Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from February 21, 2014 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 21, 2014: Put the Needle on the 3 Guest DJs Pt 2: Loop Skywalker, ILLtech The Cutter, DJ Halo

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Artist Track Year Comments New
Your DJ Billy Jam intros 3 guest DJ feature    2014    *  
Loop Skywalker  special Put The Needle On The Record Guest mix   Favoriting 2014  LOOP SKYWALKER PLAYLIST Drum break Vocal intro Drum break Public enemy, bring the noise Afrika bambaataa skit John Holt , ali baba riddim Beastie Boys, Too many rappers Barrington Levy , Skylarking dub Blackalicious, Feel that way Quakers, Chucky Balboa Big Daddy Kane, Heat it up Afrika Bambaataa vocal from scratch the movie Drum Break Wrecks n effect , wreck Shop Billy Jam Shout Portishead , Roads Skywalker turntable mix Drum Break Craze, Bully boy break samples The Black Keys, Too Afraid The Black Keys ,Too Afraid (Midi Controlled freestyle drumming skywalker style) Blondie , Rapture Original Concept, Can you feel it? Massive Attack, Teardrop Drum Break Rakim, Know the ledge Big Daddy Kane , Set it off John Frusciante, Murderers Beastie Boys , Sabotage Loop Skywalker , We’re alive Big Daddy Kane , Raw Cutty Ranks, Armed and dangerous Criminal element orchestra,put the needle on the record De la soul, say no go Only fools and horses clip Portishead , Biscuit Dead Prez, Bigger than hip hop  *  
ILLtech The Cutter  special Put The Needle On The Record Guest mix   Favoriting 2014    *  
DJ Halo  special Put The Needle On The Record Guest mix   Favoriting 2014  Halo Mix 4 Billy Jam - TRT 19:48 Bike For Three! - Sublimation Public Enemy - Night of the Living Bassheads HALO - Heavy Bass Armand Hammer - Omega 3 Remix Ceschi & Factor - This Won't Last Forever Sound Sci - Soundsational Vince Giordano & The Nighthawks - Sugarfoot Stomp (Pete Rock Remix) Bosq of Whiskey Barons - Paciencia De Jo (Tall Black Guy Remix) Inst. Ikebe Shakedown - Tujunga (Brennan Green's Disco Acid Stripped Mix) Run The Jewels - 36" Chain (Blue Sky Black Death Remix) Latyrx - Watershed Moment  *  

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Listener comments!


wasssuuuuppppp yallllllllllllllllllllllllll
unkle eddy:

Avatar 7:01pm
Studio B Ben:

Let's do this damn thing!

Dope mix from Loop Skywalker! yeeea feeling it
Avatar 7:04pm
Billy Jam:

thanks to all tuned in today -thanks to Nick Name for board op duties - and thanks to the artists who made special mixes for today's show - and whose home studio set-ups appear in pictures below playlist in order of their mixes being played: Loop Skywalker, Illtech The Cutter, and DJ Halo

Thanx ADA,this show rocks :)
Avatar 7:06pm
Billy Jam:

wot up ADA in Vallejo CA who was the first DJ in this new series of guest DJs - which is off to a real good start I think. Thanks again to today's contributors: DJ Loop Skywalker ably reaping the UK, Arizona to San Diego DJ Illtech The Cutter, and CT to Oakland CA DJ Halo

massive props to Billy Jam for playing this
Pete in Oxnard:

good stuff here....am really digging it - this guy LoopSKywalker is great - looking forward to the other two DJs - this is a great feature....i caught the first one in archives - it was tight
Dirty Joe:

Heavy set from Loop! Nice bit of black keys.

slamming beats and blends going on here!! This is the best show on the FM Dial, no question! HUGE THANKS to Billy Jam for giving independent artists a chance to shine on The Radio!
Pete in Oxnard:

fully agreed, real hard and real hip-hop - hey ADA your mix was tight too!
Avatar 7:20pm
Billy Jam:

WOW! that was an amazing mix u laced up LOOP - thanks for doing that for WFMU!
Avatar 7:20pm

propper ip op
Timi Dz Nutz:

Check In....Dz Nutz.!.!.!
Avatar 7:21pm
Billy Jam:

wot up Spidey in UK - good to have you here….Hope u heard all of that (fellow UK) DJ mix from Loop Skywalker - off the hook!
Avatar 7:22pm
Billy Jam:


Loop ya slaughtered it! thanks Pete (shout out to Oxnard, Kan Kick where you at!??), you can grab it from my soundcloud page "Full Circle": http://soundcloud.com/aydeeay

always coming,hitting harder and harder.////

It was an absolute pleasure..looking forward to these mixes from illtech and halo...ill tech soundig nice already

Black Thought,and Monche...Rakim...best Emcees to Walk the Earth...Real Talk
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Marilyn in MA:

great show today Billyjam - nice to hear non mainstream hiphop music - at the gym I go to that is all they play or else 80's rock...thank god for WFMU...LOL

Dam loop.I can suddenly walk...and yo.Ill Tech,rolling right in...c'mon
Avatar 7:26pm
Billy Jam:

hey ALF - good of you to drop in. Good luck on your upcoming skratch trek down to Texas…..miss u on this show - u gotta come thru the studios in NJ again ALF -

sup' ADA...this is the Mind....
Avatar 7:28pm

nice one Billy , totally got all the Loop set , magic mix , so feckin good , we would be missing out bigstyley without PTNOTR , respect and thanks .
Avatar 7:30pm
Billy Jam:

thanks Spidermank - Lovin this mix by Illtech too …...

Free Agent lol ,Illtech killing it

what up Free Agent! it's da Wu
Avatar 7:41pm
Billy Jam:

of this mix he did for WFMU DJ Halo wrote that "It's a true mix in that I don't do anything I can't do on the decks, if I fuck up, I got back re-record the whole mix...NO STUDIO TRICKS. Not that it makes it any better but, it's important to me to do mixes like this"
Avatar 7:41pm
Billy Jam:

This is the second episode in the newly unveiled "Put The Needle On The Three Guest DJs" series - tis a show within a show… The first one had DJs ADA, Free Agent, and LazyBoy. Today's was Loop Skywalker, Illtech Thecutter, and DJ Halo. The next one (Part 3) in approx 4 weeks will feature DJ Inti, VexOne, and Doc Fu (who was supposed to be featured today but had his laptop crash last weekend - so he switched with Halo).
Marilyn in MA:

The thing I appreciate about this show is all the wide variety of styles of hiphop being played....really impressive!

All the mixes are so different in this show,this is a great thing...props to ill tech and halo,lazyboy,free agent and ADA,i dig you all and your mixes.

whew! you doin the damn thing ! nvr stop
Avatar 7:46pm
Billy Jam:

thanks to all for listening to W F M U - which, as you might already know, is about to kick off its annual (very important) fundraising Marathon 2014 - it starts on Sunday and runs for about 2 weeks - so the next two weeks here on this time slot will be reaching out to you guys to show some love - meanwhile I will be giving away prizes and also the special 30 years in radio anniversary mix CD I am putting together especially for this year's WFMU marathon - that will include tons o' shit from over the years - such as the very first piece I did for radio for KALX Berkeley- an on the street piece with NYC graffiti artist Chico who I tracked down in NYC back in 1984 on a visit out there from Cali

Halo...this rocks
Tommy K:

gotta say that fridays are my favorite day to listen to wfmu with this show and fine wine too and all the others - usually dont get to listen live though
Avatar 7:50pm
Billy Jam:

next week Brian Turner will be my Marathon co-host and in two weeks it will be Gaylord Fields
Avatar 7:55pm
Billy Jam:

Once again THANK YOU DJs HALO, ILLTECH THE CUTTER, & LOOP SKYWALKER….have a great/safe weekend……and see u back here next week - no sooner - Sunday, Sunday, Sunday when the MARATHON kicks off……...

This is great. What is playing?
Avatar 7:57pm

wow three stunning sets .
cheers for always bringing it on Billy and
thanks to all the independant artists gracing us , awsome.
bring on the marathonnnn i want my30 year CD ooooh yaaaaiiiiiiiiisss
Avatar 7:59pm
Billy Jam:

at ablie - Latyrx - Watershed Moment

Thanks Everyone! I missed the show, but i will chk everyones mixes later. Got them Hotel AV sniffling blues. BIG UPS BILLY JAM!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

All three sets are absolutely great, this series is amazing
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