Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from May 19, 2014 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Monday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting May 19, 2014: Confessional travels of musicians, with Melaena Cadiz and Leif Vollebekk

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Artist Track Album Label Format Approx. start time
Michael Hurley  Werewolf   Favoriting Wolfways      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Michael Fennelly  Leanna   Favoriting       0:04:15 (Pop-up)
Humble Tripe  South Capri   Favoriting The Giving      0:09:30 (Pop-up)
Alela Diane  About Farewell   Favoriting About Farewell      0:11:42 (Pop-up)
Marissa Nadler  Desire   Favoriting July  Sacred Bones Records ‎    0:15:19 (Pop-up)
The Low Anthem  (Don't) Tremble   Favoriting       0:21:06 (Pop-up)
Mandolin Orange  Until the Last Light Fades   Favoriting This Side of Jordan      0:25:43 (Pop-up)
Matt Bauer  Tonight We Sing Our Songs   Favoriting No Shape Can Hold Me Now  Crossbill    0:34:48 (Pop-up)
Mia Doi Todd  Under the Sun   Favoriting Cosmic Ocean Ship      0:37:47 (Pop-up)
Midlake  Provider Reprise   Favoriting Antiphon      0:42:56 (Pop-up)
Peter Walker  Barefoot   Favoriting "Second Poem to Karmela" or Gypsies Are Important      0:48:49 (Pop-up)
Ryley Walker  Blessings   Favoriting All Kinds of You  Tompkins Square    0:53:25 (Pop-up)
Bert Jansch  Blackwaterside   Favoriting Dazzling Stranger      0:58:37 (Pop-up)

Live performance by Melaena Cadiz
Melaena Cadiz had been busily preparing for the May 20th release of her second album, "Deep Below Heaven." Cadiz has a touch of a vocal growl underscoring her delicately soulful songs. In 2013, she released a song each month that she put up on Bandcamp as "The Singles Project." For her latest, Melaena was inspired by her Photographer/husband Mikael Kennedy's small portraits of people and places in the American landscape, and by a line from a Sam Shepard story. Melaena and her band played some of these songs live.
Melaena Cadiz  Neon Drag   Favoriting       1:06:51 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Swinging Low   Favoriting       1:14:24 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Sharp White Teeth   Favoriting       1:21:04 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Deep Below Heaven   Favoriting Deep Below Heaven    CD  1:28:33 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Bluestem Grass   Favoriting       1:30:30 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Motel Evangeline   Favoriting       1:35:53 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Love of Mine   Favoriting       1:41:42 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Needles River   Favoriting Deep Below Heaven    CD  1:47:18 (Pop-up)
Beth Sorrentino  Another Time   Favoriting Would You Like to Go: A Curt Boettcher Songbook  Basta    1:50:37 (Pop-up)
Kathleen Martin  Gracewater Waltz   Favoriting (Soundcloud download)      1:53:25 (Pop-up)
Jeff Buckley  Lover, You Should Have Come Over   Favoriting       1:57:33 (Pop-up)

Live performance by Leif Vollebekk
Canadian singer-songwriter Leif Vollebekk played a short set, recorded when he breezed through town last month. Vollebekk's vocal style is very reminiscent of Jeff Buckley, but there's a touch of Dylan's improvisational style in his delivery. Lief's songs conjure up the many places he traveled in North America in search of the perfect recorded take on the songs. Leif Vollebekk is in the middle of a tour that leads to the Newport Folk Festival in July, and dropped by to play some songs for Irene.
Leif Vollebekk  Southern United States   Favoriting North Americana  Missing Piece    2:08:56 (Pop-up)
Leif Vollebekk  Cairo Blues   Favoriting       2:13:26 (Pop-up)
Leif Vollebekk  Off the Main Drag   Favoriting       2:23:21 (Pop-up)
Leif Vollebekk  From the Fourth   Favoriting       2:33:45 (Pop-up)
Leif Vollebekk  Photographer Friend   Favoriting       2:42:20 (Pop-up)
Leif Vollebekk  When the Subway Comes Above the Ground   Favoriting North Americana  Missing Piece    2:46:42 (Pop-up)
Michela Anne  Black and Grey   Favoriting Ease My Mind  Georgia June Records    2:56:47 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Sean in Bristol, UK:

Hi Irene, hello one and all
Avatar 12:00pm
Deacon Dave:

Hi Irene; looking forward to a relaxing show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

hey irene! good people!

this song is soothing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm having trouble hearing with this tinfoil had on. Hopefully, I can cut out some earholes and not lose effectiveness.
Avatar 12:11pm

Hello Irene. Another week ahead and already great sounds to travel with. Thanks. Received email from Sam Moss re: his WFMU recorded show. Will listen later. Have fine days.
Avatar 12:12pm

Digging the Flickr, Irene. Thanks!
Avatar 12:15pm
Deacon Dave:

I'm in the mood for some Sloan Wainright . . . any chance?
Avatar 12:16pm

Hello, Irene, et al'ya! Just starting a sandwich made for lunch and listening with pleasure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

sounds good, kat330!
Avatar 12:18pm

I heard Michael Hurley is playing in NYC. Is he back living there or still in No. VT.? How do I find your Flickr?
Avatar 12:18pm

Avatar 12:19pm

Duh! Just figured the Flickr out.
Sean in Bristol, UK:

@Kat, what's the filling?
Avatar 12:22pm

[wiping hands first] Sean -- roast turkey with a Swiss cheese slice, tomato, lettuce, cucumber & some mayo (on rye, even though you weren't interested in that ;).
don d:

Hurley @ Union Pool, Brooklyn this week, 2 nights I think
Avatar 12:24pm
V Priceless:

Hi Irene, folks!
Avatar 12:25pm

yes, I read that somewhere. Is that the same Hurley from Holy Modal Rounders?
don d:

one and the same gongoleer
Avatar 12:34pm

thanks don d. I thought so. He's still at it. That's great! Do you know if he still lives in VT.?
Avatar 12:36pm

I love this harmony -- 4ths/5ths, medieval, Eastern European.
Avatar 12:40pm
Van in DC:

Hi Irene. Good excuse for being late - I was at the tip top of the newly reopened Washington Monument.
don d:

gongoleer; thought he was still in Oregon, but that's old info
Avatar 12:42pm

@Van: Mollusk! We were out of luck when visiting DC/Baltimore last April. :, I'd been there before, but it was Philo who really lost out on his first trip to his adopted nation's capitol.
Avatar 12:43pm

maybe so. I'm not really up on hm. At one time he did reside in No. VT. Thanks anyway.
Avatar 12:46pm
Van in DC:

That's too bad kat! Gotta get back!

I take full advantage nearly every day, working right across the street from the Smithsonian Castle / Mall. Most people here do not; I find that just amazing that they don't
Avatar 12:49pm

@Van: Hasn't the Monument been shut down ever since your arrival there though?
Avatar 12:52pm
Van in DC:

I was here a year before it shut down but never went. Then I transferred for a year to Dallas, TX, and the earthquake hit DC on my birthday in 2011. That closed the monument until exactly one week ago, and I've been back in DC for almost 2.5 yrs now
Avatar 12:53pm
Van in DC:

I do something touristy almost every day at lunch. A museum, a monument, White House, Capitol, etc. etc.:)
Avatar 12:57pm

Good on ya. Reminding me that May is "Hometown Tourist" month in Lullville when many attractions have reduced prices -- um, not free here as are most "touristy" things in D.C.
don d:

Ryley Walker always sounds timeless/mature for a fairly young (very young to me) age...
Avatar 12:58pm
Van in DC:

Those ones that charge, I have yet to do them here, namely the Spy Museum and Newseum, etc...
Avatar 1:00pm

Loving this set, Irene -- finding a connection in many of them having interesting beats / percussion.
don d:

semi-related to Jansch: Zep being sued by Mark Andes of Spirit to try to get Randy California's name added to "Stairway.." due to its similarity to 'Taurus', on 1st Spirit album (1968)...Page re-mastering Zep albums and IV due out fairly soon..
Avatar 1:10pm

Ms, Cadiz is continuing w/ good rhythm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm

This is Great!
Avatar 1:27pm

Her name is pronounced KAY-dees down yonder in Kentucky, FYI.
Avatar 🥁 1:28pm

The Michigan side of Lake Michigan is nothing but sand. Huge dunes, even.
Avatar 1:29pm

Lakes are just like oceans except with smaller waves, less salt and fewer sharks
Avatar 1:30pm
Deacon Dave:

Some lakes have leaches!
Avatar 1:30pm

@Braveness23: I had one of the best boogie board sessions once on a rough Lake Michigan, and that's comparing w/ the Pacific and the Gulf.
Avatar 1:31pm

Some lakes are bigger than others.
Avatar 1:31pm
Deacon Dave:

Some lakes have water.
Avatar 1:33pm

@Kat330 my family has an island on Georgian Bay so the vast majority of my Great Lakes knowledge is limited to what I've seen here: www.google.com...
Avatar 1:34pm
thunderish' Jay:

Hi evry1, nice music... who believes in Cryptid's, btw?
Avatar 1:35pm

@B23: What the hey have they now done to Google Maps? Noticed this a few days ago. Irksome. Anyhoo, you get my SC email sent to folks yesterday?
Avatar 1:36pm
Van in DC:

Young lady I know told me yesterday she has been to 18 countries. Wowzers. I've been to 13 and am twice her age...she was just at Galapagos islands a few days ago when that ship ran aground!
Jason in Chicago:

Come play a show in Chicago, Melaena!
Avatar 1:38pm

@Kat330 I haven't checked my gmail for a few days. I am in email avoidance mode. So many people want to communicate with me but so few have anything important to say. You are an exception. I'll check it out.
Avatar 1:39pm

Well, I dunno if it would come to your gmail -- depends on your SC settings -- but it should be in your mail area actually on SC. Just curious how many ever make it to the intended destinations.
Avatar 1:46pm

get her to vt. as well.
Avatar 1:47pm
Van in DC:

Yes, thank you Melaena & band
Avatar 1:54pm

Ohhhh......wow! Thank you for this nod, Irene! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm
Irene Trudel:

You're welcome kat!
Avatar 1:57pm

Oiva!! as Philo would say. :)
Avatar 2:14pm

From Cadiz to Canada to Cairo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm
Irene Trudel:

Yeah, it's a day for mentally traveling, @kat!
Avatar 2:19pm

Yes, I love Montreal, too! Recall riding the rapids with fondness.
Avatar 2:23pm

He seems super sweet and gentle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29pm

love montreal and - yes, kat330- he does sound sweet.
Avatar 2:29pm

Tyson wrote Someday Soon, too.
Avatar 2:33pm

In his WFMU t-shirt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:34pm
Irene Trudel:

He certainly was a very charming guy. I loved talking to him (this was recorded a month ago).
Avatar 2:43pm

Ahh, really like the sound of that Wurlitzer.
Avatar 2:47pm

And you were so gentle with him, Irene. Important for first times. :)
  Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

Thanks, Irene, Melaena, Leif, and all engineers...
Avatar 2:58pm

Yes, kiitos to the engineers. And thanks again, ever so much Irene, for the airplay and this entire wonderful afternoon of sound. Have a very lovely Memorial Day vacation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Irene Trudel:

I was (am) the engineer, and your humble host. Catch you in two weeks!
Avatar 3:12pm
Van in DC:

Missed the end, but thanks Irene
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