Favoriting Nick Name: Playlist from April 25, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting April 25, 2014

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:
Kojiro Umezaki 

"…seasons continue, as if none of this ever happened…"   Favoriting


In A Circle Records 


0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jeffrey Lewis  The Gasman Cometh   Favoriting 12 Crass Songs  Rough Trade    0:09:41 (Pop-up)
Ice Cream Mission To Mars  Ice Cream Mission To Mars   Favoriting Ice Cream Mission To Mars  Toy Moon    0:12:27 (Pop-up)
Armand Mirallès  Lady Conga   Favoriting L'apres-Midi Chaud  Fractal    0:14:49 (Pop-up)
Mirage  Do You Remember   Favoriting Blood For The Return  Olde English Spelling Bee     0:21:11 (Pop-up)
The Fat White Family  Heaven On Earth   Favoriting Champagne Holocaust  Trashmouth    0:25:30 (Pop-up)
Dustin Wong  Pink Diamond   Favoriting Dreams Say, View, Create, Shadow Leads  Thrill Jockey    0:27:36 (Pop-up)
Grex  Guinea   Favoriting Monster Music  Brux    0:33:10 (Pop-up)
Blood Farmers  Night Of The Sorcerers   Favoriting Headless Eyes  Resurrection Records    0:39:59 (Pop-up)
The Farm  Jungle Song   Favoriting Farm  Normal Records    0:49:28 (Pop-up)
Gabor Szabo  Somewhere I belong   Favoriting Gabor Szabo 1969  DCC    0:57:01 (Pop-up)
Krokofant  Bodega   Favoriting Krokofant  Rune Grammofon    1:05:46 (Pop-up)
Ramases  Love You   Favoriting Complete Discography  Vertigo    1:13:27 (Pop-up)
The Black Dog  Psil-cosyin   Favoriting Spanners  Warp    1:17:50 (Pop-up)
Charles Cohen  Group Motion Performance   Favoriting A Retrospective  Morphine     1:27:29 (Pop-up)
Death  First Snowfall In Detroit   Favoriting III  Drag City    1:39:42 (Pop-up)
Tortoise  Everglade   Favoriting TNT  City Slang    1:44:38 (Pop-up)
Patto  Money Bag   Favoriting Patto  Akarma    1:48:52 (Pop-up)
Matmos  Sun On 5 at 152   Favoriting The West  Vague Terrain    2:03:07 (Pop-up)
Pat Metheny  Sea Song   Favoriting Watercolors  Polydor    2:13:40 (Pop-up)
The Chills  Satin Doll   Favoriting Dunedin Double  Captured Tracks / Flying Nun    2:23:17 (Pop-up)
The peoples Temple  If You Wanna Roll   Favoriting Musical Garden  HoZac    2:27:27 (Pop-up)
back magic  Cobra   Favoriting Chorus Line to Hell  Milvia Son    2:31:44 (Pop-up)
Weekend  Summer Days   Favoriting The '81 Demos  Blackest Ever Black    2:35:17 (Pop-up)
Psyche  Krieg   Favoriting Re-Membering Dwayne  Dark Entries    2:38:29 (Pop-up)
keir Neuringer  Fifth Ceremony - The Dogwood Circle (Round and Round, Round and Round)   Favoriting Ceremonies Out of the Air  New Atlantis    2:43:37 (Pop-up)
Charles Atlas  Chapultepac   Favoriting To the Dust: From Man You Came and To Man You Shall Return  Brainwashed  FMA www.freemusicarchive.org   

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:07am

wow, this is great
Nick Name:

Hello All / ello Bryce - yeh new in this week , really great cd -
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15am

hey Nick hey nighttime folks ,, nice to be listening here .
marmalade kitty:

I have to star this track -Lady Conga x
Avatar 12:24am

I was in a band with the Ice Cream Mission guy waaay back in high school!
marmalade kitty:

Hola! back to bed for me ;)
Nick Name:

hey Marmalade Kitty - thx for checking in - good night
Nick Name:

Hi Tome / Droll!!

Top of the morning to DJ Nick N. & The Gang.
Must say: mesmerizingly good set, from Umezaki straight through to Wong
Nick Name:

Hi P-90
Avatar 12:53am

This has been a damned fine set. You've been practicing!
Avatar 1:08am

Yes, quite a fine radio broadcast you have here young man DJ Nick Name.
Avatar 1:10am

. o O ( This band Krokofant has been practicing! )
Uhhh, pretty rugged drumming.
Nick Name:

@Droll : 25 + years djing for me , i should of got it by now , ha ha
Krokofant - def been practicing
Nick Name:

Hi Whooda
Avatar 1:15am

Left during sublime Umezaki for cat herding, return to this savage beat. Good going, Captain Name.
Nick Name:

Hi Fleep
Avatar 1:21am

Whooda, If NN's been DJing 25+ years, what qualifies as "Young Man"? Or maybe he started at a really young age? Pre-teen?
Nick Name:

@Droll - roughly beginning of my teens
Avatar 1:36am

@Droll compared to my age, the majority of the population are whippersnappers.
Avatar 1:38am

Well, young man, practice makes perfect. Someday you might make it to professional radio where you don't even have to pick songs! You stick with it regardless what the Old Codger says.
Avatar 1:39am

@Nick Name, just looked up the definition of "whippersnapper" I was just being silly, I didn't realize it's meaning has somehow morphed into an insult of sorts. That isn't my meaning.
Nick Name:

oh the young today are whippersnappers
Avatar 1:43am

I like the sound of that word, whippersnappers. It sounds like a dessert or candy.
Avatar 1:45am

It does sound like something granny might bake up in the kitchen or something high-school kids would use to get high.
Avatar 1:47am

cipher, dwarf, half-pint, insect, insignificancy, lightweight, morsel, nonentity, nothing, nullity, number, pip-squeak, pygmy (also pigmy), shrimp, snippersnapper, twerp, nobody, zero, zilch
Avatar 1:47am

I saw the Death documentary but don't remember this minimal style of instrumental.

"peppermint whippersnappers"
Avatar 1:49am

Whippersnappers was once a term of endearment (albeit backhanded) toward the younger generation. Now it's just a crude insult I guess.
Avatar 1:50am

Snap that whip. Give the past a slip.
Avatar 1:53am

Sigh... We're not growing old, we're de-evolving?!
Avatar 1:53am

I could sure go for a big creme filled, peppermint glazed whippersnapper about now.
Avatar 1:57am

...hot from the oven!
Avatar 1:58am

Speaking of Granny's specialty time wasters, I'm selling my quilting frame at a giveaway price if anyone around NYC or upstate area is in the market.
Avatar 2:06am

Whooda, How do the quilts taste?
Avatar 2:07am

They're very filling.
Avatar 2:09am

They are a little dry and must be enjoyed warm.
Avatar 2:10am

I love to curl up with a nice warm quilt to nosh on. If only there weren't the 2,500 miles...

Nick, great firstseti was on my way home from working late and couldnt get out of my car for half an hour listening to your show, im a long time listener to the station and friend of Bryce, have you been on long? and is this your regular timeslot?i will be listening again,keep on playing interesting music
Avatar 2:12am

This thing is fucking huge. I live at the top of three flights of narrow stairs and can barely get it downstairs DISASEMBLED
Nick Name:

Hi Johnapuglise, thx for checking in / comments - i started in december (2013) i.e., the current schedule. Yes this is my regular weekly slot - cheers.
Avatar 2:22am

@Whooda Were you planning on using it for an art project or were you just cold at night?
Avatar 2:26am

I always wanted to do quilting, I began sewing around four years old, but never with any competence. I ended up quilting by hand which is the whole joy of the process to begin with and I have no desire to quilt for profit (business).
Avatar 2:30am

The first quilt top I made I used my office clothes. Much pleasure in taking scissors to all my Dockers slacks and Arrow collared shirts.

thanks i will be listening whenever im up at this hour which is quite a lot, say high to my old friend Stan i havent seen him in a long while either.
Avatar 2:41am

Terrific show as always DJ Nick Name. I have to hit the sack now. Thanks.
Avatar 2:45am

G'night Whooda. I hope you're sleeping in your old work clothes.
Avatar 2:49am

Thanks Droll, actually I sewed a therapudic blanket. It weighs 20 lbs. It is stitched with 4" pockets that are filled with rice. It feels the same as when the dentist places that lead apron on you before taking x-rays of your teeth except the weight is from head to toe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:52am
Wynford Eagle:

I was working at trident studios in soho, mooching around in dark corners and found tapes of skinny puppy in a dusty corner….of course i 'took' them home…and that was my introduction to skinny puppy…always a big fan of weekend too…and space hymns by ramases is so mindbendingly great - i've had people leave the room after hearing phasar one, totally freaked out by it….got the vinyl gatefold 1st pressing - had to have it - got any tractor?

Did some tour visuals for a tortoise tour in the style of early lines and squares animation, the band weren't that bothered about it but we sure had fun live mixing our stuff into the live band, and of course we went to every gig too - best was electric ballroom camden!!
Avatar 2:56am

Another fine show to download from the archive for a second listen. Thank you, Captain Mister Sir Name.
Avatar 2:58am

The heavy blanket sounds good. I filled a sock with rice and if I put it in the microwave for 2 minutes it makes a fantastic hand-warmer. All you need is a microwave big enough for the quilt. Or just boil the quilt and have something to nosh on.

Thanks, NN, for all the extra practice you put in! Have a fun week!
Nick Name:

Hi Wynford Eagle - ahh Trident, that must have been good! (or not?) yes - will get round to playing Tractor soon, thx for the nudge - and commenting / checking in
Nick Name:

thanks all - appreciate the comments - have a good weekend
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