Favoriting The Ragged Phonograph Program with Mike Haar: Playlist from June 3, 2014 Favoriting

Original ragtime, jazz, and pop music from the first quarter of the 20th century, with historical background on vaudeville-era artists.

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Favoriting June 3, 2014: Debut Broadcast

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Marion Harris  There'll Be Some Changes Made   Favoriting 1924  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Columbia Orchestra  The Stars and Stripes Forever   Favoriting c.1897  0:04:48 (Pop-up)
Billy Murray  The Cubanola Glide   Favoriting 1910  0:04:55 (Pop-up)
Wilbur Sweatman & His Jazz Band  Oh! You La! La!   Favoriting 1918  0:07:54 (Pop-up)
Albert Campbell and Henry Burr  When I Was Twenty One and You Were Sweet Sixteen   Favoriting 1912  0:10:38 (Pop-up)
Sophie Tucker  That Lovin Two-Step Man   Favoriting 1910  0:14:34 (Pop-up)
Golden Gate Orchestra  Sidewalk Blues   Favoriting 1926  0:17:14 (Pop-up)
Cliff Edwards  Sophomore Prom   Favoriting 1929  0:21:12 (Pop-up)
Nat M. Wills  Song of The English Chappie   Favoriting 1909  0:30:31 (Pop-up)
Sousa's Band  At A Georgia Camp Meeting   Favoriting 1908  0:30:49 (Pop-up)
Dorothy Lee  Do Something   Favoriting   0:31:08 (Pop-up)
Cab Calloway  Some of These Days   Favoriting 1930  0:33:29 (Pop-up)
Cliff Carlisle  That Nasty Swing   Favoriting   0:35:28 (Pop-up)
Memphis Jug Band  Little Green Slippers   Favoriting 1934  0:38:49 (Pop-up)
Josephine Baker  Where'd You Get Those Eyes?   Favoriting 1927  0:43:33 (Pop-up)
Warings Pennsylvanians  I've Never Seen a Straight Banana   Favoriting 1927  0:45:32 (Pop-up)
Ada Jones & Len Spencer  Peaches and Cream   Favoriting 1906  0:48:30 (Pop-up)
Edward Meeker  Stuttering Dick   Favoriting 1908  0:52:40 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Wecome to DJ Mike the Barber
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Are these selections being played on the original media or copied to CD/mp3?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
Mike East:

what Ken said. Also, can I get a trim?

Barber’s we all purpose folks back in the day, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
Mike East:

ah, right. then can I also get a gin and a couple of leeches?

@ DJ Mike: Me, I heard recently that the"Moe Howard" cut is coming back into fashion. I'm considering making the switch. However, my hair is slightly wavy, don't you need completely straight hair for the "Moe"? Also, who makes that herbal shampoo that smells like bubblegum?
Avatar 8:27pm

MAC no longer has the antique phonograph show?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm

Welcome Mike the Barber! Evan47 - not to worry, MAC is on hiatus for the summer.
Avatar 8:32pm

aaaah then welcome Mike the Barber
Avatar 8:37pm

Oh! You Kid! How a sexed-up viral hit from the summer of 1909 changed American pop music forever.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
the Master:

Thanks so much for this fantastic music, Mike! I was sad to hear that MAC was off for a bit but your selections and perspectives are simply wonderful.

@ fleep: there's nuthin' like a sexed-up viral hit - from ANY summer

By “Barber” I meant someone who could lance a goiter.
Avatar 8:48pm

I wonder if Andy Breckman would pronounce this show as The Rag-ged Phonograph.. or the Ragged (in pronunciation)

Dude‘s never seen a straight banana.

@ fleep: thanks for recommending that Slate article, it's fascinating, and it has a sound file- -plus those "bawdy" postcards are great
Avatar 8:53pm

@P-90 It seemed like the right show to mention it. It is great this niche is occupied while MAC is away. Thanks, Mike!

Yeah! thanks, Mike! and maybe I'll just take a little off the sides and freshen up the spit curl, I'll let you know next week
Avatar 9:15pm
Joey the Sleaze:

Good First Show!!!

Thanks for sticking with it whilst DJ Mac's roamin' in the gloaming. Catch ya'll next week. Stay sharp!
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