Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from August 22, 2014 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting August 22, 2014: Hang On In There Baby
~~Animation by Minnesota Jeff

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Johnny Bristol  Hang on in There Baby   Favoriting   MGM Records  1974  45    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Pestova/Meyer Piano Duo  Music for Amplified Toy Pianos   Favoriting Works for Two Keyboards - 1  Naxos  2013  CD  Composed by John Cage in 1960  0:03:41 (Pop-up)
The Mad Coyote  The Paha Sapa Give-Back   Favoriting The Paha Sapa Give-Back  Innova  2014  CD  Composed by Jerome Kitzke  0:16:13 (Pop-up)
Paul Zukovsky with Easley Blackwood  Second Sonata for Violin and Piano   Favoriting Sessions Sessions Mennin Blackwood  CP2  2002  CD  Composed by Easley Blackwood in 1975  0:37:45 (Pop-up)
Ensemble Dal Niente  Without Words   Favoriting Without Words  Carrier  2013  CD  Composed by Aaron Einbond  1:00:36 (Pop-up)
Ekmeles  hamadryads   Favoriting pneuma  Another Timbre  2014  CD  Composed by Martin Iddon  1:17:26 (Pop-up)
Mivos Quartet  Quartettstudie   Favoriting Reappearances  Carrier   2013  CD  Composed by Wolfgang Rihm (2003-04)  1:40:19 (Pop-up)
Christiane Legrand / Janette Baucomont / Claudine Meunier / Edoardo Sanguineri / Ensemble Musique Vivante / Chorale Expérimentale  Laborintus 2: Premiere parte   Favoriting Laborintus 2  Harmonia Mundi  1987  CD  Composed by Luciano Berio, perhaps around 1970  1:59:09 (Pop-up)
Theatre of Voices / Paul Hilller  A Ronne   Favoriting Stories: Berio and Friends  Harmonia Mundi  2011  CD  Composed by Luciano Berio in 1974  2:19:41 (Pop-up)
Ruth Anderson  I Come Out of Your Sleep   Favoriting Sinopah  Experimental Intermedia  1998  CD  Composed by Annea Lockwood (1997 revision)  2:48:16 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting   Disques Vogues  1967  7"  OMG you guys, i found it on a 45! (except i'm playing it on 33)  2:55:10 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

hangin in

TGIF @ Kurt G. and Minotaurians
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

Hello Kurt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm
i k e:

Nice fish.
Avatar 3:06pm

hangin out
Avatar 3:07pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

good afternoon, good people. thanks for tuning in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12pm

@Ike: End badly? Well, I'd say that's likely. But why should you be already focusing on the end of what has barely got started?
Avatar 3:14pm

Really like this version.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

Hello all! Finally able to listen in again. Nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

@Caryn: hopefully it's because of a better job, not because of no job
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm
i k e:

That's true. I was just trying to discern if you were implying that French girls are especially big trouble, but OF COURSE I'm opposed to painting everybody of a certain nationality with the same brush. After all, we American guys are definitely not all tough cowboys. Well, I am, of course! Yee haw! But, say, Kurt and Bryce aren't.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm

@fred: no, still no job, just plenty of applications. Just been away visiting relatives and enjoying the summer cottage.
Nick Name:

@ Ike: i picture kurt as a sheriff, and a good one at that
Avatar 3:22pm

Woo! I'm in the same boat as Caryn. Now I'm going to take a temp job, b/c everything I've been offered has been far from the city.
Avatar 3:23pm
Mary Wing:

Bryce is a space cowboy, and Kurt is the gangster of love. :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm

@ngh: well, at least you've been offered jobs, so things are looking up!

Only temp work available here, but even those apparently have 350 applicants per job, so we'll see how things go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm

@Ike: All I meant is I think things usually don't work out long term, but that shouldn't spoil the short term. As for brushes, foreign coworkers consistently tell me French women are teases, which puzzles me. But few are Americans, and it's unlikely any one met the one you're talking about. Ignore travel guides, blaze your own path as the maverick you are
Avatar 3:26pm

Alrighty then mary, that makes you the queen of the galaxy, and me your quartly fool
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:28pm

@Caryn: I was in touch with people in Finland, but they were working for Nokia/Microsoft. "Were" as in "past tense". That wave of layoffs seems to have rocked even academia, hopefully you'll find something soon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
i k e:

Ha ha Mary!

Merci Fred. You're right, of course.
Avatar 3:32pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

oh, well, i like the way the playlist is going today. carry on!
Avatar 3:32pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

i said carry on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm

@fred: yeah, in my town unemployment is up about 21 % from last year, and we're now one of the top 5 towns people are moving away from to find jobs elsewhere. I'm looking for a job and apartment on the other side of the country, too.
Avatar 3:39pm
Mary Wing:

Rectitude, I appreciate the sentiment, but there's only one queen of the galaxy:
Avatar 3:40pm

Hello Kurt and fine peoples of the universes. Like Caryn, it's been a long time for me to tune in regularly. Aloha.
Avatar 3:40pm
Mary Wing:

Kurt, turntable 3 does spin backward, the switch is under the tonearm and not in the upper left corner like the old one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm

carmichael and caryn! ello ello!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm

Hiya, Carm!
Avatar 3:41pm

yeah, Mary is only the queen of the inner-planetary system.
Avatar 3:42pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks, mary!
Avatar 3:42pm

well someone is playing my soft side. is that an order or request Queen mary ?
Avatar 3:42pm

Ok, I'm unfamiliar w/ Jerome Kitzke or Easley Blackwood, how is that possible!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm

@Caryn: Best wishes for both searches. That's a very egoistic thing for me to say: the station will need you as flush with cash as possible when marathon time comes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm

@fred: heh! True, true.
Avatar 3:47pm
Mary Wing:

Heh. I'm just the queen of my infinite imagination, which is ever-expanding.
Avatar 3:48pm

As you wish my Queen

Any idea when this was recorded? Is Zukofsky still playing?
Avatar 3:57pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

this was recorded at the library of congress in 1976, zukofsky also gave the premiere in 1975. don't know if he's still working.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm

@Caryn: Proof of my keen business sense: I so enjoyed working with Finnish people I was considering moving to Finland
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm

@fred: well, that wouldn't necessarily have been a bad idea, so long as you avoid some places. Like this town.

Thanks, KG. I think he might still be running cp2 and its umbrella operation, Musical Observations. Swell violinist. Not so cool when it comes to intellectual freedom. He is highly protective, if not prudently so, of the income he stands to receive from sales of his father's poetry: http://www.z-site.net/copyright-notice-by-pz/
Avatar 4:05pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ha, yeah, i stumbled on that just now when looking for information on recent performances.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

@Caryn: That's kind of the catch: I liked their dark sense of humor, but part of it might have had them recommend your town as a nice place to live in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

@fred: true, after all we are famous as the Chernobyl of Finland (and, funnily enough, the New York of Finland). But that has also lead to us having some of the best mental health services in the country. So there's always a silver lining.
Avatar 4:12pm

@Caryn: Helsinki's the "Chernobyl" of Finland? Or am I misremembering where you are?
@fred: The Norwegians are no slouches when it comes to dark senses of humor. Philo and I watched the mockumentary "Trollhunter" last night.

My "six degrees" Zukofsky story: I once met the late Betty Freeman, L.A. arts patron, at a program from a new music series by the Philharmonic. She asked me if we'd met at a party. Er, no, not likely. Freeman commissioned John Cage's "Freeman Etudes," which are marvelously performed on two Mute disks by Irvine Arditti. Cage originally wrote half of the etudes for PZ, who declared he couldn't play them. IA later begged to differ, so JC completed the studies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm

@kat: not Helsinki, Kouvola in the east. Often compared to Chernobyl in terms of architecture, but also a region that received plenty of nuclear fallout from the actual Chernobyl incident.
Avatar 4:18pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

dean, i'd like to hear you tell that story in exactly 60 seconds and accompanied by david tudor.
Avatar 4:19pm

@Caryn: Ah, I had never realized that. Philo's family may be coming over to visit us in October.

Oh, sorry, Hi, Kurt! :)
Avatar 4:21pm

@Caryn: Mrs. Carmichael's grandparents were dairy farmers from Finland, not sure exactly where. But I did learn the subtle stereotyped differences among Finns, Danes, Swedes, etc ... from the not-so-subtle old lady.
Avatar 4:21pm

That last piece was beautiful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm

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No one can hear you moan or intone.

Pretty sure Eberhard Blum has already performed it that way.
Avatar 4:26pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

the blackwood piece?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm

@Caryn and Kat: From my (few) interactions with Finns (and these were academics, geeks, or both), they seemed to have the traits I like in Germans and Russians, without the ones I can't stand. Precise when needed, fun otherwise, but with an edge that still isn't hostile. Not as competitive, and they respected my knowing not to challenge further (drinking related, obviously, but not only). Dark often, but also surprisingly open at times

No. A joke, give or take. I meant the "six degrees" tale.
Avatar 4:28pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

oh, dean, you meant your zukofsky story. ha! sorry.
Avatar 4:28pm

dont you remember kat www.newyorker.com...
Avatar 4:28pm

No, Without Words.
Avatar 4:29pm

Oh, nvm
Avatar 4:30pm

@fred: With Philo and family, I'd add taciturn and even shy. The works of Aki Kaurismaki gave me some insight into the heritage of the man I married.
Avatar 4:31pm

@Rectitude -- yes, still better with a caption though! :)

Nice to hear some glass!

That was me.
Avatar 4:32pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

good ear, ?
Avatar 4:32pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hi miguel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm

@kat330: I guess taciturn and shy translate to "people I can relate to" for me. So I guess what I call "fun" might not be so for most people

I don't know about "runnel," tho.
Avatar 4:34pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

funnwl? tunnel?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm

@fred & kat: finally found the photo I'd been looking for: static.ylilauta.org...
Avatar 4:35pm
Kurt Gottschalk:


Can I request some Daniel Lentz? Missa Umbrarum maybe? (New Albion)
Avatar 4:37pm

Thanks, Caryn. Interesting comparison indeed. I presume your summer cottage is to the north middle, or the ocean?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39pm

@kat: there's 2 cottages, one by a lake in southwest Finland, one on an island in the Turku archipelago. Funnily enough, the Kouvola region has the biggest cluster of summer cottages in Finland, apparently.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39pm

i was in a project called fresh clean scent that played only wine glasses. fun.

@common: where was that?
Avatar 4:41pm

it is Fray-Lee and not Free-Lee, but I have been calling him Free-Lee since I was a kid too

I always thought it was "freely," like his cousin I.P.
Avatar 4:42pm

oo yeah nice scratchies in the background right now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

miguel: in pittsburgh, mid 90s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

Maybe this is one of those names like Bowie, where there's 2 popular pronunciations, and I end up using both in a mishmash way?
Avatar 4:44pm

Ya Kurt, I also love your bed "music"!
Avatar 4:44pm

@caryn: You might enjoy this: soundcloud.com... (or others at the Gristle root -- ooh, that sounds naughty)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm

@kat330: I worked with Finns, and at some point I said I didn't have a clue about doing an app for Windows Phone (major no-no, usually). The next day they sent me a mock-up, I sent back a prototype a couple of days later, and we had the project running a month early. I've never experienced that level of trust before or since. I had to prove I was worth it, but once I did, that was it. Every issue was dealt with smoothly, out of band, and no ego-trip in sight. Just saying that makes me want to move there again

Kurt, you are very serious today, eh?

Waiting for rain music.
Avatar 4:48pm

@fred: I *really* wanted to move there back in the early aughts. Philo was against it because I couldn't maneuver without the language skills. He's happy to leave all the financial business and day-to-day engineering to me, and he knows he'd have to take over most of that if we moved to Finland.
Avatar 4:48pm

at a recent fmu record fair, i ran into one of my old college professors, and told me how Steve Reich visited the school and spoke and took questions, and made it a point to correct everyone who mispronounced the last sound in his last his name. which is apparently pronounced with a SH and no a K. Reish. not like the common noun, reich.
Avatar 4:49pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

i would have preferred the way cage took questions from the audience, with a stack of index cards with answers prepared on them and he'd just read the next one no matter what the question.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm

@kat: nice! My compliments to PG!

@fred: well with companies like Supercell and Rovio still going strong, you might still find a nice job over here.
Avatar 4:50pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

miguel, serious? maybe so. every once in a while i feel the need to appear smart. also, string noise gave a beautiful concert last night.
Avatar 4:51pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

listener laurie sent in this clip of ace pronouncing it "fray-lee" as well. ultimateclassicrock.com...
Avatar 4:51pm

@Kurt: When is it you do not appear smart?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm

@Caryn: Speaking of alternate pronunciation, Fumiyo Ikeda is a Japanese dancer who has been living and working in Belgium for at least 30 years. I saw her in a performance a couple of years ago where she read a text in French, and her "r"s were evenly spread between hard flemish ones (extreme even by French standards) and soft Japanese ones closer to "l"s. That was a cool touch
Avatar 4:52pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

kat: when i try to pronounce ... anything.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52pm

With the long pieces, this may end up one of the shortest Miniature Minotaurs playlists ever. Unless Kurt suddenly pulls a switcheroo during the final hour.
Avatar 4:53pm

I must freely disagree.
Avatar 4:53pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

actually, caryn, this was the shortest mm playlist ever: www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 4:54pm

I think Jim Price has the shortest playlists ever.
Avatar 4:54pm

I must also mention MN Jeff's smart animation today. Love the colors.
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Mary Wing:

It sounded to me like Ace said "freely" but it was really too quick to discern properly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:55pm

@Kurt: I remember that show, which is why I said this would be one of the shortest, not the shortest.
Avatar 4:56pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ha, ok caryn. not reading carefully enough. sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:56pm

happy weekending everyone. beersies.
Avatar 4:56pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

yay mn jeff!

If Ace wants us to hear the proper pronunciation of his name, he should shout it out loud.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm

@common: the magic word has been said!
Avatar 4:58pm

Ace probably doesn't give much of a diddly squat. I know people like Theron have given up and given in to whatever anyone chooses.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

What with the show title, I can't help but picture the goldfish hanging from a washline or tree branch by one fin a la the kitten poster.

@kurt: heh, no worries! I think we both just agree that both playlists are nice and short. And have good animations.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

I suspect Bowie also doesn't care much anymore about his name's pronunciation. Apart from that one time Tony Orlando pronounced it "Booey". That was hilarious.
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My friend Cieran was tired of the mispronunciations, so he spelled his name with a K to solve the problem.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

@Caryn: re jobs in Finland (or anywhere): I'm well over 40, ie unemployable old geezer
Avatar 5:01pm

hmm, ive never heard anyone pronounce Bowie other than bow like "bow and arrow", besides that time Avril Lavigne pronounced it like bow in "take a bow", and then admitted she didn't know who he was.

One time I heard somebody pronounce Bowie's name like "jones."
Avatar 5:03pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

lester bowie said "booey"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03pm

@steve: or like admitted who she was
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03pm

@fred: oh I don't know, my aunt just got her first permanent job for about a decade, and she's pushing 60.

@ steve: HA!
Avatar 5:04pm
Mary Wing:

Ha ha, Caryn, I found a clip of Tony Orlando saying it!
Avatar 5:04pm

I have to remind myself: "Booey" when discussing the rock god.
Avatar 5:05pm

Sounded like Fray-lee to me
Avatar 5:05pm

In 1982, Ace and his buddy, Bobby McAdams, chartered a plane to go gambling in Atlantic City. He got in the plan with his pal and there was 2 pilots. Ace brought on board his briefcase with 20,000 cash and opened it just as they took off, he pulls out a pistol, proceeds to the cockpit and yells "TAKE US TO CUBA!!!!" and follows that with the trademark Ace cackle. Needless to say they did not take that plane home.
Avatar 5:05pm

And we'll always have Travolta's Idina Menzel mangle.
Avatar 5:06pm

www.youtube.com... this will settle this people, re: rock god Bowie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm

@Mary: heh, I went on YT to try and find it right after typing it! Great minds think alike! Well, one great "queen of the solar system" mind, and one addled listener mind.
Avatar 5:09pm
Mary Wing:

I will accept however David Bowie pronounces Frehley, how's that for definitive?

In Tony O's defence, the legendary American historical figure Big Jim Bowie who invented the Bowie knife and fought at the Alamo was always pronounced "boo-ey". And I believe Davy J. always said Big Jim and his knife were the source for the name...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm

@steve: well, considering how many times Bowie has changed his stage persona, name, and sexual orientation, I'm not taking anything he says at face value. Who knows, maybe he goes through different periods pronouncing it. Heck, he might be saying it "Booey" right now!

Ace has the best laugh

Let's call the whole thing off?
Avatar 5:11pm


Avatar 5:12pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

p-90, there's every chance that in the early '60s davey jones had only seen the name 'bowie' in print - or mispronounced by brits!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13pm

@P-90: as Caryn said, the guy should have last say, but he has had many last says about everything. So anything goes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm

@P-90: yes, there's so many layers. Bowie tends to pronounce his name "Bow-e", but took the name from Jim Bowie, which should be pronounced "Booey", but most Brits tended to pronounce Jim Bowie's name "Boughie". And thus we end up with a perfect storm where people are not sure how Bowie actually intended for people to pronounce the damn thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm

Now that's awkward, trying to paraphrase Caryn's take as she was typing it. I'm ashamed and looking for an exit right now

Bing Crosby always introduced him as "bow (& arrow)- ey". That should be definitive.

@ Kurt G: Exactly! He liked the name, probs had only seen it in print, and pronounced it the way that felt right.

Maybe he liked the image of the Bowie Knife cause it sounded real "cutting edge"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19pm

The Bowie issue makes me happy for names like John Cleese, where there are two common pronunciations, but one is unequivocally correct.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

The Laborintus track coincided creepily with the movie on tv right now.
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Aside from his name, anyone like his last album,
The Next Day? I sorta like it, maybe.
Avatar 5:23pm
Mary Wing:

I always pronounce John Cleese "throat wobbler mangrove."
Avatar 5:23pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

tdk, i thought the bowie album was quite nice, but it didn't call me for repeat listens. maybe i should have tried harder.
Avatar 5:23pm

ok then
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24pm

@Mary: I have it on good authority that this is the only correct Queen-sanctioned way

this Berio stuff brought back a great memory when I saw the Sequenzas at the 92nd street Y in 95. Thanks Kurt!

As long as we're musing on names, it's Hillier, with an additional - before the last syllable. That was often a source of confusion when he led the Hilliard Ensemble. Wait? Hillier Ensemble? Hilliard? Huh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm

I liked "The Next Day". Not perfect, but there were at least 4 tracks I could listen to repeatedly.

"additional i before..."
Avatar 5:28pm

@fred: as someone who never uses a surname herself, not sure she's the best authority. (Just googled to see it was "Wettin." Hunh.)

I think "Outside" was the last Bowie that totally slayed. Earthling is good too.
Avatar 5:31pm

Flight of the Conchords pronounce it "Bowies [& arrow] In Space".

Is Frangry drunk yet?
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DJ Stashu:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:32pm

Fumiyo Ikeda's name is Wettin??? Now I'm floored, please elaborate!
Avatar 5:32pm

She's 3 beers in.
Avatar 5:34pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

SeanG, i saw the sequenzi (is that how you'd say that?) at symphony space, sometime after '95 but for a second i thought maybe we were at the same performance.
Avatar 5:37pm

@fred: Your Queen is Fumiyo Ikeda?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37pm

@Mary: hey, found the same clip but in better picture quality: www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm

@Mary: but worse sound quality. Huh. Swings and roundabouts, innit?

Hey Kurt! Yeah, great show. Thanks for playing Berio. Shout out to Stashuuuuuuuuu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...wull - *this* is fun for test-running my new (to me) ADS brand speakers...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm

Ooh, this is lucky. The minute Kurt's show ends, "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai" is on tv!
Avatar 5:44pm

this music has been a much needed brain massage. thanks Kurt, glad i caught the show today.
Avatar 5:46pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks for hanging out with me, everyone!

(it ain't over yet, only almost.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm

@kat330: No, my queen is Cynthia Loemij. Not my queen, my goddess. I've seen her dance for most of her career. I love watching her getting ready to move, I read that by now, it's awesome. Just the second before she starts. I know how she looks then by now. And that's not really knowledge, it's a physical jolt music can't give me. That's why I like dance better than music, and why I don't know what I'll do when she retires. And I saw her fall once. She recovered so quickly that few people probably noticed. I did, it was a life lesson. That made the old saw "hit the ground running" a thing, physical, painful, real. When she retires, I'm lost
Avatar 5:48pm

@Kurt: And thanks for this theatre of voices, sonic and text versions both.
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Dan from Augusta:

What channel Caryn?
Avatar 5:50pm

@fred: That's what I call waxing all starry-eyed! [If P-90 stands for a Pfanstiehl cassette, you've a lot in common with TDK60.]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm

@Dan: it's a Finnish cable movie channel.
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Dan from Augusta:

This is on vinyl.
Avatar 5:52pm

@Dan: Your avatar is appropriate for the dog days of August in Augusta.
Avatar 5:52pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

the lockwood?
Avatar 5:55pm
Dan from Augusta:

Thank you kat330. It is the dog days of summer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

@kat330: Yeah! And it feels great. For now, but this won't last.
Avatar 5:56pm

Waxing always turns into waning. A fact of life.

Did Lockwood compose this? Discogs shows an LP version w/ Roger Meyers, and xi suggests this is an Anderson piece.

Petula on helium?
Avatar 5:58pm

I refer to it as moonburn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

Nice, Kurt! Clever switch of the slowdown!

Petula on nitrous oxide
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

@kat330: look at this: www.youtube.com...

Petula on 'ludes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Petula's hormone treatments are succesful & He will now be 'Peter'
...*mostly* succesful...

Petula on male hormone shots

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...that's our Pet theory...

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