Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from September 8, 2014 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting September 8, 2014: Dwindling days of summer, with Stephen Bartolomei live.

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
The Kinks  End of the Season   Favoriting Something Else By The Kinks  Sanctuary/Castle  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Grantchester Meadows   Favoriting Ummagumma  Harvest  0:02:31 (Pop-up)
Richard and Linda Thompson  Dimming of the Day/Dargai   Favoriting Pour Down Like Silver  Hannibal  0:09:53 (Pop-up)
Death Vessel  Triangulated Heart   Favoriting Island Intervals  Sub Pop  0:17:53 (Pop-up)
Mia Doi Todd  Portal da Cor   Favoriting Floresta  City Zen  0:20:54 (Pop-up)
Amen Dunes  Splits are Parted   Favoriting Love  Sacred Bones Records ‎  0:24:38 (Pop-up)
Rachel Ries  Holiest Day   Favoriting Ghost of a Gardener  (Rachel Ries)  0:28:30 (Pop-up)
Snowbird  Charming Birds From the Trees   Favoriting Moon  Bella Union  0:39:45 (Pop-up)
Melaena Cadiz  Dreams   Favoriting Deep Below Heaven  Wild Kindness Records  0:44:46 (Pop-up)
Compton & Batteau  Grotto Farm   Favoriting In California  Columbia  0:48:36 (Pop-up)
Humble Tripe  Anchors   Favoriting The Giving  Humble Tripe  0:51:54 (Pop-up)

Live performance by Stephen Bartolomei
Eleven years ago Stephen Bartolomei began releasing songs filled with folky rock, cassette loops and rustic instruments under the alter-ego of Mal Madrigal. The Omaha, Nebraska native often performed with the likes of Bright Eyes, Azure Ray and The Good Life, to name a few well-known locals. Bartolomei recently moved to NYC, dropped his previous moniker, and released "All the Ghosts" under his own name last year. Stephen moves easily from wistful folk to electrified minor key moodiness throughout the album, captured with a light touch by Steve Albini. Stephen Bartolomei played a solo set of his songs for WFMU.
Stephen Bartolomei  Wolf Song   Favoriting     1:00:52 (Pop-up)
Stephen Bartolomei  Big Engine   Favoriting     1:03:47 (Pop-up)
Stephen Bartolomei  Brick Song   Favoriting     1:13:15 (Pop-up)
Stephen Bartolomei with His Comrades  Song of the Wind   Favoriting All the Ghosts  Bocca Lupo  1:23:01 (Pop-up)
Stephen Bartolomei  Smoke in the Cupboard   Favoriting     1:36:11 (Pop-up)
Stephen Bartolomei with His Comrades  All the Ghosts   Favoriting All the Ghosts  Bocca Lupo  1:45:33 (Pop-up)
Stephen Bartolomei  Weary Blues   Favoriting     1:54:14 (Pop-up)
Stephen Bartolomei  Tonight We Will Rise   Favoriting     1:59:01 (Pop-up)
Mal Madrigal (Stephen Bartolomei)  Old Man Winter   Favoriting The Road is Glue  Boca Lupo  2:06:15 (Pop-up)
Mal Madrigal (Stephen Bartolomei)  Kill Floor Rebellion   Favoriting ...from the fingers of Trees  Boca Lupo  2:10:52 (Pop-up)
Mal Madrigal (Stephen Bartolomei)  Close to Me   Favoriting Life Among the Animals  Boca Lupo  2:15:07 (Pop-up)
Astralasia  The Innoscense (edit)   Favoriting Wind On Water  Fruits de Mer Records  2:24:35 (Pop-up)
Charles Lloyd / Billy Higgins  Akhi   Favoriting Which Way is East  ECM Records   2:33:02 (Pop-up)
Entourage Music and Theatre Ensemble  Nature Spirits   Favoriting The Neptune Collection  Smithsonian Folkways  2:39:06 (Pop-up)
Tape  Iluminations   Favoriting Luminarium  Häpna  2:45:04 (Pop-up)
Gem Club  Idea for Strings   Favoriting In Roses  Hardly Art  2:52:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:02pm

Kinks, yes!

Hi, Irene!
Sean in Cleveland, Ohio:

Hi Irene, hello one and all, hey Kat
marmalade kitty:

Avatar 12:05pm

Bonjour Irene !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm

Avatar 12:05pm

hey Cleveland! Cincinnati, here!
Avatar 12:06pm

Welcome to our soil, Sean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

good afternoon Irene and everyone,, ! nice start, set the controls ,,, wherever this will take us today will be SpecTACULaR !
Avatar 12:07pm

Ha! Tony Coulter played Grantchester Meadows in January! I love this song!
marmalade kitty:

are those the same birds on both tracks - session birds?
Avatar 12:08pm

lultz, MK, session birds!
Avatar 12:09pm

@Sean: Still planning to give me a jingle? BTW, thought it rich that our President was so close to you over there when you were over here. :)
Avatar 12:10pm

My guess is there were always plenty of birds around Floyd and the Kinks during their sessions.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Richard and Linda, can't work for a bit....
Avatar 12:13pm

Now this should be a reunion tour.
Sean in Cleveland, Ohio:

@Kat, yes, going to pick up a call card and give you a ring either tomorrow or Wednesday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi everybody! Just setting up for Stephen Bartolomei, who's going to play live at about 1pm. Sean, how's your cross-country trek going?
Avatar 12:18pm

@Sean: Super! BTW, we concluded Season 4 of Walking Dead yesterday. JT thinks, and I'm inclined to agree, it was perhaps the best season yet. :)
Avatar 12:19pm

That birds on wire shot is stunning, Irene.
Avatar 12:21pm

@KP: Yes, it is. What's the "lone ranger" masked Gracie getting into, Irene? Seems either a salmon croquette or grilled cheese.
Sean in Cleveland, Ohio:

@Irene, so far so fab, I went to Great American Ball Park, The Mets were majestic, best performance I have seen from them, I am batting .1000 on Met's road trips!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:26pm
Uncle Michael:

Oooh, this is a pretty place.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Irene Trudel:

Thanks @KP! I was heading to work at 6:30am Saturday and it's as if they were all lined up waiting to me. www.flickr.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Irene Trudel:

@kat, that's "egg in bread." (Toad in a Hole?) Gracie's been behaving herself since then. It's been a hot week in NYC, so she's just been lazing about.
Sean in Cleveland, Ohio:

Starting a four and a half hour Greyhound to Detroit, starting to lose the will to live already, at least I have got this wonderful show to keep me company.
Avatar 12:39pm

@Irene: Awww.
@Sean: "Kathy, I said, as we boarded a Greyhound for 'troit" Or words appropriately to that effect.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
Brian in UK:

Hello Irene, kind of a sad time but when those leaves change colour. What a picture.
Sean in Cleveland, Ohio:

Sorry, folks, got to go, the Wi-fi is diabolical on this bus, will listen to the archive later, have a great week everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Irene Trudel:

Enjoy your trip, Sean!
Avatar 12:43pm
Cheri Pi:

I was just caressing my Simon Raymonde autographed copy of this cd last night :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Irene Trudel:

Gracie Pic: www.flickr.com...
Avatar 12:43pm

@Sean: Ta-ta and TTYS!
Avatar 12:44pm
Van in DC:

Stopping in quickly to say hi Irene and all! Off to London I goes! Have a great week everyone
Avatar 12:44pm

@Van: Bon voyage! You and Sean, ships passing in the night.
Avatar 12:45pm
Van in DC:

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Brian in UK:

Cheri Pi can you beam over for this one?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
Brian in UK:

Van have a great time. It is pleasantly warm in London right now.

Melaena Cadiz has a voice similar to Mary Margaret O'Hara...and that's a good thing!
Sean in Cleveland, Ohio:

Will be thinking of you on the 10th, Van, enjoy the show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Van in DC
Have a brilliant time in London!
Avatar 12:59pm

Hi Irene
Avatar 1:04pm
Cheri Pi:

Brian I wish I could beam over, where is the technology we were promised?
Sean in Cleveland, Ohio:

@Kat, just sent you an e-mail, hope you got it ok.
Avatar 1:09pm

Yes! And yes, Detroit same zone as Knob Knee!
Avatar 1:17pm

Really nice vocals, Stephen. ♥
Avatar 1:55pm

Loudon and Shaffer and Connor, oh my!

I've been waiting for this one Steve. Listening from Omaha.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
Uncle Michael:

I'm catching as much of Steve's set as I can around my work duties. I was given the heads up via an Omaha connection. I'll have to catch the rest on the archive.

Really enjoyed hearing Stephen Bartolome's show today! Good work!
Avatar 2:11pm

The Mal persona backwards has a nice ring: Lagirdam Lam
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Mal Lagirdam works too.
Avatar 2:21pm

Good pub name, too: Lagerdam Lamb.
Avatar 2:24pm

Thank you, Stephen, and thank you, Irene!
Avatar 2:40pm
Yair Yona:

Hi everybody
Avatar 2:44pm

@Yair: I'm wondering if it's just you and me remaining. So, "hi!" back atcha.
Avatar 2:46pm
Yair Yona:

@kat330 - I think everyone here just are floating on the seas of their minds
Avatar 2:47pm

I can multitask, float and type. ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
Irene Trudel:

Well, thank you all for floating along today! And thanks to Stephen, who did a really nice set today. Catch you all next week!
  Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

Thanks Irene, & Stephen.
Avatar 2:56pm

Have a good one! Thanks again and keep an eye on that masked bandit of yours.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Irene Trudel:

I sure will, Kat! And Van, have an excellent time in London with Kate!
Avatar 3:00pm
Yair Yona:

Luminarium is such a beautiful album. like any album Tape ever released
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Irene Trudel:

So true, Yair!

Stephen's music and lyrics move my soul...Thanks for such a beautiful set
Avatar 12:44pm
Van in DC:


(when I went to London to see KATE BUSH!)
Avatar 1:17pm
Van in DC:

Wow, I thought I was hearing Elena, the lead singer of "Daughter", looked up and it's Rachel Ries. Nice.
Avatar 10:35am
Van in DC:

Back for more. I'm actually really liking Stephen Bartolomei, especially the older Mal Madrigal stuff.
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