Favoriting Diane's Kamikaze Fun Machine: Playlist from April 17, 2014 Favoriting

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Music to slaughter livestock to; 5,000 factory farmers can't all be wrong.

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Favoriting April 17, 2014: Hello

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Year Of No Light  Tu As Fait De Moi Un Homme Meilleur   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Facedowninshit  Plasma Center Blues   Favoriting 0:08:10 (Pop-up)
Candiru  Angles   Favoriting 0:14:53 (Pop-up)
The Howling Wind  Scaling the Walls   Favoriting 0:18:26 (Pop-up)
Repulsion  The Stench of Burning Death   Favoriting 0:25:18 (Pop-up)
Gonga  Tungsten Gold   Favoriting 0:26:47 (Pop-up)
Sigh  Scenes From Hell   Favoriting 0:39:04 (Pop-up)
Thou  In Defiance Of The Sages   Favoriting 0:42:31 (Pop-up)
Ovo  I Canibali   Favoriting 0:48:12 (Pop-up)
Mala In Se  Stay Afloat   Favoriting 0:49:50 (Pop-up)
Castevet  The Tower   Favoriting 0:53:22 (Pop-up)
Heretic  Betrayed   Favoriting 0:58:55 (Pop-up)
His Hero Is Gone  Monuments To Thieves   Favoriting 1:03:09 (Pop-up)
Enthroning Silence  To Seal The Last Resonance of Perdition   Favoriting 1:05:04 (Pop-up)
Craw   Sound Of Every Promise   Favoriting 1:13:09 (Pop-up)
October 31  Visions of the End   Favoriting 1:17:45 (Pop-up)
Artillery  Wardrum Heartbeat   Favoriting 1:22:01 (Pop-up)
Powerwolf  Murder At Midnight   Favoriting 1:27:50 (Pop-up)
Victory  Standing Like A Rock   Favoriting 1:32:38 (Pop-up)
Riot  Loanshark   Favoriting 1:36:25 (Pop-up)
Hammerfall  Keep The Flame Burning   Favoriting 1:40:34 (Pop-up)
Sonic Youth  Protect Me You   Favoriting 1:51:49 (Pop-up)
Bill Nelson  Quit Dreaming And Get On The Bean   Favoriting 1:57:00 (Pop-up)
Author and Punisher  Fearce   Favoriting 2:00:43 (Pop-up)
Pere Ubu  Heart of Darkness   Favoriting 2:04:55 (Pop-up)
Joy Division  Transmission   Favoriting 2:09:08 (Pop-up)
Final  Green   Favoriting 2:12:36 (Pop-up)
Red Asphalt  Survival, Evasion, Escape   Favoriting 2:17:45 (Pop-up)
Helios Creed  Tele-Vision   Favoriting 2:20:43 (Pop-up)
Corrections House  Bullets and Graves   Favoriting 2:25:44 (Pop-up)
Huntress  Sleep and Death   Favoriting 2:28:26 (Pop-up)
A Storm of Light  Apostles of Hatred   Favoriting 2:36:17 (Pop-up)
Jay Reatard  Fading All Away   Favoriting 2:41:33 (Pop-up)
Avengers  We Are the One   Favoriting 2:42:54 (Pop-up)
Pack  King of Kings   Favoriting 2:45:30 (Pop-up)
Voivod  Voivod   Favoriting 2:49:11 (Pop-up)
True Widow  Numb Hand   Favoriting 2:53:47 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

Hey Hey!
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ca me donne envie d'écouter envy.
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Avatar 12:08pm

Feeling optimistic! :)
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Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Diane and all the listeners.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm

welcome back diane. great thus far, as usual.
Avatar 12:11pm

hi richard!
I always talk about the plasma center. As in "well if all goes wrong, we can always donate plasma"
Avatar 12:12pm
V Priceless:

Hey Diane! Velcome bach! Good to hear ye - unleash the heat!
Avatar 12:13pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Hi Cecile.
Avatar 12:14pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Heavy day at that plasma center...
Avatar 12:15pm

I hope you heard all the good comments about Sue P last week.
She really threw down.
Avatar 12:16pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I can confirm those allegations. Sue P was perfect.
Avatar 12:18pm

suck on this, divine comedy. :D

(seriously, though they are a fine band that I am just not into.)
Joe McG:

I hear you, Cecile! :)
Avatar 12:21pm

hahahhaha, joe.

you are all seasons, dude.
Avatar 12:24pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Man, somehow that Howling Wind vocalist reminds me of dude from Boskops (HC from Hannover, Germany) -- Suddenly need to find a copy of that LP had ages ago. Another easter-egg hunt...
Avatar 12:25pm

they remind me a little of Agalloch.
Avatar 12:26pm
Chris from DC:

Howdy. Nice segue there into Repulsion.
Avatar 12:27pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 12:28pm

they were playing some 90s pop punk, and I figured playing bass in one of those bands had to be as thankless a job as a reggae lead guitar player or a honky-tonk drummer.
Avatar 12:29pm

or the bass player in Husker Du post 1981.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

When Zorro kicks in, I like to yell "Here we go!" if I'm not in an office environment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm

nice French!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm

can't wait, can't wait, can't wait
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Avatar 12:45pm
Chris from DC:

The new Thou just destroys.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm

thou. man!
Avatar 12:49pm

this has an awesome Scientists like rotating infinite groove.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

Love this Ovo, too...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm

yea. this is all great!
Avatar 12:51pm
Cheri Pi:

CINCINNATI band alert!
Avatar 12:53pm

just star the whole show like last week
Avatar 12:53pm
Chris from DC:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm

:-) true that, Cecile.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm

yes! Castevet!!!
r i s k y:

GO DIANE! Give em Hell!
Avatar 12:58pm
Cheri Pi:

dagbnabbit I haven't recovered from BeeTee Club with Uncle Andy- and now forseeably I'm going to be rocked back into oblivion by Diane.
Avatar 12:59pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

What Pi said. With bonus dagnabbit. Free with purchase.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

I third that... Long hair and leather all week... More Stout please.
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V Priceless:

Diane giving our procrastinating Spring season the middle digit! Nice!
Avatar 1:05pm
Cheri Pi:

I wouldn't protest another Chastain song... the man is a living embodiment of metalness as I'm sure many, but especially Cecile would agree.
Avatar 1:07pm
Cheri Pi:

I blame this weather on Iced Earth's "Polar Vortex IV" tour of the midwest last week.
Avatar 1:09pm
kirk from beer city usa:

Aw shit, I missed Facedowninshit. Maybe Diann will play Bits of Shit. Or Shit & Shine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Poehler Vortex - blogfiles.wfmu.org...
Avatar 1:16pm

david yow?
Avatar 1:23pm
Cheri Pi:

Yeaaaaa yeaaaaayyyyyyyyhhhhh yoooo yooooooooooooooooooooooo
Avatar 1:25pm
V Priceless:

Wheels falling off! Woo!
Avatar 1:27pm

wardrum hockey?
Avatar 1:28pm

yes, Chastain rocks.
Avatar 1:29pm

hahahhahahhaha this sounds totally ridiculous.
Avatar 1:33pm

you better be wearing a bullet belt and a Rising Sun tee shirt, Diane
Avatar 1:35pm
Cheri Pi:

Yngvie may have broken the mold for rock-snobbery, but what we can learn by observing Dave T. Chastain’s body language simply by checking his myspace account confirms that Sweden better be worried about Cincinnati.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm

cincinnati is home of the beast!
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Cheri Pi:

I can imagine standing like a lot of things, but a Rock???
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Riot! Alert Clay Pigeon.
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Cheri Pi:

exactly @common. he’s 88 yrs old on his myspace page is because that’s “Double Infinity”
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this actually has one of those Judas Priest vibes like "this isn't really about loansharking, is it?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm

@Cecile: What's the Clay connection?
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Clay always talks about Riot. And he plays Fight the Good Fight.
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Cheri Pi:

it's about "loanshark"
Avatar 1:41pm

I think that's Riot. Or Max Webster. Or Prism or one of them.

hahahahaha castle metal!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm

Oh, thanks, Cecile: thought you were going to say that was Clay singing!
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Cheri Pi:

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the loanshark in his pants.
Avatar 1:41pm
Cheri Pi:

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Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm

@cheri: METAL indeed.
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Avatar 1:43pm
V Priceless:

Granite Metal!
Avatar 1:43pm

I think that would be a great metal song "loanshark in my pants"
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Cheri Pi:

Avatar 1:45pm

actually, much like the Chinese fortune cookie, most metal song titles would be clarified by adding the words "in my pants".

"Keep the Flame Burning in My Pants"
"Run to the Hills in My Pants"
"Plasma Center Blues in my Pants"
Avatar 1:48pm

hail King Fowley!
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Cheri Pi:

It's not TRUE POWER CASTLE METAL song without 99 indications made of their virility. it's a very tight artform.
Avatar 1:49pm

hehehehehe cheri
Cecile the last resonance of perdition?
Avatar 1:50pm

I'll have a Blackened Dutch Heretic with some applesauce.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm

a friend of mine hated craw just because the word craw made her scalp itch. i happen to love them and have no problem with the word.
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Scenes from Hell....in my pants!
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ok, I think I'm done.
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V Priceless:

to Cecile's point...."The Stench of Burning Death In My Pants"...
Avatar 1:51pm
Cheri Pi:

much like Chastain, these are no commoners of rock. But princes, nay LORDS of metal. Lords don't smile at their subjects. Lords pronounce and make judgments.
Avatar 1:52pm


Awesome, I love this SY track.
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Cheri Pi:

...in my pants
Avatar 1:52pm
dc pat:

oh man, old OLD SY...NOW we're talkin...in my pants...
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kirk from beer city usa:

leave it to Diane to play the most evil-sounding SY jam ever
Avatar 1:53pm

Wow, this IS some old Sonic Youth. Haven't heard this record in forever.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm

Any thoughts regarding the crucial-ness of these spendy DEVO Record Store Day releases? www.recordstoreday.com... www.recordstoreday.com...
Avatar 1:56pm

it's Devo. All ya'll love Devo. Go buy them.
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V Priceless:

I'm gunning for the Max's record...
Avatar 1:57pm
Cheri Pi:

right on time.
Avatar 1:58pm
V Priceless:

wow..Billy boy!
Avatar 2:01pm
Cheri Pi:

Does Upper Crust count as castle Rock? me thinks yes.
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Cheri Pi:

the wind of a speaker. this.
Avatar 2:02pm
V Priceless:

hmm...Crust is more "Palace" rock, no?
Avatar 2:02pm

Palace Rock.
Avatar 2:04pm
dc pat:

I keep forgetting to get into Upper Crust, dammit...
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V Priceless:

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Cheri Pi:

I stand corrected! For DCP@ youtu.be...
Avatar 2:07pm
dc pat:

right after Ubu, Pi.
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V Priceless:

sounds like the '77-'79 line-up!
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Cheri Pi:

I listened to Little Lord Fauntleroy just now.
Avatar 2:09pm
Cheri Pi:

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DIane is bringing out the big guns.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

Sonic Youth, Pere Ubu, Joy Division in the same set!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Ability to focus on work tasks...fading, fading.
Avatar 2:13pm
V Priceless:

DK's jet lag will show no mercy upon our wonderfully battered souls...and ears!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm

man, this final is beautiful!
Avatar 2:16pm
Cheri Pi:

did godflesh play on the east coast recently?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm

@common: You said it!
Avatar 2:16pm

Loving this Final, oh, and thanks for the SY!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm

@cheri: godflesh played in philly last friday, but i could not afford it, alas. @mario: i'd never heard of them before. so good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm

Question out of the blue, but who was that 80s metal band with the lead guitarist who would also do ballet while soloing? Can't seem to find the right search terms on Google...
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would that be Winger?
Avatar 2:24pm

he used to pirouette a lot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm

Winger? Really? Huh. Thought it was some more obscure band. Thanks!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

<insert image of Stewart from Beavis & Butt-head, with look of astonishment>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm

Think I just fell in love with Huntress.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm

What a trip Cecile. Just found a Youtube "10 WTF Moments in Metal" that mentions it. But it also lists Bruce Dickinson's sword fighting as a WTF moment. But to me, whats more metal than Bruce Dickinson sword fighting?
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Cheri Pi:

Gawdd she has pipes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm

ah ha! now I understand final. i should look shit up more often.
Avatar 2:41pm
Cheri Pi:


New Candiria single is a cover of Iron Madiens "Invaders" and its the tits. just sayin...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm

Wow, have not heard Penelope Houston's voice in years!
Avatar 2:49pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

DANG. Had to split for foodies walkabout & missed my Helios...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:49pm

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Cheri Pi:

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Cheri Pi:

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Rev. Turnip Druid:

....yet just in time, t'would seem...!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm

There go the hats...
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Cheri Pi:

Voivod radar RTD
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Cheri Pi:

there go the poorly glued on mutton chops
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

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dc pat:

really think it's a good idea to have a tune that is the same name as your group. Am I wrong?
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Cheri Pi:

hey hey weer the Voivod?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm

@dc pat: absolutely!
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Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

VOIVOD! !! !!!
Avatar 2:54pm

Got back from my meeting just in time!
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Cheri Pi:

this True Widow song is so evil and poppy.
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V Priceless:

@ dc - sure...case in point: 'Black Sabbath' - 'nuff said!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Rich in Washington:

I don't know how I'd make it through my week if it wasn't for this show. Seriously.
Avatar 2:57pm
Cheri Pi:

still humming about Voivod
Avatar 2:57pm
V Priceless:

Thanks for a slammin' show, Diane!

the stench of burning death in my pants
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

i'm with you, rich. my favorite!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

Thanks Diane! Later everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Rich in Washington:

still voiding about humvod
Avatar 3:00pm
Cheri Pi:

whelp-now Fabio doesn't have much ear cilia to work with. thanks for the RAWK DK, welcome back!
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