Favoriting Micah: Playlist from August 14, 2014 Favoriting

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Field recordings from the noosphere, music of mind control, self organizing feedback loops for singularitarians of all shapes and sizes.

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Favoriting August 14, 2014: Fill-in for Julie

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Arrigo Lora Totino  english pheremones   Favoriting Source Records 1-6, 1968-1971  pogus  2008  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
beat of the earth  This is An Artistic Statement (part I)   Favoriting     1967  0:14:36 (Pop-up)
the incredible hulk  black chasm   Favoriting The Incredible Hulk  Power Records  1978  0:35:03 (Pop-up)
ron geesin  Concrete Line Up   Favoriting as he stands  Ron Geesin Products  1973  0:46:37 (Pop-up)
nightcrawlers  digitalis   Favoriting spacewalk  Atmosphere  1985  0:49:00 (Pop-up)
Carole King  The Porpoise Song (demo)   Favoriting     1968  0:55:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
michael kamen 

Opening Titles   Favoriting

the dead zone OST 



0:58:45 (Pop-up)
robert wood  wagram jam   Favoriting vibrarock  Polydor  1976  1:06:14 (Pop-up)
mayfields mule  here comes the rain   Favoriting mayfields mule  nightwing  1970/2007  1:10:12 (Pop-up)
Akos Rózmann  part 3   Favoriting Images Of The Dream And Death  Editions Mego  2013  1:18:41 (Pop-up)
up with people  morning of time   Favoriting up with people 3  up with people  1967  1:38:25 (Pop-up)
Dennis  grey present tense   Favoriting hyperthalamus  nova  1975  1:41:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
michael kamen 

opening titles   Favoriting

the dead zone OST 



2:01:17 (Pop-up)
Pharoah Overlord  see me evil   Favoriting #4  Ektro Records  2006  2:06:54 (Pop-up)
laurie spiegel  east river dawn   Favoriting The Expanding Universe  unseen worlds  1980/2012  2:11:33 (Pop-up)
quill  too late   Favoriting quill  Cotillion  1970  2:25:47 (Pop-up)
paul gaffey  paradise   Favoriting mephistopholes    1975  2:29:43 (Pop-up)
SOUST  Breaking The Law   Favoriting       2:36:31 (Pop-up)
richard pinhas  south   Favoriting Desolation Row  Cuneiform  2013  2:39:06 (Pop-up)
jamul  Ramblin' Man   Favoriting jamul  lizards  1970  2:47:52 (Pop-up)
steven halpern  cosmic blues part 1   Favoriting rings of saturn  halpern sounds  1981  2:51:59 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
michael kamen 

opening titles   Favoriting

the dead zone OST 



2:58:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!



The sun is coming up and expect hot weather today

If the sand is too hot tuck them toes under your arms and wish hallialuia

cause we are coming after you ISIS bunch of cowards
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

Damn, people say weird things in the graveyard shift.

All the bad guys decided to show up at same time weird ain't it

Everybody get down to WFMU we are safe here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

I don't know about bad guys showing up at the same time but bad actors always show up at the same time when they release an Expendables movie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30am
Sir Wynford Eagle:

good morning from west dorset by the sea…inna england - loving this track Micah ….

yes did just back from expendables movie ha how did you guess
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32am

morning sir wynford
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

The most incredible thing about the Hulk was that his shirts ripped but his pants could always stretch then shrink back to normal size.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

Oh! The voice acting is incredible!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

Don't go into the mine... dumbass...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

He just got a cushy managerial job via his rival going insane and just quits... dumbass...

Cost of coal today is high but thanks to the Frackingstein monster gas is cheaper to make power so mines close
Avatar 3:57am
Nadine Duchamp:

Everyone has a porpoise

My fellow west Virginians are told there is a war on coal-yes but it is a civil war between energy companies we should blame them
Avatar 3:59am
Nadine Duchamp:

an imaginery one, if they want, because they're for you

Carole King? Hello

Yes, we can get beyond the ole divide and conquer this time!
Avatar 4:00am
Nadine Duchamp:

His pants always stayed the same--LOL
Avatar 4:11am
Nadine Duchamp:

Maybe they were made of stretchy fabric and the shirt wasnt since he probably couldn't get away with that at work, even though it was the 70's
Avatar 4:13am
Nadine Duchamp:

I remember this tune from my parents hippy parties

Excuse me there sarah palin but singular of hippies is hippie--sorry for calling you a bad name --glad your here
Avatar 4:17am
Nadine Duchamp:

We need rain,I am a hippy, you fool
Avatar 4:23am
Nadine Duchamp:

Sarah Palin? I think we share the same hair color and that would be it. <disconcerted, a little bit>

OK, dj micah, how about some nice corner shop? or perhaps some Smile?
Avatar 4:24am
Nadine Duchamp:

didnt meant to call you a fool, but you called me Sarah Palin, I think, and so therefore, we called each other the same thing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24am

beach boys?

You must have meteriods there Nadine cause you light up the comments
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28am
Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, Micah, good to hear you hard at it again, and hello overnighters.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28am

hiya sem
Avatar 4:29am
Nadine Duchamp:

Yes, but the actual bootleg
Avatar 4:29am
Nadine Duchamp:

Hello Sem
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31am

cornershop. was that that 90s multi culti raga pop group?
Avatar 4:32am
Nadine Duchamp:

I didn't have that as what was in my mind as the way to describe them, because it sounds kind of patronizing, but yeh, micah
Avatar 4:33am
Nadine Duchamp:

That was like ear punishment
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34am

patronizing or condescending? sorry didnt mean to sound obnoxious

I am out---- have fun without me if that is possible you may have to switch station off sorry
Avatar 4:37am
Nadine Duchamp:

Oh thanks, sorry to be defensive there, so used to having to defend my pop sensibilities

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37am

i actually saw them live in like 1996?
Avatar 4:38am
Nadine Duchamp:


I just had to go pee back now
Avatar 4:41am
Nadine Duchamp:

Oh, how were they? I never caught them live. The last two songs were like you reaching into my itunes. You can't do that, can you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43am

they were alot of fun. i have nothing against them
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43am

you have up with people in your itunes??
Avatar 4:45am
Nadine Duchamp:

I love the sitar

I think WFMU is a front for CIA they have way too many dishes on roof according to google maps
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46am
Sem Chumbo:

Up with People: saw them live once. Very cheery group, pathologically so. But it was the late '60's, there was a lot of that going around. Thanks, Micah, for the time travel.
Avatar 4:48am
Nadine Duchamp:

yeah, up with people! Whats wrong with being cheery? Even patholigically so? Or maybe it just seems that way sometimes, but if I'm not cheerful then my demins just take over, so, but actually it's the natural state of our life, to be cheerful, not traumatized all the time, etc
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50am

i have every up with people recording but im not all that right in the head
Avatar 4:54am
Nadine Duchamp:

It's ok, many of us are not, too
Avatar 4:57am
Nadine Duchamp:

Coal, does google say that, "wfmu has too many dishes on its roof"

This song is repairing my hippocampus

bye for good am ending my relationship with WFMU cutting all links has been fun
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58am
Sem Chumbo:

That's wonderful, Micah, about the collection, not the right in the head remark.
Avatar 5:04am
Nadine Duchamp:

goodnight, hope to "see" you sometimes here hanging out in the future!

That is wonderful that you have this kind of musical knowledge!
Avatar 5:06am
Nadine Duchamp:

How did up with people support themselves? That interesting
I have to say, I actually was listening to my itunes, I don't have the up with people, hahaha
Avatar 5:07am
Nadine Duchamp:

Dj Micah, do you decide what you're going to play in the fly or do you plan ahead of time?
Avatar 5:08am
Nadine Duchamp:

woops * meant to say "on the fly", not "in the fly"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08am

kind of both
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09am

UWP was a totally corporate enterprise backed by alot of rich conservatives
Avatar 5:13am
Nadine Duchamp:

So they weren't like a bunch of artists who suddenly got backed by some rich guys?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14am

they were young impressionable youths who got taken in by a cult called Moral Re-Armament
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17am
Sem Chumbo:

There is a straight line connecting Up With People and the Oxford Group of the 30's, which was the model for A.A..
The Oxford Group professed "original" Christian values, became the "Moral Rearmament" movement in the 40's, and in 2001 changed its name to "Initiative for Change."
Founder of the O.G., Frank Buchman had this view of human beings:
"All people are sinners"; "All sinners can be changed"; "Confession is a prerequisite to change"; "The change can access God directly"; "Miracles are again possible"; and "The change must change others."
Up With People was an outreach effort, as you said, easily characterized as counter-revolutionary, I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18am

well said Sem
Avatar 5:20am
Nadine Duchamp:

Avatar 5:23am
Nadine Duchamp:

Well, it doesn't seem UWP lasted very long. I wonder what the actual players are doing now. That message that all people are sinners resounds strongly in many parts of this country
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24am

not true. the last UWP album was 2012
Avatar 5:25am
Nadine Duchamp:

So, they've been highly prolific? Have they continued to sound counterrevolutionary?
Avatar 5:27am
Nadine Duchamp:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:28am

ya same old message. the music is mostly in urban contemporary style. total garbage.
Avatar 5:30am
Nadine Duchamp:

No, my hippie parents(ahem) would not have been listening to that.
"urban contemporary style". They had some cheesy stuff, but now all I can remember is the Who and MC5 and the everfrikkinpresent Beatles
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31am
Sem Chumbo:

Quill missed a key opportunity to appear in the Woodstock film, although that was the original intent of Paret and the band. The band was filmed, but a glitch in the film/audio system made it such that the audio and film were not synchronized properly. This rendered the footage unusable for the now famous film that made so many acts household names. The problem was fixed in time for Santana the next band up and their appearance in the film sealed the band's later success.
via wikipedia.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31am
Sem Chumbo:

Speaking, as we are, of hippies.
Avatar 5:32am
Nadine Duchamp:

The Universe was keepin it clean
Avatar 5:32am
Nadine Duchamp:

Avatar 5:33am
Nadine Duchamp:

My parents wanted to go but thought better of it since I was 2
Avatar 5:34am
Nadine Duchamp:

Thanks for all that info!
Avatar 5:36am
Nadine Duchamp:

I'm sorry: keeping it real, not keeping it clean
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38am
Sem Chumbo:

Can do both, Nadine:-)
Avatar 5:39am
Nadine Duchamp:


Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40am
Sem Chumbo:

Pretty witty, first thing in the morning, N.D..
Avatar 5:41am
Nadine Duchamp:

But it was such a big muddy mess, so hard to be clean! Oh, its Califonoria
Avatar 5:43am
Nadine Duchamp:

Whoa, California is what I meant to say. Stayed up late last night finishing a painting and so now I have this kind of late-ish schedule, but yeah, it is around 2:40AM
Avatar 5:45am
Nadine Duchamp:

paint or die
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45am
Sem Chumbo:

Lived for a while in Santa Cruz/Marin/SF. You?
Avatar 5:46am
Nadine Duchamp:

I lived in the Bay Area since 91 and in Oakland since 2007, although I have lived here on and off, b/w here, SF and NY! How did you like it here?
Avatar 5:48am
Nadine Duchamp:

I am torn up about Robin Williams! I keep thinking, if only I kept partying, I might have met him, but I stopped drinking and occasional partying in 2004
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50am
Sem Chumbo:

It seemed like heaven on Earth, Nadine. A time and place and the company of people I so loved, never to be repeated. Like a memory in amber, you know?
Avatar 5:50am
Nadine Duchamp:

He was right here!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51am
Sem Chumbo:

Micah, thanks for this marvelous music. I'll keep an ear out for your next fill-in. See you again sometime.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52am

bye sem
Avatar 5:53am
Nadine Duchamp:

Sem, Ah, that sounds like a great memory. It's the kind of place that suits good circles of friends. Whereish do you reside now? OK, bye Sem!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54am
Sem Chumbo:

Nova Scotia, Nadine, on another ocean's shore.
Lovely talking to you, hope your work goes well.
Avatar 5:54am
Nadine Duchamp:

See you soon, j'espere!
Avatar 5:55am
Nadine Duchamp:

Thank you!! You as well, Sem.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56am
Sem Chumbo:

Je me demandais si vous parliez français ou pas.
Avatar 5:56am
Nadine Duchamp:

Un peur, tres petit peur, mais
Avatar 5:57am
Nadine Duchamp:

Oh no, I didnt read that right,
haha you are probably much better at it than I am! Arg , heh
Avatar 5:59am
Nadine Duchamp:

Oui, je parle un peu, mais je l'écris mieux

Nova Scotia!
Avatar 6:00am
Nadine Duchamp:

Ah, google translate, my friend! But my accent is very convincing! You can't hear that here.
Avatar 6:01am
Nadine Duchamp:

Micah! Thank you!
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