Favoriting Stan: Playlist from April 25, 2014 Favoriting

A musical journey through the lands of rock, pop, jazz and soul on the spaceship of time.

(A complete playlist will be added after the show is posted to the archives; please check back in a few days.)

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Favoriting April 25, 2014

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:06am

Howdy pepps, wazzup my sisters and gangstas of planet ummm something
Avatar 3:16am

Alrighty then (pet detective style) Good too see that i´ve got allllllllllllll thiss beatifully colored room alllllll to miselfie.... haha.......ooooo..... one single tear dropp. It's a rather FAT DROp
Avatar 3:16am

sei gegrüßt and good morning!
that guitar piece was great (id?)
Avatar 3:18am

I was performing dental hygiene. You can imagine how long that takes with all these teeth. You are not alone. Don't hog the sofa.
Avatar 3:20am

I will ;try my dandest dear fleep

Stan! When the fuck did you add a comments/setlist? You've always been the best music when I've caught you, but there was no way to tell you until now. Much love, going back years....
Avatar 3:42am

Knock knock
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:45am
! I X Key !:

Whos there
Avatar 3:46am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:49am
! I X Key !:

Standing who
Avatar 3:50am

Standing my fucking ground, that's who ... Good 2 see 4 all mankind
Avatar 3:52am

Alrighty i belive this was first knock knock joke EVER, WELL THE FIRST ONE MIGHT HAVE SUCKED obs caps.. but the second who knows
Avatar 3:55am

its kinda sounding like a ships horn
Avatar 4:53am

Fear fucking fear is probably is not what the one shoed homeless man is thinking! What is it that thrives to literally not too give a fluing fuck? Could it be that the people of society choose to look away when meeting upon a man who looks like he has nothing to offer them?... Simple DNA inputs for socalised survival?.... But kindness is there as well

This must be the best radio show on the planet..
Avatar 5:10am

Mystic trails to the unknown in my mind. It is hidden in other minds, mystic too me , normal to them. The key is human interaction, fucking human social skills. I dont have the key yet! but i can pick the locks. It takes time. But i will gain the key,,,, with?
Avatar 5:19am

stan, a terrible bug happened, the tracklist appeared for a sec !
hi everyone.

Stan, you old son-of-a-gun. Hope all's well with you.
Avatar 5:26am

Hi bibs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Stan. Hi, folks.
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