Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from August 11, 2014 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting August 11, 2014: A Newport report of sorts.

Click on Irene's picture for more of her photos of the Newport festivals.

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Stephan Crump's Rosetta Trio  Reclamation Zone   Favoriting Thwirl  Sunnyside  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Leif Vollebekk  When the Subway Comes Above the Ground   Favoriting North Americana  Missing Piece  0:06:23 (Pop-up)
The Cookers  Farewell Mulgrew   Favoriting Time and Time Again  Motema Music  0:13:13 (Pop-up)
Dan Tepfer & Lee Konitz  Merka Tikva   Favoriting Duos with Lee  Sunnyside  0:20:07 (Pop-up)
Anais Mitchell  Out of Pawn   Favoriting The Brightness    0:27:03 (Pop-up)
Hurray for the Riff Raff  The Body Electric   Favoriting Small Town Heroes  ATO  0:31:30 (Pop-up)
Cecile McLorin Salvant  Baby Have Pity On Me   Favoriting WomanChild  Mack Avenue  0:34:41 (Pop-up)
The Haden Triplets  Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?   Favoriting The Haden Triplets    0:46:53 (Pop-up)
Jenny Lewis  The Voyager   Favoriting The Voyager    0:50:40 (Pop-up)
Death Vessel  Ejecta   Favoriting Island Intervals  Sub Pop  0:54:12 (Pop-up)
Marc Ribot Trio  Old Man River   Favoriting Live at the Village Vanguard  PI Recordings  0:59:54 (Pop-up)
Kurt Rosenwinkel  All the Way to Rajasthan   Favoriting Heartcore    1:06:23 (Pop-up)
Gary Burton New Quartet  Summer Band Camp   Favoriting Next Generation    1:13:20 (Pop-up)
Mark Kozelek  Carissa   Favoriting Live at Biko  Caldo Verde  1:28:31 (Pop-up)
Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band  Down River / Landmarks   Favoriting Landmarks  Blue Note  1:35:09 (Pop-up)
Vijay Iyer Trio  Human Nature (Trio Extension)   Favoriting Accelerando  ACT Music  1:44:31 (Pop-up)
Danilo Perez  Irremediablemente Solo   Favoriting Providencia  Mack Avenue  1:54:08 (Pop-up)
Tall Tall Trees  Nothingless   Favoriting Moment    2:00:23 (Pop-up)
Nickel Creek  Love of Mine   Favoriting A Dotted Line  Nonesuch  2:17:34 (Pop-up)
Lucius  Tempest   Favoriting     2:22:52 (Pop-up)
Tweedy  Summer Noon   Favoriting     2:27:17 (Pop-up)
Phox  Slow Motion   Favoriting     2:31:18 (Pop-up)
Thao& the Get Down Stay Down  Kindness Be Conceived   Favoriting We the Common  Ribbon Music  2:35:31 (Pop-up)
The Devil Makes Three  Spinning Like a Top   Favoriting I'm A Stranger Too  New West Records  2:38:45 (Pop-up)
Mavis Staples  You Are Not Alone   Favoriting You Are Not Alone  Anti-  2:47:39 (Pop-up)
Dave Holland Quartet  Conference of the Birds   Favoriting Conference of the Birds  ECM  2:51:29 (Pop-up)
Eric Harland  Voyager   Favoriting Voyager Live by Night  Space Time Records  2:56:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

hey irene!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Hi Irene, wonderful to have you back, hope you had a fab time, looking forward to some Newport Festival themed music, hello one and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi everybody! Had a lovely time away. Definitely gonna have some festival-inspired music on today's show, Sean.
Avatar 12:15pm

H'Irene, common and Sean!
Avatar 12:27pm

Per Colbert pronounced all hoity-toity as your "NewPORE RePORE"?
And neat to see the melodica (my "3rd instrument" on many tracks) in a Gary Burton photo.
paula pc:

This Hooray For the Riff-Raff record is just fabulous
Avatar 12:35pm

Enjoying this Riff Raff track and I certainly sing the Bradbury (via Whitman) title.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Irene Trudel:

Oh, nothing that fancy, Kat! We're jes pholks here.
The musician with the melodica was awesome, by the way. Trying to find his name, but I think it was Aleksander Nessilovsky, who played with Burton a few festivals ago.
Avatar 12:38pm

Cool -- thanks for the info. That name's very familiar to me.
Avatar 12:40pm

Salvant brought to mind Madeleine Peyroux -- say, hatever happened to her? Her first CD was one of the earliest music gifts I got from Philo.
Avatar 12:42pm

[oops -- guess my dubya up there took off for Crawford]
Avatar 🥁 12:46pm

Hey, Philo! I used to live in the former barn/studio where Philo started.
Avatar 12:50pm

Link to confirm (perhaps) your photo's melodica player: www.alfajazzfest.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Mike East:

Hey everybody!
@kat - Madeleine Peyroux is still around...I got her rider a few weeks ago for backline gear
Avatar 12:51pm

@ βrian: Hunh? You lived in Hyvinkaa, Finland? ;)

Brian-Was Philo in Ferrisburg?
Avatar 12:52pm

@M'East: Aha, well, that's good to know.
Avatar 🥁 12:53pm

Yep. North Ferrisburgh. The barn is still there, home to folks and llamas.

@ Brian---I was at UVM from 71-75 and a lot of great stuff came out on Philo, like Mary McCaslin, Jim Ringer, etc.
Avatar 12:54pm

Lewis' "Just One Of The Guys" is almost overplayed on our public station here (WFPK).
Avatar 🥁 12:56pm

@don: I missed it all. Didn't get there until the late 80s. But the echoes were still there.
Avatar 12:57pm

@βrian/Don: I guess you guys know a very different Philo from my Mr. Gristle. But, oddly enough, I used to perform in the Haybarn at Goddard College in VT.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
Irene Trudel:

Ah, Vadim! I knew I was probably wrong about his name. Haven't had a chance to add the personnel to my photos on Flickr. Vadim was amazing!
Avatar 🥁 1:00pm

I'm ashamed to say I never made it to the Haybarn, though I spent a fair amount of time in Plainfield.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Irene Trudel:

Here's my photo to illustrate Kat's note: flic.kr...
Avatar 1:02pm

Very close to "Philo," I recall seeing Pilobolus at the Haybarn, one of their earliest performances I would imagine.
Avatar 1:05pm

@Irene: Recently saw a musician -- can't recall who now -- holding and playing a melodica in what seems a much more reasonable way, with the narrow width vertical so the hands are more natural on the keys. Might be simply a mouthpiece that can rotate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm

Sorry I'm late in asking this, but when was that Marc Ribot recorded?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm
Irene Trudel:

@Parq, that Marc Ribo Trio record was recorded June 30, 2012 and just released as an album.
Avatar 🥁 1:39pm

Mmm mmm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm

Thanks. Wondered how recent it was. Is there anything on the guitar he can't do?
Avatar 2:28pm

A pleasant John Lennon quality to this vocal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Sem Chumbo:

Hi, Irene and all. Lurking and working, but listening hard. To the detriment of the work, but what the hell :-)
Avatar 🥁 2:31pm

Lurking and working, but not twerking?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm
Sem Chumbo:

@ βrian: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Avatar 2:39pm

@Sem: I presume you realize that "sem chumbo" translates as "unleaded" in Portuguese?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42pm
Sem Chumbo:

Nothing gets past you, kat.

and Devil reminds of Jim Kweskin, too !! (at Jalopy very soon..)
Avatar 2:43pm

Ha. Well, I first checked Google translate for Swahili since that was what your moniker seems to me to be.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44pm
Sem Chumbo:

Originally I wanted to use "Sans Plomb", but I thought one day I might acquire some aplomb, so nixed the idea.
Avatar 2:46pm

He stuck in his thumb and pulled out aplomb.
Avatar 🥁 2:46pm

It certainly limits one's career options if plumbing is a likely prospect.
Avatar 🥁 2:48pm

With great aplomb, he plumbed the plum with his thumb whilst we were struck dumb.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm
Sem Chumbo:

Sem Chumbo is the name of a hapless private detective in a novel that's been underway for a few years now. Sem Chumbo is also translated as "no lead."
Avatar 2:54pm

Have we plumbed the depths of that wordplay yet?
*Your* novel? Set in Lisbon or Rio? I guess it's a good thing to be a private dick with no lead in ya yet.
Avatar 🥁 2:55pm

Aye, we have succumbed.
Avatar 2:55pm

And hapless PI's are a particular fave of mine. Rockford a prime example.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Sem Chumbo:

Loved that show, too.
Avatar 2:58pm

Speaking of shows, thanks muchly for this one, Ms. Trudel. Good week to all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Sem Chumbo:

Oh, set in Macau.
Yes, thank you Irene!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Thanks for a great show, Irene,
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