Favoriting Dance With Me, Stanley with Stashu: Playlist from June 3, 2014 Favoriting

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This isn't the kind of show you take home to your family. Get your polka shoes on and get ready to rumble.

Monday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 8pm - 9pm: Stashu and her Co-Host Joe McGasko

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Favoriting June 3, 2014: You're Grounded
Punishment never looked so much like radio.

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
OMD  Radio Waves   Favoriting   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Pavement  Cut Your Hair   Favoriting   0:04:01 (Pop-up)
Magazine 60  Don Quixote   Favoriting   0:06:50 (Pop-up)
The Frogs  Banjo Bonnie   Favoriting   0:10:01 (Pop-up)
Waldorf  You're My Disco   Favoriting   0:12:13 (Pop-up)
Kings of Convenience  Rule My World (Velferd Remix)   Favoriting   0:16:13 (Pop-up)
Broken Twin  No Darkness   Favoriting May  0:21:34 (Pop-up)
DJ Tonio & David Caretta  My Telephone is Dead   Favoriting   0:27:07 (Pop-up)
Worakls  Bleu   Favoriting   0:33:26 (Pop-up)
The Amish  A People of Preservation Dance Version   Favoriting   0:41:24 (Pop-up)
Magazine 60  Playa Del Amor   Favoriting   1:06:24 (Pop-up)
Jungle Jim  Beach   Favoriting   1:10:15 (Pop-up)
Zombie Zombie  L'Age D'Or   Favoriting   1:14:06 (Pop-up)
The Zombies  Tell Her No and Summertime MASHED 2gether   Favoriting   1:21:45 (Pop-up)
Pepito Gutierrez  Noche Y Dia   Favoriting   1:24:49 (Pop-up)
N'to  Django   Favoriting   1:27:50 (Pop-up)
Andrews Sisters  I've Just Got To Get Out of the Habit   Favoriting   1:34:59 (Pop-up)
Space DJz  Crime and Punishment   Favoriting   1:38:12 (Pop-up)
Chicks On Speed  Time (Strobe Light)   Favoriting   1:43:12 (Pop-up)
Wolfgang Reichman  Weltweit   Favoriting   1:55:50 (Pop-up)
Pepito Gutierrez  No Volvere   Favoriting   2:05:05 (Pop-up)
Timmy Thomas  Why Can't We Live Together   Favoriting   2:08:00 (Pop-up)
The Chakachas  Cha Ka Cha   Favoriting   2:12:51 (Pop-up)
Nightcore  Amish Paradise   Favoriting   2:15:18 (Pop-up)
Simply Saucer  Here Come the Cyborgs Pt 2   Favoriting   2:19:57 (Pop-up)
David Caretta  Punishment Song   Favoriting   2:22:39 (Pop-up)
Wolfgang Reichman  Himmelblau   Favoriting   2:30:29 (Pop-up)
EMA  Cthulu   Favoriting   2:36:35 (Pop-up)
Giorgio Moroder  Call Me (Instrumental)   Favoriting   2:41:53 (Pop-up)
Les Baxter and His Orchestra  Love Is a Fabulous Thing!   Favoriting   2:45:15 (Pop-up)
Les Baxter  Pennsylvania Dutch Remix   Favoriting   2:49:01 (Pop-up)
PJ Harvey  50 ft Queenie   Favoriting   2:51:30 (Pop-up)
Chicks On Speed  Time Ripples   Favoriting   2:57:48 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


greetings! waves. nice knots. yea.

Willy DaLump:

I got wood here.

are we in trouble because video killed the radio star?
Avatar 3:08am
DJ Stashu:

Dazzle ship greetings and dusty 45 wishes
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 3:11am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, DJ Stashu and fellow listeners. Did you get some records at the record fair this weekend?
Avatar 3:12am
DJ Stashu:

I found some. Magazine 60 45

i had a great time.
Avatar 3:16am
fred von helsing:

Better late than nefarious !

while being 'detained', i fully intend to write my autobiography on a piece of toilet paper and hide it in a toilet...

magazine 60 45 sounds like a kind ov ammunition that might ov been used in that military armory...<just sayin'>
Avatar 3:23am
fred von helsing:

my buttz ain't feelin' da beatz oh noez

This DJ Tonio track sounds a bit like the Hotline Miami soundtrack (or maybe vice versa?). Either way: the right beats to stay awake!
Avatar 3:35am
fred von helsing:

beatz for buttz / no Toozday rutz / wah de doo dahz

A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having!
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fred von helsing:

@J thus spake Emma Goldman
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DJ Stashu:

Emma Goldman loves polka dots
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fred von helsing:

Here, "Dutch" is a bastardisation of "deutsch"

@ fred, oddly i own 95% of the 'thus spake' series...
marmalade kitty:

"The only way to support a revolution is to make your own!"

Avatar 3:48am
fred von helsing:

@J what's a "thus spake" series? You mean EPrarthana? I used spake in my email Sigs way back in the early daze of teh interwebz :)
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fred von helsing:

I've always wanted to dance to amish kulchur
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DJ Stashu:

Now is your chance
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DJ Stashu:

@ Marmalade: SO TRUE
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fred von helsing:

OK but a revolution without a posse is just self-delusion. Mind you, I'm not knocking self-delusion.

in India, they have a series of small books called 'thus spake'... each one is quotes from a different spiritual figure, Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Ramakrishna, polka roo... etc... ; )
marmalade kitty:

the posse is delusionary also :)

what a revoltin' situation...<this is nice>
Avatar 3:56am
fred von helsing:

"Sire! The peasants are revolting!"

"You can say THAT again..."
marmalade kitty:

you can change yourself! to each their own.. no delusion
Avatar 3:58am
fred von helsing:

the other alternative is to leave the country
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 3:58am
Ken From Hyde Park:

For several years, there was an Amish Market grocery store here, but they closed down in 2008 or 2009. They had good produce, but the prices were kind of high.

drifting to the left...
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fred von helsing:

We had some Mennonites. They were OK with running electric-powered cash registers 'n stuff.

hey. here comes thee bench wagon.<excited>
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fred von helsing:

Battle of Seattle
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fred von helsing:

Holy crap dat was de Voice of God
marmalade kitty:

leave the zombies..

all hail the Metatron!!!! lol!
Avatar 4:08am
DJ Stashu:

The zombies just walked away with no ado.
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DJ Stashu:

What's a do?
marmalade kitty:

Zombies tend to follow o.O watcha!
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DJ Stashu:

Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 4:15am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Must be zombie power.
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fred von helsing:

this sounds like Kraftwerk's Autobahn but with a hangover
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DJ Stashu:

Knock Knock

who's there?
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fred von helsing:

marmalade kitty:

"I believe in compulsary cannibalism, if people were forced to eat what they killed there would be no more war."
? I've been reading some abbie hoffman. :)
Avatar 4:24am
fred von helsing:

@MK there's a similar argument to bring the guillotine to the US of A. Bloodthirsty cap.pun assholes are trying to make it too easy for themselves. Wankers.
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DJ Stashu:

Zombie Zombie
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fred von helsing:

@J Orange!
marmalade kitty:

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fred von helsing:

eat to the amish beat

orange who?
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DJ Stashu:

Orange you glad Zombie Zombie so good

orange who?
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fred von helsing:

hah! Beat me to it.
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fred von helsing:

Orange you glad Stashu is at the controls ?
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DJ Stashu:

WHAT CONTROLS!>!>?!?!?!?!?!?!

thee craftsmanship. wooden stains.

berry funny!! :)

tears ov thee tree...<who weeps for thee willow?>
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fred von helsing:

Stashu is using psychokinesis only
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fred von helsing:

A nun's habit ? An Amish habit ? Get out of it ASAP
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fred von helsing:


zombie zombie is like couscous and NY,NY... anything nice has to be named twice...
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fred von helsing:

Devo goes reggae
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DJ Stashu:

It's made in England
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hello stashers stashers.
this is new chicks on speed ? weirdly good.
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DJ Stashu:

That's what I thought Bibi

cannibals beware the wendigo!!!/// thank you dj stashu for dancing with me... the sandman is calling... nite nite!! :)
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DJ Stashu:

Goodnight J! Thanks for all yr silly/cool comments!

you're an inspiration, dj!!!! : )
Avatar 5:03am

i would add an ounce of phaser and a slice of pitchshifter. just an idea.
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DJ Stashu:

That's too fatty for me.
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fred von helsing:

Yes more voice like Moet & Chandot plz! :-D (or whatever the heck their names are)

welcome to thee future. so new. newwwwwwww
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fred von helsing:

Uh oh it's the Ken's pinchin' a loaf loop
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fred von helsing:

or maybe not
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fred von helsing:

the e-drums had me fooled
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nothing too fatty for stanley. nothing.

beastie boy sample.
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Guido from Cologne:

Good morning everyone!
The comments board is readable?
Is this " Dance With Me, Stanley"?
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Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, all. Did someone mention a fatty?
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DJ Stashu:

Things change
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fred von helsing:

@guido you're late to the groove!
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Guido from Cologne:

Bibi is right: some Electro-harmonix Effect Units can do good jobs on well known evergreens.
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Speaking of fat, I just had a wonderful mini donut with a caramel centre. FYI.
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fred von helsing:

oh man... donuts
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@guido, haa ehx, one of my favourite wallet leakage.
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Guido from Cologne:

I'm late @ work!
Yay, Coolio deserves this treatment!
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Sem Chumbo:

A...mini do-nut? I admire such restraint.

al. on helium.
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@Sem: I got four of them.

sugar high. trippy.
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Sem Chumbo:

Now you're talking.
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Guido from Cologne:

I've seen that "EHX" was written between your lines.
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fred von helsing:

"wallet leakage", dig
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argh, mini donuts, i just got a mini banana to eat in here.
vitamins, beurk.

you always gotta wait for thee punnishment....argh. <tee hee hee it tickles>
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@fred, transposing an expression in another language always tends to be diggable. give us some finnish englicism.
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Sem Chumbo:

@bibi: so in French is there an equivalent of "diggable?"
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Guido from Cologne:

i thought "wallet leakage" hit the spot!
toys for joys and never ebdig desires can drill considerable holes ...
... anyway as far as "EFX" is concerned ...
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@sem : quiphant (well thats my way to write it, people usually write it 'kiffant')
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but the whole 'kiff' thing is kind of 2000s. just like i guess 'dig' is a 2 decades trend. isnt it ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:32am
Guido from Cologne:

"diggable" if not taken as a slang term, is sand and pebbles, is that right?
Google translator says "lösbare Bodenarten".
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fred von helsing:

@bibi hmm let's see if one pops into my haid in the next 28 minutes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38am
Sem Chumbo:

@bibi: dig, digging and diggable, all resurgent usage. I do not know if this is a hipster/ironic/retrograde phenomenon, or the words have entered the mainstream of English vocabulary, rather than remaining archaic slang, referenced for effect.
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this looks diggable.

pretty sure the prospectors dug it. dig? <stay golden>
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Rob W:

Didn't know Wolfgang Riechmann although I see Stashu has played him before... interesting, another member of the German Sky records / electronic music cadre of the late 70s, but his time was brief; he passed away young...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41am
Guido from Cologne:

According to German Wikipedia the whole "dig"-thing is directly derived from the original 40ies/50ies hipster language. It seems logical if it made its way from Jazz-talk to common music-scene lingo during the decades.
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i mean 'digging' is just for music ? you cannot dig a mini donut ?!!
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fred von helsing:

Cool track! & reminds me of Amy Ward's version of Knock on Wood.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43am
Guido from Cologne:

Wolfgang Riechmann's "Wunderbar" was a posthumous hit over here in the late 70ies. he was murdered. His time with streetmark is relatively obscure.
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if you have a tool you can dig into the mini donut and scoop out the caramel
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if one needs a tool to dig a mini donut in this world, then i ll switch to another mutliverse.
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Sem Chumbo:

@bibi: a love letter to someone you really dig?
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fred von helsing:

@bibi tic tac toe done well
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Guido from Cologne:

My Linux shell says:
"no crontab for guido"
The shell isn't nice to me.
I'm gonna be a super-user!
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fred von helsing:

blecch, just started raining

ok maybe the prospectors in thee 1800's didnt think digging was cool. <pretty hard work> <old clem is lookin hot tonight under thee moonlight...><or is it festus?><dig?>

...what an inspiring start into the day!
Bets from Berlin,,, Paul
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Guido from Cologne:

Don't scare me Fred!
we have the bluest of skies here in Köln.
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off to lunch under grey skies in southern Sweden
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fred von helsing:

hey Köln had its spring blowout yeah ? and married ppl can cheat without legal problems ? how did it go this year ? too much beer ? too many tourists ?

i subscribe to "the stylish prospector"...<thee latest in fashionable shovels>
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Sem Chumbo:

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fred von helsing:

Countdown to... dead ass ?
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Guido from Cologne:

beer and tourists make up a never ending stream ...
... who really understands why ...
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it's already over ?! thx stashy stashu.
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fred von helsing:

"DJ Stashu: Getting Europe on the move !"
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Guido from Cologne:

Most daring of battle mixes this morning!
Compliments Stashu!
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fred von helsing:

"When you think it's Jersey... but it's yacht !"
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fred von helsing:

fellows and... fellettes ? oh dear

good night all. <morning> have a fancy week!
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