Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from February 1, 2014 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting February 1, 2014

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Peter Wright  Park Bench With Fenner Brockway   Favoriting Red Lion  Digitalis    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Silencio  Fallow   Favoriting The Politics of Lonely  Three:Four    0:06:21 (Pop-up)
In Gowan Ring  To Thrum A Glassy Stem   Favoriting Abend the Knurled Stitch  Blue Sanct    0:10:42 (Pop-up)
Nico  Afraid   Favoriting Desertshore  Reprise    0:14:47 (Pop-up)
Arborea  When I Was on Horseback   Favoriting Fortress of the Sun  ESP-Disk    0:18:14 (Pop-up)
Mitsu Harada  (unknown title, track 3)   Favoriting Codomo News  Branco    0:21:36 (Pop-up)
Tara Jane O'Neil  The Signal, Wind   Favoriting Where Shine New Lights  Kranky    0:25:51 (Pop-up)
Dao Strom  Cataclysm   Favoriting We Were Meant to Be a Gentle People      0:28:14 (Pop-up)
The Saint Johns  Ohio   Favoriting Open Water  Bailey Blues    0:35:53 (Pop-up)
Heidi Harris  The Good Bone Diggers   Favoriting Sand In the Line  Reverb Worship    0:40:09 (Pop-up)
Olivia Chaney  Blessed Instant   Favoriting (no album)  Olivia Chaney  http://www.oliviachaney.net/videos  0:43:37 (Pop-up)
Sandy Denny and The Strawbs  Who Knows Where The Time Goes   Favoriting Sandy Denny and The Strawbs  Hannibal    0:48:29 (Pop-up)
Janine Nichols & Semi-Free  Darling Be Home Soon   Favoriting First Ones  Janine Nichols    0:52:35 (Pop-up)
Sarah Davachi  Aurum   Favoriting       1:10:02 (Pop-up)
DuChamp  Protect Me From What I Want   Favoriting Nar  Boring Machines    1:17:31 (Pop-up)
Duke Garwood  Reap The Many Fruits   Favoriting The Sand That Falls  Fire    1:25:35 (Pop-up)
Emily Jane White  The Roses   Favoriting Blood/Lines  Important    1:31:01 (Pop-up)
Half Waif  Vespers   Favoriting (no album)  Half Waif  http://halfwaif.bandcamp.com/track/vespers  1:36:00 (Pop-up)
Shearwater  A Wake for the Minotaur   Favoriting Fellow Travelers  Sub Pop    1:39:48 (Pop-up)
Big Star  Try Again   Favoriting #1 Record / Radio City  Stax/Ardent    1:43:40 (Pop-up)
Sheron  The Doubted   Favoriting Ghost Hopes  Sheron    1:47:19 (Pop-up)
Tom Brosseau  Today Is a Bright New Day   Favoriting Grass Punks  Crossbill    1:52:34 (Pop-up)
Hiss Golden Messenger  No Lord Is Free   Favoriting       2:04:09 (Pop-up)
Grand Salvo  The Lament of the Regretful Ghost   Favoriting       2:08:56 (Pop-up)
Erica Buettner  A Tale of Norstein   Favoriting True Love and Water  Peppermoon    2:13:23 (Pop-up)
Kristin Mueller  Wash-A-Shore   Favoriting Ports of Call  Dren    2:19:02 (Pop-up)
Jimmy LaFave  Vanished   Favoriting Depending on the Distance  Music Road    2:23:15 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  Living in the Country   Favoriting Pete  Living Music    2:27:09 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  I Come and Stand at Every Door   Favoriting Headlines & Footnotes: A Collection of Topical Songs  Smithsonian Folkways    2:29:33 (Pop-up)
The Almanac Singers  The Golden Vanity   Favoriting The Best of The Almanac Singers  Rev-Ola    2:31:56 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  Shenandoah   Favoriting American Favorite Ballads, Vol. 1  Smithsonian Folkways    2:34:59 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  Where the Old Allegheny and the Monongahela Flow   Favoriting       2:36:48 (Pop-up)
The Almanac Singers  Ballad Of October   Favoriting The Best of The Almanac Singers  Rev-Ola    2:39:26 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  The Big Rock Candy Mountain   Favoriting American Favorite Ballads, Vol. 1  Smithsonian Folkways    2:42:07 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  Peg & Awl   Favoriting Headlines & Footnotes: A Collection of Topical Songs  Smithsonian Folkways    2:45:08 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  John Hardy   Favoriting American Favorite Ballads, Vol. 4  Smithsonian Folkways    2:47:33 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep   Favoriting American Favorite Ballads, Vol. 1  Smithsonian Folkways    2:51:01 (Pop-up)
Pete Seeger  A Little of This and That   Favoriting Head      2:53:30 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I doth listen, & lurketh not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33am
Sem Chumbo:

Good morning, Jeffrey. Sorry to have missed so much fine music, now along for the rest of your show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...interesting - somewhat different tone to this Strawbs version; good job w/ the unenviable task of being compared to Richard Thompson on guitar...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...okay - I use the word 'album' for whatever format - since it originally means 'collection' - you can have a 'photo album' ferinstance...especially if your turntable don't work : p ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04am
Sem Chumbo:

Well said, JD.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05am
Sem Chumbo:

Saved me a post just then, RevRab. Quite so, not the physical thing but the collected work.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I guess if you wanted to be all MerrianWebsters about it - you could say the same for 'record' - since they're all recordings - but 'record' is more associated w/ them grooved vinyl platters of course (it just is, due to the length & impotance of that there vinyl Era) - 'rekkids' even more so...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...words have more than one definition, one sometimes realizes...
Avatar 7:38am

That was Beautiful
( the Roses)
mike east:

Irene played some shearwater last week. Some good stuff. Good morning all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01am
Sem Chumbo:

Pretending to be Canadian is the first step in the project, Jeffrey.
mike east:

My ears were not that sharp but thinking back on it van ettan makes total sense

I'm only coming on here (sorry Jeff) briefly this a.m. to complain and protest, loudly, about Pseu, and how she was treating various listeners on her show last night, and how totally and utterly nasty and unprofessional she is/was. This will not stand. I'm going to formally write a letter of complaint to WFMU for what it's worth. I mean, it's not fair, she shouldn't be a professional DJ if she's going to act that unprofessional and bizarre. And since when is it ok for a DJ to bully and browbeat their listeners on the interactive board here as well? Uncool.

And Mr. Rabbit was a witness to all that...I think??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Xin Nian Hao – Happy New Year – 新 年 好
- Happy Wood Horse Year, DJ JD & Shrunken Planteers !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I missed it last night LDude; I was on her comments board the previous week - on which I was ranting rhetoric myself about young people & contempo Top40; I felt she made some valid points *then*, & so did some of us - all good & nothing personal.
mike east:

@lcd I'd suggest not listening to her show. Not much anyone can do other than that. Unpaid dj's on a free form station can run their shows however they want.
Avatar 8:11am

That's what Pseu does, because... because she's Pseu. Besides, at FMU, unprofessionalism isn't a bug, it's a feature.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- & no critique of her program either - & since I haven't seen what she said - or anyone else did - last night - I don't have an opinion about it @ present (I can't contradict you LDude).

Er...ok guys, but it got pretty out of hand, I thought, and she's decidedly unprofessional and psychotic, bullying, etc. I sent a complaint over to Ken today. sorry RR I thought you were on there last night too but then I noticed you were off the board later on...I think.

Plus, I tried to back her up and tell her I liked the show and her music, but she still attacked me and got hostile!!! She's wacked out.

Well, I'm going to Pseu her...just kidding.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am

Welcome, LovecraftDude

I tried taking the high road and got run over...anyway gotta get breakfast....thanks SSS! thanks Jeff...jeez i missed some good stuff here I was asleep....back a bit later..

and then some guy told me my fave bands all sucked. I was like, ok thanks.
mike east:

Times like that u just gotta log off dude.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- oh - I may have popped in @ the beginning.
...It's natural that people around here care about music & culture & are opinionated about it - & it ought to be good that in the Community here (for it is) we can communicate w/ other people who have something to say about it...we can't expect everyone in the FreeForm scene to have identical tastes or ideas either - & we wouldn't want it to in the end. One hopes no one calls anyone a poo-poo head or any feelings get hurt....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...we're herding cats here - yerknow...

Mike..I expressed my disgust and then went to bed and logged right off. I was like..this ain't high school folks. or Jr. Good lord. But the thing is I was backing her up...not tearing down!! That's what got me pissed off the most. And she was just not listening to reason. I DO listen to new pop music...I'm 45 yrs. old....and I just find a lot of it wanting these days...not all. But you cannot sit there and assume we don't listen to new pop and club or whatever music...I do. But much of it just doesn't float my boat. Ga Ga.....she's like, ok....she's alright, for example, but nothing I would rush out and buy. But, I give it a shot!

And Pseu is sitting there playing old AND new music herself, and a lot of it is for us older crusties..I mean..from the 70s and 80s etc.

herding cats? Wow that could be interesting.

Great show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am
Ken From Hyde Park:

@KP - Yes...great today. Giving Pete his due...RIP.

music snob my butt....I was like I'm no snob if I listen to Katy Perry and I like her big boobs but not her music so much...as long as I don't dismiss either out of hand!
Santos L Halper:

I'm sure JD would rather his comments board be about his show, much like Pseu does. Knowing her, I could tell it wasn't going to go well when people started having sidebar convos right from the get-go about their fav bands (unrelated to anything she played AFAIK).

On another topic...enjoying the show Jeffrey!

I wasn't aware she was that concerned about that...anyway, will be mindful of that in future though. I know it's not supposed to be for just your own private club etc. Ok.

Anyhoo...this show is guten. I used to make rock candy as a kid that science experiment bit....so nasty

oh Rabbit I thought you were there to back me up...oh the humanity! Even Frangry was nicer to me...hehe. I can't believe I missed Sandy Denny today here. Sigh.
mike east:

U gotta let it go lcdude.

First Seeger tribute I've heard. Thanks Jeffrey
Avatar 8:46am

I could do a trip now to the big rock candy mountain.

I will..I shall let it go. not worth hanging on to it. the hook. Lick the mountain....
Santos L Halper:

In my brief time as a long-distance listener I've found DJs to be much like most people: nice and interesting, quirky, occasionally cranky, and wanting to be appreciated for what we do.

I agree but she was just getting out of hand and unreasonable. And she seemed to be wishing to dismiss the "oldsters" and get some young 18 yr. old stud listeners....well...good luck find me some 18 yr olds that like The Shoes or Echo and Bunnymen and I will give you a grand! Not happening

I worked with some young chick daughter of my boss 5 yrs. ago she was like 17 yrs. old...she was like "can't get into most of that old 80s new wave stuff.....The Cure is ok". ha!
Avatar 8:52am

Great show how about "Goofing off Suite"?

Wow, you're making me realize that the early Byrds were as much a Pete Seeger cover band as they were a Dylan cover band.
Avatar 8:52am

Videotaped Seeger getting an award at Riverside Church
5-6 years ago..
he remained consistant in energy and music agility (!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am
Sem Chumbo:

Thanks for this morning, Jeffrey. Nice serving of Mr. Seeger, much appreciated. See you next week.
Avatar 8:56am

Thanks for the show DJ Jeffrey Davison, My own personal tribute to Pete Seger...STOP FRACKING.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am
John Juan de San Antonio:

Thanks for the Pete Seeger set

I'm pretty Seeger'd out by now, so might save the last set of him for a rainy day, but time for a little more catching up...
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