Favoriting Sinner's Crossroads with Kevin Nutt: Playlist from February 6, 2014 Favoriting

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Scratchy vanity 45s, pilfered field recordings, muddy off-the-radio sounds, homemade congregational tapes and vintage commercial gospel throw-downs; a little preachin', a little salvation, a little audio tomfoolery.

Thursday 8 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thursday 9 - 10am (EST) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio

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Thu. Mar 13th, 8pm - 9pm: Kevin Nutt and his Co-Host Micah

Favoriting February 6, 2014

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Artist Track Label Year Approx. start time
Silver Quintette  Sinner's Crossroads   Favoriting VJ  1956  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Six Gospel Stars  Ride That Glory Train   Favoriting Gospel Recording Co.  c.1964  0:03:32 (Pop-up)
Famous Davis Sisters  I Want To Be More Like Jesus   Favoriting Savoy  1957  0:07:13 (Pop-up)
Bessemer Sunset Four  I Feel Like My Time Ain't Long   Favoriting Vocalion  1930  0:11:17 (Pop-up)
Wright Brothers Gospel Singers  Wake Me Shake Me Don't Let Me Sleep Too Long   Favoriting Bluebird  1941  0:14:49 (Pop-up)
Dixie Hummingbirds  Every Knee Surely Must Bow   Favoriting Apollo  1946  0:16:53 (Pop-up)
Flying Eagle Spiritual Singers  Just Made It In   Favoriting RPM  1952  0:19:32 (Pop-up)
Five Blind Boys of Alabama  Someday We Must Bow Down Before Him   Favoriting Gospel  c.1949  0:22:22 (Pop-up)
Golden Gate Quartet  Lord I Want To Walk With Thee   Favoriting Mercury  1949  0:25:11 (Pop-up)
Robert Anderson and the Caravans  Pleading In Glory For Me   Favoriting United  c.1950  0:27:27 (Pop-up)
Mighty Harps of Praise of White Plains of NY  If I Had A Hammer   Favoriting Mozel  c.1973  0:36:19 (Pop-up)
Mighty Walker Brothers  Lord Teach Me Sometime   Favoriting Amon  c. 1970  0:40:25 (Pop-up)
Jackson Southernaires  Too Late   Favoriting Songbird  c.1967  0:43:38 (Pop-up)
Six Wings of NYC  Hear Us Jesus   Favoriting Ark  c.1968  0:52:47 (Pop-up)
Ray Edwards Singers  A Little More Faith   Favoriting Glori  c.1973  0:57:59 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 8:01pm
Brother Ray:

Come on, Bernice, let us get down front next to Brother Dave...
Avatar 8:03pm

You gotta introduce me to Bernice, man.
Avatar 8:04pm
Brother Ray:

She's the receptionist @ Earl's Body Shop. Drop on by and see her.
Avatar 8:06pm

Oh yeah! She used to sound good but look bad, but Earl's fixed her up. I know her.
Avatar 8:08pm
Brother Ray:

Yep, that's her--runnin' and lookin' fine. Sings a good alto, too...
Cooh John:

Good evening. I am here for my weekly uplifting.
Avatar 8:10pm

Greetings, Cooooooh John.
Avatar 8:11pm
Brother Ray:

CJ in the house! Welcome, John!
Avatar 8:17pm
fred von helsing:

praise be, my oh my
Avatar 8:19pm

Fred...I thought you were dead....
Avatar 8:20pm

Thanks again for the show DJ Sinner
Avatar 8:21pm

Thanks, Whooda and Fred. Appreciate it.
Avatar 8:22pm

Where's Dave E? Here's some Blind Boys.
Avatar 8:24pm
fred von helsing:

I've been resting my dog-tired soul.
Avatar 8:25pm
Brother Ray:

Recline here, in The Haven of Rest and Glorification...
Avatar 8:28pm

someone check that back pew and see if Brother Mike has done reclined to rest his eyes.
Avatar 8:28pm

..as long as he doesn't snore...
Avatar 8:30pm
Brother Ray:

Right hand of Christian Fellowship extended to all...
mike east:

Funny you mention it. I just reclined in my lazy boy, baby asleep in my arms. Inspiring music as always sinner
Avatar 8:31pm

......and the left hand votin' Democrat! Hah!
Avatar 8:33pm
fred von helsing:

Of course the Leningrad run was a tuff one.
Avatar 8:33pm

Yes Mike, that "baby blanket" concept cuts both ways. hahs

@Kevin N.: Loving the set tonight.

@Sinners here gathered: Hi!
Avatar 8:34pm

Hi Mike. Our regular board op Nate K. is at home with a brand new little baby himself. Samantha is settin' again for us.
Avatar 8:35pm

Hey P-90! What's happenin'?
mike east:

Congrats to Nate k!

Ooooooooooh, it's Samantha!

@Samantha: Good Evening M'am.
Avatar 8:37pm
Brother Ray:

Lawd! Bernice done STOOD UP on this., so watch out, beloved. She might take off runnin'
Avatar 8:46pm
fred von helsing:

there is still time, brothers and sisters
Avatar 8:48pm
Brother Ray:

Come on down, seeker. Plenty room at the altar of The LORD...
Avatar 8:49pm
fred von helsing:

read your Orange Catholic Bible EBBERY morning
Avatar 8:50pm

...and vote Democrat!
Avatar 8:51pm
fred von helsing:


@ fred: a brother learns something new every day, I did'nt know this is a OC congregation
Avatar 8:54pm

All Denominations Welcome.
Avatar 8:55pm

Am watching the Russian men's (Who ME gay!? No, not me) figure skating competition. They have taken to wearing tool belts on their costumes...that's weird.
Avatar 8:56pm

Time is getting tight. Y'all hang in there.
Avatar 8:56pm
Brother Ray:

Well, now, Brethern and Sistern, me and Bernice gonna slide on out and get to the Greenleaf Diner for a late supper. Y'all be blessed...
Avatar 8:57pm
fred von helsing:

this sinner has to say g'night so as to rise and shine and serve the masters of this humble unworthy world, but the true master we know is just out of sight. And Mr ?, sure OC why not, we all hew to the true way.
mike east:

I completely forgot about the Olympics. I gotta check that out
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