Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from June 16, 2014 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting June 16, 2014: Summoning the musical sprits with Marissa Nadler.

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Émilie Simon  The Eye of the Moon   Favoriting Mue  Barclay  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Elysian Fields  Madeleine   Favoriting For House Cats and Sea Fans  Diluvian/Ojet  0:03:35 (Pop-up)
Kate Bush  A Coral Room   Favoriting Aerial 1: A Sea of Honey  Sony  0:07:13 (Pop-up)
Kristin Mueller  In the Weeds   Favoriting Deserts and Long Trails  (Kristin Mueller)  0:13:18 (Pop-up)
Muri & Pegah Ferydoni  Karagözlüm, Ich Weiß Genau   Favoriting VA: Import-Export A La Turka  Trikont Records  0:18:57 (Pop-up)
Hulya  Aynlik   Favoriting VA: Import-Export A La Turka  Trikont Records  0:21:48 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Dreams   Favoriting Deep Below Heaven  Wild Kindness Records  0:24:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Jon Hassell 

Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street   Favoriting

Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street 


0:28:33 (Pop-up)

Live performance by Marissa Nadler (vocals, guitar) with Janel Leppin (cello, vocals)
Eternally ethereal singer Marissa Nadler dips deep into the dark spirits for her song inspirations but presents them as comforting moments and stories. Nadler's flirtation with the gothic seems to come from ghostly songs in the vein of Edgar Allen Poe and murder ballads. Marissa's songs are atmospheric, austere, and starkly sincere. Marissa Nadler brought her gorgeous, atmospheric folk, along with cellist Janel Leppin, to WFMU's love room.

Marissa Nadler & Janel Leppin  1923   Favoriting     0:35:13 (Pop-up)
Marissa Nadler & Janel Leppin  Drive   Favoriting     0:40:56 (Pop-up)
Marissa Nadler & Janel Leppin  Dead City Emily   Favoriting     0:47:07 (Pop-up)
Marissa Nadler & Janel Leppin  Firecracker   Favoriting     0:55:10 (Pop-up)
Marissa Nadler & Janel Leppin  Anyone Else   Favoriting     1:01:11 (Pop-up)
Marissa Nadler  Was It a Dream?   Favoriting July  Sacred Bones Records ‎  1:08:58 (Pop-up)
Julie Byrne  Wisdom Teeth Song   Favoriting Rooms with Walls and Windows  Ordinal Records  1:12:47 (Pop-up)
Meaner Pencil  Her Name Was Nebraska   Favoriting Senza Amanti  (Meaner Pencil)  1:17:40 (Pop-up)
Cuddle Magic & Phyllis Chen  An Extra Life   Favoriting Cuddle Magic & Phyllis Chen  FYO Records  1:25:31 (Pop-up)
Marianne Dissard  Ete Hiver   Favoriting L'Abandon  (Marianne Dissard)  1:28:30 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Jon Hassell 

Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street   Favoriting

Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street 


2:59:05 (Pop-up)
Hermeto Pascoal e Grupo  Ilzinha   Favoriting Mundo Verde Esperanca  Selo Radio Mec  1:33:49 (Pop-up)
Milton Nacimento  Encontros e Despedidas   Favoriting Encontros e Despedidas  Polydor Brasil  1:46:39 (Pop-up)
David Byrne & Caetano Veloso  Voce E Linda   Favoriting Live At Carnegie Hall  Nonesuch  1:50:41 (Pop-up)
Nelson Angelo e Joyce  Sete Cachorros   Favoriting Nelson Angelo e Joyce  Odeon  1:54:44 (Pop-up)
Gilberto Gil  As Pegadas Do Amor   Favoriting As Cancoes de Eu Tu Eles  Atlantic  1:56:58 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Jon Hassell 

Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street   Favoriting

Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street 


2:01:29 (Pop-up)
Beth SorrentinoThe Island  The Island   Favoriting Would You Like to Go: A Curt Boettcher Songbook  Basta  2:10:25 (Pop-up)
The Millennium  Karmic Dream Sequence #1   Favoriting Begin  Columbia  2:14:35 (Pop-up)
Spirit  Mechanical World / Taurus   Favoriting Time Circle (1968-1972)  Epic/Legacy  2:20:43 (Pop-up)
Hauschka  Who Lived Here?   Favoriting Abandoned City  Temporary Residence Ltd.  2:28:34 (Pop-up)
Gabriel Kahane  Veda (1 Pierce Dr.)   Favoriting The Ambassador  Sony Masterworks  2:33:20 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Jon Hassell 

Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street   Favoriting

Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street 


2:37:39 (Pop-up)
Stephan Crump's Rosetta Trio  Reclamation Zone   Favoriting Thwirl  Sunnyside  2:47:46 (Pop-up)
Courtney Barnett  Anonymous Club   Favoriting The Double EP: A Sea of Split Peas  House Anxiety Records  2:54:40 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Hi Irene, hello one and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

ello ello!
Avatar 12:08pm

Bonjour Irene and all
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Elysian Fields followed by Kate, my day is made.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

Hi Irene; common; all.
I really Like Marissa Nadler,so i'm bummed that i must go work. Oh well. Archives again.
Thanks Irene.

such a great start! alas archive for the rest. I know Marissa will be outstanding as always!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Guido from Cologne:

Heimatmusik ... so to say ...
Avatar 12:34pm

Arriving late today. Hello, Irene and all of U 2 !
Avatar 12:38pm

Delicious harmony.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:40pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Agree, beautiful harmonies.
  Swag For Life Member 12:40pm

Sounding luscious.
Avatar 12:47pm
Chris from DC:

Yeah, this is great.
Avatar 12:50pm

Haunting, this -- cello mixed so nicely.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

Helo Irene & all Trudelites. I have things to do...but I CANN0T remove myself from this wonderful event!
  Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

Thank you, Marissa and Janel.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:09pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Yes, thank you, Marissa and Janel
  Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

(Irene, Google tells me Janel's last name is spelled "Leppin.")
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm
Irene Trudel:

Ah, thanks @12539! I didn't get a chance to check it with Janel before we started the live set. I'll change it now.
Avatar 1:15pm
Chris from DC:

You should have Janel and Anthony on sometime.
Avatar 1:15pm

Lovely, Marissa & Janel -- thank you!
Avatar 1:58pm

Brazilian for the World Cup I imagine, but it's nicely reviving memories of seeing Michael Palin's "Brazil" travelogue last night.
Avatar 2:00pm

Brazilian motif for the World Cup I imagine, but it nicely brings to mind images from Michael Palin's "Brazil" travelogue on PBS last night.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm
Irene Trudel:

Yes, @Kat, Peter & I stumbled across the series on PBS last week. I presume it was rolled out just in time for the World Cup. I always liked Palin's Travelogues.
Avatar 2:01pm

Oops, don't know what happened with my page -- it seemed I had lost the first attempt at the post. Oh well. Now you have a slightly different version. :)
Avatar 2:03pm

@Irene: JT & I both called what the punchline would be when Palin asked the soothsayer about England ever winning the Cup, and there was that long, dramatic build-up. Heh!
Avatar 2:24pm
V Priceless:

Hey Irene! All! Great Spirit trax!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm
Guido from Cologne:

Spirit's 1st is great!
Avatar 2:25pm
V Priceless:

hey Guido! sign me up for the first 4 Spirit albums -all fab, IMO!
Avatar 2:25pm

Was it Spirit Zeppelin nipped the Stairway riff from? [not a student of much of the rock of my era]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm
Guido from Cologne:

Must check the live set from the archives later. The last bars I heard were inspiring
Avatar 2:26pm
V Priceless:

yeah..coming up in the intro of next track!
Avatar 2:28pm

I enjoyed Stephen Colbert's report on the riff rip-off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29pm
Guido from Cologne:

Let's suspect those copycats stole everything! They do not deserve just treatment! How can Jimmy Page sleep in peace?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm
Irene Trudel:

I was actually a bit miffed at Colbert. Spirit is a band I've always loved and thought they never quite achieved the recognition they deserved. His putdown was a bit of an oversimplification of the issue and the differences between the two bands. What I'm most surprised at is that the members of Spirit didn't try to sue a lot sooner.
Avatar 2:37pm

@Irene: Oooh, guess I was only catching the bit sideways. I'm always doing at least two things at once. I had thought he was championing Spirit!
Avatar 2:44pm

One thing is becoming apparent, Irene: We are catching many of the same things on the boob tube! :)

Re Spirit, at first, Randy didn't want to sue but later, when asked, he hoped that Zep would recognize the source. He died in '97 so that put an end to that until now. Randy wrote Taurus when he was 16 or 17. I think Andes is spearheading this suit. Also, it was Zep who opened for Spirit in an early USA tour, maybe Zep's first USA tour. Page was like a sponge; on a tour with a latter version of Yardbirds, he went to a club in NYC where he heard Jake Holmes doing 'Dazed and Confused', a song written by Holmes. Jake sued and settled with Zep within the last 3 or 4 years.
Avatar 2:54pm

Thanks for the details, don. But seriously, I really thought Colbert was making more fun of Zeppelin than the other way around. I will have to go find that bit again and watch with undivided attention.
  Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

Thanks, Irene the DJ, and also Irene the Engineer.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Have to remember that Colbert's character is usually on the side of what he's attacking.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Mike East:

great selection from the Courtney Barnett record. Been in heavy rotation at the East home.
Hey kat!
Avatar 2:59pm

@Andrew: I'm well aware of that, but geez, I recall his playing the riffs one right after the other where it was crystal clear how similar, and I recalled his expression indicating he was disappointed in Zep. Well, I'll just have to see where my mind wandered back to whatever else I was doing.
Avatar 3:00pm

Hey, Mike! Been a while -- so many films Philo and I have been seeing since last chatting. And the show's over. :,

Thank you, Irene, for bringing us beautiful live and recorded sounds!
Bye, all!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:00pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Great show, Irene, thank you.
Avatar 3:02pm
V Priceless:

@ Don and Irene - very well stated! @ Irene - I suspect the SC report's tilt on Spirit is probably due in large part to his writers' ignorance of the band's music! Not uncommon, sadly! Cheers!
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