Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from January 10, 2014 Favoriting

Billy Jam's avatar View Billy Jam's profile Favoriting

Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 10, 2014: Put The Needle On The Spidermank & Other Cool Ass Listeners

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Artist Track Album Comments
Grandeurs of Delusion  Pastor of Muppets - various - remixed by Jimmy Penguin   Favoriting   special remix by Jimmy (The Hideous) Penguin from Galway's Vince Mack Mahon DJ crew - exclusively done for WFMU 
Grandeurs of Delusion  Pastor of Muppets - various - remixed by Jimmy Penguin   Favoriting    
Grandeurs of Delusion  Pastor of Muppets - various - remixed by Jimmy Penguin   Favoriting   special remix by Jimmy Penguin for WFMU 
DnZ + Dawgisht  Are We On The Air?   Favoriting   live composition recorded live exclusively for WFMU - outta HipHopSlam Oakland CA 
DnZ + Dawgisht  Are We On The Air? (part II)   Favoriting   live composition recorded live exclusively for WFMU - outta HipHopSlam Oakland CA 
StRicTly ALBeRt  dead peasants   Favoriting $pirit Blind Cage with Cheap Effects  this is Albert Mathias from Live Human - and for fans of Live Human - next week am gonna include in the show a cool mix by Live Human's DJ Quest 
StRicTly ALBeRt  dead peasants (part II)   Favoriting $pirit Blind Cage with Cheap Effects   
Emskee  From The Heart   Favoriting Hardly Seen, Rarely Heard   

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Listener comments!

ALF of Hip Hop Slam:


What up everyone!

@ Billy Jam, you are awesome!
Avatar 7:02pm
Billy Jam:

Thanks for listening to W F M U _ shout out to ALF, WUHN and Spidermank to whom this show is dedicated - missed u last week - hope your gig went well Spidey
Benny in BK:

wish this show was longer but will settle for the one hour :)

Watch this .gif with current song http://i.imgur.com/AJ6TEaV.gif
Benny in BK:

good tip WhatUpHotNerd - i like syncing stuff with gifs -
Benny in BK:

used to do that with Hot Rod's show before
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...'Pastor of Muppets' - heeheehee...
Avatar 7:11pm
Billy Jam:

I have a strong feeling that 2014 is going to be a great year for everyone - well except for Chris Christie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm

Continuing SUW's theme: this show is definitely not overrated. It deserves every ounce of praise it gets.
Avatar 7:14pm
Billy Jam:

ah thanks Caryn!

Another .gif with no context. Just know that if you walk into a room like this, you own it. http://i.imgur.com/biDFHU0.gif
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm

Really trippy show, mane....
Avatar 7:17pm
Billy Jam:

and continuing in Caryn's not overrated theme I believe that Jimmy Penguin and Naive Ted and the VMM crew's talents are not overrated but underrated - they rule…ALso NOT overrated is the BBC "Sherlock" series - loved the latest episode in which him and Watson get drunk

indeed, very triped out mix here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

@Billy Jam: the drunken deducting was excellent. "Yellow... sitty thing?"
Avatar 7:19pm
Billy Jam:

as well as watching recommended GIFS with this music I suggest smoking a bit of hash too :)
Avatar 7:20pm
Billy Jam:

at Caryn - that show (which I only caught up with in past few weeks - had not seen it from beginning) is really really good - so well written and filmed and acted -

Ben. Cumberbatch is underrated, but Tinker Tailor he was in was sadly way way overrated. The orig. BBC thing is a billion times better
Benny in BK:

had not heard of Tinker Tailor
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

Cumberbatch is underrated outside the internet. I consider both versions of "Tinker Tailor..." to be excellent.
Avatar 7:25pm

Big Ups Billy Jam! Diggin this show hardcore, lovin the heavy groove gettin laid down. Perfection.
Avatar 7:26pm

cant believe i missed the first 8.54 mins Damn..
massive thanks for the dedication Billy , it means a lot mate.
Your show allways sorts mi ead out , bigstyle.
and yeah cheers i had a effing blast DJing , it got my taste back forrit again.
this penguiness is on it on it onit

I was more into the Alec Guinness version by far...but the new one is ok...but some irritating changes to the novel etc. But Cumber is great....though they went all PC and made his character gay which was not required

I went to special screening of the new Tinker Tailor S. spy last year with Gary Oldman in person..that was kool!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Haven't heard this in a long while. DJ Shiftee getting busy on the C1 for the first time.
Avatar 7:28pm
Billy Jam:

hey ADA thanks for tuning in……..Welcome SPidey and thanks for the shouts on last show playlist….hey The Marmot (with no name, rapper) - Yes we are on the air…….Tonight and tom. in NYC Action Bronson at Irving Plaza…..tonight in SF, CA Jazzy Jeff & Shorkut @ Mighty, tom. Midnite Cru Deejays @ Ill Perata in SF Mission District, and Sunday Golden Chyld in San Jose

still haven't heard any MC900FTjesus on heahhh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

I think the change in sexual orientation was a bit unnecessary, but I could see their reasoning behind it. No PC motives.
Avatar 7:29pm
Billy Jam:

good call LovecraftDude888 - I even have an old interview with him that I should dig up…..
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Buck 50 Cutters and Skizo!

really kool! I haven't really heard of him in ages but...he did some great stuff years ago. I was shocked he retired from music...in a sense. Maybe not, in another. Killer Inside me and that whole album is one of my faves from that time, and I wasn't even a big hip hop guy....or hybrid or whatever he did

Caryn..yeah I guess, maybe the director wanted to differentiate his version from the original BBC one and novel for some reason
Avatar 7:33pm
Billy Jam:

so he retired huh? - should dig up his stuff as I do have it in my collection - and his DJ was the shit too (DJ Zero I think was his name)
Avatar 7:33pm

Big ups Action Bronson, hit the G-Pen ;)
Avatar 7:34pm
Billy Jam:

makin me itch

Yeah, I kept reading that Mc900Ft retired from music, mainly, or at least from doing records and stuff, at least 15 years ago or close. I think sometimes he would show up to do surprise sets down there in Texas, but otherwise.,,,no more recorded music. Weird. I think he felt burned by the music biz or just
got tired of it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

@Lovecraft: I seem to recall 3 reasons explained by the screenwriter and Cumberbatch
1) the oft-joked about ubiquitousness of homosexuals in the British spy community at the time
2) giving the character some added shading
3) making the character more secretive, thus reflecting the overall theme and mood of secretiveness.

I know WLIR played the hell out of Welcome to My Dream when it came out, it was on the air a lot or the singles were then, but that was ages ago..what was that, 1989 to 1990 or so?
Avatar 7:37pm

I dug the video for "If I only had a brain..." but thats all I ever heard by him. Was a wee lad back then, watchin videos on The Box channel pay per view music videos hahaha. I know im not the only one who got bummed out at 10pm when it switched over to the playboy channel and turned to fuzz.

Caryn: I see, I missed that explanation of Peter Guillam's character change in the new film...I gotcha. That makes some sense then.
Avatar 7:39pm
Billy Jam:

I know that today's show is a tad on the weird experimental tip - but that to me proves the rich diversity of this hip-hop music - and with this one hour a week show I try to cover the broad range of this wonderfully rich art form - so I appreciate all for listening in each week - THANK YOU……Oh and other night I had a dream (seriously) in which I was told to go back to doing 3 hours - so I gotta do that

TheRapper...wow this s. is funny as hell! This is one of his I didn't know that well! Watching it now...so classic
Avatar 7:40pm
Billy Jam:

The BOX was the YouTube of olden times - except you had to pay
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

Looking forward to the DJ Quest stuff next week, Billy Jam.
Richard from Venezuela:

Happy new year Billy Jam.
Avatar 7:41pm
Billy Jam:

u too Richard!

Didn't have The Box....but I do recall watching the infamous U68 UHF TV show in the 80s mid to late....then it would turn into Cinemax pay at night and go fuzz except for some under-music bed....and ghost of porno films only imagined otherwise alas
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

@Billy Jam: I know it's a lot of work, but you gotta get back to the 3 hour spot. In the wink of a young girls eye...

Which was the NJN New Jersey Network at that point on UHF...oh how pathetic. I had a shite black and white TV in my bedroom...so lame I know
Avatar 7:43pm

we have a dream........
Avatar 7:44pm
Billy Jam:

you are right Blacktooth - I have got to do that - as one hour is good but limiting in terms of stretching out - like in having guests come on and play more music that just the number of tracks u can squeeze in in one hour…...
Avatar 7:44pm

this set is deeeeeeeeeep
so good loud

can get MC900FTJ out of retirement hehe maybe not

god that was 1991 that album...a bit later than I recall brain is going!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

I mean, I'll happily take the hour, but it just ain't enough room for you. You gotta get those elbows into it.
Avatar 7:47pm

im really lovin this set, Billy. Experimental is good! I remember when i first found portishead labeled under hip hop, definitely sent me on a mental 'journey of discovery' to say the least. Cheers to broadening horizons!
Tommy K:

Man this show is amazing! First time tuning in...thanks WFMU!

Portishead was mainly considered Triphop no? I guess? I think

Or primarily ambient techno triphop etc.
Tommy K:

What kind/genre of music is this? How do you categorize it? I like it but it is not like the usual hiphop I hear
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Is this a live set recorded by Albert or is it on a album?
Avatar 7:52pm

3 hours of this ? we would surely never be the same again?
bringgg it onnnn
heres to ever changing horizons , luvatcha all.
thanks so much Billy for having the magic touch .
i fuckin love you man.

speaking of which, has anybody seen the new version of The Killer INside Me the movie? of the Jim Thompson book? is it any good?

with Jessica Alba...I hear it was over the top fecked up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

I think it's quite good. Especially Casey Affleck as Lou Ford. It is quite brutal, and changes some things from the book, but I did like the mood and a lot of the acting.

give em a friendly smile AND A HANDSHAKE! ha, thanks Caryn..will go avail of it soon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

@Tommy K: I believe this form of traditional song structure is referred to as "demonically enraptured mindphuck."
Avatar 7:58pm
Billy Jam:

@ ALF - it is from his album but sounds like it was a live real time session recording - have to ask him to know for sure - will do that and let u know here on the playlist next week -OK?
@ ALL special shout out to YOU for listening and to Mr Fine Wine, who is up next, for board op'ing today - I will be back next week with more music - less talk :)
PS -the only drawback (for me) of doing a 3 hour show is all the editing out of curses I have to do in pre-production (den rap songs have lots of curses sometimes :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm

May your dreams come true this year, Billy. (especially the one about the 3 hours show)
Avatar 2:08pm
Billy Jam:

thanks Fred! - and will ask DnZ and/or Dawgisht to contact you about their music - @ ALF - followed up with Albert Mathias who confirmed that yes it was a live recording
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