Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from June 8, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting June 8, 2014

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Artist Track Album
Ideal Bread  The Uh Uh Uh   Favoriting The Ideal Bread 
Ash Ra Tempel  Light: Look at Your Sun   Favoriting Schwingungen 
DM Stith  Pity Dance   Favoriting Heavy Ghost 
Earth  Coda Maestoso In F (Flat) Minor [Autechre Remix]   Favoriting Legacy of Dissolution 
Ben Vida  Damaged Particulates XII (Unsound/SubPac Test)   Favoriting V/A: Tunnels 
Daniele Brusaschetto  Iglu   Favoriting Rapida e Indolore 
Matt Rogalsky  Tudor Loops   Favoriting V/A: Feedback (Resonance/LMC) 
Jim Woehrle and Michael Yonkers  Emily   Favoriting Borders of My Mind 
Espers  Meadow   Favoriting Espers 
Dr. Strangely Strange  Roy Rogers   Favoriting Kip of the Serenes 
Rebby Sharp  I'm So Hot   Favoriting In One Mouth and Out the Other 
Sophie Hutchings  It Remains   Favoriting Becalmed 
Phallus Band  J'ai Perdu Mon Phallus   Favoriting V/A: Everything Is Shit: Punk in Brussels, 1977–79 
The Smoke  My Friend Jack   Favoriting V/A: Nuggets II: Original Artyfacts fron the British Empire & Beyond, 1964-1969 
The Idle Race  The Birthday   Favoriting Back to the Story 
The Dukes of Stratosphear  Your Gold Dress   Favoriting 25 O'Clock 
Coagul  Astrofagia   Favoriting La Roda de la Justicia 
Kenny Graham  The Hustling Starts   Favoriting The Small World of Sammy Lee OST 
Jim Shaw  Synthesizer Piece 2   Favoriting Solo Works for Electric Guitar, Electronics, and Audio Tape 1975-1979 
Brian Eno and Karl Hyde  Witness   Favoriting Someday World 
Cameron Michael Nichols-Rage  The Bent Taxis   Favoriting Let's Play! 
Susie Ibarra  Drum Sketch 6   Favoriting Drum Sketches 
Yuko Ikoma  Powdery   Favoriting Esquisse 
Imminent/Synapscape  Warc   Favoriting Screenwalking 
Piad Guyvessant  VFT   Favoriting Volume 1 
Ryoji Ikeda  op. 2 [for string quartet] (2002)   Favoriting Op. 
La 1919  Fate Fagotto!   Favoriting Jouer. Spielen. To Play 
Souljazz Orchestra  As the Crow Flies   Favoriting Inner Fire 
Shin Joong Hyun  The Sun   Favoriting Beautiful Rivers and Mountains: The Psychedelic Rock Sound of South Korea's Shin Joong Hyun 1958-1974 
Mike Cooper  In the Mourning   Favoriting Trout Steel 
New Math  They Walk Among You   Favoriting 7" 
Roger Eno  When the City Sleeps   Favoriting Little Things Left Behind 1988-1998 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:01pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, all.
Avatar 9:04pm
Dave Mandl:

New week, new timeslot.
Avatar 9:04pm

It's an even longer Final Stretch.

Back to the Future!

Onward! Into the past!
Avatar 9:08pm
Dave Mandl:

The final stretch suddenly seems so far away.

Just pace yourself, Buddy. It'll all come back to you, like riding a bike, or waterfall diving.
Avatar 9:11pm

You can make it, Dave, just slap on a prog song or two, the extra hour will simply disappear (just like the audience).
Avatar 9:14pm
Dave Mandl:

@Droll: That's an option, sure.

Haha- I was gonna say: You can always make Droll happy and play a few prog epics...
Avatar 9:23pm

Avatar 9:23pm
Dave Mandl:

@P-90: Sure, I aim to please.
Avatar 9:24pm
Dave Mandl:

And good evening, fleep, P-90, Droll, amewcow.
Avatar 9:27pm

Roomy? No.
Avatar 9:28pm

I'm not the only around here who secretly wishes they had all the Yes and ELP remixes by Steve Wilson. The difference is I don't have "Guilty Pleasure" music.

@ Droll: I assume you've heard that Bob Fripp is in the process of releasing the Crimson catalog remastered on vinyl with extended and alternate tracks, live material, etc. ?
Also: New Yes album due in a few weeks, I'm one of the 14 people who actually like the previous album, but that was made with the PREVIOUS recruited-from-a-cover-band singer, they're on #2 now...
Avatar 9:55pm

Prog bands can always count on their audience to be the completist that will buy the same songs over and over with different packaging and justify it with "But I got this new version of an old song (I only had a bootleg of)".

Hello, Dave! And I see I have wandered into another WFMU prog rock mensa meeting.
Avatar 9:58pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey, Jake.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm
pacific standard simon:

Figures -- first week of the restored third hour, and I had to work.
Avatar 10:04pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, pss. Buying food and paying rent is important.

Greetings pss! How's the weather on Puget Sound this evening?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
pacific standard simon:

Humid! My brain is too damp for much Mensa-ing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12pm
pacific standard simon:

1974... I gradjeated hi skool.

"She was Hot" was like one of those lame-o chart-bait Mick solo songs. The band went with it, I think it became another source of tension with Keith, he thinks Jagger-Solo stuff should go on Jagger-Solo albums, silly him
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
pacific standard simon:


Yay! The Phallus Band!

"Punk in Brussels", not to be confused with the obscure "Punk 'n' Brussels Sprouts" album from the 70's
Avatar 10:18pm

Chart-bait?!?! More like Filler!

I like how Mandl re-asserts manhood after a lighter set.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19pm
pacific standard simon:

There's a Mr. Ed joke in this song somewhere... but I'm too moist to make it.
Avatar 10:20pm

...and on an album only 38 minutes long, you can only imagine how low filler goes...
Avatar 10:23pm
Dave Mandl:

@Droll: "Manhood"? That's a terrible pun.

Nice electric harpsichord tone there (Your Gold Dress)
Avatar 10:35pm

Album art DM referred to: www.marcocallaghan.com...

Isn't there a "Phallus Lost and Found" section on Craigslist?
Avatar 10:38pm
Dave Mandl:

@Droll: That's not exactly this album cover, but definitely the same artist and style.
Avatar 10:39pm
Dave Mandl:

@P-90: I don't think I want to know.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm

hello Dave Mandl, and Mandolins.
been here on/off/on - Sounding great.
Avatar 10:44pm
Dave Mandl:

@coelacanth: Howdy.

Yo coel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52pm
pacific standard simon:

Hm, hm, hm...
"I lost my phallus
In King Philippe's palace..."

Could be a hit!
Richard from Venezuela:

Good evening
Avatar 10:53pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, Richard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55pm

what up,P !
Avatar 11:30pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ikeda > 1919 = v nice
Avatar 11:30pm

Apparently this La 1919 album has a song called "Donne Kamikaze". Any relation to FMU's Diane? Pretty cool stuff either way.
Avatar 11:34pm
Dave Mandl:

@Kurt: Thanks.
@Droll: Good question! I don't think so, but it's possible.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37pm
pacific standard simon:

This track sure takes me back to a late-'60s/early-'70s ambiance.
mark Flynn:

Killer track! Like the Baja Marimba Band, yet comtempo.
Avatar 11:39pm
Dave Mandl:

@mark: Oh man, I love the Baja Marimba Band. Maybe next week.

Droll: Dianne K. no doubt has friends far and wide in the musicverse, but remember, "Donne" (Ladies) is plural.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41pm
pacific standard simon:

I'm a Tijuana Brass/Baja Marimba fan too -- please do bring some.

pss: yes, nice retro vibe on that Souljazz Orchestra track

Super stoked about having 50% more World of Echo in my week. Congratulations and thank you Dave Mandl!
Avatar 11:51pm
Dave Mandl:

@rw: Thank you! Me too.
Avatar 11:51pm
Dave Mandl:

And thanks for doing that calculation.

Yeah. That's about my limit as far as math goes.

rw: 2+2=4
mark Flynn:

Very Brit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm
pacific standard simon:

Yow! Good night, Dave!

Thanks for a full-size helping!
Have a great week, Dave M.!
mark Flynn:

On board with RW
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm
pacific standard simon:

Therese breathing down your neck? That sounds HOT.
Avatar 11:58pm
Dave Mandl:

Night, everyone. Thanks for all your comments, and have a great week. See you next time.
Avatar 11:58pm

Nice having you around for three hours again, just like the old days! Have a good week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm

Hey Thanks Dave
most excellent,it's been.
....au revoir everyone.
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