When I was a kid I preferred Barriemore Barlow, Bunker's replacement in Jethro Tull. But I've started to appreciate Bunker again in the past few years.
One of the weirdest fan pages I ever saw was one that was half fanatical Grateful Dead stuff and half right-wing rants and demands that The Dead recant their support of the left.
I think the jumpsuit uniforms with the letter A gave me the impression everyone in a jumpsuit is a hired sideman, the guy with bug-eyes and a flute is the one to pay attention to.
I abandoned Tull long before the jumpsuits. And really they weren't just Ian Anderson. The band, especially the drummers, were always extremely important to the group.
fleep: If you look @ you Faves on your Profile page - you'll see they're there (pretty sure) - & the ☆s will 'fill in' later. Doesn't help keep track of them (not 'filling in') of course...perhaps even Wizard Kenzo's powers are limited by Iluvatar (that's Theology)...
Twenty-some years ago, my friend and I were at the Museum Of American History in Washington. In the agricultural room, he pointed to a plaque that mentioned Jethro Tull. We had a good laugh just then.
I know but just seeing Tony with the left hand strat!!!,, and he was with the band what like a month or so? .. or lip sych for sure that is directly from the first "This Was" record...
RRN63, yes, Chung King is there, thanks for the tip. Fave list is so handy for following groups/artists later on, got on a Majutsu No Niwa jag last night after Long Rally.
- ha! The Wh♂ smoked the R'n'R Circus! - & Dirty Mac is something else too...The Stones thot they were sub-par - but I think they're great. Sadly, Brian Jones *is* totally >out of it<, however...
I decorated my first apartment with spools for tables; sides decoupaged with my dad's empty Camel unfiltered cigarette packs. And kept a woodburner on hand for guests to burn art work on the top. Eventually upgraded and had a friend surface the tops with faux leather formica.
Doctor B.:
Damn! I never thought I'd hear that Charles Amirkhanian track ever again! Dutiful! D-D-D-Dutiful!
@fleep & RRN63: When a star looks like it's unclicked itself, fear not: it's just an illusion that happens when the DJ makes an edit to the song info. It'll fill back in in 54 seconds or less!
If I could get a rejection letter from Fahey, I'd frame it. They (The Industry) haven't returned tapes since the 60's, and written individual rejections since the 70's, or any notification at all since the 80's.
If your an artist being asked to give encouragement to an aspiring artist, it's a tough call. I seem to remember a story about Jon Bon Jovi, while employed as a janitor in a recording studio asking Bruce Springsteen for advice (which was not encouraging). So, depending how you look at it....Springsteen might have just been trying to protect us all from Bon Jovi. And of course, Bon Jovi will never let Springsteen forget it.
- I have found that Artists have enuff ego invested in their own particular Vision that they don't always relate to Another's...which makes sense in a way - because they have chosen to do it *this* way - not some other guy's - if you see what I mean...
I've been reading the biography of Richard Brautigan lately. It makes it pretty clear that if you were a writer looking for advice or encouragement, you would be making a big mistake talking to Brautigan.
'The best advice is __ advice @ all.' - John Cage
...Like - if I were to show the rudiments of Guitar to anyone, I would start by saying do what makes sense to you anyway; Bach wrote for lute, not guitar: to quote Austin Powers - it's history is it's been the village bicycle - everyone's had a ride...
Yes, personal vision probably clouds all serious artists perspective. But if, from experience, you know that you have just heard (or seen) crap, you know you'll be hated for saying so, or worse, lie to fella', likely sending them into a goose chase life of hardship and frustration. Like you mention, it can be just a simple matter of ego that gets between any reasonable criticism.
DM, At first I thought the same thing, but the most humble musicians who will break down everything and show you for free (YT has dozens of examples). They have no secret to keep: Van Halen sounds like Eddie regardless of the gear. Ditto Beck, Belew, May, Holdwsorth, Snakefinger, B.B. King, Fripp...
Clapton made an telling statement in the beginning of his career, explaining exactly what settings he used to get his sound...as if that information was going to help ANYONE play as masterfully as he. It wasn't the treble setting that made Clapton a legend.
Keith Richards's comments on his 5-string guitar playing in his autobiography were interesting. He said thousands of people have tried to copy his stuff but couldn't because they were using normal 6-strings with standard tuning.
- than again, knowing he was fiddling w/ the tone knob *does* make a difference!...The accepted wisodm now is that if you have the stuff to begin w/ - it takes 10,000 hours to master anything: this characterizes the Coltranes & Hendrix's: they are inseperable from their instruments...
It was Nigel Tufnel's volume setting, however, that made him famous, and is the secret to his tone. One of my amps goes to Infinity, but it's actually impedance, not volume...
I would tend to claim they are inseparable from their *talents* and discipline. They could pick up any store bought instrument and make it come alive with sheer virtuosity. Hendrix did a lot of electronic tricks with the circuitry too, of course.
- also true: nothing of Jimi's was standard 'off the shelf': guitar upside-down, tuned half-step down, pickups rewired (by himself), amps rewired, stompboxes to order, &tc. ...
- After the Student has come, sure...
You can't just practice though, you also have to experiment. I find a lot of young students get stuck practicing the small collection of things they learn and never try to sound like the musicians that inspire them because they think they're not ready for that page..
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Listener comments!
Dave Mandl:
pacific standard simon:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Dave Mandl:
pacific standard simon:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
Dave Mandl:
Dave Mandl:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
David L.B. is RRN63:
Dave Mandl:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
David L.B. is RRN63:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
Back to cooking.
pacific standard simon:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
David L.B. is RRN63:
Dave Mandl:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
Mitt's Tathiti Marlin:
pacific standard simon:
Dave Mandl:
thorntooth grenadier:
pacific standard simon:
David L.B. is RRN63:
Tarpon Megalops:
Doctor B.:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
David L.B. is RRN63:
...not sure about the couscous...
David L.B. is RRN63:
...It's harsh you get used to something...
pacific standard simon:
fleep, Have you ever tried ketchup in phở? They don't call it "Hipster Ketchup" for nuthin'. Accept no substitutes.
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
Dave Mandl:
pacific standard simon:
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):
Dave Mandl:
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):
pacific standard simon:
tepid charger:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
...Like - if I were to show the rudiments of Guitar to anyone, I would start by saying do what makes sense to you anyway; Bach wrote for lute, not guitar: to quote Austin Powers - it's history is it's been the village bicycle - everyone's had a ride...
pacific standard simon:
Pintos and grease:
David L.B. is RRN63:
Lil' T-Bird Ford:
Dave Mandl:
David L.B. is RRN63:
pacific standard simon:
pss, Sorry, did you say something?
David L.B. is RRN63:
Wildcat Impala:
road runner duster:
pacific standard simon:
David L.B. is RRN63:
- After the Student has come, sure...
Andrew Waterloo:
pacific standard simon:
Dave Mandl:
Lark and Eagle:
Dave Mandl:
pacific standard simon: