Favoriting Diane's Kamikaze Fun Machine: Playlist from December 26, 2013 Favoriting

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Music to slaughter livestock to; 5,000 factory farmers can't all be wrong.

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Favoriting December 26, 2013: Hello

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Bloodbath  Ways To The Grave   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Carcass  Mount of Execution   Favoriting 0:06:39 (Pop-up)
Good Times Crisis Band  Nose and Chin   Favoriting 0:15:08 (Pop-up)
Repulsion  The Stench of Burning Death   Favoriting 0:18:45 (Pop-up)
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band  Abba Zaba   Favoriting 0:28:17 (Pop-up)
Harvey Milk  After All I've Done For You, This is How You Repay Me?   Favoriting 0:30:40 (Pop-up)
Grand Magus  Brotherhood of Sleep   Favoriting 0:34:07 (Pop-up)
Wolvserpent  Within the Light of Fire   Favoriting 0:39:35 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  No Presents For Christmas   Favoriting 0:56:04 (Pop-up)
Stimulators  Song About A Murder   Favoriting 1:01:01 (Pop-up)
Candiru  Blind Temple   Favoriting 1:04:20 (Pop-up)
Sparks  Metaphor   Favoriting 1:07:44 (Pop-up)
Peter Gutteridge  Oil   Favoriting 1:11:58 (Pop-up)
Fuzz  Earthen Gate   Favoriting 1:14:00 (Pop-up)
Bolt Thrower  Cocession Of Pain   Favoriting 1:18:39 (Pop-up)
ABC Diabolo  Devil In Me   Favoriting 1:20:53 (Pop-up)
Municipal Waste  Standards and Practices   Favoriting 1:21:40 (Pop-up)
Voivod  Erosion   Favoriting 1:24:38 (Pop-up)
Christcide  Solitude with the Devil   Favoriting 1:29:19 (Pop-up)
Satyricon  Phoenix   Favoriting 1:36:28 (Pop-up)
Sannhet  Endless Walls   Favoriting 1:49:39 (Pop-up)
Batillus  What Heart   Favoriting 1:54:51 (Pop-up)
Mastodon  Black Tongue   Favoriting 2:02:21 (Pop-up)
Tar  Compaction   Favoriting 2:05:49 (Pop-up)
Cosmic Dealer  Child of Tomorrow   Favoriting 2:09:40 (Pop-up)
Imaad Wasif  Go Insane   Favoriting 2:13:18 (Pop-up)
Rudimentary Peni  Architectonic and Dominant, The Evil Clergymen   Favoriting 2:15:14 (Pop-up)
Indian Handcrafts  Red Action   Favoriting 2:18:15 (Pop-up)
Horisont  Brother   Favoriting 2:21:11 (Pop-up)
Floor  Figure It Out   Favoriting 2:24:08 (Pop-up)
Indian  Banality   Favoriting 2:32:16 (Pop-up)
Gnaw  Of Embers   Favoriting 2:40:57 (Pop-up)
The Gories  To Find Out   Favoriting 2:46:03 (Pop-up)
Left Lane Cruiser  Neighborhood   Favoriting 2:48:26 (Pop-up)
Thee Icepicks  The Cooler King   Favoriting 2:52:26 (Pop-up)
The Black Hollies  Forwards and Backwards   Favoriting 2:54:50 (Pop-up)
The Vipers  Surprise Surprise   Favoriting 2:56:47 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:06pm

Hey, Diane, do you have the new Satyricon album with you? I'm now kind of addicted to that song "Phoenix."
Avatar 12:07pm
Cheri Pi:

HeyaDK & Cecile!
Avatar 12:08pm

hi, pi!
Avatar 12:10pm

sick guitar harmonies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm

ello diane, cecile, cheri...carcass.
Avatar 12:14pm

hita, common!
Avatar 12:14pm

Avatar 12:19pm
Cheri Pi:

Avatar 12:20pm
Diane Kamikaze:

Hi All! Happy last show of the year! Nothing planned except being LOUD and FUN! Lisa Fancher of Frontier Records will be in the studio next week - excited!! @Cecile, yes I can find that record!!!
Avatar 12:21pm

yayayayayyayay to both!
Avatar 12:23pm
latest burning sensation:

From the playlist I am guessing this is the Christmas recovery channel?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Do you have plans for a year-end recap? I haven't checked the WFMU blog. Meghan did 2013 year of the dead program this morning.
Avatar 12:28pm

there are dead people in the lyrics!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

abba zaba!
Avatar 12:29pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
pacific standard simon:

Diane, Cecile, Cheri, common, Whooda, & Ken -- howya doin', folks?! Maybe a dedication to the inventor of the AK-47?
Avatar 12:29pm

aaaaahbahhhhhh zahbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Avatar 12:30pm

this show is always an aural tribute to that, Simon. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
pacific standard simon:

I thought it might fit, Cecile... :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
Sem Chumbo:

Now my Boxing Day pm can get into second gear...Yaba Zaba DO!
Avatar 12:35pm

r i s k y:

GO DIANE!!!! Owwww!!!
Avatar 12:39pm

oooooh, free fall?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
pacific standard simon:

Cor-r-r-r-roding myyyyyyy br-r-r-r-rainnnnnn....
Avatar 12:45pm

I want Vimeo of Diane playing air drums to this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

i like those birds at the end.
Avatar 12:57pm

r i s k y:

Avatar 12:59pm

well, the title was the best thing about this song.
Do you have that Happy Flowers song "All I Got For Christmas was Clothes?"
Avatar 1:01pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

Silly me, all confused about my days. Forgot it was Thursday, ugh.
Avatar 1:11pm

B23 here! What the heck is this?
Avatar 1:13pm

peter gutteridge!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm

oh yes!
Avatar 1:26pm

Just tapped in, perfect timing for VOOOOOOIIIIIVVVVOOODDDDD!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm

miaow! And hello VOIVOD!
Avatar 1:26pm


Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:29pm

voivod...just made it.
Avatar 1:32pm

Missed Voivod. :(
Óskar Jökull:

What version of "Metaphor" was that?
formerly known as the soundguy @ The Court Tav:

Great show, Diane!
Avatar 1:41pm
Cheri Pi:

Voivod! Late again!
Avatar 1:47pm

I'm an irregular listener
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm
pacific standard simon:

The Fun Machine -- sonic emetic for the irregular listener!
Avatar 1:57pm

pss, ...and home of The Brown Note!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm
pacific standard simon:

Also, soundtrack for my Boxing Day shower.
Avatar 2:03pm

Mastodon, hell yeah!
Avatar 2:15pm

this is a great track
Avatar 2:19pm
Cheri Pi:

Dayumn,this set is smoking.
Avatar 2:19pm
Cheri Pi:

...pass the rhubarb
Avatar 2:21pm

I sent you some rhubarb preserves this AM.
Avatar 2:23pm
Cheri Pi:

I got them! More people should put up their rhubarb like you do.
Avatar 2:23pm

They should. But rhubarb can be hard to put up with.
Avatar 2:29pm
Cheri Pi:

Most people arent used to having their kitchen's look like the special effects department of Dead Alive, that's why I prefer to smoke it.
Avatar 2:33pm
Diane Kamikaze:

I LOVE Dead Alive!!! And have never had a rhubarb in my life...
Avatar 2:34pm

How fitting it is that you should say that @CP, Mrs 23 is at home right now carving the faces off of two pig heads.
Avatar 2:34pm

Try it in strawberry-rhubarb pie. Its tartness is delightful.
Avatar 2:37pm
Cheri Pi:

My great-grandmother's rhubarb pie was a staple at family get-togethers. @B23-you're still afraid of the face aren't you?
Avatar 2:37pm

my mother-in-law doesn't even use pig heads for her headcheese anymore. She uses hocks of various kinds.
Avatar 2:38pm

This would be a great sound track for Mrs 23's work. Yeah, CP, I get a little woozy with that level of butchery. Mrs 23 just rolls up her sleeves and digs in
Avatar 2:38pm

It sounds like "Joel-Peter Witkin Cooks" in your house today, B23.
Avatar 2:38pm
Cheri Pi:

Totally Cecile!
Avatar 2:39pm

She's not making head cheese, she's making guanciale which is cured cheeks. guanciale is what is traditionally used in spaghetti al carbonara
Avatar 2:40pm
Cheri Pi:

B23-As long as she's in there carving, it would be a good time to make some rhubarb crisp for everyone.
Avatar 2:40pm

She should make headcheese. She's got those heads lying around.
Avatar 2:41pm

if you got it frozen. Rhubarb is out of season now...
Janski the *Jamster* Hamster:

Killing it..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:43pm

gnaw gnaw gnaw!!!
Avatar 2:43pm
Cheri Pi:

DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Segue.
Avatar 2:43pm

Head cheese is good. Porchetta di testa is pretty good too. But we really get a lot of use out of the guanciale. Mrs 23 then boils down the rest of the head for soup stock.
Avatar 2:44pm
Cheri Pi:

It would be nice as an icecream topping too...
Avatar 2:46pm

I believe Mrs 23 was wearing her 'Pork Dork' tee shirt when I saw her at lunchtime.
Avatar 2:47pm
Cheri Pi:

Diane, today's show should be the soundtrack to my life.
Avatar 2:50pm

this is the song we should make a Sabotage-style vid to, CP
Avatar 2:50pm
Diane Kamikaze:

Cheri, isn't it?????????????????
Avatar 2:52pm
Cheri Pi:

Damn straight C$!!! Oh BTW, I met Helloween's biggest fan on earth the other night and he's old enough to be my son!
Avatar 2:52pm

You mean young enough to be your son? Think positive!
Avatar 2:53pm

At this point, everyone is young enough to be my son. Just about.
Avatar 2:55pm

Mrs 23 offered to post a picture of her pig head work.
Avatar 2:56pm

that could be your avatar.
Avatar 2:56pm
Cheri Pi:

TMI Mrs 23!!!
Avatar 2:56pm

Yeah, I told her TMI
Avatar 2:57pm
Cheri Pi:

Then that will be 2 people I know with pig heads for an avatar
Avatar 2:58pm
Cheri Pi:

The other being the singer for Hogscraper.
Avatar 2:59pm

To be perfectly honest, I'm really glad she's doing it while I am at work. I can handle all the other butchery but carving up a head is ... phew...
Avatar 3:00pm

a ltitile too Lord of the Flies for you?
Avatar 3:00pm

just a wee bit
Avatar 3:01pm

aw, diane, you could go another 3 hours. You were on fire.
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