Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from September 16, 2014 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting September 16, 2014: Beat Your Children Well

You may have heard: Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson has been indicted on child abuse charges. He's released a statement and here are some excerpts:

I never imagined being in a position where the world is judging my parenting skills or calling me a child abuser because of the discipline I administered to my son. I know that many people disagree with the way I disciplined my child. I also understand after meeting with a psychologist that there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate. But deep in my heart I have always believed I could have been of those kids that was lost in the streets without the discipline instilled in me by me parents and other relatives. I have always believed that the way my parents disciplined me has a great deal to do with the success I have enjoyed as a man.

There have been two responses to this story: "That's how we do it in the South" and "My parents hit me and I turned out fine." First, tradition is a terrible reason to continue doing something when evidence shows it doesn't work. Second: No, you didn't turn out fine. You turned out to be someone who hits your kids. I've written in this about the beatings my parents administered as part of their "discipline". Kids who get hit by their mother, father and other adults in a position of authority come to distrust those adults. The trauma these abused children suffer leaves lasting scars, psychological and sometimes physical. I learned to fear my parents but I never came to love them.

Tonight, we'll be discussing the subject in depth. Do you hit your kids? Were you hit as a kid? Did you "break the chain"? Did you "turn out fine"?

Call 201-209-WFMU tonight and let's explore this difficult issue.

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Mike East:

very strange because I had a dream last night that my father (who is no longer with us) raised his hand to me....which he never did in real life. May have something to do with the talk on the news and also the WTF interview with Dax Shepherd that I just listened to (he talks about his step father being abusive).
Anyway, I'm quite thankful that I was never hit, and would never hit my kids. Maybe it would get them to stop misbehaving in the short term, but the long term consequences aren't worth it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

in the newsletter you asked if we had broken the cycle of beatings. i did - by not having children. my mother broke a broomstick over my brothers back and beat the crap out of the rest of us and i didn't want to go down that road, even if i thought i would be different
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Mike East:

I heard a statistic on the news yesterday that 75% of parents in the US still hit their kids...which is crazy to me.
Bobby G:

Conrad is far from fine, anyone who has to tell that they hit their father is messed up

I got hit just like u did Cris n it gave me PTSD. It is the worst corporal punishment. I DIDNT TURN OUT WELL. 3 suicide attemps etc. I swore then that I would never hit my kids no matter what and to this day 19 years later I havent hit my kid.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

...they put em in the car and drive into a lake...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

..they slit their throats, then set the house on fire...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

....they go to bear mountain and pretend to get out to take a photo and then release the parking brake..
Devil's Advocate:

Spare the rod, spoil the child!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I've had so many conversations with people who think that hitting is the only way you can discipline a child. If you don't hit you're kids you're negotiating with them. I find talking to children to be a lot more effective. Of course you have to talk to them before you're ticked off with them.
Gee Lampa:

After the Sopran-uh huh huh. After the Sopran-uh huh huh.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

kids push parents to see what the limits are and can be dicks. gotta learn how to diffuse it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm
Mike East:

my parents disciplined me with passive aggression. I caught myself doing it to my kid a couple weeks ago, and felt horrible about it afterwards. I gotta break that cycle.
Devil's Advocate:

Don't give me no lip, boy!
Gee Lampa:

The only valid time to smack a kid is when they come within a centimeter of doing something REALLY dangerous. If they associate that sting w/ refrain BEFORE they burn their hand, it'll likely prevent that horrifying outcome from happening a week later, when you're not looking.
Gee Lampa:

..but are you OK with "natural"?

"not my cup of tea"--thanks for that phrase Chris
Gee Lampa:

In other words, not as punishment! LOL.
The Amazing Randi:

Nico: She's beautiful -- she's sexy -- she's DEAD!

I wasn't hit as a child, but I was neglected and told over and over by my father that I was nothing but a waste of space, and that when I turn 18 I'm legally an adult and I'm on my own. Now I'm 36 and have little motivation or drive or interest in life. Just a black hole inside.
Gee Lampa:

That last one woulda been going too far, gosh darn it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

199 lashes - a step away from a death sentence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

this lady is special
Gee Lampa:

Ask her to drop a lil tune.
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