Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from February 18, 2014 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting February 18, 2014: Move It On Over

Since I first saw Southern California I've harbored a desire to move there. Yes, I had to see it myself. I could lie and say I was seduced much earlier than that, by Beach Boys records, by TV shows and movies depicting the "California lifestyle"; by friends who'd gone and swore they'd never come back. But, like many of you, I took an early and deep dislike to the sun and fun stereotype and the California airheads who pursued same. I looked down on the place and felt nothing serious could ever go on there. Then, in 2000, I visited Kaz, the genius behind the cartoon Underworld and the reason I'm at WFMU (in 1986 I co-hosted The Nightmare Lounge with Kaz and it was the beginning of my radio career). Kaz was out there temporarily for a job, staying with a friend in the Hollywood Hills. The place put the zap on my head. I found myself, like so many others, seduced by the weather, the topography, the architecture, the history, the stars and the laid back feel. Now Kaz lives in Hollywood, of all places, and with the way the Winter of 2013 - 2014 has been playing out here in New Jersey, I'd grab the wife and everything important to us and head out there tomorrow. Life, of course, is no longer that easy. Picking up and relocating - especially across the country - is a major life change. But I have friends who've done it, who've left the Northeast and gone to Seattle, to Portland, to Los Angeles, to New Orleans. And they're not coming back. It got me thinking. Those of you who have relocated: How difficult was it? Do you regret it or is it the best thing you've ever done? How far away did you move? And for the rest of us: Are you still in the same general area where you were born? If you were to relocate, where would you go? And what are some reasons for staying put (please don't say "snow")? Joining me by phone from the City of Angels is my relocated friend, Kaz.

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Dr. Chris T. Dre  California Aerial View Love   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Mike East:

pledge widget?! already?!

from last show...was saying nude WFMU bus guy could be semi with Dale Bozzio reoords round his privates instead! promote the station all over NJ!

records! records! sorry in hurry to type
Avatar 6:05pm

No time like the present, Mike!
Avatar 6:05pm

I moved constantly trying to 'start over'. And that's what I did all my life, start over, until it drove me crazy. But life is nothing but memories and experiences and I have some fine memory laced experiences.

no mas! no mas! c'mon, by Friday we'll be wearing tank tops

u mean the comics guy Kaz?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

oh moving. we do it a lot. husband's in academia so we've moved from Seattle to NYC to Tokyo to NYC to Chicago and back to NYC (within the last 10 years) due to his school, research and job. I peeled off when we were in Chicago and made a mini-move to rural SE Minnesota for temporary work and totally loved it. To go from rural MN to Manhattan to join him was a major shock and the most jarring move yet. I wanna go back there and have sorta mentally given up on big cities.
Avatar 6:09pm

Chris T, I was born in another country but have been living in Northern California for 50 years. I have had opportunities to move elsewhere but always got cold feet. I feel happy to be out here: the population means strong government programs, lots of food choices, good education opportunities, and yes the weather is blessed. I think I'll stay here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Mike East:

I've been thinking about relocating as well. Even harder when you have two kids. I'm still in the same area I grew up in, though I have moved around a bit, but always in the tri state area. If I were to move far away, I think it'd be the Pacific Northwest. Main reason for staying here is the steady income and family.
Avatar 6:12pm

Oh, and don't believe the stereotypes you see on TV (good or bad). I know all of NYC is not like Law and Order.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

Lived lots of places, all over. Pretty settled in NYC now (16 years), but the longest I've lived anywhere besides here is 8 years.
Avatar 6:13pm

You don't want to move to the West Coast for sure due to Fukahima. If you move, move to the southern hemisphere.

I lived and studied and raised my family in Sacramento, CA but those days are over.

Amityville is like....it's ok, pretty quiet, provincial town like much of L.I. At least it has one good record shop and one supp. good music venue but haven't been yet to latter.
Avatar 6:14pm

Whooda, I'm about ready to head over to the Rubicon Brewery.
Avatar 6:16pm

Yeah! the Rubicon, glad to hear its still open I was living at 24th @ "Q" when the bar opened. Excellent pale ale but never enough alcohol content for me. Enjoy those fries!

the trouble with L.I. is can be isolating, no culture, expensive, and boring and dull. And close-minded compared to NYC. Sadly.

The Shoot Any Stranger You Like Law
Avatar 6:19pm

It's not as easy to make big moves now because the economy is so much worse and jobs aren't as easy to find.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Mike East:

@Whooda- honestly, my wife read some stuff about the fukishima radiation and that kinda stopped the discussion we'd been having in its tracks. Now I'm thinking about buying farmland...possibly in the tristate area
Avatar 6:24pm

Mike, I live in Upstate NY and it's great for farming and kids. Also NC is magnificent and cheap land. Neither location offers much in the way of employment. Fulton County, where I live has the highest unemployment of all of NY.

Lotsa "jobs", Whooda. Its just that they're all part time and pay the word Vonnegut used to describe that trap. Nobody wants the obligation of a full-time worker, no benefits of any kind offered. Thank you WalMart!

I love all the writing jobs on CList that pay zero..har!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Mike East:

@Whooda - my idea right now is to buy some land that's under 3 hours away from where I am now, that way I can start going out there on weekends while I'm still employed during the week.
Avatar 6:33pm

I had trades to follow when I moved around, mostly as a printer and construction, those jobs allowed easy transitions without having contacts in a new area. Cold-moves involved entry level positions, part-time just makes those even worse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

i can't understand wanting to live some place where drought is always imminent, you live on an active fault line, and all the women have siliconed lips that look like tapioca when it gets cold
Avatar 6:37pm

@Mike I don't know what that would be like except when your're at the property you might despise having to leave for the city. That would cause me frustration.
Avatar 6:37pm

@Dale: Ha! There is California, then there is Los Angeles. And never the twain shall meet.
Avatar 6:39pm

Exactly Carmichael, there is a Northern and Southern California. They are not the same place.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

yeah, i've only been to l.a., pasadena rose bowl flea once. every time i was there it was to shoot commercials working at an ad agency, so i found it to be on the arrogant moneyed side. owner of production company had us to his house in the hills that he bought from jaclyn smith. gorgeous view of the city from on high at night
mike east:

Probably whooda... Could also be good motivation to start making my living off the land
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

i know of a couple folks in northern cali, grow pot, live in the hills and keep a handgun at the ready in case the feds show up. stoned and paranoid.
Avatar 6:45pm

Yeah, there are those people too Dale. We may have also cornered the market on nutjobs. Good thing they live in the mountains and don't want to deal with anyone.
Avatar 6:45pm

@dale that's the "Emerald Triangle" area, best pot in the world which is available in your back yard.
Avatar 6:49pm

I have only ever heard OTO people use the expression "skyclad".
another Chris sez:

Time was short and Kaz had to go. when I asked how long he had lived there was to make the point about the "seasons" in LA.

Sunny mostly but… there are rain seasons. Followed by mudslides. There is the wind season, Santa Ana's, the Devils winds, followed by the fire season.

All the same. I intend to go back. Twenty some odd years in NY has become tiresome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

whooda - good to know it has a name and reputation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

carmichael - ny state has it's share of nutjobs, but i guess the warm climate fosters brain lesions
Avatar 6:54pm

All of Florida's beaches are on the wrong side too.
Avatar 6:54pm

There are some truely magical places in the US, where some intangalbe energy makes life special, I have noticed in Cape Cod, MA, Redwood forests in CA, Painted Desert / Death Valley / desert SW and Utah deserts. Natural Springs and tropical forests in FL. Those are the places I would recommend.
another Chris sez:

And another thing Chris T… KCRW!!!!!

Sure you can still do SIRIUS and WFMU but you could also do time at one of the other Greatest Stations in the Nation!

Go for it! You'll love it. Screw the snow.

Chris: having dinner...sorry my cryptic post was re: nude guy on bus in NJ we were saying prev. show Ken could come up with NUDE WFMU Guy to promote station!

wonder how many nude guys on buses seen in Cali?

and P.S. this NY winter has indeed sucked hardcore
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

finally got to get some snowmobiling in and now it's all gonna melt. maybe i should move to canada

(I'm _sure_ the below will generate nothing but well-reasoned, reasonable, replies.)

Thank-you, Chris, for the gun mini-rant. I think you're exactly right: the more guns, the more opportunity for death. Gun lovers act as if there were Good People and Bad People and the Good People will never do anything wrong...it's not like that, nearly any person is one gun, one bad day, a couple of drinks, and an argument at a bus-stop or with your spouse from killing or maiming someone so <em>easily</em> that it's not funny, or being so killed or maimed.

Regardless of what TV and media might tell you constantly and daily, there are really, in most neighbourhoods, very few bad, violent, actors---this means that you generally have more to worry about from large numbers of well-armed and to-date-o.k. people than from the Bad Guys...even in much more dangerous places, serious violence is most likely heading your way from a friend or a lover or a relative you've been able to tolerate up to that point...otherwise you wouldn't be near them.

(I once commented on a phone app that promised to use sex-offender registry data to 'See the face of the person most likely to molest your son or daughter!' that a mirror would, on average, do a better job.)

There are times when I think the severity of the gun laws should be calibrated according to how many people would be injured or killed if you were to shoot the weapon in question in random directions at the busiest time of day...what makes sense for Montana doesn't make sense for Soho.
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