simon:
Doug Schulkind:
Rich in Washington:
listener james from westwood:
pacific standard simon:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Matt F:
Matt F:
Matt F:
listener james from westwood:
Ah, I need to remember the Wilhelm scream for next Halloween! Aiiiiieeeaaghhh!
pacific standard simon:
jay c:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
And hello to all, ALL of you kind listeners!
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
pacific standard simon:
listener james from westwood:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Matt F:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
pacific standard simon:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Brian in UK:
listener james from westwood:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Brian in UK:
listener james from westwood:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Brian in UK:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
- Orson Welle's 'War of the Worlds' - 75 years ago tonight.
pacific standard simon:
Brian in UK:
Rich in Washington:
Now I see how wrong I was.
Uncle Michael:
Hi folks.
pacific standard simon:
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):
Matt F:
Rich in Washington:
Danne D:
Hi All :)
Rich in Washington:
Danne D:
Rich in Washington:
Uncle Michael:
Danne D:
Danne D:
Danne D:
Uncle Michael:
Danne D:
Danne D:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Danne D:
Danne D:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Danne D:
Besides lunch is here :)
Thanks as always AmNazz :) take care all :)
Uncle Michael:
Rich in Washington:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
- See - I'm into Astrology too - & there Age Groups are demarcated by the Outer Planets that are slow & stay in Signs a long time...involved topic...
- A literal 'Generation' - what is that? Not the word people want it to be, perhaps...
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
listener james from westwood:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
pacific standard simon:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Doug Schulkind:
Rich in Washington:
Doug Schulkind:
Amanda, Audio has switched back to the stream
listener james from westwood:
Rich in Washington:
I wanted to say, that last track was for Marcia Wallace, the voice of Mrs. Krabappel, who passed away last Friday after a long battle with cancer.
Love yiz, and happy Halloween!
Doug Schulkind: