Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from June 19, 2014 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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Favoriting June 19, 2014: Failure: it's life's way of telling you to keep trying

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party  Polydor  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Tom Jones  Witchita Lineman   Favoriting This Is Tom Jones  Parrot  0:11:20 (Pop-up)
Encounters  untitled   Favoriting Formless Migration  No Label  0:12:35 (Pop-up)
Black Hat  Untitled   Favoriting Thought of Two (excerpt)  Hausu Mountain  0:13:54 (Pop-up)
Hans Joachim Irmler  Trepido   Favoriting Life Like  Staubgold  0:24:31 (Pop-up)
Eva Polgar And Sandor Valy  Shamhat   Favoriting Gilgamesh  Ektro  0:35:07 (Pop-up)
Maciunas Ensemble  Easy Take   Favoriting Music for Everyman  Apollo Records  0:39:35 (Pop-up)
Sonorhc  Danse des Chiens   Favoriting Purf  fractal  0:48:52 (Pop-up)
Donato Epiro  Estuario   Favoriting Supercontinent  Stunned  0:49:26 (Pop-up)
Miles Davis  Medley Gemini Double Image   Favoriting Live-Evil  Columbia  1:18:11 (Pop-up)
Glory Fckn Sun  Swells   Favoriting Vision Scorched  Pseudo Arcana  1:19:30 (Pop-up)
Gordon Ashworth  Desperate & Indebted   Favoriting s.t.l.a. (See Through Life Alone)  Ordinal Records  1:25:59 (Pop-up)
Alan Sondheim  dervish 3   Favoriting Fifty-Six  QBICO  1:32:38 (Pop-up)
Fadensonnen  Cambridge-Upon-Morning   Favoriting Grey EP  Fadensonnen Records  1:38:47 (Pop-up)
Angus MacLise  Shortwave Radio   Favoriting The Cloud Doctrine  Sub Rosa  2:00:49 (Pop-up)
Camizole  Electrronic Alarm   Favoriting Musiques Electroniques en France 1974-1984  Gazul  2:01:34 (Pop-up)
Pietro Riparbelli  stillness   Favoriting Three Days of Silence  Gruenrekorder  2:03:47 (Pop-up)
Phonophani  Ring   Favoriting Phonophani  Rune Grammofon  2:04:30 (Pop-up)
Ensemble Economique  your dream was mine   Favoriting At the Foot of Nameless Roads  Digitalis Industries  2:13:13 (Pop-up)
Tarab  untitled   Favoriting I'm Lost  23Five  2:20:31 (Pop-up)
Henry Mancini  Lujon   Favoriting Mr. Lucky Goes Latin  RCA Victor  2:25:18 (Pop-up)
Hélène Breschand & Sylvain Kassap  Je ne Pense Katoi   Favoriting Double-Peine  D'Autres Cordes  2:41:21 (Pop-up)
Hélène Breschand & Sylvain Kassap  Eaux Troubles   Favoriting Double-Peine  D'Autres Cordes  2:42:10 (Pop-up)
Hélène Breschand & Sylvain Kassap  Fantome   Favoriting Double-Peine  D'Autres Cordes  2:42:31 (Pop-up)
Sonorhc  Plaine du Tal   Favoriting Purf  Fractal  2:51:59 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:06pm


Is that Tom Jones singing Glen's song?
Let's start by saying thanks again for a great "Soundtracks" show last week, well done Sir
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm

I'm gonna guess that that was Tom...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Greetings, failures.

Not the same without the baritone guitar solo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12pm

Is it weird that every time an FMU DJ opens a show with a well-known pop song I check Twitter to see if that artist has died?

@ ironybread: Seems perfectly sensible to me, why not?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@ironybread - One summer's day in August, years ago, I was driving a tractor on my dad's farm and they were playing Elvis all afternoon. Since then, unless it's 2-fer Tuesday, when I hear more than a couple songs from the same artist in a row, I start checking.
Avatar 3:21pm

What kind of failure do we have today?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:28pm

I just love that the indicators are so different on WFU. On any other station, the sign that someone’s died would be that they’re playing multiple songs in a row; on FMU, the sign is that they’re playing a song I’ve heard before.

Hope jimmy Page is OK
Avatar 3:32pm

Gosh Fabio, I've been living by Yoda's dictum, "do.. or do not.. there is no try..." Yoda could learn a thing or two about failure.

Hands down - best "Witchita Lineman" rendition is by The Meters. Zig is masterful on that track and the vocals are the best I've heard...
Avatar 3:39pm
rob t:

hi, fellow fabians.

boy if i had tom jones singing in my head i'd go crazy
Avatar 3:57pm

Did Fabio say if that was Herbie Mann?
Avatar 3:58pm
rob t:

really liked that irmler
Avatar 3:59pm
Chris from DC:

Yeah, really liked that Donato Epiro.
Avatar 4:06pm

fill in this sentence: i ____ pleasure spiked with pain, and ________ is my aeroplane . and you could at least try and be happy failures
Avatar 4:07pm

can be with "know" & "rugby"

Avatar 4:09pm

you had me at meat hooks...
Avatar 4:09pm

or "i've seen" & "rufus' tongue"

sounds like 1970 tour with Airto

This woulda made a terrific sitcom theme song back in the '70s.
Avatar 4:17pm
rob t:

i hear a "sneak up on the bad guys" soundtrack theme myself.
Avatar 4:17pm

I don't my Miles Davis recordings... is this like a Fillmore East recording?
Avatar 4:20pm

hi Fabio, gotta say totally support the idea of placing failure to the past.
Avatar 4:20pm
rob t:

ah, Antony Milton! love his work.
Avatar 4:44pm

Alan Fadensonnheim... couldn't help it
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:49pm
Andrew Waterloo:

just scored a copy of Live Evil on used vinyl :)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:51pm

nice andrew!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm

Sounds like SOMEBODY needs Dick Hyman doing "Give It Up Or Turn It Loose" as their new instrumental background. Why SAINTS PRESERVE US, look what just turned up: taylorjessen.blogspot.com...
Avatar 4:55pm

dude... what was that!!!! Right when Fabio said, "I hate the flute" my computer froze and everything turned robotic and slow... all I could hear is "ffffllllllluuuuuuuuutttttttte..... mmaaaaaaaannnnn...." pretty trippy... was that just me?

What about Jethro tull's flute, Fabio? ;) My dad hated the piano--he thought it sounded like someone pounding on saucepans with a spoon...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:58pm
Andrew Waterloo:

@ironybread, well.. can't not go and download that gorgeous piece of wonder. thank you

sounds like Oliveros

Then there's Sir Thomas Beecham's take on another keyboard instrument: "The sound of a harpsichord - two skeletons copulating on a tin roof in a thunderstorm."
Avatar 5:07pm
Chris from DC:

So much from today's show I need to hear more of.
Avatar 5:16pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Good afternoon to The Chosen Ones.
Avatar 5:22pm

nice ambient vibes today
Avatar 5:25pm
Philo Gristle:

Quick comment. Kat ran to the kitchen thinking there was something sizzling on the stove! But, alas, it was just Fabio.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:26pm
Bas NL:

Hello Fabio, hello all! Tarab is getting my fav star.. And what a fantastic set this is growing in to!

I knew it was a good day when I heard Tim Jones singing "Wichita Lineman" and then lots of sonic confusion.

how do you feel about the Pan Pipe?

A tribute to David Lynch's movie soundtracks:

What kyle said!
Avatar 5:37pm

It's about the settling of Israel after WWII.
Avatar 5:37pm

I also have never seen the film. Based on a Leon Uris novel.
Avatar 5:38pm

It's the Normal Heart. By Larry Kramer, founder of ACT UP.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Bas NL:

Peine like 'pen'

Avatar 5:57pm

Clay is right.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Bas NL:

Thanks Fabio!
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