Favoriting Sinner's Crossroads with Kevin Nutt: Playlist from April 24, 2014 Favoriting

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Scratchy vanity 45s, pilfered field recordings, muddy off-the-radio sounds, homemade congregational tapes and vintage commercial gospel throw-downs; a little preachin', a little salvation, a little audio tomfoolery.

Thursday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thursday 9 - 10am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio

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Thu. Mar 13th, 8pm - 9pm: Kevin Nutt and his Co-Host Micah

Favoriting April 24, 2014

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Artist Track Label Year Approx. start time
Silver Quintette  Sinner's Crossroads   Favoriting VJ  1956  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Boyce Sisters  Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled   Favoriting Mastertone    0:03:41 (Pop-up)
American Trumpets (North Carolina)  God I Serve   Favoriting Golden Beam    0:06:32 (Pop-up)
Birmingham Jubilee Singers  Do You Call That Religion   Favoriting Columbia  1926  0:11:13 (Pop-up)
Silvertone Gospel Singers  There Is A Light   Favoriting Radio Artists  1947  0:14:31 (Pop-up)
Melody Jubilee Singers  When The Battle Is Over   Favoriting Ebony  c.1948-50  0:17:43 (Pop-up)
Pilgrim Travelers  I Was There When The Spirit Came   Favoriting Specialty  1950  0:20:15 (Pop-up)
Hightower Brothers  He's A Warrior   Favoriting Nashboro  c.1960  0:22:34 (Pop-up)
Royal Harmonizers  Search Heaven   Favoriting Designer  1969  0:25:45 (Pop-up)
Masonic All-Stars  Wait On The Lord   Favoriting Staff    0:28:40 (Pop-up)
Heavenly Five  Make It In   Favoriting Anderson    0:35:42 (Pop-up)
Jackson Trumpeteers  Lord Remember Me   Favoriting Designer  1975  0:39:34 (Pop-up)
Philip Temple Harmonizers  Don't You Want To Go   Favoriting Toledo    0:44:55 (Pop-up)
True Tone Spirituals  Never Wonder About Him   Favoriting Staff    0:47:07 (Pop-up)
Whitestar Spiritual Singers  Everyday Will Be Sunday   Favoriting HSE    0:51:12 (Pop-up)
Brother Prince Dixon  I'm Glad I'm Free   Favoriting Peacock  1962  0:56:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 8:01pm

Het everybody, Look at me! I'm in the FRONT pew today fellow sinners.
Avatar 8:01pm

Whoot-whoot, Whooda.
Avatar 8:03pm

Glorious Thursday to you DJ Kevin Nutt.
Avatar 8:06pm

@Whooda you are the only one in the front pew!
Avatar 8:07pm
Deacon Dave:

Greetings, what is the Sermon tonight?
Avatar 8:07pm

DD--I was just thinking about you today. Where you been?
Avatar 8:10pm

@Davee, huh-oh, is it my body odor or something I said?
Avatar 8:10pm
Deacon Dave:

I've been listening but not online . . .last week was away. . . t a Baptist Church on Easter . . .
Avatar 8:12pm

Avatar 8:12pm

Nah, just that no one sits in the front . . . always in the back . . . I've always thought that there should be some kind of invention where the pastor pushes a button and the pews automatically move forward . . . kind of like an escalator.
Avatar 8:15pm

Good track by the Silvertones
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Matt F:

"Your radio friends on records"!
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm

Love the backing vocals on this Silvertones track...
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Matt F:

WFMU: "Your record friends on radio".
Avatar 8:18pm

WFMU--Where Freeformers Meet & Unite
Avatar 8:18pm

@Davee, that's esclating pews idea is brilliant! I'm only sitting in front to make-up for last week when I slid into the back pew 'cause I was late (and needed to 'rest my eyes' a few minutes)
Avatar 8:19pm
Deacon Dave:

WFMU - Freeform not Deform
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4 freedom (Good Luck Scotland)
Avatar 8:20pm

The congregation restroom--Where the reformers meet and urinate. :)
Avatar 8:21pm
Deacon Davee:

@Whooda: Makes sense to me; shall I join you up front? There's a lady back here with a huge hat in front of me and I can't see a thing!
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Matt F:

Little Sugar!
Avatar 8:24pm

@Matt--yeah man! He could do it.
Avatar 8:26pm
Deacon Dave:

I'm moving up front; I'm missing all the action.
Avatar 8:27pm

I'm Nutt's for Sinner's Crossroads! That would be good on a t-shirt
Avatar 8:29pm

When the fish scent fill the air, there'll be snuff juice everywhere....wait that's something else...never mind.
Avatar 8:32pm

...man I love those slow funky ones. Masonic All-Stars.
Avatar 8:34pm
Deacon D:

Was closing my eyes and humming along to the Masonic All-Stars
Avatar 8:36pm
Deacon Da:

A nice bluesy number with great back up singers!
Avatar 8:40pm
Deacon Dav:

I'm a swinging and a swaying, a jumping and a hollering, and a snapping and a clapping.
Avatar 8:44pm
Deacon Dave:

The PILL that WILL!
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:44pm

I don't know where i'd be today if it wasn't for the Rooster Pill.
Avatar 8:45pm

@cklequ That rooster pill will straighten your cock right out.
Avatar 8:46pm

Rev Izear warned me the first time not to take the Rooster until I got home. But I couldn't wait and when I got home I couldn't get from behind the steerin' wheel.
Avatar 8:47pm

Run that up the flag pole!
Avatar 8:48pm

The only side effect that I experienced was crowing at the first sight of dawn.
Avatar 8:51pm

And I'm sure Dawn was pleased.....
Avatar 8:55pm
Deacon Dave:

Oh no! Is it the end already? Great show tonight and don't get caught in any steering wheels.
Avatar 8:55pm
Sean B.:

Thanx for the gift Kevin!.
Avatar 8:56pm

Thanks, everyone. Y'all be good.
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